Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Mason nods. “Baby? How about when all this is over, your mom and I take you to the beach? You could play in the ocean, build a sandcastle, get some ice cream, anything you want.” Karen slowly lifts her eyes to him. “With..sprinkles?” He laughs. “Yeah baby. With sprinkles and anything else you want on it.”
“No..dogs. I’m..afraid.”
“I know. No dogs. I promise.” She looks over at Kaden. “ I know you do. You..told. Why did you tell? Why,” she cries. Mason can feel her get hotter. “No baby. He doesn’t hate you. Please, baby please calm down.” Mason is fighting back his own tears. She looks straight ahead. A smile melts on her face. “She’s..pretty.” Mason looks but doesn’t see anyone. “Who baby?”
“The the white..dress. She’s me.”
“What are you talking about?”
‘Baby hurry. She’s talking about seeing a lady in a white dress.’ The angel held out her hand to Karen. “When you are ready little one I’ll take you to the island. You will be safe there.” Only Karen could hear her. She looked down and now saw a bridge forming. If she stood up, she could cross the bridge to her. “A bridge daddy. A the the white..dress.”

Nicholas jumps as he hears Jareth. "Geez Jareth. You scared me half to death. What's wrong?"
'Shit... We'll be right there...' "Sorry... Karen... She's sick... Burning up, hallucinating... She won't calm down... She just gets worse... I think we might need a seditive... We have to hurry... They've got her in cool water... But it's not helping..." He looks at Nich "He'll break if he loses her..."

Kaden pales and looks at her "Bridge... No, Karen Sweety... Look at daddy... You wanna stay with him... Go to the beach..." He runs his fingers through her hair "I don't hate you Sweety... I was scared... That's all..."
She looks at Kaden. “No daddy. I wanna the lady in white. The bridge is so pretty. I’m anymore daddy. Not hot.” Her eyes glance down to the lady again. She smiles at her. “She’s so pretty, and she’s..reaching..for me.”
“No. Baby don’t go to her. Stay here with me..with us. Please.”

Nicholas rushes into his room and grabs his small kit. “Let’s go,” he says running back in to where Jareth was.
Kaden just holds her and Mason closer "Come on baby girl... Stay with us... Please sweetheart..."

Jareth grabs him and they vanish, appearing back in the water beside them "Get to work Doc..." He moves to be behind Mason "Hang on baby... She's not going anywhere... Stay calm for her..."
Karen reaches for her. "The white..on the..other side..of the bridge..wants come to her." Mason looks over his shoulder at Jareth. "She sees a lady in white on the other side of a bridge baby. A bridge. You see what you want the most on the other side of that bridge. She's seeing an angel, or an angel is really there."

Nicholas pulls out a syringe and begins to fill it quickly. "She'll feel a little prick, but then nothing Mason. It'll make her sleep for a long time. Her temp will drop then, but I still advise getting her home and in a cold tub of water. Her body will shiver to keep her organs safe. She'll be fine. Do I have your permission to do this," he asks, holding the needle at her neck. "Yeah," Mason says. "Do it." Nicholas sticks the needle in, and Karen gasps before falling asleep. "Alright. I've done all I can do here. We have to get her back home."
Jareth rubs his back "It won't come to that... She's gonna be fine... Believe that..." He watches as she falls asleep, he places a hand on her forehead "She's already starting to feel better, her aura is calming down..." He looks at Nicholas "She needs to be home? Done..." They all appear in the living room, Jareth takes Karen from Mason and heads to an unused room, and to the tub, he starts to fill it with cold water and gently lays her in it, holding her head up.

Kaden blinks as they get back home, he watches Jareth carry Karen off and hears the water running, he glances at Nich, then looks at Mason. "Hey... Baby look at me... Look at me Mason... Good..." He spoke softly and cups his cheeks "She's gonna be ok... Understand... Jareth and Nicholas have this... Shh..." He wipes away a tear "She's asleep... You can let it out now..." Kaden pulls him to sit, then pulls him close, waving Nich off to go help.
Nicholas watches Jareth take Karen from Mason. He can tell he’s in shock. When Kaden waves him away, he doesn’t say anything. He simply heads towards Jareth to help him.

