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League of Legends Thread!

Battle Bunny Riven said:
Well after just one game, I restate my previous opinion of ranked. Fuck it. I'm done.

It's hard to carry in YoloQ, but if you can...try and pick someone who has great impact in team fights and who isn't mostly banned (Orianna is a good example of this. Ziggs too, and when it comes to top laners you can try Shyvana or others). Because YoloQ specializes in little instant coordination, so you have to hope for others to follow your actions.
Nope. I'm done.

Got shoved into a position that I am not that great at (ADC in this case) but I toughed it out because, ya know, team game and all. My support, who opted for support and was not forced to due to pick order, was Malphite. Not too bad. I like Malpite. But he did not ward at all. Did not buy a Sightstone and did not drop a SINGLE ward all game. He then proceeded to feed the enemy twitch wile I tried my best not to fall behind because I was getting zoned by the enemy Braum.

Then, of course, mid lane proceeded to not ward and fed their jungler, Vi. Their Zed, of course, got pseudo fed from free farm and asisists.

Our jungler came bot once out of the whole experience and gave twitch a free kill when she did because she went in when Malhpite was already dead and I was hugging my tower with less than 10% health and no Mana.

The only lane on our team that did well was Jarvan and he didn't even really do "Well". he just avoided feeding Garen, which hey; don't feed the enemy and you're doing SOMETHING right, at least.

Anyway, at the end of the game, the enemy team had around 50 kills, give or take. I died only 5 times in that game out of their 50 or-so odd kills. The team then unanimously decided that I was a terrible ADC, that I fed the enemy team (again, look at deaths and total enemy kills), and that the loss was 100% my fault.

Fuck ranked play in LoL.
Oh, I understand that. That's why I force the "your pick, your lane" rule in Rankeds. I don't care whatever you want, it's my turn to pick and I go whatever lane I want. That way I can avoid the false 'let me top, I carry' bullshit.

Also, when that happens (that your whole teams blames you for playing bad when in fact you were the best) I simply report all 4 four of them with verbal abuse (mostly because they are applying chat restricions) and I smile. I honestly don't care about others in SoloQ ranked, it's just me...and four other strangers. If they want to help, go ahead. Help me. If not, I'll try and play by myself.
It happens, BBR. It's why I refuse to solo. Duo and Team queue's. I can duo with you if you want after we match lengths in normal fields.
Yeah, that would be great. I am done queing for ranked by myself. Maybe once I am out of Bronze I'll give it another shot to see if the grass is greener, but to hell with this solo crap.
Two great SR games last night with Ironic, Top Vlad and Support Naut.

I'm getting to diamond again...slowly...had two accounts. Had to sell one because I NEEDED the money. I know I'm not supposed to, but it was a legit emergency. But I let my friend on my account since he said he wanted to play the champs I had. I let him. He proceeded to play ranked and put me in bronze v. I was so pissed. Luckily I'm now silver iii and plan on making my climb back up. Mostly going to bring a friend so I can at least rely on someone to do well with me.

QQ The sad part is I don't even think my want to get diamond is that high. I did it once. I don't feel it necessary to do it again.

Also, when did you guys join league?
KuraTenshi said:
I'm getting to diamond again...slowly...had two accounts. Had to sell one because I NEEDED the money. I know I'm not supposed to, but it was a legit emergency. But I let my friend on my account since he said he wanted to play the champs I had. I let him. He proceeded to play ranked and put me in bronze v. I was so pissed. Luckily I'm now silver iii and plan on making my climb back up. Mostly going to bring a friend so I can at least rely on someone to do well with me.

QQ The sad part is I don't even think my want to get diamond is that high. I did it once. I don't feel it necessary to do it again.

Also, when did you guys join league?

Ugh, I know your struggle. With the reset of positions this new season I was placed from Platinum 3 last season to Gold V and I really.... really didn't want to go back to that gold crap once again. Ugh, but at last I'm back in platinum 2 and I know I can get to diamond! Go ahead, it is really boring and tiring to start from scratch (I had a hard time going from Gold V to platinum) but it's worth it.
Well that post inspired me to try and get my placement matches done again. 1 game. I am back to fuck ranked. I need a new fucking game.
I play in LAS, that's the problem. Since I am living in Argetina ATM, I prefer to have my account in this server. I don't enjoy lag at all, that's why. :s I main ADC mostly with Jinx and Cait. I love them! :3
Good luck! Remember, if it starts to bomb then bombs and bullets make everything more exciting!

Edit to avoid double post: Just went 14/4/6 with Jinx. Still got stomped... The other scores on my team? A 3/6/5 Nasus (not bad, I guess; not good, but not too bad if he was just having an off game), an 8/12/7 Nocturne (oh now we're getting silly), 0/10/16 Zilean (okay, he was support - free pass as long as his assists are greater than his deaths), and our Gragas... 5/15/6. He kept Belly-Charging into 3V1s... Repeatedly.

I have the worst luck ever with this game. I ALWAYS get at least one helmet-case.
I came back from my date...and well...we kissed and that's all. Held hands. I'm happy, you know? He's my first 19 years. I am really happy.

Nevertheless, sad to hear that BBR! :( I really hate mages to start TFs...they are silly.
Never play TF if your enemy has Master Yi. But pay TF if there's a Yasuo or Xin or Braum in your team.

Of all the game changers out there in LoL, I only place my trust to Xin.
Xin Zhao is so broken I'm quite surprised he hasn't been nerfed. If he lands his three AAs when ganking, then his ganks are godlike. He can 1v1 mostly anyone and he can counter-jungle perfectly. An awesome champ!
He has a decent counter-jungle, but his ganks are sub-par. He has a single gap closer, and everyone takes flash so most of the time the enemy flashes away before the third auto attack can hit. And if you are constantly ganking so as to get kills while flash is down, then you are going to be underleveled from the failed ganks. He's great tanky, but his damage was nerfed from what it use to be. He's still good, across the board instead of the pub stomper he use to be, but I wouldn't say godlike.
Best support in game, give it up for AP-Karma! Beastly harass early, and with liandris torment, her harass mid-late often brings her damage dealt to champions above both ap- and adc.
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