Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"Mmhmm.." He lightly sleeps against his side, relaxing until Mason arrives.

Jareth looks down as Karen walks in "But as much as daddy wishes... You still find kissing quite fun some day..." He ruffles her hair "You be good... And make sure to have some ice cream for me and Daddy..." He smiles at her and takes Mason's hand "Will bring her home Sweety... Bye..." Jareth nods and they were gone, soon appearing in Nich's office. "There... Didn't want anyone seeing how we got here..." They exit the office and make their way to the front desk.

Atoshi turns as she let in and smiles "So you're his little Mel... What a beauty you are... And carting around those precious bundles..." He walks over and smiles again "She is... And she's a fighter..." He looks to David "Take good care of her... Kaden will be here soon... You should try any rest... I can see you aren't getting enough of it..." Atoshi left the room to enter the other exam room "Oh... What did they do to you little Doll..." He softly tips her chin up to look at her face, looking we over carefully, he pulls her into a gentle hug and rubs her back.
“Good thinking baby.” Mason follows him to the nurse’s desk. Betty points to the room they’re in, and he heads inside. Nicholas smiles. “Baby? Mason and Jareth are here. Time to go get Melanie.”
Melanie watches Atoshi leave. “He sounds like Kaden. Every time I try to get some rest, someone always needs something or something happens. I’m not getting enough rest.” David helps her rest back. “Let’s see if we can hear them.” He presses a small, handheld device to her belly after rubbing a jelly like substance on her skin. A strong sound can be heard thumping through the device. David smiles. “Baby one has a strong heartbeat.” He moves it slowly across her skin until the sound changes. “Baby two is sounding pretty good as well.” It takes him a bit longer to find number three. “There’s number three, and this one was hiding.” Melanie giggles. “Your babies all sound fine Melanie. Now for you to get some rest. I can give you something to help. Let me get you a blanket as well.” He turns to get the blanket from a closet. “You’re going to make and excellent mother. I can sense that about you. Kaden and Atoshi both are lucky men. I’ve never seen Atoshi so happy. I imagine Kaden will look just as happy when he come for….you,” he says returning to find her already sleeping. He smiles and covers her up. “Sleep my dear. You need it.”

Anna looks towards the door when it opens. “Master,” she says as he embraces her. “She hit me. The woman who had us taken hit me in order to get Melanie to talk. She only hit me once. Melanie wouldn’t let her hurt me. So she spilled everything about Kaden. I’m fine though. It’ll heal. How are you,” she asked squeezing him tight.
Kaden slowly stirs and opens his eyes "Already..." He sees Jareth and understands "What about the girls at home? Karen? Kevin?" He sits up as Jareth tells him that everyone is fine, he nods and turns back to kiss Nich softly, smiling at him. "We'll be back soon... The guards should be here shortly... I'll let Aliya know as we're leaving..." He looks to them "You coming as well Jareth?" He crosses his arms slightly and looks to the side "I hope you know I'm not just picking up Melanie and leaving... Those people are going to pay..."

Jareth nods, he had figured as much, he looks to Mason "As long as he wants me there..."

Atoshi cups her cheek and smirks "I'm fine... Although I was mad at you at first... Not answering my calls... I had to give Kitten a session to calm her down... She should be here soon..." He kisses her "David will give you something for the pain... It's not broken is it?"
“I want him with me. We can travel faster that way too. I’m ready to see her, make sure she’s okay, and then go after whoever did this. Kaden’s right. Those people are going to pay.” He clutched his fist, feeling his darkness begin to grow. “Nicholas are you sure you’re going to be alright with your husband gone?” Nicholas smiled. ‘”Of course. I wouldn’t want him to not go. This is something he needs to do. Besides, I’m going back to sleep.” Mason nods to him. “Alright then. Let’s go then. I’m ready to see my wife.”

