Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Yeah. I am,” he tells him. “You can hold me….in the bath….but let me help you to it.” His grip tightens and he moves to pick him up. Mason holds him in his arms and takes a moment to look into his eyes. “This is my pleasure.” He moves over to the bath and carefully, slowly, deposits Kaden in the water before getting in himself. Mason has his back to Kaden as he leans back against him. “There. We can just..sit here..for a while. Alright baby?”
Kaden smiles and blushes softly as Mason lifts him into the tub "Mmm.." He moans softly as the warm water hits him and helps him relax, he then watches as Mason enters the tub. "Perfect..." He wraps his arms around him and pulls him closer, softly and slowly kissing over his neck, just relaxing. "Yeah... The two of us... Just relaxing..."
Mason kept waiting for the feelings of hate to come back, but they weren’t “Yeah. This is….perfect.” Her put his hands over Kaden’s and smiled as he felt his kisses. Leaning back further, he rested his head against his body. “Who would have thought,” he asked as he lifted Kaden’s hand up to his lips and kissed it.
Kaden chuckles softly "Dunno... And I don't care... I like it..." He smiles and turns his head, kissing him softly, then relaxes again and reaches for the soap. "So... How often would you like to get together like this... Or... Will we be just a go with the flow..." He starts to soap his hands, then starts to wash him and give him a gentle massage "You're quite relaxed..."

Jareth smiles and gently nudges Kevin "Baby... Baby, wake up... The water is getting cold..." He slowly runs his fingers through his hair, he had washed him, then held him and growled softly.
“Yeah. I am. Haven’t been this relaxed….in a long time. Seems there’s always something….going on. There’s sharing Jareth with Kevin,” he grins. “My wife is pregnant. I found my daughter, and then there’s her mother. Add to that I’ve been dealing with, or more to the point hiding, how I felt about you. I don’t let go of things Kaden. I hold on to them, and I struggle with dealing with them, but tonight..tonight I let go..with you, and I’m glad I did. I don’t regret it. As for what we’ll be,” he turns his head to look at him, “I think reality will dictate that. If it were up to me,” he paused, not finishing saying what he wanted to. Mason wanted to tell him that if it were up to him, he would have him always. It wasn’t just because of Nicholas that he didn’t say it. It was Jareth as well. “We would get to be together like this as often as we wanted. We’ll just have to see though.” Mason knew he loved Jareth, but tonight, something had happened. He knew Kaden didn’t share the same feeling, but for him it was strong. He leaned over and kisses his lips softly. “The water will get cold, and our time will come to an end. You’ll go to Nicholas, and I’ll get into bed with Jareth. You will snuggle up to your husband, and I’ll snuggle up to my lover. So for now, I just want to enjoy you while you’re mine.”

“What,” Kevin asks as he jerks awake. “I fell asleep? Oh love I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. Guess I was really relaxed and tired,” he laughed.
Kaden looks at him and frowns slightly after he returned his kiss "He's more then your lover... He's your Mate... Your husband..." He cups his cheek "We are married to others... Yes..." He pulls him closer again and relaxes "But our group is very different... We follow our hearts... Where ever it may go..." He smiles and cuddles him close, rubbing his arms slowly "But we'll see what happens... Nich knows that I have a thing for you... And he understands..." He smiles "And I'm sure your demon is fine with it too... You two are linked right..." He runs a finger down his chest "He must feel how happy you are..."

Jareth looks at him and smiles "No worries... You looked comfortable... We still spent time together... I watched you sleep..." He starts to drain the tub and helps him up and from the water and to stand by the counter.
“My husband. You know that the one thing I haven’t called him yet. I’ve called him lover and baby, but I havne’t called him husband yet.” Mason’s eyes widen as he realizes Kaden is right. Jareth must know how he’s feeling right now. “He..knows. He knows.” He leans forward, suddenly feeling guilty. “I know our family is different, and that we follow our hearts. Still doesn’t mean I don’t feel like I’m cheating on him right now,” he grins.

Kevin grips the counter. Every muscle in his body was relaxed. He knew he would continue to sleep well once they were in bed. "I'm sorry I'm so sleepy tonight love. I guess it's just all the excitement that I feel all the time being with you."
Kaden smiles "You're not cheating anymore then I am... Why don't you ask him..." He continues to wash him, even moving the cloth under the water to help rinse him off. "Don't you think he would have stopped you... If he was upset... That Nich would have tried to stop me... Stop worrying and just enjoy it..." He lifts his hand from the water and tens his head "Like this..." He kisses him lightly, then likes his lips softly until her opens up, then deepens the kiss and twists their tongues together slowly, having a nice make out session.

