I never wanted to go on this mission (Lounger x Jugger)

"Of course of course..." He replied, holding her close. He slept soundly during the night, not even erecting from a dream. He felt comfortable with a woman in his arms, and the same woman who had previously taken his virginity. In the morning, he would awaken slowly, his arm never moving from her hip. "Mm...Good morning Cherry Blossom..." He murmured in exhaustion as he snuggled his face into the back of her neck, his hand finally going up to squeeze her breast for some morning gropage.
Sakura slept rather soundly thanks to the exhaustion of the night, though when she awoke she felt something.....first a face...but then something reaching up to grasp at her ample chest. "Hmm...?" It took a moment to get through the grogginess, before she realised, twitching and suddenly swinging her arm. "The hell are you doing?!" The slap to his face wasn't just hard enough to leave a nice hand shaped mark, it was enough to practically launch him from the bed, Sakura grasping at the duvet in order to cover herself up. "What did I tell you?!" Well, if nothing else she was wide awake....and seemingly quite refreshed after her sleep.
He was launched into the wall, hitting it face first and slowly he slumped down as if his face was stuck to the wall. When he finally hit the floor, there would be a bright red mark on his face where he was hit and where he was slammed into the wall. "Ah...S-Sakura you heartless devil..." He murmured as he stood up, still naked. He rubbed his face and could feel the pain just keep coming. "I didn't think it was you...I was doing that in my sleep!" He murmured as he could still feel her breast in the palm of his hand. He laughed lightly. "Why are you covering yourself up? After all that we did last night, there shouldn't really be a reason to be embarrassed about our bodies." He laughed even more.
"Hmph! No excuses! You were warned" She glared at him as he stood up, trying to keep her attention focused on his face rather than that muscular chest or the large implement hanging between his legs. "Just because of what we did doesn't mean you can look or touch whenever you feel like! And besides...." Her glare turned to a smirk, her foot emerging from the duvet, toes wiggling. "Don't forget....I know your weakness, I've got what you really want....so be a good boy and maybe, just maybe......" She trailed off, standing up and bringing the duvet with her, turning to head for the bathroom to take a shower and leave his imagination to fill in the end of her sentence.
"Just so you know, that only works during sex you harlot." He replied as he began to start getting his clothes back on. "I am not fazed as much when you just tease me like that. Tch...At least then I have sanity until we get to doing the dirty." He grinned and finished putting his clothes back on. "Come on, Sakura. Stop being naked and lets go. You wouldn't want to be me and walk around nude asking for Condoms, would you?" He laughed even more as he walked over to the door and opened it, stepping outside and heading out to the front porch.
Sakura rolled her eyes, deciding not to rise to the bait of name calling, just turning on the water and stepping into the shower with a relaxed sigh. She hadn't showered since they'd left the village...all that walking, and no way she had dared to go bathe in a river with him so nearby...not when he was almost guaranteed to try and peek on her. Fortunately she didn't take very long to shower, getting dressed and stepping out. "Shut up you pervert" She twitched as she walked out. "Now come on, you said you had some sources right? Well let's go see them"
"Pervert? You're one to talk. You were eating away at that peppermint condom that I had on last night and really loving it as I plowed you with it. I bet you loved the feeling of me cumming inside of you as well, huh?" He grinned and led her outside and out into the town. "First off...We head to the priest that was supposedly supposed to marry us. He's our first guy who is looking in on the weapon dealings that the samurai have in this town. If we cut off their weapon supply, we cut off a major strength to the entire faction." Not too long after they would arrive outside of the chapel, and Nathan would lead Sakura inside...though the priest was nowhere to be found. A bit of snoozing could be heard inside of the confessional...and as Nathan opened it up, the priest would be in there...along with several empty sake bottles.
Sakura twitched, whacking Nathan on the back of the head. "Just shut up already. I already told you I hated that last part, and if you ever do something like that again I'll make sure you regret it" She folded her arms beneath her breasts, glaring at him for a moment before turning to follow him to the chapel, heading inside and over towards the confessional. ".....This is your source....? A drunk old man...? How is he supposed to know anything at all?"
"Akashiri may be a drunk but I know he can get me the information I need." He walked over and kicked the man in his side. "Wake up you false priest." Nathan kicked him in the side once more, causing the man to awaken finally and toss the bottle to the side as if in defense...though he missed. "Hwah!? What...Ah...Nathan...You're back...How was the honeymoon?" He murmured. "Quite fun actually, but I'll save the details for later. Tell me...What do you know about the Samurai's weapon trade?" Akashiri merely laughed. "I'll do ya one better! I know where the actual weapon cache is! All you gotta do is raid it and steal all the weapons...Or if you want, you could wait and see who is supplying them their weapons but then again they may not be bringing the weapons in themselves. The suppliers I mean." He laughed, then noticed Sakura. "This your wife that I was supposed to marry you to?"
