I never wanted to go on this mission (Lounger x Jugger)

"I...I'm not deciding! I already decided! I mean....oh just shut up" Sakura growled and twitched angrily before folding her arms beneath her large breasts, inadvertently pushing them up slightly in her jacket. She moved to walk beside him as they headed out of the city, letting Nathan lead the way...and making sure she didn't get infront of him so that he would have the opportunity to grab her ass again. "So they're operating pretty far out of the city....makes sense...secluded, nobody going to come across you accidentally...."
"Yeah...And any accidental discovered can be met with 'accidental' deaths to whoever discovered them." He replied as he walked on with her. "They supposedly forge their weapons deep in some mine that was abandoned, but some excavation proved that to be entirely wrong to the point some miners simply had to hire blacksmiths to make weapons for them using the ore they make, and then those miners sell it to the samurai at an even larger cost than it did to make the weapons in the first place. The samurai get high quality goods for cheaper than market sales and the miners make some extra cash in their pocket." He replied. "We're coming up on the mine now...I think we'll just have to evacuate the miners and then collapse the mine and then that'll get rid of the source long enough for us to take out the samurai...Sure they can simply dig it all back out, but the samurai will be long gone before they get a chance to sell to them again."
"First thing we need to do is clear the mine......we need to be discreet, there's no point in killing the miners, they're probably just trying to support their families the only way they can" Sakura reached into the pouch at her side. "We should infiltrate the mine, plant smoke and paper bombs at strategic points. First, detonate the smoke bombs, fill the mine with smoke. The miners will all evacuate thinking there's been an accident, then we can use the paper bombs to collapse it entirely rather than just the entrance. No casualties, our involvement is completely unknown and we cut off both the supply of materials and the actual weapon forge itself. With the entire mine collapsed, it'll cost more to dig it back out than they'd make selling the weapons discreetly" She put the bombs back into her pouch, glancing towards Nathan. "We just need to observe some of the miners, enough for a simple transformation Jutsu to infiltrate without arousing suspicion"
"Meh. You make it simple when it could simply just be fun." He murmured. "But its a plan at least. Sure." Nathan's mind was still in the gutter, however...as he simply thought about how long it'd be before the two of them would have sex once more. He knew that Sakura's plan was a great one...There was no need for bloodshed. But he was already hooked on the Cherry Blossom that was Sakura Haruno. She was making him work hard for it too...maybe thats why he was so hooked? Its taking time but its damn worth it. "So I hope you brought some smoke bombs and paper bombs with you...because all I've got is one paper bomb to scatter a crowd."
"One paper bomb? And you call yourself a ninja...." Sakura rolled her eyes. "Well at least one of us came prepared" She fished into her pouch, pulling out several smoke and paper bombs. "Here, distribute these at the best points through the mine...make sure there are extra bombs around the entrance too, we have to make sure it collapses completely to make any excavation work much more difficult. I'll handle the deeper parts of the mine" She stepped back, then quickly used a transformation jutsu to disguise herself as one of the miners, turning to head inside as discreetly as possible so that the other miners didn't look at her too closely.
He nods as he accepts the bombs from Sakura, and watches as she goes about disguising herself as a miner. He waits for her to go in...and waits for the coast is clear. He would plant the bombs around the entrance like she said, and collapse it on her way out...expecting her to be able to do something in regards to blowing it up inside. Nathan was not...good at transforming...so he was forced to stay outside and get ready to toss the Kunai Bombs when the girl would come running out. "Hopefully if I do a good enough job...Sakura will fuck me again..."
Sakura was, perhaps as to be expected, quick and professional in executing her mission. Even with the disguise she went virtually unnoticed as she infiltrated the mine, moving to its deepest parts and discreetly setting the bombs in places they wouldn't be discovered, at least not in the time it would take for her to be finished anyway. Within just a few minutes she was emerging from the mine once again, glancing up towards Nathan's hiding place and giving him a discreet signal that she was clear. A moment later smoke began pouring out of the mine, followed quickly by more coughing miners, all of them hurrying out, ready to give Nathan his chance to detonate the entrance, which would trigger a chain reaction and detonate the other bombs Sakura had planted.
Nathan saw her, knowing Sakura at first sight as she emerged from the cave and motioned for him to get ready. He watched as smoke began to fill the cave, causing the workers to suddenly come rushing out, coughing up a storm. He waited until it seemed no one else was going to emerge...and he threw his kunai bombs. Upon impact into the walls around the cave, their paper began to burn until the fires sparked the gunpowder on them...creating a loud explosion that collapsed the opening of the cave. Nathan grinned as he stayed in cover, waiting for Sakura to come over to him.
