Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth was reading over the pages again when he felt it, a slight tug on his mind, he looks up and towards the apartment, something felt off. He stands and sets the book down again and heads inside, maybe Mason or Kevin were back. "Hello? Mason? Are you back..." He steps inside and takes a look around the room, not seeing or scenting him, or Kevin. He felt it again, and turns towards the bedrooms "Nich... Everything all right?" He starts to follow his nose, he'd just check and see, he knew something felt off, but he didn't know what.
The warm water beats down on him, but it’s not enough to wake him.

“Maybe we should be heading back. You feeling any better?” Kevin nods. “Yeah. You’re right. Jareth won’t let anything happen to me again. I feel stupid I ever doubted him.”
“It’s normal. You’ve already been through dying. You didn’t want it to happen again. Come on Kevin. Let me take you home.” He nods, and they begin to walk back towards the apartment.

“Another one.”
“Buddy you’ve already had quite a few.”
“I know. Look at you. You can count. It’s your job to server beers, and I look, “ he says holding up some money. “I’ve got money. You do your part, and I’ll do mine.” Mason picks up his beer and takes a sip while watching the bartender.

Aliya stirs, waking, hearing the shower running in the bathroom right next to their bedroom. “Someone’s..taking..a shower.”
Jareth continues to follow his nose "Doc... You ok in there?" He enters the bedroom and heads towards the bathroom and pushes the door open "Sorry to interrupt Doc but... Shit!" He runs up to the shower and opens the door, "Dammit Doc..." He turns off the water and pats his cheek "Nich... Nicholas wake up... Come on Doc..."

Kaden looks at her "Hmm... Wonder... Who..." He relaxes again "Maybe Mel... Came home..."
Nicholas groans. “Ka-Kaden,” he mumbles. His eyes were still closed. “I don’ Gonna..throw..up.”

“MMmmm. Maybe. Could be her..or Kevin..or Mason..Or Jareth..or Master.” She rubs her hand over his.
"Shit... Ok, relax Doc..." He moves him so he can be sick easily, also getting a good look at his head "Damn Nich... Why are doctors so stupid about injuries..." As he's being sick, Jareth nips his own hand and allows some blood to drip info his wound "That should help... But you need a doctor..." He looks him over "Still gonna be sick Nich?"

"Yeah... Big family..." He smiles and kisses her "Should I go check..."
“I don’t..I don’t know,” he replies. “I think..I will,” he says coughing. “I go..lie down. Sleepy.” He moves his legs, trying to stand. “I gotta..get..up. I’m sick..again.”

Aliya smiles and looks over to him. “Do you want to? If you do, I’m okay. I promise. Go if you want to.”

Kevin opens the door for Melanie. “After you M’lady.” She grins. “Kaden has called me that before you know.” She looks around. “Where is everybody? “ She looks back at Kevin. He shrugs. “I don’t know. Let’s have a look around. He looks inside one room to find Mari. Melanie finds Karen still sleeping. They give each other a look in the hall. “A shower. You hear that?” “Yeah. Shall we see who we can find naked?” Melanie grins and nods. They both sneak in and look inside the bathroom. “Jareth,” Kevin calls out rushing next to him. “What happened?” Melanie covers her mouth.
"Nope... Sorry doc... I can't let you sleep yet..." He holds him so he can be sick again, then pulls a towel over to wrap him up. He looks over "Aliya hit him over the head earlier... He hadn't gone to get it checked... I got in a fight with Mason... Kaden is punishing Aliya... He... He was helping me relax... And went for a shower... Something felt off and I came to check..." He continues to pay his cheek, keeping him awake "I believe he has a concussion..."

He sits up, hearing more voices and movement "Maybe I should... I'll be right back..." He kisses her and gets up, pulling his boxers back on, he heads into the next room and "What is everyone doing in... Nicholas!" He pushes past them "What hap... It's his head isn't it... I told him to get it checked!" Kaden helps pay his cheek "Baby... Baby open your eyes... Come on love... Look at me..." He was mad and scared, drawing on the anger allows him to stay calm, he looks up "I need to get him to the hospital..." Jareth nods "I know... But I think you should stay here... I gave him some blood, so he should be fine..." "I'm his husband!" Kaden was getting angry "You're also too worked up... Relax... And come over in a while..." Kaden blinks and takes a deep breath "Y-Yeah... Sorry..." He leans closer and kisses him "Stay awake for Jareth love... I'll see you soon... Ok..." He kisses him softly, rubbing his cheek.