“I don’t know if it’s broken or not. Kimmy is alright though? My little sister is fine?” “She more than fine. She’s glad you’re….what did they do to you?! I’ll kill ‘em! Where are they?! Let me get my hands on them!” “Kimmy! It’s alright. Master is going to take care of them. You can stay with me. I did miss you, and I hear you got a session to help calm you down. Don’t you want to help calm me down,” she grinned. David opened the door and headed to them. “Melanie is sleeping. Poor dear is exhausted. Let me take a look at that,” he began reaching for her nose. Anna cried out backing away from him. “Afraid so. It’s broken Atoshi. I can make sure it’s set, but she’s going to have some bruising for a while. She’ll heal though and be fine.” “Guess she was right. Dolls can be broken. I’m sorry Master. I shouldn't have let her get me. I should have fought harder."
Kaden nods "Good.. You need to rest... We'll be back before you know it... Alright... Let's go to his office... I need to remember where Atoshi lives... It's been years... Since I was last there..." He smiles and leads the way, letting Betty know about the guards coming to watch Nich, then to Nicholas' office.

Jareth felt it in Mason and turns him before they leave the room, he cups his cheek "Yes... They'll pay... But I won't let you push yourself too far... When I say no more... I mean it... Or I'll stop you myself..." He kisses him softly "I won't them take you too..."

Atoshi steps back as Kimmy enters, then helps hold her from leaving to find them, he was sure his men had them held in the training room. "Relax Kitten... They'll be punished..."
“You won’t lose me. I’m trying to keep it in check,” Mason tells him, “but it’s hard. I want them to suffer. I want them to hurt, and if one hair on her head is messed up, I’ll kill them myself,” he tells him before turning to leave. It felt good to be angry. Mason let it run through his body as he followed Kaden. He didn’t speak.

“They better be. I mean….I know you will Master. I trust you.” “Kimmy,” Anna called to her softly. “Stay with me. I’ve missed you so.” Kimmy could never deny her big sister anything. “Are you sure you’re up for me staying with you?” Anna knew there was more to her staying there than her getting into bed with her. She smiled at her. “Of course I’m up for it. In fact, I want you to. Is it alright Master if we spend some time together while you take care of business?”
Jareth watches him a moment, then follows, he'd have to keep a close eye on Mason, he understood wanting to beat the men took her, be he refused to let it go too far. Kaden gets on the computer right away and get the address "Think you can get us here? But outside the house... We pop up inside right now and we might be shot..." He smirks.

Jareth looks at the place on the screen and nods "Yeah... Just hold on and hope your friend is ready..." They stand and he holds them close, and they're gone.

Atoshi smiles "Of course it is... After David looks to your nose... I don't want you hurt more... I'll see you both later..." He gives each a kiss and heads to the training room.
Mason grips Jareth’s hand tight. He closes his eyes until he’s sure they’ve arrived. Opening them, he takes a look at the house. “Your friend lives here? It’s huge. Do we knock or ring a bell?”

Anna wants to protest, but she knows better. David tilts her head back and looks at her. “Did they hit you anywhere else?” “No. I was careful.” “Good. Your nose will set easily, but you’ll have a lot of bruising.” “It’s okay. I’ll take care of her.” “I’m sure you will Kimmy. I’m sure you will.”

“You listen to me. You will let me go right now before someone notices I’m gone. If I don’t report in to my job, then they will know something happened to me. Let me go now, and maybe I’ll forget the story.” She glared at the man standing watch over her.
Jareth looks to Mason, then to the house once they arrive, the place was large, they were about to move forward when a small group of men start to move towards them from a small guard house. "Watch it..." He growls softly but Kaden steps up and starts to move towards them, Kaden soon turns back to them and waves them closer. "These are my friends... I know I didn't inform Atoshi that they would be coming with me... But Mason is Mel's Husband..."

"Boss... There's a Kaden here... With two other men, one saying they are Mel's husband..." Atoshi listens to then man on the other end "Let them in... If they are with Kaden they are fine..." Atoshi looks to the woman he has tied up "You're in no position to give orders missy... So I'd shut it if I were you..."