Sakura certainly wasn't disappointed with Nathan's aim at the least, he had been bang on target, triggering the bombs around the entrance, which in turn triggered the bombs within the mine as well, all of them going off perfectly in sequence to collapse the whole thing.
With all the commotion it was easy for Sakura to slip away unnoticed, returning to Nathan's hiding spot and releasing the transformation jutsu. "Alright....there's not a chance they'll be able to dig that out....it'd be like making a whole new mine from scratch. We'd better get away from here though and get back to town....we can't afford to be even suspected of being involved in this"
He smiled as he looked to Sakura as she explained the situation now that he collapsed the cave behind the miners. "Sounds good to me." He said as he crept off. Once he was a good distance away from the miners, Nathan began to head into a full sprint back toward the town so they could get as far away from the crime scene as possible. He looked back, wondering if Sakura had begun following him or if she managed to get ahead of him as he raced for the village.
Sakura moved quickly in order to follow Nathan away from the 'crime scene'....of course as ninja they were able to move more than fast enough to get away, not taking at all long to get back to the village, slipping in discreetly and back on the streets like the newlywed couple they were meant to be. "....Well, that went better than I expected. You weren't too bad back there after all....surprisingly enough" She folded her arms beneath her chest, inadvertently pushing her breasts up slightly as she looked at him. "Now we just need to keep a low profile for a day or two before we go after the rest of the operation"
Nathan heard the compliment and laughed a bit. "I am a great ninja when I need to be, Sakura baby." He said with a playful wink to her as he moved over to her, grinning deviously. "Maybe I earned some love tonight~?" He said rather seductively as he looked her in the eyes rather than her breasts. There seemed to be something different about his gaze as he peered into her eyes, his hands in his pockets as he smiled at her. He didn't seem like he wanted it just for the sex...like...there was something else in his eyes that he had in mind with the 'love' they would be making.
Sakura decided to let the 'baby' comment slide after his good work....he had got the intel leading them to the mine, and he had flawlessly carried out his part of the mission....so she figured he deserved at least a little break.....though she soon thought she might be regretting that. "Earned some....oh for....is there ever a single moment when you're not thinking about that?" Sakura sighed and shook her head, then blinked as she realised he was looking her in the eye for once....and there was something....different....about his expression. For some reason....it made her cheeks flush a soft shade of pink. ".....Why're you looking at me like that....?" In all honesty, she wasn't sure how to react when he wasn't being a total pervert...he'd caught her completely off guard.
Nathan simply smiled at her as she asked that, but said nothing as he just walked on ahead...walking back into the town without saying so much as a word to her. He wanted to leave her in suspense...Let her figure out what he meant by the way he was looking at her. Sakura had become a special person to him...and he knew he didn't show that much, what with his perverted comments and constant molestations he gave her. So he decided to cut her a break...and tried, in his own way, to show her just how important she was to him before he headed off.
Wait...what just happened? Sakura stood there blinking, thoroughly confused. She had cut him a break....and rather than the expected onslaught of pervertedness he had....well....she wasn't sure what he had just done. He'd just....walked away....? "Um....huh...?" She blinked again, watching him go, before slowly turning to follow him, her being the one behind him for a change. "He's gotta be planning something....has to be....no way he'd just....change suddenly like that....he's got some....perverted plan up his sleeve..." She nodded slightly to herself as she followed behind him, watching Nathan suspiciously.
Nathan finally stopped...and turned to look at Sakura who was walking behind him rather than beside or in front of him like she usually did. "Uh...are you the one staring at my ass now?" He said jokingly as he walked over to her to walk beside her. "Come on. You can't be that suspicious of me can you? Now isn't the time...as much as I would love to be perverted with you...well..." He rubbed the side of his neck. "I kind of can't be perverted with you right now..." He seemed like he was hiding something...or rather it was deadly obvious that he was hiding something from her.
"Feh, like I'd be staring at your ass. I doubt there's even anything worth staring at about it" She smirked slightly, then watched him carefully. "Hm....? Can't be...?" She raised an eyebrow, clearly just getting more suspicious with every passing second. "Alright, out with it. What are you up to? What are you hiding?" She leaned in a little closer. "You're not going anywhere or doing anything until you tell me" Her glare was clearly angry....who knew how she might react if she was defied.
Nathan could see how angry Sakura seemed to be getting. "Come on. Whats with all the questions? Can't I get a bit of privacy of my own? I don't ask you 'Why' every time you deny me sex when I want it." He murmured, no hostility in his voice though his tone of voice did seem like he was a bit...tired and didn't feel like talking about some recent happenings that seemed to have arisen. "Lets just leave it at I can't be perverted with you right now okay...? There is a reason that you'll find out soon enough before the day is over...but I just don't want to talk about it okay?"
