Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"Fuck he's gonna have him now," Melanie says. A blush races across her face, but she's also jealous. "He'd taste you in a heartbeat. You know that," Aliya tells her. "You're carrying his child. I'd say he's done more than taste you." Melanie can't help but laugh.

Nicholas helps him pull his pants free from his body. Kneeling between his legs, he begins to kiss his way up his legs. His shins, knees, and thighs before he stops. His fingertips trace his skin as he goes, and when he stops, he lightly touches his cock. "My husband. My cock." Leaning down, his tongue licks his entire length, circling the tip, before he takes him, pushing all the way down. Nicholas groans against his length. He doesn't pull off of him to speak. Instead he begins a slow, agonizing pace, moving along his shaft.
Kaden smiles as he watches him, then nods "Yessss Nnn..." He groans as Nich licks and teases him, then falls back against the bed as he takes him in and starts his long slow bobs. "Mmm... Y-You keep... Getting better... A-At that... Nnn...." He bites his lip and can't help but arch his back slightly, his hands fisting in the sheets of the bed. "Nice and... Slow... Nice... And slow... Nnn.." He says softly to keep him self from bucking up into his eager mouth.
Nicholas' tongue was straight, covering the underside of Kaden's cock. The tip of his tongue nearly touching his body was he pushed him deep in his throat. He fought hard to keep from gagging, but Kaden's length was too much. Still he lifted his head, drawing the tip of Kaden's member just behind his lips before he would sink down on him again. The words from his husband's lips helping him maintain his slow pace. His hands gripped his thighs, spreading him as he continued. Nicholas moved his mouth down to his sac, licking him, tasting him, taking as much of him as he could into his mouth. He wanted to shower Kaden with his mouth. Her suckled a finger before returning back to his cock, but this time, he would slowly begin to sink his wet finger inside Kaden.
Kaden was enjoying every minute of Nicholas' treatment of him, he was moaning softly, his head tiped back and eyes closed. He tried to catch his breath as he moves to his sac, but he wasn't expecting that, his eyes shot open and he tensed for a moment. He then too a deep breath and relaxed "Mmm..." He took slow deep breaths and starts to slowly move with his finger. "You wanAaht me to cu-cum hard... D-Don't you b-baby... Nnn.." He may be going slow, but it was only winding him tighter, he moans and bends a leg up, allowing him to slightly rock his hips. "F-Fuck baby... I'm so close... So close..." He was panting and gasping soon, holding back for as long as he can. "Gahhh! Oooh..." He gasps and moans as his hold snaps and he cums, his body shaking slightly and his back arched, his toes even curl slightly. "F-Fuck..." He says softly as his body falls limp against the bed, he was panting heavily, his eyes closed.
Nicholas moves his finger from him and pushes Kaden as deep as he can take him when he starts to cum. Kaden's body was such a beautiful sight like this. He gripped his hips, pulling him closer to him. His fingertips sunk into his flesh, and he swallowed every drop. Licking him clean, he then moved up his body, kissing as he went. When he was up beside him, he reached down to the foot of the bed and grabbed the blanket. "I know. No sleeping, but we can't lie here naked." He heard a noise and looked towards the door. The girls were both looking in, leaning against the glass. "As much as I know..they would enjoy it..we can't just be here naked for look at," he laughs.
He was still catching his breath when Nich moved up beside him and covered them, he smirks slightly at his comment. "Mmm..." He rolls to face him and kisses him deeply, twisting their tongues together slowly before pulling away. "I love you..." He cups his cheek and smiles at him "But you know we didn't just hurt ourselves today..." He glances over at the door and smiles at them softly "We need to talk to them too..." He turns back to Nich and curls up close, resting on his chest to listen to his heart "And we need to talk about your surgery..."
Nicholas closed his eyes tightly, cringing at the word surgery. "My surgery we can talk about later. For right now, let's talk to them." He motioned for them to come inside, and Aliya wasted no time opening the door and heading inside before Melanie could. "Yes Master," she said, on the verge of tears. "I'm so sorry. If I had not hit you....." "Then we wouldn't have found out before things got so bad that there wouldn't be anything they could do. We found out early enough, Aliya, my sweet Aliya, that I'm going to be just fine." She nods. "Are you sure?" "Oh as I sure as I am that someday soon I'll be spanking that behind of yours' for hitting me," he smiled. He moved, sitting up, and opened his arms to her. She rushed into them where she began to sob. "I'm so sorry Master." "It's alright. Shhhh. It's okay. I promise." He held her tight and let her cry.

