Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Nicholas thinks about Kaden. He closes his eyes. ‘He promised to love me, and then he threatened to leave me.’ He hated how it felt, knowing it would be crushing to live without him. ‘I opened up to him. I gave him my heart, and now…..’ This was what he had always been afraid of. He remembered the girls back in high school teasing him. It had hurt, but nothing compared to this. “No,” he said sitting up and moving the covers. “Nicholas! What are you….Get back in that bed,” she said as he stood.” Nicholas ripped the patches to his chest free and began to walk to the door. “Nicholas,” Betty yelled. “What are you doing?” He opened the door to his room to see Kaden at the nurse’s desk. “You. Get in here. Now. You,” he said back to Betty. “Out.”
Kaden looks up startled to hear his voice "What..." He looks back to the nurse "Sorry... Forget the coffee.." He walks back over to the room and crosses his arms lightly, looking at him "What are you doing... I'm getting you some coffee..." He looks back at Betty in the room "Can you get the coffee... I'm sure you know how he likes it..." He looks at Nicholas, not sure what to think and hoping his signs of crying are gone.
“Get in here,” he tells him as Betty moves past him. “Nicholas, you need to get back in bed.” “I know,” he tells her without taking his eyes off Kaden. “Come in here. Now. We talk.” He moves from the door and heads back inside the room waiting for Kaden to come in. “Close the door when you come in,” he calls to him.
Kaden gives the nurse a look, then moves to follow him and closes the door. "Alright... What do you want to talk about..." He stands a few feet away from the bed and watches him, arms crossed to give his hands something to do.
He’s not sure what to say. Honestly Nicholas had not thought past this point. He was surprised taking control had worked. Maybe just telling Kaden how he felt was the right thing to do. He turned around and saw how he was standing. It made him feel like there was already such distance between them. “I..Well we..I mean..fuck.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “Kaden I’m doing what it is you want me to, but I still feel like I’m doing something wrong. So maybe you should just go home. I’m still..letting you down, and I don’t want to see that look..on your face..and you’re standing that..and I’m so fucking mad at you..because you..just go home Kaden.” He had gotten so close to telling him he had broken his heart, but at the last minute, Nicholas couldn’t say it. He didn’t want hurt him any worse than he already had. “I’m sorry. Just..forgive me. Don’t go.”
Kaden was getting upset at his words, he was pushing him away again, he was ready to leave just like he wanted. But he stopped and stepped closer to him at his plea for him to stay, he reaches up and cups his cheek softly. "I never wanted to leave... Never..." He steps closer and fists his gown, resting his head on his chest. "But sitting here... Listening to you say you basically don't care about yourself... Your health... It hurts..." He shakes slightly and looks up at him, eyes wet "It'd be like me cutting my wrists... And you just watching... Could you do that... Just sit there and watch... Just because I said I was fine..." He takes a breath "You're used to being in charge... Doing something... I get that... But please... Stop scaring me..." He rests against him again and cries, holding his gown tight.
‘That hurts? Saying I don’t care about myself or my health? Try hearing someone say they’ll leave,’ he thinks. “I have watched you..from the day I met you. I watched you with her. I watched you with your friends. I found you..after you hurt yourself..twice. I’ve watched you struggle..with that..with your own feelings..your fears..and I’m still here. I told you..I loved matter what you did..even the things I didn’t do. I still loved you. I know that’s are. A loving man to Mel..a good them all..a man who wrestles..with what he did..a man who he had to do..what he did. So don’t talk to me..about how hard it is..for you to watch me. I have always..watched you..and I don’t regret it, but I will..get in bed..and stay awake..because I love you. I love you so stay..please. I..I the..bathroom. Sit. I' right back."
Kaden pulls back and looks at him "I hurt myself when I thought I had no one... When I believed I was all alone..." He lets him go "But you have someone... Several people... But you were still willing to risk your life... Like it doesn't matter... How am I supposed to be ok with that... What would you do if I hurt myself again... Because I'm not feeling useful..." He looks down "I'm scared... Ok... I said what I did to get your attention... I... I didn't know what else to do..." He moves to sit on the bed, pulling his legs up, feeling very much like the lost little boy he used to be.
As he closed the bathroom door and locked it, Nicholas thought about how much Kaden wasn't seeing the rest of things. He saw him pulling away, not caring about his life, but what he was missing was how this was who he was. He had seen who Kaden was, and he was okay with it. He still loved him. Nicholas didn't know how to sit back, relax, and let others care for him. He never had to. He felt like Kaden was missing who he was. He turned on the shower before opening the door again. "I'm going to take..a quick cold wake up." Not giving Kaden any time to respond, he closed the door and locked it. Nicholas held his face as he cried. He remembered how lonely he felt before he met Kaden. All of the love, the warmth Kaden had given him, felt like it was slipping away. 'I don't want him to think I don't love him. I do. Maybe too much. I can't bear to lose him. The thought of it hurts. It hurts so bad." He clutched his chest. It felt like his heart was breaking. He could barely breathe. 'Don't leave me Kaden. Stay. I can't..lose you.'
