Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth slowly removes his teeth, licking the wound closed before pulling back to look at him, his hand still lightly teasing him as the feeling slowly eb away. "I love you too... And never be embarrassed to tell me what you want..." He kisses him softly again "I wouldn't deny you.." He smiles "Now... If you still want me to take you... It can't be here... Balcony or a room..." He relaxes back and continues to tease him slightly faster, enjoying his slight twitching and soft moans.
Kevin could feel his cock starting to harden already. “Balcony,” he tells him. “I look out at the city below us, and know that I’m being taken while they don’t have a clue as to what’s happening. Please my love.” He blushed. “You said for me not to be embarrassed to tell you what I wanted. Well, I want to be a little dirty. Do you like me like this love?”
Jareth grins and gets them up "Mmm... A naughty little angel... Let me think about it..." He carries him to the doors and kisses him roughly, grinding him against him as they walk outside, he closes the doors and curtains. "What do you think love..." He sets him down and kisses him again, he slowly walks him to the wall by the rail and starts to open his shirt.
“I think….I don’t think. Better..that..way.” Kevin kisses him back, pulling him closer, letting Jareth work the fabric between them free. “Naked..I” His face reddened as he spoke the last word. Telling Jareth what he wanted was one thing, but to use such language was another. His cheeks were warm as he rested his head back. “So..good. Again,” he asked, his finger rubbing over his bite mark. “Please. Again.”
Jareth grins "As you wish my Angel..." He slowly strips them both down, then lifts him up to have him wraps his legs around his waist, teasing against his entrance. "Say it Kevin... Tell me to bite you..." He leans closer and licks at his mark, then kisses down to his chest, licking and nipping at his nipples.
Kevin shudders as Jareth touches him. His kisses are so warm. He can feel his face warming as the blush spreads across. Tightening his legs around him he tells him, “ Please..I..I want to feel..your fangs..sinking..into my skin. I it feels. The electricity..that rips body..every words. Oh please love. I’ll beg you all night..just for one kiss. Do as you please..but don’t deny me..your touch.” Kevin had no idea where the strength was coming from to speak his mind, his heart, so freely, but he let it go.
Jareth looks at him "Mmm... And what has you coming out of your shell my love..." He grins and kisses him roughly, then moves to his neck again, he licks at his mark and teases him, then bites him again as he holds him. "Nnn..." He feels his fangs slowly sinking into his skin and the pleasure spreading through his body, before he tensed too much, Jareth thrust into him fully "Nnn!"
Kevin cries out in pleasure. Every inch of his body feels the surge of electricity running along every nerves. His eyes open wide. He tenses, but only after Jareth has taken him. His body hugs him, embracing him. “I don’t….know,” he groans. “ You….are amazing love.” Kevin closes his eyes, knowing he is now lost to the pleasure his mate is giving him.
Jareth starts to thrust into him, holding him at his hips and thrusting slowly "Nnn..." Jareth sucks a little of his blood, then removes his fangs "Good boy... Just feel..." He bites into him again and picks up speed, his lover wanted to be fucked, he was gonna fuck him to his hearts content. He moans into the bite and growls softly, enjoying this quite a bit, one hand moves up by his head and his claws dig into the brick.
His neck pulses as Jareth tastes his blood. Kevin’s eyes roll back in his head. As much pleasure as he had felt before was nothing compared to this. Being open, telling his mate what he wanted, had freed so much of his emotions that he didn’t even know were behind a locked door. “” He was frustrated. There was so much more he wanted to say..” The words were there. His brain just refused to find the right order for them. He bites him again, and Kevin’s body tightens. His face is flushed as he focuses on Jareth’s body. “ The wall crumbles slightly, sending tiny bits of concrete down his shoulder as Jareth claws destroy it. “Jareth,” he stammers. It was only one word. He could manage that. “Faster.” His body trembled as he begged him for more. ‘Don’t stop love. Please. I need you. I need this. Soft and gentle is fine in another time and place. Here and now, I need you to fuck me.’ At least in his mind, he could find the right order for the words he so desperately wanted to say.