Jareth watches "He'll be just fine Kaden... We'll see you soon..." Him and Nich vanish, arriving at the hospital a few moments later. "I need a bed!"
Nurse Betty looks up. “Dr. Hayden! Get a stretcher!” She rushes over as two other nurses bring a bed over. They help Jareth put it on him. She realizes he’s naked. “Get him a blanket. Now. Give him some modesty. It’s Dr. Hayden after all.” She looks at Jareth. “And you are? I know you’re that same man he’s in love with. So do you mind telling me what you’re doing with him, naked and uncounsious, with a head wound?” She folded her arms while the other two nurses took him into a room followed by a doctor.

“He’ll be fine M’lord,” Mel tells Kaden. “Jareth will take….good care of him. Where the fuck is Aliya?”
“Next room over. I can smell her.”
“Yeah? Well I’m about to beat the shit out of her,” Melanie says leaving the bathroom. “Aliya! Get your damn ass up! I’m gonna kill you!” Aliya sits up as she enters the room. “You stupid bitch! Nicholas is in the hospital now because of you!” Melanie heads towards the bed. “And you’re here getting fucked! By who?” Aliya looks at her but doesn’t answer. “Maybe I should bash your head in! There aren’t any brains in there anyway!” Melanie reaches over and grabs a wooden box Nicholas had on the dresser. “Come here! Let me whack you over the head, or better yet, don’t move. Let me come to you.”
Jareth helps them until the nurse starts to question him "I'm friends with his his husband... We found him passed out in the shower... Kaden was too upset to get him here... So I brought him... Is there a problem with that..." He crosses his arms as well and watches her "If that's all... I'd like to call his husband and let him know how he's doing..." He moves to sidestep her.

It takes a minute for Kaden to clue in to what Mel was saying, still in a bit of shock, he runs after her "Mel stop! It... It wasn't completely her fault..." He grabs her gently and takes the box, he looks to Aliya, then back at Mel "And I'd like it if my husband's things weren't distroyed..." He sighs "And since you asked... I was the one fucking her... Ok... She was being punished... He was supposed to go get checked out... But you know doctors when it comes to their own injuries..." He pulls Mel into a hug "Please..."
“It’s just that Dr. Hayden is very well loved around here. We all want to make sure he’s well taken care of. I apologize, but please understand my point of view on this. You showed up with him, naked, and hurt. How would it look to you?”

“Alright M’lord,” she says pulling back and kissing his cheek. “Okay. I won’ anything. I promise. Come on. Let’s get you to the hospital. Aliya, get dressed. Quickly. You’re a nurse, and you work there. I’d like for you to tell us how he’s doing. I trust you.” Aliya nods. “No problem.”
“As for you,” Melanie tells him, “lets get you ready to go too. Are you calming down? Would you like some tea or something? I can make it for you.”
He glances back at her "Since I've been here with him and our friends several times... I would think you'd think I was a friend helping a friend... His husband should be here soon... See he's shown to his room..." He continues into the room they took Nicholas "How's he doing... I'd like to tell his husband..."

Kaden looks at Mel "But... What about the other three... Who will watch them... Jareth was about to help Karen..." Kaden turns to Aliya "Please... Would you stay with Kevin and watch over them... They need to stay sleeping, Karen most of all... She'll die if she wakes up too soon..."
"Yeah. I'll stay and watch over them. Go with Melanie." Kevin gives them both a nod. "Kevin you can go with Kaden. I know you're still nervous around Karen. I'll sit with her."
Aliaya, you go too. You're a nurse. You can help Nicholas.
"Yes Sir. I'll have him shown right to his husband."

The doctor looked up as Jareth entered. "We're ordering some tests. MRI and a cat scan. Since he lost consciousness more than once, it's serious. He's showing classic signs of a conussion, but we still need to do the tests. Once his husband is here, he can sign for us to do the tests."
"I'm..fine..I tell you,"Nicholas groans. "Just give me some aspirin. I'll be fine."
Kaden goes to Aliya and kisses her softly "Thank you..." He goes to get ready.