Sakura sighed, raising a hand to catch the bottle when it flew past Nathan and towards her. She took a sniff of the tip then quickly held it away...whatever had been in there certainly wasn't any regular Sake....this had been the strong stuff. "There'll be no 'details' being shared with anyone" She glared at the back of Nathan's head, but let him carry on questioning the priest...after all, Nathan knew him, it was better for him to do the talking right now. "Hm....if those are the options we should wait and see who the suppliers are. Just stealing what they have now wont do any good if they can just be replaced quickly and easily. We need to follow the chain"
"Yeah yeah...I know. And to answer you, false priest...Yes. She is my wife. Though she's quite a handful if you catch my drift." Nathan snickered as the priest merely laughed lightly, a red tint to his old face as he looked from Nathan to Sakura. "Now then...If you'll excuse me, Sakura...I must be off. This next contact is a more personal one that I can't necessarily reveal to just anyone. I'll go get some more details on the samurai's weaponry from this other source of mine." He grinned and headed off out of the church. Once Nathan was gone, Akashima looked to Sakura. "You sure do make him happy...and I don't mean that in any perverted way. I've rarely ever seen that boy so lively and emotional. Usually he's serious about his work and emotionless about everything...Then again, the last time I saw the boy was about four years ago."
Sakura visibly twitched at the handful remark, but let it slide this time. As Nathan turned to go she glanced up at him for a moment, then watched him go silently. For a second she thought of going with him....but then she realised this was the first time in days that she would get to be more than 5 feet away from him and his perverted comments. Still, she'd have to push him for more information on this extra contact of his....after all, she couldn't leave any stone unturned and she had to be aware of all the information regarding their mission.
When the priest spoke she was snapped out of her thoughts, glancing over at him. "Lively and emotional? He's a complete pervert. I can't imagine him serious about his work for one split second. Given the chance he'd dump everything if he had the chance to go see a girl naked"
The priest laughed lightly as he pulled out another bottle of sake from seemingly nowhere and begin to start drinking straight from the tip. "Aye...Lively and emotional. You wouldn't believe how silent and calm the boy used to be. A real assassin so to say." He laughed lightly even more. "The boy was emotionless...A real shell of a man. Acting like some sort of beast that followed orders. But it seems a strong, heavy weight had been lifted off of him lately." He drank from the bottle once more and let out a small hiccup. "I wouldn't know. Like I said...I hadn't seen the boy so happy before in me life. Either its you, or something else thats been done."
"Him? Silent and calm? Now I know you're just messing around with my, there's no way in hell that boy could stay calm, especially when there are women around. The tiniest flash of skin and he'd be all over them like a creepy pervert" Sakura resisted the urge to roll her eyes when he pulled out another bottle of sake....and it was still early in the morning too. She got the feeling this was a rather common occurance with the man and attempting to scold him would make little to no difference. "Well I don't know of anything else that's happened to him. All I know is that the second he set eyes on me he hasn't taken them off me....and hasn't shut up with some of the most perverted comments I've ever heard"
The priest merely laughed. "Has he now?" He grinned. "Maybe there's somethin in particular about you that he likes, hm?" He was eyeing her breasts the entire time before he took another drink from his bottle of sake. "Aye. You just keep doing whatever it is you do. The last thing I need is for the old Nathan to come back. That bastard never lets me drink!" He laughed even more before falling over, unconscious and snoring in his slumber as the rest of his sake poured out of his bottle.
Sakura twitched again as the priest stared at her breasts, glaring back at him and folding her arms across them to obscure his view. "I wonder why he doesn't let you drink...." She shook her head, then sighed as he seemed to pass out, walking over to put the bottle upright to stop the contents spilling. She didn't particularly care that he wouldn't have his Sake, but she at least didn't want the entire place stinking of it from running all over the floor.
Once done, she glanced around, then turned to go. She couldn't just stand here doing nothing and wait for Nathan to come back, she was part of this mission too, so it was up to her to gather information as well rather than just relying on Nathan and his, so far unreliable at best, sources. As discreetly as possible she left the church, beginning to move slowly through the town, blending with the crowds and keeping her eyes and ears open for any signs of information....and any signs of Nathan, she was curious as to who exactly he was seeing after all.
