Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"The only one here with a long face is Jean." Ronan said, making Meara snort and cover her smile with her hand.
Jean looked over with a glare and Carmina gave an apologetic smile before nudging Ronan hard, "Be nice." She hissed, "Tell me what's wrong."
"Sorry Jean." Meara held up a hand, giving an apologetic smile. "Back upstairs... That Titan... I dunno... It- It's stupid."
Ronan rubbed his neck and shoulder. "That Titan just... Reminded me of someone... It's eyes... It looked kinda like Jaeger." "Eren? But he's d-" "Yeah I know."
Meara finished filling up her tanks, checking her blades before turning to Carmina. "Ready?" Ronan finished filling his tanks and nodded as well.
Meara joined up with everyone else, making sure no one else was left behind. "Alright, now we have enough gas to get out, but what about all the other titans?" Ronan asked.
"Now's our chance to get over the wall." Armin said. "While they're distracted with that Titan... Though I wish we could've taken it with us... Maybe we could've used it more."
Mikasa nodded and was about to leave but stopped, seeing a new Titan approach. The Rogue Titan suddenly shot up and threw the others off it before running over and biting down on the back of the Titan's neck, killing it
Meara got up onto the roof and Ronan looked back to Mikasa. "We really should get out of here before the other Titans lose interest in the rogue Titan and find an interest in us."
"Wait...!" Mikasa watched the Rogue get killed and fall to the ground. She frowned heavily and was about to leave until she noticed something. Something came out of the back of the Rogue's neck. A human. Mikasa gasped when she saw who it was; "Eren...!"
Ronan blinked and gave Mikasa a look that said 'you're crazy', but sure enough when he looked over to the fallen Titan, there was Eren, emerging from the nape of the dead Titans neck. "No way..."
Everyone rushed over and Mikasa ran to Eren, catching him before he face planted into the ground. She began to cry and Carmina's own emptiness returned, but she kept her best poked face
Meara stood beside Carmina, frowning softly, hand touching Carmina's. "Eren was in... The Titan..?" He blinked, Ronan didn't understand what was going on, all he knew was that Eren was alive.
Everyone hopped over the wall and Carmina frowned when some of the Garrison escourted Mikasa, Armin and Eren. She looked down and walked off when they were told to go with the other soldiers and were ordered to keep quiet about Eren
Meara sat on a barrel, staring down at the ground with a soft frown. She had made Carmina get checked out by a medic for her head.
Carmina sat lifelessly as the medic checked her out. Just a bump, nothing too serious. Carmina moved and sat against the wall, pale blue eyes dull and hollow
"Carmina...?" Meara's soft voice drifted over as the girl crouched in front of Carmina, a worried look on her face.
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