Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth smiles at him and waves him over, pulling him to sit on his lap 'Why would it bother me...' He kisses him softly 'And you missed the talk I had with Karen... I told her I would be treating her like one of my own from now on... She'll never hand to be alone or feel afraid again...' He smirks 'She's like you... She likes my growl and a back rub...'
He smiles at him. 'You're an enchanting man. Of course she would like it. I love it.' He looks towards the closed door. 'Kevin is in the next room. Melanie is sleeping. Why don't you and I let these two sleep and the three of us doing a little catching up?' He leans in to kiss his lips softly. "I've missed you," he whispers against his lips.
Jareth smiles and growls softly again "Mmm... I've missed you too..." He glances at the two on the bed "They'll be fine..." He stands them up and leads them from the room silently, then in to see Kevin. "Mmm... Time for us to have some fun boys..." He turns to Mason and pins him to the door, kissing him with a hunger and growling softly, their bonds were open, allowing Kevin to feel. "Nnn... I should be putting you over my knee and smacking your ass... You've been so bad..." He tips his head up and starts to nip at his neck, running his fangs over his pulse "But I'm just too happy to have you back... And to be alive..." He bites his neck softly "Soon..." He then steps back to attack Kevin, allowing Mason to undress if he wants to, he kisses Kevin roughly and pulls him up and wraps his legs around his waist. "You ready for some fun little angel..." He grinds his hips against him, holdin him up.
Mason didn’t have time to respond to Jareth’s words before he had him pinned against the door. Kevin relaxed in the chair in the corner of the room, moaning at the kiss he felt. “Yeah. I’ve been..really..bad, but you..don’t do that to me. Do you. You would rather..spend this kind of..time..with me. Wouldn’t you?” As Jareth tells him, ‘soon,’ Mason wonders but doesn’t ask. “Yes love,” Kevin tells him. He loves to hear Jareth call him his little angel. With his legs around Jareth, he looks over at Mason and grins. Finally it was the three of them again, and he couldn’t wait.

Aliya knocks on the door softly. "Nicholas? Kaden?" When she gets no answer, she pushes the door open. Looking around the room, she wonders where they are. Then she spots the note. "What's this? Great. I hope they have fun." Grinning, she takes the note and heads towards the room she knows Kevin is in. "Hey guys. It looks like it's just....." She stops hearing Jareth growl and Kevin moan. "Me. Looks like it's just me." Aliya lays the note down on the table and stares at the door. "Why not?" Grabbing her bag, she heads out. "I'll find something to do." She stops at a local park and gets out. There was cart selling various snacks and drinks. Aliya paid for a bottle of water and found a seat. She stared at the huge fountain and smiled.
Jareth growls low and kisses Kevin again before setting him down by the bed, he steps back to slowly undress himself, so both boys can watch.

Not long after Aliya entered the park, a pair of eyes spotted her from across the way, their owner grins as he stands and moves closer. "Well... If I haven't seen that look before... Let me guess... Man troubles?" He takes a seat next to her on the bench, he was about her height if not a little taller, young looking, about 28-29, piercing blue eyes and neck length black hair with frosted blue tips. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone... Would you mind if I joined you...?" His outfit was a rocker punk style with jeans and leather, ears and nose pierced and a pair of black fingerless gloves that went to his elbows.
“That’s right,” Mason whispers to him. “Real slow. I want to see your skin revealed to me real slow. Tease me.” Kevin grins, feeling his cheeks blush. “Yeah. Please love. Do it just like that.”

She giggles. “Man troubles. You could say that. About five of them to be exact.” She looks over at him, and her smile widens. “You come here often? That sounds so cheesy. Doesn’t it,” she laughs again.
Jareth looks at both and grins, continuing the slow strip "Mmm... My men agree on something... I like that..." He drops his shirt to the floor "Well, don't I get a show in return... Or am I just eye candy..." He makes his eyes flash red and glances at them both, grinning with his fangs showing.

Damon smirks "Five... Well... You would have your hands full... Or several other areas..." He grins "not at all... But I come here a few times a week... Just to relax and clear my head..." He looks her over "So... None of these five men are willing to give you time of day... They must be blind... And to let you alone this close to dark..." He shakes his head slightly then holds out his hand "Damon..."
Kevin swallows hard looking at him. Mason grins and stands, pushing him back a step. “If you want these clothes off of me, you’ll have to rip them off….demon.”

“They’re all with each other. I’m sure you understand what I mean,” she gives him a knowing look. “Aliya,” she says reaching for, and shaking, his hand.
Jareth growls louder at him and hisses "Boy..." He glances at Kevin and smirks "And what about you Angel... Strip..." He takes a few steps closer to Mason.

