Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth smiles "You be sure and do that... Now... You better hurry and get some sleep... Didn't you say you had to be there early?" He finished his box and was teachig for another one "You can leave the doses for Callie, I can give them to her if you're not back yet... I know you'll want to be there when he gets out of the OR..."
Aliya stood, grabbing a slice of pizza. "Yeah. I do have to be there early. I said I would get Melanie there too. You boys have a good night." As she headed towards the bedrooms, she smiled as she passed Mason and Karen, both sleeping on the couch. "She's doing so much better love. You really did do the right thing."
Jareth watches her go, eating another slice "Yeah, it looks like it... So I hope so..." He notices her stop to look at something and goes to look after she walks off, what he sees warms his heart. "At least I know something I did is working..." He says softly and waves Kevin over, he crouches and pulls out his phone, taking several pictures to show Mason later.
“He’s gonna love this,” Kevin whispers. Just then, he notices Karen open her eyes slowly. ‘Oh no. I didn’t mean to wake her.’ She stares at Jareth before snuggling into the Mason. Her eyes show her fear before she closes them again. Mason, still sleeping, moves his arm to hold her tighter.
Jareth sighs softly as she turns from him in fear, he takes Kevin's hand and leads him away slowly 'I know baby... And she's still scared of me... Let's let them sleep...' He heads back to the kitchen and grabs another pizza, sitting at the table to eat.
He follows him back and watches him get the pizza. "Give her time love. It has to be hard for her what she went through. If you had known it was just a normal little girl, you would have never been like that."
Jarerh sighs again "I know... It's just hard seeing that look... It reminds me of the look in your eyes... That night..." He shakes his head "But I have to remind myself that she's not the 9 year old we first 'met'... But a scared little five year old surrounded by strangers... She just needs time..." He smiles "She'll learn I'm not going to hurt her..." He continues to eat.
"Exactly baby. She's just a kid. A sweet, little girl," he pauses, "with a good sense of smell." Kevin leans forward in his chair, eyeing the little girl standing behind Jareth. "Hi little one. Would you like some pizza," he asks pushing the box over so she can see it. Karen nods slowly, but her eyes shift to Jareth. "It's okay. He's eating pizza too. He has a weakness for it," Kevin tells her. "Come on around. You can sit over here. I'll get you something to drink." She runs around the table quickly, never taking her eyes off Jareth. "What would you like to drink?" "Water." "Water? No tea?" She shakes her head no. "okay." He gives Jareth a look as he goes to get a glass. 'Okay love. Here's your chance.'
Jareth freezes a moment as Kevin sees her behind him, then glances at her as she rounds the table, always looking at him. He glances at Kevin, then continues to eat, he looks at her, "Hi Sweety... Still scared of me huh..." He smiles slightly "Do you remember the voice that spoke to you... That locked you away... Well... I took her away... She won't be controlling you any more..."
Karen take a slice of pizza and slides it over. Her eyes still on him as he talks, she takes a small bite. She did remember the voice. Glancing up to Kevin she asks, “she won’t bother me no more?” He smiles at her. “Nope. My friend here took care of her. He’s a good guy.” “He growled at me.” “Do you know why?” She shook her head no. “Because he didn’t know you were in there,” he says, tapping the side of her head. “He thought the only person was the voice that kept you locked away. That’s the one he wanted to be mean with. Not you. He doesn’t even know you. In fact,” he whispers. “He’s just as scared of you as you are of him because he doesn’t know you.” She looks over to Jareth for a moment before looking back to Kevin. “He’s so much bigger than me,” she whispers. “He don’t have to be scared of me.” Kevin laughs. “He thinks the same thing about you. That you don’t have to be scared of him.” She looks back over to Jareth, quiet for a moment, before slowly waving to him.
Jareth smiles watching Kevin interact with Karen, he'd be a wonderful dad, he looks to Karen when she waves at him and smiles again, waving back. "If I had known you were there sweetheart... I never would have growled at you..." He points to her necklace "But she's now trapped in that stone... She can't hurt you anymore..." He takes another bite of pizza "Plus... I can help you learn about your powers... Did you ever use them on your own?"
She shakes her head before taking a bite of pizza. "I got powers," she asks, dripping pepperoni from her mouth. Kevin laughs grabbing a napkin. "Don't talk with your mouth full sweetheart," he tells her wiping her lips. She swallows. "Sorry Jareth." Kevin gives her a smile. "I'm Kevin. Remember?" "Oh," she says, looking at him confused. "My daddy said..that Jareth was a gentle man, and he loved him. That's not you?" "No," Kevin shakes his head. "That's him." He points to Jareth. She looks at him. "My daddy says you saved his life, and now he loves you." Kevin smiles at Jareth.