Jareth moves to stand at the end of the bed "And if someone else came in like this Doc... What would you tell them..." He goes him a look "Now you sit there like a good boy until your husband gets here... Or I'll tell him you're causing trouble..." He was drawing on his own medical training "You're hurt Nich... And if you want to go on that extended honeymoon... You'll do as you're told..."
Aliya dresses quickly and wait for him by the door. Melanie checks in Karen. Kevin doesn't want to look in. He quickly joins Aliya.

"My..chart." The doctor smiles and looks at Jareth. "He really is a stubborn patient. You'll get something for your head, but you're not leaving. I won't release him, and don't let him sign himself out please. As soon as his husband gets here, we'll get his signature for the tests."
It doesn't take Kaden long to get ready, he goes to Mel and gives her a kiss "Thanks... And you call if anything happens... And I mean anything..." He gives her a hug and heads to the door "Alright... You ready?"

Jareth glares at Nich slightly "You have a concussion Doc... This time your the patient... You lay there and do what your told... If not for you, for Kaden... How do you think he'd feel if he got here and you're worse..."
“Yes,” Kevin replies. “No.” Aliya looks at him and smiles. “I’m a nurse M’lord. I want to stay here and help Melanie. What if Karen wakes up? Please. I assure you this is not me being angry or ttryingto get away from you. This is me trying to do something good.”

Nicholas groans. “Alright. Alright. I’ll behave.”
Kaden looks at her and smiles, he pulls her into a hug and kisses her cheek "Thank you..." He smiles "I'll call you from the hospital... Let you know how he is... And I'll reward you again later..." He says the last part softly to her and kisses her, he look to Mel and smiles "See you in a bit..." He follows Kevin into the hall at to the elevators, he looks at him as they wait "You didn't hear what is wrong with Karen... Did you?" He steps in as the doors open.

Jareth smirks "That's better... And don't think I forget about the threat he made to you if you didn't behave... I'll gladly remind him..." He moves to take a seat next to his bed "You gave him a good scare already..."
Kevin watches the exchanges, but he says nothing. Melanie gives Kaden another smile before the door closes behind him. "No," he tells him when he asks about Karen. "Do you think it's wise to leave them alone? Mel was ready to beat Aliya before. I think that might be a bigger threat than Karen."

Aliya looks up at Mel, who is glaring at her. "I didn't mean to hurt him that bad. I promise."
"But you did. We're a family here. We look after each other, we take care of each other, we fuck each other, but we do not hurt each other."
"Yeah. Too bad you weren't following that same code when you left Mason for M'lord." Melanie's face reddened. "You have no idea what was going on then. How dare you even say that."
"How dare I say that? How dare you say it's okay for you to rip a man's heart, drive him to drinking, nearly get him killed in a car crash, but you look at me like I'm scum because I whacked Master over the head with a lamp. Way I see it, you're far worse than I ever thought about being."
"I hope Karen does wake up. Maybe then I can get her to boil your blood."
"Great," Aliya grins. "Now you're hoping your husband's daughter wakes up. You do realize that would probably kill her. Yeah. You're such a good person Melanie. You're going to make a lousy mother." Aliya pushes past her leaving Melanie seething.

"Yeah," he blinks looking up at the ceiling. "I know all about getting a good scare." He begins to remember finding Kaden in the bathroom. The fear that ran through him felt like a knife piercing his heart. He remembered how cold his skin was and how lifeless he was. Even now his heart began to race remembering it. The numbers on the monitor began to climb.
Kaden looks at him "I don't have much of a choice... Once I'm at the hospital, Jareth can go back here... You can stay or go with him..." He looks away, then back "Anout Karen... Jareth found out that she's carrying a Pheonix... That it was born with her, and had possibly taken her over... But he has a way to seal it... But he worded a few things wrong... And him and Mason fought... Mason left... You can only guess where he went..." They step out into the lobby and head for the front doors, hailing a cab.