After a few minutes Nich comes to the door and tells him he's taking a shower, but closes the door before he can say something. He gets up and moves to the door "Baby... Please... Let me in, you can't take a shower alone..." He leans lightly against the door, listening "You said... You said you wanted to do that together... Please let me in... Stop pushing me away..." He rests his head against the door, he takes out his phone and sends a text to Mel -You and Aliya... Get her ASAP... Please...- he puts his phone away.
Nicholas listens to him and closes his eyes. He wanted to open the door and let him in. "It's a cold shower. You wouldn't like it," he says, forcing a laugh along with his words.

Melanie grabs her phone from her back pocket. She smiles when she sees it's Kaden, but her smile fades at his message. "Aliya. Come on. We've got to go. Now. Something is wrong."
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know. It's M'Lord. We've got to go now. He's asking for us." She nods and follows Melanie out of the apartment. "Things are under control here. Kevin and Mason can handle things." They climb into Melanie's car, and she races towards the hospital. She tells Aliya to send him a text.

We're on the way. What's wrong?
Kaden bangs once in the door "Stop it!" He presses against the door, he knew Nich was pushing him away again, wanting to 'protect' him. All he could do was listen, he slides to the floor after a few minutes and sits against it, hugging his legs to him. He feels his phone and pulls it out, he wipes his eyes and looks at the screen "What's wrong..." He reads softly he started to type back -I wish I knew...-
"He says I wish I knew."
"Crap," Melanie says as she floors it. They reach the hospital, and both jump out at the same time. "Nicholas Hayden's room," she asks. Betty points the way. "Nothing is wrong," Melanie tells her. "We're just here to visit." She didn't want the nurse coming into the room. She opens the door to see Kaden on the floor. "M'lord," she calls rushing over to him. "What happened?" Aliya is close behind her. "Where's Master," she asks, afraid of his answer. "Where is my Master?"
He sees them come in, but doesn't want to move "Mel..." He holds her hand, then looks at Aliya "Cold shower... He's locked the door..." He looks down at his hands "They... Found a tumour... In his brain..." He makes a fist "And he's trying to brush it off and asking to go back to work... So I..." He stops and hugs his knees again "I told him I'd leave... If he didn't stop and take care of himself..." He shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders "So he's mad at me... And pushing me away... He's doing what I asked... Sort of... But not accepting any help..." He rests his head on his knees "I... Don't know what to do... And I'm... I'm so scared..." He start to silently cry again.
“A tumor,” Aliya says. “That’s what..killed..his father.” Melanie looks back at her. “Not now.” “No. It killed him to watch his father die. You said you would leave him.” She shakes her head. “He loves you so much. For so long, Nicholas kept to himself. He didn’t want to fall in love. He was scared to even try after the way he was teased in school. So he just decided to not try anymore. Then you came along. He put himself out there for you, and you told him you would leave. You let him fall in love with you, gave him everything he wanted, and then said you’d take it away. Of course he’s pushing you away. He’s scared of life without you, and he’s pushing you away so you can’t walk away.”
“Hurting himself before you have a change to,” Melanie adds. “Oh M’lord I know you love him, but I think you underestimated just how much he loves you. You broke his heart. He’s not trying to hurt you. He’s trying to keep himself from getting hurt any worse.”
“Nicholas lives for helping other people. He probably feels helpless right now. Nobody likes that.”
“No. They don’t Melanie,” tells him.
Kaden looks at her, listening "How would I know any of that... If he didn't talk to me!" He was getting upset "I know what it's like to not be in control... That's my 'childhood'! Which I told him about..." He stands and walks away from the door "I opened up to him! Shared with him!" He looks at them "He started to open up... Started to let me in... And I was so happy..." He sighs "Then he was not going to tell me about this... Was gonna send me away so he could have surgery... BRAIN SURGERY! ... So I wouldn't have to fucking worry! I love him too... I married him... Sickness and health... That's what this means!" He points to his ring "But wanting him to stay alive is too much to ask!" He moves across the room and sits by the wall, trying to calm down "He's sick... And I can't help him... I'm the useless one... Not him..."
Melanie moves over to him. "It's alright M'lord. You're both hurting and afraid. It looks like you both can't stand to not be in control. Nicholas is use to being able to do as he pleases. He's never had anyone else to worry about or to worry about him, and now he does. If the two of you love each other as much as you say you do, then you two need to talk."