About an hour later, he would have found her. Nathan patted her on the shoulder and greeted her with a grin. "Hello there, 'wife'." He said with a small laugh. "I'm wondering why you didn't stay with that priest." He laughed once more. "I got the information I need. Lets just say I know who supplies the samurai around here with their weapons...so we can either head to their weapon cache and destroy it first, or take out their source of supply first." He yawned a bit and stretched, his body popping a few loose joints. "Or we could head back to the inn and relieve some sexual tension."
Sakura turned as she was patted on the shoulder, both surprised and relieved that he'd actually done something so civil rather than attempt to grope her from behind. Then again maybe he realised that doing something like that would probably have resulted in him being thrown through the nearest wall, and that was the kind of attention they didn't need. "Why in the world would I stay with him when he passed out drunk? Not exactly the kind of company I want to be keeping" She rolled her eyes, then frowned at his explanation. "....We need to get rid of the supply first. Otherwise destroying their cache wont do any good, they can just replace it again almost immediately...." She stood deep in thought for a moment, then twitched and slapped him in the back of the head for the sexual tension comment, glaring at him rather than shouting since they were still in the street and there were other people around.
"I'll take that as a 'No'" He murmured as he rubbed the back of his head. "Never let me do ANYTHING." He joked. "Anyway...Follow me. I know of one caravan of weaponry that should be arriving into town rather soon. We ambush them and find out where the base of supplies are and we take that out." He smiled a bit nervously. "I only uh...found out about some trade routes rather than the actual storage facility of who is supplying the weapons so we'll have to do the hard part and find that ourselves, Sakura....You sure you don't want to have some fun before we get going? I've been reading this book on kamasutra and know a few more things..."
"Oh believe me, I'm totally sure" Sakura glared at him, resisting the urge to slap him when he mentioned the Kamasutra....only just resisting...but figuring that outright assaulting him in the middle of the street would only draw undue attention towards them. "So...you only got half the information we needed....well it's better than nothing, we'll just have to make do for the time being. We'll take out this caravan, track it back to the source and then look more into where they were ultimately going to end up...." She sighed and shook her head, starting to walk a little faster, forgetting that it would given Nathan an ideal view of her ass in her tight shorts.
And indeed Nathan would take this chance as he walked behind her by watching her nice ass really show form in those tight shorts of hers. He could only imagine the things they would do again and it was difficult to stay soft all the while. "Well I got the caravan route and the source as well as the weapon cache. Don't forget that." He said with a grin as he walked up now, massaging her butt in public...yet not daring to slip directly into them to touch her. "I only asked my sources for work on the Samurai...I didn't want to do ALL of the work...unless you want to persuade me, baby." He grinned playfully to her.
Sakura was about to glance back when he came close and massaged her ass, yelping quietly and jumping, then glaring back at him, pulling herself away quickly. "You perverted little..." She grumbled, though for just a moment her eyes shifted to his crotch, noticing there was a bit of a bulge there...he'd been getting aroused. She blushed and quickly looked away, turning her back on him for a few moments. "....Hmph, I'm not going to 'persuade' you to do anything, I'll just have to do my own research once we deal with this caravan route and weapon cache....I'm sure I'll be able to find something out myself..."
"Heh...Good luck with that then." Nathan said as he noticed her reactions to him rubbing her ass. He just had to reel her in and then she would be his for another night. "But first...If we are not going to screw around, lets get going to the supplier's base of operations. If we disrupt it, we disrupt the whole operation and that'll weaken the Samurai to have only what they've got...until we go in and destroy each and every toy that they have." Nathan grinned deviously as he walked over to her and whispered in her ear. "And the next time we DO have some fun...I'll show you a piece of my shadow clone jutsu..."
"Of course we're not going to screw around, we're here to do a job not take a vacation" She growled slightly as she looked at him again, then back ahead of them. "Weakening them first is a good plan....it'll certainly make things easier for us, especially considering we're going to be seriously outnumbered here in all likelihood, and unlike them we can't really send for reinforcements" She sighed, then raised an eyebrow when he whispered into her ear, blushing madly and resisting the urge to turn around and slap him as her hands twitched between a fist and open palm. Still....now he'd put certain images in her mind....images that were making her feel slightly hot and flustered...
Seeing as how he did not feel any pain after what he had said to her, he could only imagine that she was enjoying the idea of being gangbanged by many versions of himself in bed. "While you're deciding whether or not you want to do this...We should go and take out the supplier, yes?" Nathan grinned and began to walk onward, heading toward the gate out of the city that they were in. He really would prefer to be in her pants at that moment but he figured he would have to prove himself on the battlefield if he were going to get any of what she was.
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