Now she was even more suspicious.....sure Sakura couldn't pretend to know Nathan well but she knew he was certainly not this withdrawn normally. "Privacy is normally the absolute last thing on your mind, certainly has been the last few days. Now, I can't afford to have you distracted while we're on our.......honeymoon..." She could hardly say mission, they were still in public after all, never knew who was listening. "So why don't you just tell me what's bothering you and maybe I can help you out somehow?"
He sighed. It seemed like she wasn't going to let this go. He sighed and took her hand. "Come on then..." He said as he led her back to the hotel that they were staying in so they could be in a more...private area. He was wondering if he should just lie to her rather than tell the truth...but something told him that Sakura would know if he was lying or not. Once they were in their room, he turned to look at the big breasted girl as he sat on the bed. "Someone from my...past...has made contact with me." He murmured. "Lets just say I can't show too much emotion for you until I resolve this problem myself...Its this girl who used to partner with me back before I joined your squad, to a degree." He sighed and looked down.

"Lets just say we were having fun like me and you did yesterday...just on a much more recent basis. Though some things happened and I left her service unannounced and fled to your village to become a ninja there. She found me when I was out getting information from my sources...but I didn't tell her about you. But something tells me that if I show you all this pervertedness that I usually do, she'll kill you. I'm trying not to be a pervert around you for your safety...Sakura.
Sakura was almost beginning to get a little worried with the rather unusual way that Nathan was acting...though she had to admit that when he led her back to the hotel she did suspect just a little that this was all a plan to get her into bed again...though when he didn't try something the second they were alone again she almost felt a little guilty for suspecting him like that. Still, things quickly became obvious....so it was girl problems? That was it?

Sakura couldn't help rolling her eyes and folding her arms again. "Don't be such an idiot. You think I can't take care of myself? I'm a ninja, student of the Hokage herself. Don't underestimate me you moron" She whacked him across the head. "And besides, don't you think she's gonna realise something's up? We're here as a married couple remember? All she has to do is find out where you're staying, ask about you and suddenly she knows you're married. Now quit acting like a depressed idiot 'for my safety' because I don't need your protection like that" She whacked him again. "If someone tries anything on me I'll just kick her ass like I've had to do with yours"
He cried out as he felt her hit him in the head and rubbed his head, looking at her with a weary look. "Its not that fucking simple, Sakura." He said with a frown. "She's clingy. She thought I was fucking dead until a few moments ago. You don't know her like I do. She doesn't play fair and she's unebelievably powerful. I left her service because she became too...heartless when it came to our targets." He frowned as he looked to Sakura. "I used to be an assassin...not a ninja. I was a killing machine...I was paid to kill and wasn't paid to ask questions. I killed so many people with her at my side, powerful political figures and generals. But soon it didn't even matter. She just killed for the sake of killing...Sakura...she's a cold blooded killer and she isn't like anything the two of us have faced. If she had any interest, she would be in the fucking Akatsuki..."
"Oh for...what kind of people do you think I'm normally up against? Helpless kids who surrender at the first sign of trouble? You think this is the first time I'll have faced someone who wanted to kill me? Who tried with everything they had to kill me in the worst way possible just because they thought it would be fun? I've fought the Akatsuki, Orochimaru, people I'm not even allowed to tell you about and I came out of it fine. You need to have more faith in just how strong I am" She leaned over him a little, cracking her knuckles whilst her breasts swayed inside of her clothing not far from infront of his face, though it was hard to tell if it was on purpose or just an accident. "You want me to show you just how strong I am? Or are you gonna stop being a complete idiot?"
He listened to her explain how strong she was, and a small smile finally broke upon his lips as he looked at her. "Alright Sakura...I guess since I have so little combat experience by your side I underestimated your abilities. Though I would still like it if we don't have to confront her so I won't be as perverted in public as I usually am..." He eyed her breasts now, grinning as he heard her question. "Though in private I would still be just as we once were..." He reached over and cupped her hanging breasts to feel how heavy they were, just to tease her and show her in a rather lewd way that he was trusting her by going back to how he used to be.
"If we have to confront her then we have to confront her, we'll deal with it if and when it happens. The more you say you don't want to, the more likely it is to happen though" Sakura was just in the middle of rolling her eyes when he was reaching out, missing the movements of his hands until she felt a squeezing of her large swinging breasts, unable to help a sudden gasp of pleasure escaping her mouth, her body betraying her as her nipples hardened through her clothing, more than easy for him to feel in his hands. "I-idiot!" She swung for his head again. "I...I didn't say you could just reach out and grab at me like that did I?! Are your only two settings depressing emo and super pervert?"
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