"Yeah," Aliya says before knocking on the bathroom door. "Master! Open up!" When he doesn't, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out her keys. She smiles over at them and mouths, 'Master keys.' She unlocks the door to the bathroom and pulls him out of the bathroom and over towards Kaden. Melanie smiles, stands, and pulls Kaden close. "You two need to talk. Right now. He loves you Kaden. He's just stubborn, and how was he suppose to know about your father? You didn't talk to him. You both need to talk and listen to each other. You're mad because he won't open up and talk to you. You're hurt because he said he would leave. Why does that hurt both of you? Because you love each other. Stop hiding from each other, stop assuming the other one knows everything, and stop saying and doing things that hurt each other. You're lucky to have each other. If he hurt you, tell him. If you're scared, tell him."
"If I want him to leave, tell him."
"Right. Wait. No. What? Come on Master. That's not what I meant."
"You said you would leave. You were suppose to love me no matter what. I love you no matter what you've done, but the moment I can't just lay in that bed because I'm use to being active, to helping people, you threaten to leave. So fine! Leave! You will NOT hurt me!"
"And don't you yell at me!" Aliya takes a step back. "Go with him. All of you. Just go."
"Don't you dare shut everybody out because you're scared and hurt."
"I said go. Now. You will obey me."
Kaden just watched as Nich was pulled from the bathroom and brought over, he listened to them talk then froze as Nich finally said it. He was the reason he was hurting, he had done this, he glances at Mel and Aliya, then looks at Nich again. "F-Fine..." He looks down "I'll go... I wouldn't want to hurt anybody else... I'm sorry..." He pushes past them and heads to the door, then turns and runs into the bathroom, the loud click can be heard as he lock the door.
Melanie watches with a horrified look on her face. Aliya grips Nicholas' shoulder, and Nicholas looks at the floor. When Kaden runs past them all, Melanie looks at Aliya. "What is he doing," Aliya asks her. "I don't know," she tells her heading over to the bathroom. She knocks on the door. "M'lord? What are you doing? Come on out. We can all....go get some air and calm down. That's what we all need right now." She tries to open the door. "M'lord please open the door. I..I need you." She looks over at Nicholas glaring. He doesn't see her looking at him. He moves over to the bed and sits down.
Kaden leans against the door, he closes his eyes at Mel's voice, and bites his lip, "I'm sorry... But I can't..." He opens his eyes and stares at the tub, he glances back at the door, then moves over to start to fill the tub. "He never should have saved me... Everyone would be better off..." He lets his tears fall as he watches the tub fill up.
Melanie moves from the door over to Nicholas and grabs him. "You did this. Do you hear the water running? You know what he's going to do! My children will NOT grow up without their father! You fucking fix this, and you do it NOW!"
"Melanie, stay calm. For the babies."
"Shut up Aliya," she snaps. "Don't you have some kind of key for the door? Go get it! Fix this Nicholas!" He just stares. "You bastard," she yells slapping him before rushing back over to the door. "Please M'Lord. Don't do this. I need you. Our babies need you. I love you. Don't leave us. Please. We won't be better off without you." She leans her head to the door. "Remember the night you took me to the restaurant? We had fun with the waiter later. I wore that dress with the slit up the side. You held me. Stay with me. Please. I'm begging you."
He looks back at the door "I'm not good for you... Or them... All the stuff I did to you... To Mason... Ni..." He cries slightly "He never should have saved me..." He looks back at the water "I'll only hurt you again... Him again... It's better... Better if I'm gone..." He lowers his voice "All becasue I was looking out for him..." On the other side of the door, all they hear is a loud splash.
Nicholas gets up and moves Melanie aside gently. Then, without warning, he begins to slam his entire body into the door. "Get someone with a key," Melanie tells Aliya. "Before he kills himself opening the door." Aliya rushes out to the nurses desk. "Get help! We need in the bathroom!" "Why the fuck does this door even lock," Melanie asks him. Nicholas doesn't answer. He just keeps throwing his entire body into the door. The door begins to creak and split. Nicholas doesn't stop until it gives and he crashes through it.
Kaden was staring at the water, gripping the lip of the tub, he could hear Mel and Aliya screaming, he looks away and spots the garbage can. He moves over to it and picks it up, he stares at it, his eyes blurry from his tears, then tosses it into the water. He drops by the toilet and holds his knees, crying softly, he couldn't do it, he kept seeing their faces, hurt and crying. He holds himself tighter and continues to cry, he ignore the banging on the door until it crashes open, he gasps and looks up. He had knowing they would try and get in, but he never thought it would be Nicholas, he didn't want him anymore.
Nicholas looks into the bathtub in confusion. Melanie comes in behind him. "A trash can," she asks. "A fucking trash can," Nicholas mumbles. "You threw..a fucking trash the water. I thought you....I told you..I would stay. I said I would..get in bed. I was..afraid..of losing you..after you would leave. That's all..I thought about. It think about..going on..without you, and throw..a trash a tub..full of water. I thought know..what I thought. I can't..bear..the thought..of going on..without you. I can't. I love you..that much." He turns and pushes past Melanie. "Nicholas," she calls out before looking at Kaden. "Oh M'lord, I'm so glad you're alright." She moves to sit in the floor in front of him. "Oh baby, don't ever do that again."
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