Damon chuckles "Ah... Taco not on the menu today... That sucks..." He smirks "or at least they do!" He laughs and shakes back "Well.. Aliya, would you like me to keep you company today..." He grins.
"Boy," Mason asks leaning close to him. "Good to see you again. Have you missed me?" Kevin slowly stands, feeling the growing tension between them. He was beyond aroused watching Mason call to him. Kevin begins to work his shirt open. His fingers showed his emotions as he fumbled with the buttons.

She laughed. "Yeah. They do suck, among other things." She looks over at him meeting his gaze. "Yeah. I'd like that Damon. Thank you."
His eyes glow red and he reaches out, fisting his hand in his hair and pulling him closer, growling at him. "You had some nerve boy... Even letting him die..." He tips his head back, he glances at Kevin a moment and lets a few 'fingers' trail over his chest as he finally gets the buttons open. He focuse on Mason again and bares his fangs "You want these... Don't you..." He leans in and nips at his neck, his fangs longer as they drag over his skin.

He smiles, "So then little lady... Where to?"
Kevin moans as he sits back down on the bed. His eyes never leave Jareth. Mason glares into his eyes until he feels Jareth’s fangs across his skin. “I had some nerve for letting him die. So what are you gonna do about it? Do you not trust me anymore? Huh demon? Make your move or shut your mouth, turn around, and bend over so I can fuck your ass.”

“Where to huh? You know, I’ve got a taste for some ice cream. I know it may be silly, but I would love some. What do you say? Ice cream shop down the street from here? My treat.”
He growls darker and tilts his head more "Fine..." He holds him still and burries his fangs in his neck, but it's not pain he feels, but and intense pleasure that rips through his whole body. He holds him there for a few minutes, keeping him up, then slowly removes his fangs and licks the wound closed, his new mate mark. He slowly helps him to sit on the bed to let him relax, he looks to Kevin, that was one thing he didn't feel. His eyes soften and he smiles "Alright little angel... Are you ready to be mine completely..." He moves to him and slowly crawls over him, kissing up his chest, he cups his cheek and kisses him softly, then looks at him.

Damon smiles "Now what kind of man would I be if I let you pay..." He stands from the bench and gently pulls her up "You can show me the way... But you aren't paying..." He smirks and pulls her close, looking at her "Maybe later... We can even share something... Sweeter..." He then pulls back and starts for the exit of the park, arm gently around her waist, keeping her close.
Mason’s body is stiff as Jareth’s fangs sink into his skin. His mouth is open, but he doesn’t moan. He grips Jareth tightly as the pleasure surges through his body. With ever beat of his heart, he feels it stronger and stronger. Without Jareth, he would have fallen to the floor. He moves to the bed with his help, and once he’s there, he falls back resting on it.

Kevin has watched facinated and somewhat afraid. As Jareth approaches, he begins to pant. With each kiss, he watches as he comes closer to his lips. “Yes,” he whisapers between kisses into his lips. “I’m ready.”

“Something sweeter,” she says after he’s pulled her up and closer to him. She had to admit she liked the sound of that. His arm was around her, and as Aliya looked at him, she caught it. There was something about him. “What did you say your name was,” she asked.
Jareth smiles at him and kisses him once more "Good... Now just relax... This won't hurt..." He was glad Kevin was already laying down, he knew his angels legs would give right out on him, he kisses to his neck. "Mmm... I've waits so long for this..." He sucks at his neck lightly, then slowly presses his fangs into him, the feeling was different for him, the please was slowly building as he sank his fangs deeper, only to explode once in him fully. "Mmm..." He holds him and stays there for a few minutes.

He glances at her and smirks, a hint of a fang peeking out "Damon..." He looks back a head of them, holding her a bit closer "My father gave it to me..."
“O-Okay,” he whispers, swallowing hard once more just before he feels Jareth’s lips on his skin. Kevin slowly closes his eyes. “Me..too,” he gasps as he feels Jareth’s fangs sink into him. His entire body shuddered. Kevin nearly came from the pleasure he felt. His hands reached for Jareth’s head, grabbing him as he sat there. Soft moans slipped from his mouth as he held his mate.

“D-Damon.” She was certain he knew she had seen his fang. Aliya kept her eyes on him. “Where are you from Damon,” she asked, her voice a little shaky.
He slowly pulls away and licks the wound closed, each touch sending light shocks of pleasure through him, he looks at him and smiles. "See... Didn't hurt a bit..." He had felt what each of them had but had held himself back to keep from hurting them, now he was panting slightly and just as excited as the two of them, if not more. He stands back up and finished removing his clothes, then gets the lube and crawls on the bed. "Well... Are you just going to lay there boy..." He tosses one tube to Mason and keeps the other with him.

