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League of Legends Thread!

Fiora > Xin. Count off the AA's. One... Two... *Pop Riposte* Proceed to shred Xin. A good Lee Sin always has and always will scare me more than stupid old Xin.
Does Riposte stop the CC effect of Three Talon Strike? I never knew that, I figured CC abilities still went through. I'm pretty sure a TF gold card goes through a Fiora riposte even though it is an enchanted autoattack, or maybe it works differently.
Riposte shouldn't block the CC attached to an attack, not according to the wiki at least. I haven't tested it though, it might be that it works. Still, it block all of the damage, so I think she'll come out ahead in any case of it's 1v1, but the ganks could still be deadly.
Riposte negates any melee attack completely and returns magic damage to the attacker. So yes, it blocks CC effects attached to melee attacks because the attack never connects by game mechanics. No damages, no CC, no on-hits; nothing.

Just a big "Fuck you, have some damage for your trouble."
From wiki: "Riposte will block all damage from the basic attack, including on-hit effects or attack modifiers. It does not stop any form of crowd control attached to the blocked attack."
I think the wiki is misinformed then... because Riposte has always blocked stuns. It's why I go Fiora instead of Riven against Renekton in the top lane. If you bait his stun and block with Riposte, you can easily win trades with him early and gain a foothold to bully him.
I think it depends on how the ability is triggered, whether it counts as an AA modifier/on hit or just a trigger.
Finales Funkeln is a completely foreign language with absolutely no meaning in the English language without translation. Requim and Riposte are in the English dictionary... so yeah. There's that. :p
Still waiting on the super saiyan Lux skin, want to see that Kamehameha ult. :p
Rauk said:
Still waiting on the super saiyan Lux skin, want to see that Kamehameha ult. :p

Remember the time when mods were still rampant in LoL? Back in the day were I disdain LoL I was a fan of HoN because of graphics and I thought the Secret Agent Missfortune was a mod.

Recently I was lucky to face a Super Galaxy Rumble in ARAM, its very cool for a legendary skin plus the better voice over.

"Turbo Shock Rockets!"

"Super Galaxy Punishment Delivery Mode!"

Just to make sure you guys heard it.
^ That is a pretty awesome song.
I could listen to it on repeat actually.​
Something to keep everyone entertained.

Those who have cats will understand two of these.
Now here's a game that I haven't played in a while. Been playing a lot of Skyrim lately in the wake of my spirits and hopes being crushed by Zenimax's terrible rendition of The Elder Scrolls in their MMO. Thank God that the MMO is 'non-canon'.

I should update this if we've got such a big following here on the site. I'd love to play with some of you, though I'll have to polish the rust off.
@Practical Insanity

If you don't play TESO then you are not a true fan of the TES series. Only those who pay $155 up front are considered loyal fans by Zenimax.

$60 for the game
$60 to play as an Imperial
$20 for the horse
$15 for the monthly subscription
See now, I have no problem with subscription games. I gave Blizzard and World of Warcraft six years of my life and... however much money that equates to over the course of vanilla through Wrath of the Lich King. I know that free-to-play is the go-to model for most gamers these days but as long as the subscription money is paying for server maintenance and good content updates then I don't mind paying it. My problems are... Well, this is the League thread. I won't dump the ton of issues that I have with another game here.
Yes, I've read that little comic, it is so funny. I love some of the adorable innocence some of the champions have. The creator of the comic is pretty funny. I feel like I should mention that there are more League of Kitty images, the creator has a few more comics, but there are tons of images of your favorite champion in kitty form. Like this one,

Trolls happen, I'm not sure how many people here are serious about ranked, but I think everyone could always learn a thing or two. I for one am still trying to become a better jungler. I can do it, but not as well as I would like. Everything else I'm pretty good at, and I pick up champions fairly easy. I'm trying to get all the champions, I might pick up another ADC next, but I'm never sure. I have my go to's for most of my roles, like Vi in the jungle, Jinx ADC, TF mid, olaf or Renekton top etc. I really need to get more practice in with other champions though.
Mmm... Rengar x Nidalee is teh sexiness! No, no I do not care that I just butchered the English language. It's excusable in the presence of intense cuteness.
I always liked the champions that no one ever plays. Trundle used to be one of my favorites and I love this new rework of him. Also this Sejuani chick is amazing. I wish that she could lane without going OOM in one rotation.
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