Jareth finishes with the tub and grabs some towels "Stop being sorry... Maybe I wanted you sleepy..." He smirks slightly and wraps him in a towel before picking him up bridal style, he kisses him softly "I can make you 'worse'..." He starts to growl softly, just loud enougj for him to hear and feel "I know how to play your body lover... In so many ways..." He looks at him and continues his growl as he heads to the bed.
Mason knew Kaden was right. If Jareth or Nicholas wanted things to end, one of them, or both of them, would have already stopped it. Kaden turned his head, and Mason slowly embraced the kiss. Though he had started to worry and tense, he found himself relaxing again. Kaden seemed to have the effect on him, at least for tonight. There were other times he felt like he wanted to rip his clothes off. Tonight he had wanted to be gentle and loving with him. As the kiss comes to an end he whispers to his lips, “I think I’m falling for you.”

Kevin can’t help but to laugh. “Yes you do my love. You know exactly how to play my body, and I love every note. I love you.” He leans his head against Jareth’s body as he carries him from the bathroom. “So what do you have in mind now?”
Kaden slowly ends the kiss and rests against his forehead, eyes closed and panting softly, he smiles at his words. "And if I said I already fell..." He whispers back just as softly.

Jareth looks down at him and sets him down by the bed to finish drying them off, them pulls back the sheets. "Something we rarely do in a bed... Sleep..." He smiles "We've had our fun... Now I want to relax and hold my mate as we sleep soundly..."
Mason turns to face him in the water. Cupping his face he kisses him intently, deeply, allowing all of his passion to show. He whispers to his lips, “then I’ll catch you,” before kissing him once more.

“That I think I can do, but I can’t promise I won’t be snoring soon. I can promise to hold you and never let go.” Keving climbs up the bed and snuggles close to Jareth.
Kaden was still a dominant at heart, too many years like that to ever give it up, but being with Nicholas had started to open another side of him. The lost little boy from so many years ago, the one who wanted love and a family, was starting to show. He accepts his kisses, kissing him back as tears begin to slowly fall from his eyes, he held him and started to shakes softly. He breaks the kiss with a soft sob, hugging him close "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I ever hurt you..." He held him and continues to cry softly, he was finally getting the loving family he always wanted, it was too much.

Jareth smiles and pulls him closer "The same goes for you and Mason... I'm never letting go again..." He leans down and kisses him softly, then holds him and relaxes, closing his eyes "Mmm... Good night little Angel..."
“You never have to cry again,” Mason tells him softly. He knew Nicholas loved Kaden even knowing what his past was like. Mason also knew his love for him was different. He had seen that same past that Nicholas knew about, but unlike Nicholas he didn’t just know about it. He lived it. The actions Kaden had taken actually effected him. Nicholas was a bystander. Mason was part of it, and yet he still loved him. “Don’t cry,” he tells him softly as he pulls back and kisses his tears away. “Come on. Let’s get out of this water and into bed. Let me hold you and comfort you. Nicholas will probably be with Aliya, and Jareth is with Kevin. I won’t leave you alone. I don’t want to. I want to be with you. Come on baby. Let’s wrap up in each other and the sheets.” He moves to stand and reaches his hand down to Kaden.

