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League of Legends Thread!

I like Sejuani, she is a solid tank/jungler, one of my go to's due to her tankiness and CC ability. I like her a lot, but something about another pink haired brawler has caught my attention (I'm sorry, but Vi is just so much fun for me! "HEY JAYCE! GET DUNKED!") Granted, I've noted my builds have changed quite a bit. I remember back a few seasons ago, I used to build tanks....well tanky. I didn't get much damage, but now I get my initial tank items and stats to a solid level. (For example something around 3k health, 150 armor, 150 magic resistance). Then I get items that give me damage and resistances. For example, Abyssal Scepter, Triforce and Hydra. After all resistances are harder to gather past a certain point, so might as well grab a little damage and give the enemy team a bigger reason to kill me. I'm beefy and if you don't kill me then I'm going to keep your carry dead or out of the fight.

More kitty comics:
I've found that if I need to build a little bit of damage on Sejuani, you just can't beat a Rylai's Crystal Scepter + this Liandy's Torment item. Yes, Sejuani has her own slow, but the Rylai's ensures that her W and Q abilities also trigger the Liandry's passive double-damage bonus. Plus with 500 health and some AP, it's a solid item for her stat-wise anyway. Build this combo in the mid-game if the enemy isn't doing too hot in teamfights and I can afford to take a small survivability loss in exchange for a relatively nice increase in AoE damage. I can't remember why I stopped playing this game before... Maybe I was just too busy at the time.
Some one please explain to me why everyone hates urgot? He's not that difficult, and he can go many different build paths. I just don't understand the hate on him. While he doesn't fit in with the meta, he can do work if you know how to use him.
I think it's more along the lines of if you're not playing the current "meta" champions in any of the lanes then people just hate on you for it. It was like that in a lot of my provisional matches last season, one of many reasons I've stepped from playing League all that much recently.
Because not everyone can play crabgot well.... It's very rare to see people making a killing using crabgot and not even using his ult.
i wish i was good at yasuo, ive played him when he was free and he is fun as hell, but i dont have enough to buy him D:
The Golden Touch said:
I do support things with Janna and Sona, with an occasional Nami thrown in there.

Sona is so good if you know how to dodge skill shots and know how to play against a Thresh or Braum. The downside is that she doesn't have a constant form of cc like most other supports used. Her Q/passive poke is so funny though, especially during early laning phase.

Or go in an aram and build her pure, heart-stopping AP (with the right masteries/items) and watch her just destroy people. It's so funny.

Alright, so this thread needs to be revived with the quickness.
It's preseason, and I could really go for some friends to practice new maps and builds with.

This, in addition to automatically making you one of my precious and beloved friends.
Gives you a guaranteed jungler who may or may not wreck face.
League: Vanethen
skype: ShaunBayview
Blah blah blah: Blah blah blah
Alright lets get to it.
Kayle Jungle FTW <3 It's so nice when folks who complain you're 'losing the game for us' for the first 20 minutes suddenly love you when you come out 2000g ahead of everyone, invul your carry and just generally wreck anything not building more than 200 MR/Armor.

Yasuo Jungle. No joke. I don't think he can work in the new jg though :/

Vi!!! <3 Sadly, outdated with the S5 changes. No real reason to play her unless you seriously, seriously, just want to hate that one person on the enemy team.

Or you like pretty, flashy lights from both of her skins ^^

Or 'character loyalty'.

Pantheon Jungle. When you can level 1 the new drag, it's kinda... y'know... OP.

Nobody needs to mention anything about Warwick of Master Yi with the new jungle items. Almost the same boat as Kayle really...

Jungle Jungle Jungleeeee!!!
Any top mains here? I run a tanky j4 top lane that always gets a weird enemy lane. (Thorn male shaco, ad teemo, etc.)
Because the only thing worth getting there are the 3 Summoner Icons.

But who says "no" to a charred Teemo biscuit? :)
I love playing lol I main support and love to play with people who don't take stupid risks like running into 5v2.
My league is darkfir3s
I main soraka but I own many supports even the unconventional ones (brand,fiddlesticks,sej,gragas,etc.)
I thought poro king was kinda fun but there wasn't really a factor that made me want to keep playing after I got the icons you know.

Can't wait for the new skins
Meanwhile, DJ Sona. Wallet's gonna cry but ey, so are my enemies :p Also, anybody tried AP Sona yet? She's bloody wonderful vs low MR teams.
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