Melanie had made her way around to Kaden. "Are you..alright..M'Lord," she asked, biting back her own tears. "Please..don't that again. I don't want..I can't..raise our babies..without you. Don't leave me. Please."
Kaden looks up at him as he says they'd talk about his surgery later but doesn't say anything, he turns as the girls come in. He watches Nich and Aliya together, he smiles softly, he really did need to thank her, he then looks to Mel. He frowns and reaches out, pulling her closer and into a hug "I'm so sorry Melanie... I couldn't do it... Thinking about how it would hurt you all... I couldn't... I'm sorry..." He hugs her closer and rests his hand on her belly, "So sorry..." He whispers and hugs her close.
She loves the feel of his hand on her belly. It brings him closer to their babies. "We need you M'lord. So very much. You are so concerned for Nicholas, as you should be. He's your husband, but these are your children, and you have to think about them." She rests against him, smelling him, loving the comfort her brings to her.

"Now. I need for you to do something very special for me. Can you do that?" Aliya nods. "Good girl. I need for you to pick me something to wear while I'm here. These gowns are not flattering," he smiles. "I also need to ask you to take good care of Melanie." She pulls away and gives him a curious look. "I know she has Mason, but he's going to be busy with his daughter, and I need to know that a nurse is looking after her. Her body could try to go into labor early, and I know you would know what to do. I trust you Aliya. Can you do this for me?" She nods. "Yes Master." "That's my good girl." He leans forward and kisses her forehead. "Now. Take Melanie and go back home. You two get some rest, and as soon as the sun comes up, I want you to make sure both of you eat breakfast, you find something for me to wear, and then you come back to us. We'll be here waiting for you. Can you do that?" "Yes Master." "See. I knew you were my good girl." She smiles at him. "Melanie? Will you let Aliya drive you home?" She gives her a look, having heard everything he said. "Yes. I can do that." Melanie kisses Kaden's lips softly. "I'll be back in the morning M'lord. I promise." The two women leave together. "You know I asked Aliya to do that to try and bring those two together. Right now Mel hates her."
Kaden hugs Mel close and kisses her softly "I know... I was thinking of them too... I'm sorry I scared you..." He looks down, still a little upset about what he did, he then looks st Nich and Aliya, then back to Mel. "We'll be here baby... I love you... And please be nice..." He smiles, then turns to Nich once they are gone, he takes his hand and nods. "I know... And a lot of it is hormonal..." He leans over and kisses him "Now please... I want to talk about you... I want to know what is going to happen... What I have to do after to help you..." He cups his heel and continues to hold his hand "I know you're scared, and so am I... But putting it off will only make it worse..." He reaches over to the call button "I'd like the other doctor in here too... Is that ok with you?" He wouldn't call unless he said.
Nicholas just smiles at him. He's not comfortable talking about this, but he can see how much it means to Kaden. The doctor comes in and smiles. "Hayden. Good to see you."
"My husband wants to know about the surgery." The doctor nods. "Of course. Well your tumor is small, probably harmless. We will make a small incision here," he shows Kaden pointing on Nicholas' head. "When I go in, I'll..remove the tumor. Surgery shouldn't take more than an hour. We'll have to see how well you heal to determine when you go home. Either way, I'll put a rush on the results of the tumor to make sure you have nothing to worry about. Your father's was harmless, but it was left unchecked. It became impossible to remove it. Your tumor is fairly small. You caught it early. I've actually got you scheduled for first thing in the morning. You'll be cleared of your concussion in the morning. So we're going to wheel you off to surgery then. Are there any other questions?" "No," Nicholas says softly. "Kaden? Anything you want to ask?"
Kaden knows this is hard for Nich to deal with, so he stays close and holds his hand "I know with some brain surgery the patient is awake... With Nich be awake?" He glances at him, if that was the case, Kaden was going to ask to be right there with him, he wouldn't let him be alone.

Jareth groans and slowly opens his eyes, letting his eyes adjust to the room, he looks around.
The doctor looks at Nicholas. Nicholas already knows the answer. “Since the tumor is located where it is, yeah. He’s going to be awake. In fact, we’ll be talking to him, showing him pictures, asking him questions. He won’t feel anything though, of course.” Nicholas squeezes Kaden’s hand. “I’ll be fine baby. I’ll be thinking about you the whole time. It’s a good thing they can’t see my thoughts.”