“Good night my love.” Kevin snuggles up to him with a huge grin on his face.
Kaden looks at him and takes a shuddered breath, he smiles slightly as Mason kisses his years away, he reaches up to rub his eyes. "I'm sorry... But like you... I'm not hiding things..." He looks down a moment before looking up as Mason stands "I have a family..." He takes his hand and stands with him "Something I never thought I'd have... It's... A little overwhelming..." He steps from the tub and pulls Mason with him "Both you and Nich have this ability to bring out..." He looks down again "The lost little boy... That I used to be..." He reaches up and grips his hair softly and tips his head back to lick at his neck "The dominant man is still there..." A gentle nip before letting him go "It's strange... Showing emotion again..." He shrugs softly before moving to find a towel.
Mason moves up behind as he goes for a towel and wraps his arms around him. “It’s alright. You let that little boy out whenever you want to. I’ll be here to hold you. When you want to let the dominate man out, I’ll still be here. They are two sides to you Kaden, and I…..” He takes a deep breath, “Love both of them. You do have a family now. It’s a family that knows you and loves you for who you are. None of us care how much money you’ve got. So what. Money is money, but you Kaden, you are….wonderful. You are someone that is so unexpected to me. The man who took my life away only to give me another one. Without you, I never would be having a baby with Melanie, I never would have found Jareth and Kevin, and I never would have met you, Kaden. I wouldn’t be standing here, holding you close to me, and telling you that I love you.” He releases him and turns him around. “And I do Kaden. I. Love. You.” He leans forward and kisses his lips gently as he caresses his face.
He freezes as Mason holds him, then relaxes and smiles at his words and allows him to be turned around, he returns the kiss. He reaches up to gently hold his arms and pulls back slightly, a few tears falling again "You tell me not to cry... Then talk like that..." He smiles "Aren't we the definition of an odd couple..." He smirks "But normal is boring..." And with that, he sinks to his knees and starts to lick him "I still owe you... For before our bath..." He reaches up and gently holds him, licking his head slowly and watching him grow, he glances up at him "Nice and slow... Right sir..." He looks at him as he continues to gently lick him.
Mason watches him curiously as he goes to his knees. He moans softly as Kaden begins to lick him. He wasn’t hard, but he knew it wouldn’t be long until he was. “No,” he tells. “nice and slow lover. Not Sir. I’m not in control here, and neither are you. This is mutal. Two people sharing each other because they want to. That’s what this is. Another time, perhaps I will be Sir. Maybe it will be you letting your dominate side tell me what you want, but for now, it’s just me and you.” He ran his fingers through his hair smiling at him. “Okay?"
Kaden smirks and continues to lick and kiss over him, slowly stroking him as he starts to stiffen "Ok... Another time... Lover..." He looks back to his cock and takes him in slowly, feeling him getting harder, he slowly twists his tongue around his head to help. He kept everything light and slow, wanting him to feel the slow build that Mason had given him not long ago. After a few minutes he slowly pulls off his now hard cock "There we go... Much better right baby?" He looks up at him and smiles, then goes back to his slow licking of his tip and the slow stroking of his hand. "How's that lover?"
Mason watches him, in a trance by what he’s doing. Feeling him, seeing him taste him, was almost more than he could handle. “That’s..perfect..lover. If I didn’t know..any better..I’d say you’ve done this..before,” he grinned. His fingers still ran through his hair as he continued to watch him. “You to cum. Don’t you?” Mason knew his orgasm would be strong, just like it had been at the nightclub when Kaden had him in a trance there. “Just like..before..when I was.. melting in your..hands,” he groaned, leaning forward slightly. “I can’t..take..much more..of this..lover. Don’t stop..until I..cum..for you.”
Kaden smiles and starts to suckle his head softly "Cum for me baby... Let me taste you... Show me how I make you feel..." He looks up at him and starts to bob on him slowly, his hand stroking the rest of him, his tongue twists around him as he moves. He could feel Mason starting to stiffen up more, feel him starting to twitch, he continues to watch him, hardly blinking. He smiles against him as he sees Mason fighting to keep his eyes open and felt his body stiffening, he lightly holds his thighs, he was about to pop.
Mason leans forward a bit more as he can’t hold on any longer. He releases, filling Kaden’s mouth, as a groan leaves his. His legs shake, and he’s glad Kaden’s hands on his thighs. Otherwise, he may have toppled forward on him. “Kaden..that’re..oh this can not..this will ..the last time..for us. Mark my words lover.” He rests his hands on Kaden’s shoulders, trying to keep from falling to the floor. “Legs,” he chuckles, remembering how Kaden had said something about his legs after he made him cum.
Kaden continues to bob slowly, but stills once he cums, swallowing it before he slowly pulls off, licking him clean. "Mmm... Good..." He can feel him shaking slightly and grins as he hears his whisper "Don't worry... I got you..." He slowly stands and holds him, then reaches for the towel and wraps it around him. "Let's get you to bed..." He puts his arm around him and helps him from the bathroom and to the bed, then helps him dry off "Alright... Go lay down..." He takes the towel and starts to dry himself.
Mason creeps across the bed exhausted. Settling in he watches Kaden dry off. "Such a handsome sight," he smirks. "Keep rubbing the towel over your body like that, and I might not get any sleep at all tonight." He pulls the covers back and pats the bed beside him. "Come on baby. Come to me."
Kaden glances at him and smirks "Just getting dry..." He soon finishes and crawls into bed, laying next to him and pulls him closer, pulling the blanket over them. "You're warm..." He holds him and runs his fingers slowly over his back, he starts to hum softly, he was tired.
"You don't have to hum to get me to go sleep. Just relax baby. I wanna fee you relax in my arms." He kisses his forehead before snuggling up to him. Mason wasn't sure if Jareth was sleeping or not. 'If you're sleeping, I hope I don't wake you. Jareth, I think I've....fallen....for Kaden.'
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