"Boss says to show you in... Follow me..."
Mason steps up, following Kaden. All he could think about Melanie. ‘Please let her be alright. Please let her be real. Please don’t let this be a dream.’ He stays close to Kaden, eager to enter the house. Inside it was as grand as one would expect from the outside. “Where’s Melanie,” he asks one of the men. “I’m her husband. Mason Weathers. Where is Melanie Weathers? Is she alright?”

“You must want this story all over the media then. It’ll destroy your company, his company, and the hospital as well. Mention the name Nicholas Hayden to Kaden. Watch his reaction. I’ve got all I need on all of you.” She rested back against the chair smiling. “You want to destroy everybody? Fine. Keep me here. It’ll happen.”
The man looks at Mason "The pregnant one? Yeah she's fine... Bit tired though... Heard she was resting in the medical wing... It's on the way..." He continues to lead them down a few hall, then Jareth's nose twitches, someone smelled familiar, a female. He places a hand on Mason's shoulder 'I've smelt someone here before... A woman... She's not far off...'

The guard stops by a few white doors "You can find Melanie here... Just ask David, our Doctor..." He smiles "The ones being held are further along..." He continues down he hall to show the way. Kaden looks to Mason "You check on Mel... I'll go see them... Tell her I'll be back soon... I'll send for you ok?" He looks to Jareth "You staying with him?" Jareth shrugged "If he wants me to..."

"That little story of yours isn't gonna be seen by anyone... Your going to give me all the information back... And forget you ever heard of us..." He grins and gets in her face "Because for all the information you've got... I bet you don't know the first thing about me... Or how I work..." He smirks "But I'm going to show you just how I work..."
Mason looks at the doors before looking at Jareth. “Go with Kaden. I want some time alone with her first. Please. Once I’m sure she’s okay, I’ll join the rest of you. I just want a minute alone with her.” He was holding back his tears of joy that she was there. “I thought I lost her,” he tells Jareth, letting a tear fall. Quickly he wipes it away. “I can’t lose her like that again. I don’t blame you Kaden,” he tells him,looking at him. “You didn’t take her, but you were willing to help find her. I thank you for that. Can I see my wife,” he asks, not waiting for an answer as he pushes the doors open.

When he enters, he sees her sleeping. “Melanie,” he whispers softly, not wanting to wake her. Quietly he moves over to her. His hands barely touch her face before he sits down next to her in the chair by the bed. “My sweet Melanie.” His voice is low. He puts his arm around her and rests his head on the bed letting go of what he had been holding back.

“Are you threatening me Atoshi? Not a wise choice. I can destroy you, and you know it. Otherwise you wouldn’t be so worried about the information I have on you and your little friends. You’re Kitten, your doll, and your friend and his fucked up family. You know I know all about them. I might kill the story if you let me go. Keep me here, and I’ll bring every single one of you down. Including doctor Nicholas Hayden.”
Kaden nods and smiles slightly "Thanks Mason... I'm glad we found her too..." He turns to follow the guard, knowing Jareth will catch up.

Jareth smiles at him and kisses him softly "Alright... Go ahead and see her... Take all the time you want... These people won't be going anywhere..." He watches him enter the room for turning to Ollie Kaden and the guard, that scent was getting stronger.

Kaden had entered the room just as she threatened Nicholas and he glares at her, walking forward, he ignores Atoshi and backhands her hard across the face. "That was for Mel..." He grips her hair and tilts her head up and glares at her "When I'm done... You'll wish you never heard of me..." Atoshi laid a hand on his shoulder and he looks back, he gives her hair another tug before stepping back, giving Atoshi a half hug. "Thanks again..." Atoshi smirks "Any time..."