Jareth chuckles softly at her, then blinks as she says his name, he smiles softly as Kevin corrects her "Yes I did... And I love him too... I helped him save you too... Along with our other friends.. We are a big family... And want you to be apart of it..." He takes a drink "And yes, you have powers... All demons have some power... Even half demons..." He smiles again "You're mommy is here too... Did your daddy tell you that..." He frowns a bit "She's still sick though... But I'm going to help her get better..." He thinks a moment "You know... I make other sounds... And not all my growls are mean... Would you... Like to hear what your daddy likes?"
She smiles. “Uh huh. Please.” As she lowers her head to the table, her chin on her hands, she asks, “You’re gonna help my mommy like you did me? Does she have something inside her too? Can you help her? Please. I’ll be a good girl if you do. I promise. Help my mommy like you did me and my daddy. Please Jareth.” Kevin looks from her up to him. ‘Oh love. We have to help
Jareth smiles at her and slowly moves closer, he kneels by her at the table "Of course I'll help her... You don't have to promise me anything Sweety..." He holds out his hand to her "Now... Would you like to hear what sound your daddy likes?" He smiles again and waits for her to take his hand, not wanting to push her into anything.
She nods and slowly takes Jareth’s hand. “What sound..does my daddy like?” Kevin watches with a soft smile on his lips. ‘I told you love. Just give her time. Now. Show her the other side of you that she hasn’t seen yet.’
Jareth glances at Kevin and smiles, then holds Karen's hand and gently pulls her closer, he sits her on his knee. "Just relax and listen carefully.." He starts to growl very softly like he does for Mason and did for Mel earlier.
Karen smiles softly at his growl. The more she listens, she relaxes, and in time, she’s leaning against him yawning. She snuggles into him. Kevin watches as her eyes slowly begin to close. ‘Keep it up love. She’s falling asleep.’ “ family.”
He holds her closer and starts to rub her back softly "It's our family baby... And I'll do anything to keep our family safe..." He slowly stands, holding her 'Put the food away... I'll get Mason...' He heads into the living room and gently shakes Mason "Hey... Love, wake up... Let's get to bed..." He slowly rocks Karen and rubs her back.
“,” she mumbles softly. Kevin begins to put the food away, looking up, smiling as they headed towards the living room. Mason jerks awake, startled. “What’s..wrong,” he asks seeing her sleeping with him. Jareth didn’t have to say a word. She looked so peaceful in his arms. “Yeah,” he says smiling. “Lets go to bed.”
They head to a bedroom, Jareth waits for they two to get the bed and themselves ready for bed, then gently passes Karen to Mason. "Just leave room for me..." He smiles and moves to get ready, then crawls in bed with them, he relaxes and looks at them. "Good night... Love you..."
Mason moves quickly and quietly, as does Kevin. Once the two of them are comfortable in bed, carefully he takes Karen from him and puts her to bed. After Jareth crawls into bed with them, he pulls the covers up over them. “I love you,” he tells him. “ All of you, and I’ll see you in the morning.
Jareth smiles and and relaxes, he watches over the three until they are all sleeping, then relaxes and goes to sleep himself.
The nurse smiles down at the two. Nicholas had been cleared to be allowed to sleep, and he wasted no time falling asleep next to Kaden. She had remained in the room because she didn’t want Kaden to panic when he woke up. The doctor comes in and whispers to her, “It won’t be long. Give them a few more minutes, and then you have to wake them.” She nods.

Aliya is up making breakfast for the group. She knows she has to get Melanie to the hospital soon. It’s the only thing keeping her from wanting sex. Kevin stumbles in, yawning and rubbing his eyes. She looks over at him, and her eyes fall to his crotch. “Breakfast will be soon. I..I didn’t know what people liked. So..I made everything I knew how.” Kevin opens his eyes wide. She wasn’t kidding. “Aliya? Are you alright this morning?” “Fine. I’m fine. I just have to hurry so I can Mel to the hospital. Would you mind going to wake her?” “Sure. No problem.” He heads down the hall towards her room. ‘Love? Aliya is up, and she’s made breakfast. I’m going to wake Mel now.”
Kaden shifts closer to Nicholas but doesn't wake, comfortable just being next to him, he sighs softly and relaxes again.

Jareth had been awake for a while, just not wanting to get up, he had smelt when Aliya had started cooking. He shifted once Kevin had gotten up and looks to Mason and Karen, he smiles, he reaches out and runs his fingers over his cheek. "I'm just going to check on everyone... You rest with her a bit longer..." He says softly before going to get dressed.
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