He chuckles softly as they continue out of the park "Oh... A little further south..." He looks down the street "So... Which way to the ice cream shop... Aliya.." He turns and smiles at her.
Mason slowly begins to move, grabbing the tube of lube. “On your knees demon. Don’t make me force you that way. You can taste your little boy over there while I take you.” Keving grinned hearing Mason’s words. He liked the thought of Jareth’s mouth around him while Mason had his way with him.

“Oh. How far down south Damon? Please. Tell me.” She began to lead him in the direction of the ice cream shop, leaving her car behind. It wasn’t far, and it was a nice night for a walk.
Jareth growls slightly, but moves Kevin up on the bed slightly and moves so Mason can get behind him on the bed, looking up at Kevin. He slowly works his pants open, then pulls them off him "I smelt that... Your scent spiked..." He kisses up his thighs slowly "You want me sucking you... Don't you..." He licks up the underside of his cock slowly "Say it... I want to hear you tell me..." He shifts his ass up more for Mason, but doesn't look away from Kevin.

Damon smirks "Do I really need to tell you where I'm from..." He glances at her as they continue to walk, they get to the shop and he holds the door open for her.
Mason watches him, grinning. Kevin can’t take his eyes of him either. He trembles as Jareth begins to kiss up his body. “I….I want….to,” he stammers. “Pl-Please..oh please..t-taste me,” he groans resting his head back as Jareth licks him. “Thank you love. Thank you.” Mason can hear Kevin panting. He lubes his fingers up, the smile never leaving his face. Slowly he pushes one finger inside Jareth. “Aaaahhhhh. My demon is tight. Such a shock. How many cocks have you had in your ass demon?”

“No,” she says to him as they walk. When the reach the shop, and he holds the door open, she looks at him and says, “just like I don’t have to tell you where I’m from. Do I?”
Jareth growls again and moans against Kevin's leg, nipping it lightly. "Nnn..." He glances back at Mason "In the last hundred years... 3... And two of them are in this room..." He looks back to Kevin and starts to lick up his cock, but ignoring the head, moaning softly against him.

Damon grins "No... That pure scent is hard to miss..." He whispers as he followers her inside and up to the counter "After you..." He starts to look over the flavours.
"Good," he tells him before he smacks his ass and rubs. "These two will be the last two you have again. Do you understand me demon?" Another smack before he rubs. Mason continues and adds a second finger. Slowly he works him and begins to spread his fingers apart. "Mason," Kevin whispers. "Don't..make him..mad. My cock..his..mouth." Kevin could barely make a sentence. Jareth was already making him fall apart.

"Vanilla please," she tells the girl behind the counter. "So you know..where..I'm from, and I know where you're from. You're him. Aren't you Damon?"
With each smack Jareth growls louder but doesn't react, he nips gently along his shaft and licks, he uses one hand to massage his sac and the other to finally touch his tip. "I won't hurt you love..." His red eyes look back at Mason "But I agree... No others shall take me..." He goes back to Kevin, his hand was teasing and lightly massaging his head. "How's that my Angel..."

"Oh look... A flavour for me..." He turns to the lady behind the counter "Devilishly dark chocolate please..." He turns to Aliya and smiles "Comeing from someone like you... I don't have to clarify who 'he' is..." Taking his ice team and paying, he has a lick "But yes... I am the one your kind fears..." He whispers and grins at her.
“I thought about telling you to get him ready so you could fuck him while I fuck you, but no. I want him to see the look in your eyes with his cock stuffed down your throat as I take you. You hear me demon? Come on! Growl for me!” He lands a hard smack followed by another one before he rubs this time. Pulling his fingers from him, he lubes himself up. Moving closer her lines up behind him. “Now shove his cock down your throat and look into his eyes. He’s gonna feel you moan all over him as I fill your ass demon.” Kevin whimpers at the thought. He wants to feel Jarth’s throat, and he’s so aroused watching Mason’s dominate side.

“My kind,” she says taking a seat at one of the small, round tables outside the shop. “My kind does fear him. So what is a devil like you doing buying a sweet angel like me ice cream? Trust me. The irony of those words in that question are not lost on me, but they are intentional.”
He growls louder, then snarls and turns to glare at him "Watch it!" He glares for a few minutes before turning back to Kevin and suddenly deeps him. He groans and growls around him, looking up at Kevin and bobbing quickly.

He chuckles and sits with her "I have been locked in for Years... Why wouldn't I want to be out and... Sample... What this world has to offer..." He grins and looks at her "And just look what I find..."
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