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League of Legends Thread!

See, I don't get this bullshit of "Deleting Items Because They Are 100% Pick Rates". We still have Infinity Edge. What ADC doesn't build a dang Infinity edge besides Vayne? Even then, I feel that she should have one. What Melee Top Lane or Melee jungler doesn't build Hydra? What Tank doesn't build Randuin's Omen? Their logic for removing/nerfing certain items is just stupid. Perhaps that's me being Bronze, but I fail to see the logic.
I really do need to get into this game. I never been a huge fan of Dota/HoN/LoL, but when I was working last summer at a table top gaming store that had an internet cafe as part of it's set up, I was the guy running all the LoL tournaments. Haven't really played more than maybe 5 games at best, but I love Orianna XD.
They didn't remove FoN because it was 100% pick rate, though. They removed it because it was just too good at what it did. 25 MR more than the second-best MR item at the time for about the same price, as well as Mundo-level regen and movespeed. They broke it apart and put the pieces where they made more sense.

There was a time where Atmogs was a thing. It still is, but they nerfed the items around it instead of the item itself because it relied on other items to be super-overpowered (Talking Warmogs being nerfed from ~1500 hp to 1000 hp). IE is similar. It's good on its own, but it needs other items to make it click. Hydra is reasonably expensive and doesn't do much damage to champions on its own. Randuin's a tradeoff tank item over Frozen Heart. But Force of Nature was somewhere around 2200 for 75 MR, %max hp regen and ~5% MS. I miss the item dearly, but I see why it's gone.
Warmog's Armor is probably going to be buffed or reworked once again. It is an item that really needs some changes since right now it isn't as useful as it was on many champs. Some can still benefit greatly from it (Mundo for example or Garen). Other than that, Atma also needs some kind of buffs.
Yeah, Warmogs has really fallen out of favor. I usually opt for a Frozen Mallet over Warmogs in most games with most champs. You trade 300 health for 30 bonus attack damage plus the slow which can really turn a fight around all in its own right.
Frozen Mallet, IIRC from several...SEVERAL discussions over Gamefaqs, have turned into an useless item mostly because the build path is extremely unfavourable and doesn't really add too much. I know, as they always say, FM is surely a nice item, but paying 3300 while building low class items that aren't really great isn't worth it. Since they removed Phage from its build, it has also fallen out of favour. I also know they can't control everything in the game, but they really need to review some items that are either too old (Guinsoo, Morello, Frozen Mallet, Thornmail) and update them.
Frozen Mallet needs a new build path. Maybe a full rework. Warmogs is good but does need something else tagged on it, I think. Atma's, however, is still strong. It's cost effective at level 13-14 with no hp items or runes/masteries. Past that you're getting free stats.
I wonder what Sion will look like after the rework....I know they are completely ditching his AP form (the stun was confirmed to be absolutely removed in February) and he will supposedly have gap-closer. I really hope they won't go nuts on him like they did on Yi.
I don't like... Rush Frozen Mallet or anything, but I far prefer it over Warmogs if I am building it for raw health and I happen to have a Giant's belt already sitting in my inventory. I agree the build path is shit, but it's better than Warmog's build path imo.
Warmog's build-path is really awkward, especially since the flat hp-regen don't do anything in flat stats for the finished item (being turned into the %hp passive). Still, I enjoy building Frozen Atmogs on my bruisers. Good-old season 2 power.

As for Sion, thank god they're removing the AP. It was useless, a Banshee's cuts his damage in half, literally. And his AD build is fun but impossible to do. Hydra with his ult? Too strong, but never happens in games that matter.
I managed to get full build with Sion in Twisted Treeline. For some reason, he seems to be a GOD there amongst the fighters (Jax, Darius, Fiora). The only problem is being kitted. That's his biggest problem. Being kitted.
That's what CDR is for. His stun is his gap closer, and he works great with Atma's because of his hp farming on E. He's unkillable with hydra around minions, too.
Unkillable, yes, but not doing much damage (yes his E gives a damage boost, but Jax still wrecks him if he plays it right). CDR Boots and a Black Cleaver is 25% CDR, you can put CDR per level blue's for another 10% at level 18. You get 3 stacks of the Black cleaver with auto-hydra-auto, plus your ult and E, and whatever damage items you want.
Not doing much damage? Sure. Phantom Dancer's Crits, Bloodthrister's sustain, Hydra's damage and sustain, Black Cleaver's Armor Pen and his ultimate make him a sustain monster that is almost completely unkillable by most melee bruisers. He might not do much damage outside of AA and crits, but he can wreck a Jax after his stun is out.
Now that is unfair. You stated merely Hydra and Phantom Dancer. Full build like that yes he will do massive amounts of damage, but he won't have much survivabilty, so if Jax gets in range and pops the stun, he's dead.
The build had ~300-400 hp from Black Cleaver, and you have the hp off your E. If you get CC'ed, you get melted because you have no tank as a bruiser. 100%+ Lifesteal doesn't help if you can't attack.
All I know is that I used to get warmogs when you could get those stacks :c and FoN on top of that....I miss HoG though...I don't really like the new gold items....but all I have to say is...

Crit Nasus.
Nasus doesn't scale too well with Crit, sadly. But yeah, Warmog/FoN/Atma's was the best thing to stack. And HoG was too good, although I'm sure everyone was sad when it was removed.
Note how:

1: It's 55 minutes in.
2: Nasus has 2 allied buffs with his full build.
3: That first team fight the enemy team went in 4v5
4: The enemy team had 0 focus on any singular guy on that team.

Nasus had no tank, had the enemy team been smart he would have been the primary focus with Graves secondary, because Nasus with 240 farm means his Q actually hurts. Also, this was Season 3, which holds less sway with the mastery and item changes since then.
I know it was season 3 I'm just pointing out how broken that was.

Also, may I remind you of Jax's release and Xin's? Broken as fuck.
Broken by base stats being ridiculously high and being patched to work better is not the same as saying a full damage build is broken on a champion.
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