“I..I know,” he tells him as he wipes away his tear. He rests in his lap, knowing he can let it go, but not able to. “She’s gonna be fine. I know. Nicholas and Jareth will take good care of her. I would have..helped her mom..if I had known..back then..that she was..mine. I would have taken care of her, for all the good it would have done. I would have messed up back then too. What kind of father am I going to be if I can’t keep my little girl from literally having a melt down? You Kaden. The kids will be better off with you.”
Kaden looks down at Mason and glares slightly "Now you stop that... The past is in the past... You can't change it, no matter how much you want to..." He makes him look at him "Things happen that we can't control... But that doesn't make you a bad father... When she needed someone... Who did she call... Her daddy... She still needs you... Or are you going to give up already..." He leans closer and kisses his forehead "You're going to raise this baby... With his big sister... Do you hear me... Those are your children... And remember... You're not alone in this... You have your husbands... Mel... Nicholas... Me..." He kisses him softly "And we'll get Mari back too... Now... Stop holding it in and letting it fester... For her..." He slowly runs his fingers through his hair to help him let go.

Jareth looks up as Nich comes in "What now Doc..."
“I can’t,” he tells him standing up. “What if Nicholas comes back in here and tells me something is wrong and she needs me? I don’t want to go in there and let her see me like that. I can’t.” Mason headed towards the kitchen. He didn’t think about Karen being sedated. He was just trying to hold on to his emotions. He opened the fridge and pulled out a beer. “I need this,” he said as he took the top off and began to drink.

“Nothing,” Nicholas tells him as he comes into the room closer. “How’s she doing?”
Kaden gets up and follows him, he takes the beer from him "Then you don't want to be drunk either..." He looks at him "Mason... Karen is sleeping... And you need to release this stress... Or you won't be any good to anyone... Please..." He sets the beer down and leads him back to the living room, he makes him sit on the couch and moves to stand behind him. "This is hard... I get that... She's your baby and you want her safe..." He starts to massage his shoulders and back gently but firmly "You need to relax and be calm for her... You need to be her rock right now... Ok... And if that means crying for a few minutes... To get it out..." He looks down at him "You can't be going dark in there... That wouldn't help... Right lover?"

Jareth looks at him, "Better... She's finally calming down... Being asleep helps... Do you have a thermometer... I want to keep a read on her temp..." He looks down at her "That was too close... Mason must be beside himself... I should be with him... But she needs me more... Right now..."
“I need to relax? What do you think I was trying to do? It helps me relax, and you took it from me like I’m some sort of child. Kaden I’m a grown man. Last night should have proven that to you. So if I want a fucking beer,” he says jerking away from him and resting his elbows on his knees, “then I should be allowed to have it. I can have a beer and not be drunk. It takes far more than that to get me drunk.” He sighs. “I’m fine. I know what you’re doing, but trust me. I’m fine.” His shoulders were tight, but Mason could not relax. He had used anger to push his tears further down. In his own way, he was running again.

“Yeah. Sure. I’ll get it.” He had started to leave when Jareth mentioned how he should be with Mason, but Karen needed him more. “I know you know about last night. You’re okay with it too. I’m okay with it too. So right now he’s okay with Kaden. Kaden cared about him, and he’s going to take good care of him. Those two had a major breakthrough last night. So he’s fine right now. Just take care of her, and later you can comfort your lover.” He gives him a nod before slipping out of the bathroom and towards his bedroom.
Kaden moves around to kneel before him "Stop it! You're already slipping... Mason stay with me..." He could see Mason getting worse, he did the only thing he could thing of to calm him down, he pushed him back and kisses him.