Jareth nods, then glances up at him as he can hear his heart starting to race "Woah... Relax Doc... Look at me..." He holds his hand "I don't know where your thoughts are going... But Kaden is fine... He's on his way here... Calm down..."
“Trust me. I know where he’s at. I’m trying to keep him blocked, but I’m not as experienced as Jareth is doing that. He’s….he’s pretty far gone. I’m just glad he doesn’t have a car with him.” Kevin rubs his head slightly, hoping that when he does she Jareth he can help block the effects of what Mason is doing. He steps from the elevator and follows Kaden. “A Phoenix,” he asks as they climb into the cab. “What is that, and how can he seal it?”

“I’m fine,” he says, shaking the memories. “Lost in thought I guess.” He gives Jareth a weak smile. “I actually don’t want Kaden to see me like this, but I know I can’t stop him. It would break his heart if I even tried. So I won’t. I just don’t want him to worry.”
Kaden looks at him "You can feel that too?" He tells the driver to head to the hospital before looking back at him "Yeah... He said it's an ancient demon that is rarely born... It's powerful if you don't know how to control it... But he has an amulet... It will bind the Pheonix's power..."

Jareth smiles slightly "We have something in common then... You saw that today... But like you said to me... You aren't alone... Let him in..." He squeezes his hand, then sighs slightly "I'll have to go pick up my own husband soon... He's reaching his limit..."
"Well as long as he can stop it, then everything will work out." He burps. "Oh I am so sorry. I can't help it." Kevin blushes and laughs. "I haven't been that embarrassed in a long time." He gives Kaden a smile. Rubbing his leg he tells him, "I'm sure he's going to be fine. Nicholas is a strong man."

"I have no trouble letting him in. I love him. With all my heart, I love him. I want him to see me as the strong man he first met that night....when we first met." He takes a moment, remembering that it was a night where Mason was drinking when they met, just like tonight. "He's drinking a lot then I guess, since you said you would have to go pick him up."
Kaden looks at him and laughs a little bit "So... You can share being drunk... I'll have to remember that..." He smiles at him "I know he'll be fine... He's stubborn... And Jareth is there..."

Jareth smiles a bit "Yeah... He was pissed... And rightfully so... And with all the other stuff going on... He needed this... He may not like it in the morning... But I'll be there to help... If he can forgive me... I think I'll stun him when I see him... And agree that he was right..." He smiles a bit wider "Kevin's getting closer... He must be coming with Kaden..."
“Yeah. Sadly I can feel a little of how drunk he is. If this is only part of it, then I know Mason is really drunk.” He smiles as he mentions Jareth’s name. Mason is a good guy. He gave Jareth and I another chance. I just want to make him feel loved. Without him, I wouldn’t have Jareth, and you wouldn’t have Melanie.”

“You can feel Kevin getting closer? Wow. I wish I could feel Kaden getting closer.” He sits up just a little, wincing. “Head aches really bad. Guess Mason is gonna feel like that in the morning,” he grins. “He’s got a problem Jareth. He turns to drinking when things get too rough for him. It’s just another way to run away.”

Mason stumbles around the parking lot. He’s looking for his car even though he didn’t drive. “Where’s that..fucking car at?” He scratches his head. “Melanie! Is that you,” he yells to woman leaving her car. “Who’s that? Are you..fucking..another guy? What? Me..and Kaden..not enough for you?!” The woman looks at him confused. “Look Mister. I can call you a cab if you want, but I’m not Melanie.”
“Of course you are! I know my own fucking wife!” He laughs. “Even if she did..fuck another guy. He’s the same guy..who..who kidnapped her.” The woman’s eyes widen. “Okay. Why don’t you come over here and sit down on the ground.” She reaches for him and pulls him closer. “Hi Melanie. I’m so..I’m so glad you came to me..and left Kaden. I can love you better than he ever could. He took you..he kidnapped you..from me. I’ve got you now,” he says wrapping his arms around her. “Okay. Let’s get you down on the ground now. I’ll call you a cab. Where do you live?”
Kaden nods "By now I'm sure he is... I'm surprised Jareth hasn't gone to get him yet..." The cab finally comes to a stop at the hospital "Thanks... Keep the change..." Hands him a 100 as they get out.

Jareth sighs "You think I don't know that... The only reason I let him go this time... Was because he was right... But I can see I've already left him too long... I'll have to go when they get upstairs..." He looks at him "And it's not always good knowing they are close by... Like when we're fighting..."
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