Aliya helps Melanie inside the apartment. Mason comes as soon as he hears them. “Shhh. Karen and Jareth are still sleeping.” He takes one look at Melanie and knows something is wrong. “What? What happened?” “It’s Nicholas. He’s going to have surgery. Apparently there’s a tumor. He and Kaden got into an argument. They were both hurting each other. Kaden locked himself in the bathroom and filled the tub with water.” “Oh no,” Mason says looking at Melanie who was on the verge of tears. “Oh baby I’m sorry,” he says grabbing her and pulling her close. “No. He’s fine. He’s okay, but it’s been a very long night. Take her in the kitchen and get her some tea to help her relax and sleep.” Mason nods. “Come on baby. Let me take care of you.”

“Baby,” Kevin asks, moving closer to him.
Kaden looks at them both "Would I be able to help... Let me sit and talk with him... I'll say what you want me to do..." He looks at Nicholas and holds his hands "I wouldn't leave you alone for this... Please... Let me be there or him..." He looks back to the doctor.

Jareth slowly turns to his voice and smiles "Mmm... Hey baby... Was I out long?"
The doctor gives Nicholas a look before smiling. "Well, to be perfectly honest that would be up to our hospital administrator, and I hear he's a pretty stubborn man. Maybe you can convince him to allow you to be present. What do you say Nicholas?" Nicholas smiles. "Alright. I'll allow it. Bring me the paperwork, and I'll sign it. I have to okay someone not on staff to be present. It's a liability issue baby. Nothing more. I promise. No work."

"A little bit," he tells him. Mason has told him what was going on with Kaden and Nicholas already. He decided he would wait to tell him about it. "How do you feel my love?"
Kaden smiles wide and turns to Nicholas and kisses him, hugging him close "Did you think I wouldn't stay with you.. In your time of true need..." He smiles "I'll do anything I have to... To help you..." He smiles again.

Jareth sits up very slowly, "Still quite weak I'm afraid... But I'll be fine... Eating would help... I used a lot of energy... How is Karen? And Mason?"
“I know you wouldn’t leave me baby. Just like I’ll never leave you. You’re stuck with me. In sickness and in health. I remember. It took you reminding me, but I remember, and I promise I won’t ever forget again.” He kisses Kaden’s ring before kissing his lips softly. “Alright then. While you two do..this..I’m going to get the papers for you to sign Nicholas. “Okay,” he smiles as the doctor leaves. “Do you think we made him nervous?”

“Fine. Karen is still sleeping, and Mason is with Melanie in the kitchen. I’ll go get you something to eat. You just stay right here and relax. Don’t move.” He slips from the bed and heads for the door. Kevin doesn’t want to tell him just yet. Jareth will find out soon enough. Right now he needs his rest and strength.
Kaden smiles and blushes softly "Well... We are naked under this blanket... And I'm sure he knew that..." He kisses him softly "Speaking of which... I'd like to get dressed before he gets back..." He grabs his boxers and slips from the bed to pull them on, he pulls his pants on and sits on the bed.

Jareth smiles and relaxes "No worry of that... I can barely move..."
Nicholas watches him move and dress. He didn’t want him to, but he understood why Kaden wanted to. Kaden couldn’t very well spend the night naked under the covers with him. “Are you sure you’re going to be alright in there while they do the surgery? Do you have a weak stomach?”

“Good. Like I said, just stay here, and I’ll go get you something to eat.” Kevin left him quickly and went into the kitchen. He looked at Mason and told him Jareth was awake. “Do not tell him anything,” he told him. “He’s weak, and I want him to rest.” Mason nodded. “Alright, but do you really think he won’t figure out something is wrong?” “Of course he will, but we’re not going to make it easy for
him.” “I’m staying in here with Melanie though. Tell him I’m taking care of the mother of my child.”” He kissed her hand, and she gave him a forced smile.
Kaden looks at him and smiles "I'll be just fine... I'm going to be there for you..." He takes his hand again "And if I had a weak stomach... I never would have survived my childhood... I can handle this..." He rubs his hand softly "What about you... How are you on all this... Besides terrified... And don't say you're not..." He gives him a soft look, telling him he understood.

Jareth leans back against the headboard and tries to relax, he could tell Kevin was keeping something back from him. "I wonder what happened.." He says softly, he wasn't going to push, they were obviously trying to help him get better with out the added worry, so he's allow it. "Mmm... Can't be anything too big, he didn't even smell worried..." He looks around and spots the book on the dresser across the room, he needed to go over that once more.
"The only thing I'm terrified leaving you." He squeezed his hand. "Now who's holding back? You're going to have to tell me about your childhood, all of it, sometime. I want to know. You're here for me. I'll be here for you."