Jareth smiles at him "I know all about last night... And I'm happy for them... It's good for him... They balance each other..." He looks back at Karen 'Can you hear me Sweety... You scared us... Your daddy is worried sick...' He starts to purr softly for her.
“I’m fine! Stop treating me like I’m a fucking child!” Kaden kisses him before he can argue any more. He pushes him back, ending the kiss. “What the hell are you doing?My kid is fucking melting down because she’s had her powers taken from her by an overgrown dog, and you’re wanting to kiss me? Fucking heell Kaden!” Mason wasn’t even aware of how much he was slipping. “Kiss me again, and I’ll beat your fucking ass into the floor! You hear me?!”

Nicholas returns with the therometer. “Here. Let’s see what her temp is now.”
Panting, Kaden looks at him "Your daughter is doing fine... You're the one who's slipping Mason..." He stares at him, then rips his own shirt open "You need to blow off steam... Fine... Take it out on me... I know you want to..." He quickly pushes him back again and kisses him roughly, he needed to distract him, he grinds his knee against him slightly.

Jareth takes it and slips it into her ear, pressing the button and waiting.
Mason can hear him talking, but he’s not paying him any attention. His kiss comes as a surprise, but Mason meets it with equal passion. His hands run up his chest, grabbing the opened shirt near his shoulders, and pulling him closer. The kiss breaks, and as Kaden’s knee rubs him, he growls. “You fucking want me to take you? Right now? Right here? While my daughter is down the hall knocked out in bathr tub? Fuck you! Your ass is tight, but I’ve got other things on my mind,” he groans, his lips kissing Kaden’s neck. “Do you think you’re man enough for me? Huh? Do you think you can fuck me? Fuck off boy! Get off me! You’re not man enough for me.”

“So what’s the number Jareth? Is it coming down?”
Kaden groans back and continues with his knee "Mmm... Maybe it's you who isn't man enough..." He kisses him again and nips his lip, pulling back "You're running again baby... Hiding behind your anger..." He pushes him back against the couch and moves to straddle him, rocking against him "I'm not here to fight..." He kisses along his neck, licking and kissing softly, hoping to get through to him "I love you..." He whispers.

Jareth pulls it away at the beep and smiles 99.3c it's coming down... She's gonna be ok..." He looks at Nich.
Mason groans. It felt good to be angry. He knew it was his darkness taking hold of him. As Kaden kissed him, he felt it beginning to slip away from him. It was painful because he liked feeling it. The darkness felt good. He was now forced to feel the pain of what was going on with his daughter. Kaden told him he loved him, and Mason wrapped his arms around him. “ you..too. Please. Tell me again.” He leans forward slightly, pressing his body against Kaden’s, as his lips meet his neck.

“Oh thank goodness,” he says leaning against the wall. She’s got powers she can’t control, and if she doesn’t learn how to control that one, it could kill her. Can she use that power to heat up other people though? Jareth if she can, and she learns how to use it, she’ll be deadly.”
Kaden moans softly as Mason starts to respond to him "I love you..." He pulls his head up and cups his face, he kisses him softly before pulling back slowly "Welcome back lover..." He smiles "Now do I finish this..." He reaches down to feel him through his pants "Or are you ok... How do I make you... Happy..."

Jareth looks at him, then back to Karen "I don't know... I've never worked with someone like her... I'd have to research her... And I'd need to talk to Mari..." He takes her temp again and smiles 98.9... Almost normal... So, how long should she stay in here..."
“You already do….make me happy,” he tells him, holding on to him and moving to place Kaden on his back on the couch. Mason lifts up and quickly opens his own shirt. “I want to feel your body against mine,” he says as he rests against Kaden, his lips grazing his neck once more. “We finish this.”

