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League of Legends Thread!

Battle Bunny Riven said:
Really? I do like Quinn, but I am most excited for Nami's new skin.

Yeah but its not a battle bunny, its a woad skin.

PhantomSentinel said:
I am really thrilled for Karthus' VU! This time they are really working on this character a lot.

And yet Veigar, Cho'Gath and Malzahar still have poor visuals.
Cho Gath will probably be coming soon since they slightly buffed him in this patch. Because, ya know, his Feast really fucking needed it. -_-

Yes, I am salty about super-damaging ults that deal TRUE DAMAGE. So OP. Yeah, I mean you too, Darius players.

Edit For Clarity: I am not saying that these champions are over-powered, but these specific skills are. When these champions kill me, it is ALWAYS with these skills and never anything else. I feel that these ults should be nerfed and the rest of the champion's kit should be buffed to compensate. Again; hating on bullshit moves here; not the Champs.
I do hope the new Quinn skin means more Quinn players. She's really been underrepresented in all modes lately.

Also, on the point of true damage ults (Cho and Darius as listed):

1: Cho-Gath is a tank, he shouldn't be killing you at all mostly. Full AP builds with him means you can bet to see around 1000 true damage with his ult, and 500 more with his W, but then he should melt. Otherwise, his kit is completely a CC/Tank kit and doesn't hit that hard. The buff really was necessary, because otherwise his ult range was less than his 6 stack Autoattack range. That "Buff" really was just a quality of life change. Plus having your ult cancelled and put on cooldown because someone flash-stepped out is stupid (same thing with Skarner's ult, glad they changed that back).

2: Darius' ult doesn't really hurt too much unless you stay in extended combat with him. 5 stack bleed plus his ult gets in the AP Cho ranges, yes, but if you can't burst him down then simply don't engage him solo. IF you have problems with his ult, then I wonder if you have met his rival, Garen...
Darius is just a Noxian Garen in concept. Just like how Fiora is just a Demacian Yi. Darius' passive is probably the hardest thing to deal with.
little_iveta said:
Battle Bunny Riven said:
Really? I do like Quinn, but I am most excited for Nami's new skin.

Yeah but its not a battle bunny, its a woad skin.

PhantomSentinel said:
I am really thrilled for Karthus' VU! This time they are really working on this character a lot.

And yet Veigar, Cho'Gath and Malzahar still have poor visuals.

I really want a Veigar long as they don't nerf him or buff him. I really don't want him to go through what most reworked champs go through (Rework>Buff>Players play him more>Nerf>Nerf>nerF>nErf>)
Old joke is a bad joke. They haven't touched Irelia in a long time.

Also, I agree with Veigar. I want the VU but don't at the same time because that means more people will play him again, which may mean nerfs.
I want my Kog'Maw updated visually, only thing is, I don't want 'em to remove his taunt/joke/dance, it's all just way to adorable.
Every time that I post in this thread, someone's got something negative to say about my post. You guys really aren't very friendly.
I say negative things when I see something that my theorycrafting says is wrong. I've said things were wrong several times in this thread. That being said, I've also said some things were really, really good.
I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, I was just saying... Also, Theorycrafting is just that - theory. Theories must be tested to be either right or wrong.
Battle Bunny Riven said:
I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, I was just saying... Also, Theorycrafting is just that - theory. Theories must be tested to be either right or wrong.

Exactly that. I never make any ideas or post them (regarding game-play mechanics or experiences) if I haven't gone through them. I put the theory in practice most of the time before giving my opinion.
As do I. I have played many builds, and there are maybe 3 or 4 champions that I haven't played. If I haven't played them myself I studied them extensively. I wouldn't say something if I thought it to be wrong.

And I have nothing against you, BBR. I'm just opinionated and use to teaching things, so I'm harsh with my words.
Well I guess that makes sense. Just in the future do keep in mind that everyone plays the game differently and even different champions can be played vastly different depending on the player. There is no right or wrong builds. I mean, shit, I have seen people build AP on Xin Zhao and do very well. Just because it isn't optimal, doesn't mean it doesn't work.
I understand that. And I enjoy playing sub-optimal or off-builds as much as the next person (I'm a personal fan of AD Vel-Koz. It works.). I have just simply been stating that some builds are just too far off the track to work well for one reason or another.

Bruisers without some hp/tank items come to mind (AP Xin I can see working because they have RoA and Rylai's).
Battle Bunny Riven said:
Well I guess that makes sense. Just in the future do keep in mind that everyone plays the game differently and even different champions can be played vastly different depending on the player. There is no right or wrong builds. I mean, shit, I have seen people build AP on Xin Zhao and do very well. Just because it isn't optimal, doesn't mean it doesn't work.

This. I usually give a fuck on what other people think regarding this game (mostly because they think they are challengers and can comment harshly on other people thoughts). I play whichever way I want, like you say BBR. That's how I got to platinum...well, mostly. Communication and not giving a fuck about what people think about my playstyle. :p
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