While Mason and Kevin talked, Melanie took an extra cup of tea and the plate Kevin had made with the sandwich and chips on it towards the bedroom where Jareth was. "I'm glad Kaden thought about Mel here, but she can't go through too much of this kind of thing right now. She's carrying three babies," Mason told him. "Part of me wants to punch him for doing this to her tonight not to mention Nicholas." "Agreed, but Nicholas needs his behind kicked for what he did as well. Both of them need to learn to pay attention to each other and communicate." Melanie opened the door carefully, slowly, and entered. "Here you go Jareth," she told him. "The boys are talking." "You got that right. Don't you agree Melanie," Mason asks. "Mel?" He and Kevin look around the kitchen. "Plate is gone," Kevin says. "Looks like we need to learn to pay attention too." They both laugh.
Kaden smiles softly at him "I've told you all I care to remember..." He rubs his hand slowly "I was given to my mothers friends as a play thing... Drugged or aware..." He sighs "It's why I did what I did..." He lifts his hand up and kisses it, "Tell me... About your parents... If... That's ok.."

Jareth looks up as Mel walks in and smiles "Hey Sweety... Thank you.." He takes the stuff from her and sets it on the night stand. "Come here and sit down... You look tired... Give me a chance to feel those little ones..." He helps her lean against him and slowly rubs his hand over her belly, he smiles again "Active... Have you had any sleep lately..." He starts to growl softly, Mel looked beyond worn out and needed a rest, whether she wanted to admit it or not.
"My parents," he says, not wanting to push the issue of his past. "Well, my mother was great. She was the type that was always baking. She didn't work. Well, she worked, but it was all at home. My mother," he smiles, "was the kind of mother you see in the movies. She was always up before I was, and she was the last person I saw at night. She took care of me. My father was pretty busy, but he always made time for family. We had trips that we would take every year, and it didn't matter how busy work was. He would always put things on hold for us. My father liked magic. He's the one who taught me. When he was alive and running this place, he would do magic for the kids. I started working here while I was still in college. My dad wanted me to learn the place from the ground up. So I started in the laundry room. He said, 'son, this will help you understand everyone if you've worked in their place.' So I did. I've worked every job in this place. My dad said it would help teach compassion, and it did. He found out something was wrong when he started making mistakes with his paperwork. Then his hands started to fail him. He couldn't even hold a coffee cup. By then, the tumor had grown and was so intergrated into his brain, there was no way they could take it out. It wasn't cancer, but it put so much pressure on him. He was in such pain, even with the drugs at the end. Mom carried on as best she could, but I could tell. She died a few months later. Broken heart. I got the hospital and everything else they had. So now you know my love. My dad would have loved to have met you. My parents didn't care if I would have fallen in love with a woman or a man. They always told me they just wanted me happy. Well. I'm happy now."

Melanie sinks on the bed next to him. As he rubs her belly, she smiles. "Yeah. They're pretty active today. Two are missing their daddy, and the this one knows his daddy is close by." He starts to growl, and she yawns. "No," she says trying to sit up. "I have to help," yawn, "Aliya. We've still got a sleeping Callie and Mari, and there's Karen to help my husband look after. I'll be fine Jareth." She yawns again, stretching her legs out for a moment. "Thanks for being concerned, but I'm fine. Really."
Kaden moves to lay next to him again and rests on his shoulder "I would have loved to have met them... Their love must have been great if him passing was enough to take her too..." He kisses his cheek "And who knows... Maybe they helped me get to you... Helped us find this... And save you..." He rubs his fingers through his hair "Kevin's said it before... Angels can 'push' slightly... And your mother sounded too nice not to be an angel..."

Jareth smiles at her "Already the protective mother... But, there are enough people to help with that..." He growls a bit louder "Your main concern should be you and those little ones... At least lay here a minute or two and keep me company..." He could tell she was already fall asleep, her poor body was running on fumes and she needed rest, he didn't mind trucking her into it.
“Maybe,” he says. “You never know. I’d like to think I have two angels in my life. Aliya and you.” He pulls him closer as he looks out the window at the night sky. “We’ve still got a little while before the sun comes up. When it does, they’ll be in here getting me ready for surgery. Why don’t you try to get some sleep so you can stay awake. I promise. No sleeping or working.”

“Okay,” she says. “Maybe just..a minute..or two.” Once more she yawns before snuggling up with him. “So tell me.…..” She drifted off to sleep before she could even finish her question.
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