Jareth entered the room shortly after Kaden hit her, and it hit him, he growls low and moves closer "You!?"
Before she can say anything, his blow hits her across the face hard. She turns back to face him, defiant, glaring. Atoshi gets him to step back, and she hisses at him, “Too late. I already wish I had never heard of you.” The doors open again, and her eyes widen when she sees Jareth. “That’s right. You remember me, don’t you?”

Mason runs his fingers through her hair. She looked so peaceful. “I’m never gonna let anything happen to you. I promise. I want going to fight to keep you safe. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
Atoshi was about to say something when he heard the growl, he looks from Kaden to Jareth "Is he... Growling?" He looks back to Kaden "You're friends with... A demon?"

Kaden smiles and rubs his neck "Yeah... He's with Mel's husband..." He looks to Jareth "You know her? How?"

Jareth growls louder at her "Mason bumped into her... The night he went drinking... He thought she was Mel..." He stands before her "Why do this... He never hurt you... Neither did we..." He looks to the two of them "What do you have planned... Why did she do this..."

Atoshi looks at him "She wanted information on Mason and Kaden... And me... And she has a lot of it... But as of just hasn't said where it is hidden..."

Kaden grins "Jareth... You can help with that... Can't you..." Jareth growls again and grins, showing his fangs "Of course I can..." He turns back to her, his eyes starting to glow softly.
She looks at Jareth as his eyes start to glow. “You wanna know why? I’ll tell you why. Because I was curious. It was his pain that made me curious. He was in so much pain that night. The way he clung to me, the way he called me Melanie, I could feel his pain. I wondered why. I wondered what had happened to him to cause him so much pain. What had Melanie done to hurt him so much? So I started digging, and the information kept coming. Piece by piece I put the puzzle together, and now I have this massive picture. It’s beyond anything I could have imagined. I know why he was hurting so much. Because he loves her, and she left him, she turned her back on him to be with the man who took her. He kidnapped a woman from her loving husband, and not only does he get to get away with it, he gets to be a father! That’s disgusting. He should pay for what he’s done. If you don’t agree, then you’re just as bad as he is. I could kill the whole story though. Is that what you want? Do you want all of your information back? Every copy in your hands? Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t go public with what I have?”

Mason stands, looking down at her sleeping. Nodding, he knows what he has to do. He leaves the room and heads down the hall.
Kaden looks to her and glares "You think I dot know what I did was wrong.. You think I haven't paid for my mistakes! I have! But you wouldn't know any of that..."

Jareth was man, but remained calm, he reaches out and holds her chin, his eyes glow a deep red, catching her in his state. "Now... You're gonna tell us what we want to know... Aren't you..."

Atoshi takes Kaden's arm and pulls him back, "What is he doing..." He whispers to him, Kaden just tells him to watch.
She listens to Kaden speak and was about to respond when Jareth took her chin. The woman narrowed her eyes at him as his eyes glowed. “Demon,” she whispered before slipping under his control. “Yes,” she replied softly. “I’m gonna tell you….what you want to know.”

Mason throws the doors open and heads right for her. “Out of my way Jareth,” he tells him, pushing him aside. He slaps her hard across the face with the back of his hand. “That’s for Melanie!” He hits her again, forcing her head to turn. “That’s for my child!” Again he slaps her, turning her head again. “That is for what you put Kaden through by taking her!” He quickly sits down on her lap and closes his fingers around her throat. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t choke the life out of you right now?” He starts to squeeze, his fingers sinking into her skin. Mason smiles looking at her. “I can feel your heart beating. Not for long.”
Kaden and Atoshi look up, but aren't fast enough to stop him "Mason stop!"

Jareth quickly steps back as Mason goes after her, she's locked in a trace and can't answer her "Mason... Love stop... If you kill her... You'll never see any of us again... She has information baby..." He slowly moves to get in his line of sight and reaches out to hold his wrists "Mason... Baby look at me... I know she hurt you... But if you do this... She wins... Please..."