Jareth holds him tighter and starts to thrust up into him faster, but making are his back doesn't scratch too much against the wall. "Nnn..." 'Such a naughty boy tonight... Mmm... Enjoy me my love..." He growls slightly and pulls from his neck, but continues to lick and nip his mark, keeping his pleasure up. "Mmm... You won't be walking after this my lover..." He grins at him, then kisses him roughly.
Kevin’s cries grow louder as Jareth takes him in the manner he wanted him to. It was everything he wanted. His muscles already ached. He was sure Jareth was right. Tomorrow he would certainly feel this, and walking would be interesting. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was how raging hard he was once more. All that mattered was how much he wanted Jareth to cum, filling him, and how much he hoped he could wait and cum with him. His sac ached, wanting to release, but Kevin held back. ‘Yes lover. I am enjoying. I love you and everything you’re giving me. I want all of you love. Give it all to me. Cum for me. Let me see that look of pleasure on your face as you cum.” Kevin was panting, looking at his mate. His hands held his shoulders firmly as he nodded. ‘That’s it love. Cum for me.’
Jareth kept it up, he pulls back to look at him and smirks "I love you too..." He bites his lip and moans, then let's the pleasure take him and closes his eyes, tilting his was back slightly as he gets closer. "Nn... Fuck I'm gonna fill you..." He holds his hip and rolls his up into him harder, he wines "You're so fucking tight..." He rests against his forhead, staring a him and panting "Cum w-with me... I know your close... Cum w-with... Fuck!" He arches his back and cries out loudly, thrusting deep and filling him.
It was all he needed. His words combined with his actions made for a sweet symphony. Kevin moaned, cumming hard as he felt Jareth fill him. His legs were nearly limp, and he could feel cum leaking from around Jareth. His body was cooled as the night air brushed over him. His sweat kissed skin tingled, and he felt alive. “,” he panted, trying to catch his breath. He grinned at Jareth, chuckling. “That You are amazing. I hope..I please you please me.” Keving runs his fingers through Jareth’s hair. “You perfect. I think..I’ll need some help..getting inside. You’re right. I can’t walk,” he laughs.
Jareth was panting and holding Kevin close, his own legs shaking slightly, he could feel how weak Kevin was, his legs barely holding on him. "Of course you do my love... Never think you don't please me baby..." He kisses him softly and slowly pulls from him "Mmm... We may need a shower my love..." He moves them to sit then on one of the chairs, holding him in his lap and still trying to catch his breath.
“Shower,” Kevin questions. “Can we make it a bath? I don’t think my legs will support me,” he laughs. “You’ve drained me of my energy and cum love. I agree though. We do need to get cleaned up.” He turns and looks out at the city. “And they had no idea what was going on up here. The love, the lust, the passion, the sex,” he blushes. “It’s all so beautiful, and they have no idea what was going on. We do need to hurry though. Mason and his daughter should be up and about soon.”
Jareth smiles "I'm glad you opened up and enjoyed yourself baby... You're right, it was amazing... You were amazing..." He holds him close and looks out over the city and smiles "Even if anyone did see... Your all mine and they can't touch..." After a few minutes, he snaps in a blanket and covers them before picking him up to head inside. "I think a bath sounds good... Cause even my legs are a bit shaky..." He smirks and heads into the bathroom.
Kevin grins, snuggling into him. “I can’t believe even your legs are shaky. I hope Nicholas doesn’t mind the damage to the wall. I don’t think he will. In fact, I’ll bet he’s even a little jealous. Have you had him? You asked about me and Aliya. Well, what about you and him? What about you and Mel for that matter?”