“I say keep her under then until you find out all you need to know about her power. If you wake her up, she could be dangerous to us and everybody else around. What would happen if she projected it out and hit Mel? She could kill her and the babies. No. Keep her out. I can give you some meds to make sure she stays out. Leave her in the cold water for at least another 20 minutes. Her body temp might be coming down, but we want to make sure it doesn't spike back up. I don't think it will because she's out, but this is only to make sure.”
Kaden looks at him and smiles, allowing him to be moved "It's all I could think of... To calm you down..." He moans softly as he lays against him "By working you up another way..." He kisses his neck in return, he runs his hands up his aides and onto his back, rubbing it slowly. "Y-You needed a distractioNnnn..." He arches slightly, lifting his knee between Mason's legs, he nips at his shoulder softly. "Let me make you cum... Please... How ever you want it... I just want to watch you..."

Jareth nods "Yeah... I'm sure I have something in my library... I'll keep her here... Just keep an eyes on..." Jareth pauses and closes his eyes a moment "Nn.. Never mind Mason..." He takes a deep breath and looks at him, smirking "He... They're just fine... Why don't you go update Mel and Kevin..."
“You don’t have to make me cum. I expect it,” he tells him before sinking his teeth into his shoulder. “It’s me who should be asking you, begging you, to make me feel better. So please Kaden,” he paused, almost calling him M’lord, “Make me feel good. Make me cum hard. I want my body to tremble, to shake from the pleasure you give me. Please.”

“Ooookay,” Nicholas blushes. “I’ll do that. I’m sure she would love to know everything is alright.” Nicholas slips from the bathroom, careful not to be seen. He finds Mel still out on the balcony. “We gotta talk sweetie. A lot happened today, and I’m gonna give you the run down. Why don’t you come with me, and we’ll get Kevin. I have to show you something in one of the bathrooms.” She gives him a strange look. He tilts his head. “It’s okay. I promise.”
“Where’s Mason and Kaden?” Nicholas grins. “They’re fine. Trust me. Let’s just leave them alone for a little while. Okay?” He takes her by the hand and goes to the room where he knew Kevin and Jareth had slept. Finding him, he leads them back to the bathroom where Jareth and Karen were. "What the heck," Kevin asks. "It's a long story, and I'll tell you all about it. Jareth, I've got her. You can go do what you need to do."
Kaden smiles at him and kisses him again "Mmm... Like last night... Or at the club..." He smirks softly and continues to run his hands over him slowly.

Jareth waits for Nicholas to return "Hey... You sure?" He slowly hands her over to him and moves to hug Kevin "We almost lost her... She saw the bridge... But didn't step on it... She has some more powers that are dangerous... I need to go research her... You call me if you need me ok..."
"Both" Mason grins. "I want to feel..your lips..around me. Look at me while you do it. I want to see your eyes."

Kevin looks at him, narrowing his eyebrows. "Dangerous?" He looks to her and then back to Jareth. "Find out what you need to know, and then hurry back to us. Please."
Kaden groans and kisses him, nipping his lip "Nnn... Yes sir..." He smirks and pushes him up slightly, then has him sit up, he moves to kneel on the floor before him. "Tell me again what you want..." He starts to work his pants open and getting him out gently, he looks up and him and smiles.

Jareth nods "Relax... Right now it's more dangerous to her... Nich will explain... I'll be back as soon as I can be..." He disappears.
Mason watches him. Kaden’s touch feels so good to him. “I want wrap your lips..around my cock..and look..into my eyes..while you make me..cum. Please baby. Will you do that for me?” He runs his fingers through his hair.

Nicholas watches him leave. “Yeah. Her anger, it seems, feeds this power she has. Her body temp was rising. It was like her own blood was boiling. She could have killed herself.” Melanie put her hand over her mouth and moved to sit next to her. “Poor baby.”
“Poor baby? What happens when she learns how to project that power out to us? Hmmmm? She boils us alive. No way. I’m not staying around here for that.” Kevin turns and leaves the bathroom. “I better go after him. Jareth would be crushed if something happened to him.” Melanie stands and leaves. Nicholas wants to follow after her to keep her safe, but he has to stay with Karen. “Damn it. Kaden is busy. Just be careful Mel.”
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