Kaden watches and keeps Atoshi back "Jareth is the only one that can stop him... Just stay back..." He looks at him "It's hard to explain..." Atoshi nods slowly.
Mason’s eyes are fixed on her. He can hear Jareth talking, but he can’t let go of her neck. “I can’t do that Jareth. She has to die. I want her blood….on my hands.” He grins. “I want to feel her life leave her body. I want her to fucking suffer!” He tilts his head looking at her. Jareth’s words still play in his mind. He can feel his touch. “Baby,” he asks softly. He slowly lets go of her, seeing the bruising around her neck. His eyes meet Jareth’s. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I couldn’t….help it. I couldn’t stop. I still want..her blood..on my hands. I want to feel it, see it. Oh baby I’m so sorry. Why did she do this?”
As soon as Mason let's go, Jareth pulls him from her and into his arms "Shhh... It's ok baby... I know... I know it's hard to fight..." He spoke softly and moves them away from her, he looks to Kaden, still holding Mason close. "She'll tell you anything now... We just need a minute..." Jareth moves them several feet away, just out of ear shot and cups his cheek "Tell me you don't want her dead... Tell me it wasn't you hurting her..." He kept himself between him and the others so it was only Jareth Mason could focus on.

Kaden nods and looks to Atoshi "Ever delt with demons..? Mason was... Possessed by one... And is still fighting it..." He steps away from him and walks over to their captive. "Alright... Time to do some talking... Who else knows any of this..."
“I..I was watching. I could hear..myself saying those things, but I want them Jareth. I want her dead,” he tells him through gritted teeth. “I want her to suffer like she made us suffer. It want these things. I can feel the warmth spreading..through my body Jareth. It feels good. I look at her, and I want..her to die. I want to watch her struggle as her blood..spills to the floor. Her blood. It’s all I can see. It’s all I can think of, and it scares me baby. I’m so scared, but I want it. I won’t..hurt her though. I promise. I fight, and I feel so..sick..for doing it, but I’ll keep fighting. I promise. Just don’t leave me with her. Please.”

She looks up to him and smiles. “My..two assistants..know. They helped..with my research, and Alex will know. Soon."
Jareth lets him speak and get it all out, then cups his cheeks and leans in to kiss him softly but deeply "I know how it feels baby... probably better then you... And I'm so proud of you... For fighting it... I love you... So does Kevin and Mel... Your baby girl Karen... And we all want to keep you around..." He hugs him close "I'm not going anywhere love..." He smiles at him "And I'll even help you think of another warmth spreading through your body... One you can have anytime you want..." He kisses his mark to give him a soft tingle.

Kaden glares slightly again, then looks to Atoshi "Have your man work over the other two..." He looks back to her "Who's Alex... And how will he know..."
Mason trembles in his arms. “Thank you baby. Thank you.” He makes sure he can’t see what’s going on. Jareth kisses his mark, and he groans softly. “When we’re When we’re done…..” He pulls back and look at Jareth. ‘When we’re done here, please..hold me..make love to me. Tell me you will do that.’ He grips Jareth’s body, pulling him close again. ‘Please. Say you will baby. Say you will take me somewhere quiet and hold me, letting me feel your body and how much you love me. Make me forget all of this ugliness.’

Her eyes widen. “He? a girl. She will know..when my computer sends the email. Unless I’m stop will automatically..send. It’s a fail the event..something happens to me. I told you. Let me go, and I could..kill the story. Keep me here, and the email..will send.”
Jareth holds him closer and growls softly "Of course... You don't even have to ask love... As soon as everyone is home safe... You and me will go somewhere... Anywhere you want..." He kisses him softy, and stands straight again, cupping his cheek. "Now let's make sure our family is safe..." He slowly walks them back to the others.

Kaden looks to Atoshi "Do you have her laptop... Get it..." He looks back to her "Can you stop the email from being sent..." Atoshi calls for her laptop to be brought in.
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