She lowered the camera smirking. “Interesting. Two lovers engaged in a hot sexual act. How did you manage to scratch that wall like that? I’ll have to get these pictures blown up. It seems Mason Weathers has some interesting friends.” She picked up her phone and replied to the text she saw.

No. Not ready to break the story yet. More research is needed.

She hit send and smiled looking at the balcony. “Okay Mason Weathers. I’ve got my people looking into Melanie and her disappearance. I’ll know all about her kidnapper soon enough. Until then, these pictures will have to keep me busy. I’m watching you though.”
Kaden slowly starts to wake up, there was a soft kicking against his hand, he blinks open his eyes and smiles, he rubs her belly softly. "Hey... Settle down you three... Mommy needs her rest..." He makes sure Mel is still sleeping, then looks over to Nich's bed.
Melanie groans at the feeling, her hand just missing Kaden’s as she rubs her belly, comforting her children. Betty slowly opens the door. “Everyone still resting peacefully in here?”

Aliya had finished eating and decided to take a walk through the gardens. It was so calm and beautiful there. She wanted to give Nicholas time to rest. He needed it.

“Kaden. Are you sure? The same Kaden that is the CEO of…..Yeah. That’s what I thought. Makes sense why he’s friends with Atoshi. Great! Wonderful! Bring her up. I can’t wait to have words with Atoshi’s doll. The cat burglar didn’t give you any problems did she? Great. Probably for the best you managed to get her alone.” She laughed. “No. I guess not. His bodyguard being busy with his own little toy gave us the window we needed to capture his doll. Yeah. Okay. I’ll see you soon. I’ve got some pictures that I want you to look at too. Two men, and I want to know exactly who they are. See you soon.”
Kaden looks over as Betty opens the door and waves slightly, letting her know he was away and to come in, he smiles at her. "How long have we been sleeping?" He didn't have his watch back on and wasn't sure of the time, he looks over Mel and Nicholas again "How's he doing?"
“You’ve been out for quite a few hours. He’s doing just fine. All his vitals are good. If you want to go get something to eat, they’ll be just fine. I can keep checking on them if you like.”

She opened the door and two men brought her inside. Pushing her down to a chair, Anna glared at her. “What is this all about? Who are you?” “My darling don’t worry about who I am. Give me the right answers, and you can go free.” “What do you want to know?” “Your Master, your precious Atoshi, he is friends with a man by the name of Kaden. What do you know about him?” “He’s never forced me into a meeting. How’s that?” “Cheeky. Stupid but cheeky. You must want to stay with me. Kaden has a woman in his life. Melanie. What do you know about her?” “She’s never forced me to sit down and answer questions.” The woman gives one of the guys a look. Understanding, he moves in front of Anna and slaps her hard with the back of her hand. “You are Atoshi’s doll. Remember. Dolls break.”
Kaden blinks and looks at her "Hours? Wow... I guess I should get up and eat something... Thank you... I just don't want them waking up alone..." He looks around the room "Where's Aliya?" He hoped she hadn't run off again, with Mel and Nich to watch, he couldn't go after her.
“Yes,” she grinned. “Go get something to eat. Aliya is still here. She can help keep an eye on them. That girl can’t stay away from work,” she smiled. “Said she needed it to take her mind off things. Go now. Get yourself something to eat. You’ll need to be at your best when they wake up. I’ll need your help in getting Nicholas to eat. He may not want to. The meds used during surgery could make him feel sick. He’ll still have to eat though.”

“Now. I’ll ask you one more time. Does Kaden know Melanie?” Anna nodded yes. “Good girl. See? You give me the answers I want, and you don’t get hurt. It’s so simple. How does he know Melanie?” “I don’t….I don’t know. All I know is he met her, fell in love with her, and now she’s having his babies. That’s it. I don’t concern myself with anybody outside of Master’s home.” The woman nodded. “Alright. I’ll believe that. Put her in the next room. Let her get some rest. I have another job for you boys.”
Kaden slowly gets up and smiles "Thanks Betty... I have a few calls to make as well..." He grabs his wallet and phone and leaves the room, he heads down to hall to a stairwell and steps inside, he dials his office. "Hey Greg... Yeah, I know I kind of disappeared... I'm sorry... Yes I did... No I didn't think I'd marry a guy either... But you can't help who you love right..." He smiles slightly "So how are things there... Did I do right leaving you in charge?"

Jareth fills the tub and slowly sits them in it, he smiles and holds Kevin close "Bath... Much better..." He relaxes slowly.
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