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League of Legends Thread!

Veigar isn't in a fragile state. I would even say he's a better LeBlanc once they hit level 6. But he isn't a safe pick, which means he's not a normal thing in Pro games. That being said, if a team says "We're going to go late game, stall it out that long," you better believe Veigar/Nasus is high on the list for it.
PhantomSentinel said:
That was until you were nerfed four patches ago into oblivion. But you still rock, girl! :3

Riven's too real to be nerfed. No matter what they do, she'll always be a viable terror just like my back-up girls Akali and Irelia.

Raziel99 said:

Of course, Match a pro-anything to a bronze/silver, and you're going to lose.

I've never climbed out of Bronze....
Riven will always be strong as long as she has the shield and mobility.

Also, getting out of Bronze is less a feat of self power and more a thing of luck. They called it ELO hell before they tiered it for a reason.
Oh, I know... Last season I climbed up to my Silver promo series on four seperate occasions. All four times, I got three games in a row (as in, the first three games of my series) with at least one AFKer on my team. Again, let me say that because it bears repeating. Had four seperate promotion series and all four times my first three games had AFKers on my team. I gave up ranked play after that.

Do I deserve to be Diamond or Platinum? Probably not. But I damn sure deserve to be out of Bronze and I always get fucked trying. I don't need that headache.
I had a game in my preliminaries where I went against a guy doing his Silver Promos. I stomped him top Vlad against his Trynd.
I haven't either, but more for lack of finding a good partner for it. I refuse to do them solo now after going 4/6 from stupid shit.
I'll be playing League on and off for the rest of the night so if anyone would like to join me, my Summoner name is "BB Riven". Send me the friendzies!
No offense but if you deserve to be higher, you'll get higher. Most people just don't get higher because they keep thinking of the bad games. I've done 600 games or so in season 3 to achieve Silver V. And I've done 200 more to get from Silver V to Silver III and back down to Silver V. So 800 games from Bronze II to Silver V.

This season, I played my provisionals, ended up in Silver III instantly. And not even after 100 games, Gold V.

And the Ranked System has changed this season again. So it's easier to get from I to V.
Or, ya know, sometimes luck happens and it's not good. I hardly think being able to turn around two out of three 4v5s should be a requirement for promotion. Ranked play comes with too many headaches and I play this game to have fun. So fuck ranked.

Just one bunny's opinion.
Having an AFK isn't fun. But there are also games in which you win a 5v4, with the other having the AFK.
League is just messed up on some points and I accepted that and I just keep trying to achieve the highest possible.

This is kinda what changed my mindset:

Its a way for Riot games to make a larger market out of that game mode. Its the adrenaline that they are taking advantage. Likewise, that broken bunny suit.
As inspiring as that was, it doesn't change anything about the situation that I was thrust into. Yes, you can win a 4v5. I've done it on occasion, myself. But to be put in the positions that I was put in for my promo games? I wish I was exaggerating those numbers, but I'm not. Those are the real numbers - the cold hard facts about every time I've gone up for promo. I'm no bashing the game. I love LoL and I love playing it, but the ranked system is a load of bull and it turns happy-go-lucky players into try-hard asshats. I'd rather play my normals and have a ball doing it.
Eh... I'm not too worried about skins. I own a lot of them and, yeah, there are skins that I wish that I hadn't missed out on but honestly I can't bring myself to care enough about stuff like that. They're cosmetic; nothing more. They offer me no edge over my opponent, no in-game bonuses, nothing but bragging rights. I've got my favorite skins for all of the champs that I play regularly except for one and that's only because the skin isn't out yet (River Spirit Nami). If you have the skin that you like best, then what is a spare "Victorious" skin that you would never use?
I haven't got any spare skin, only one skin per champ. And it sucks that I still haven't got the kitty Katarina skin and the PAX Sivir.

But good thing the Battle Bunny is more affordable than the Dragonblade.

Though if there's a legendary or Ultimate skin that looks better then I will add.
Oh, I love your new Avi. <3 I'd love to see some reverse skins. Battle Bunny Katarina and Kitty Cat Riven. Must start petition! Also French Maid Akali and Nurse Nidalee.
Battle Bunny Riven said:
If you have the skin that you like best, then what is a spare "Victorious" skin that you would never use?

Next month I'm going to buy the last skin to have all skins for one champion. And if his Victorious would come out, I would use it as much as his other skins ^^"
I don't always do well when I play League, but when I do... 13/0/10 Fiora Jungle. Total team score of 47/19/53. Most of my kills came from Top/Mid. Our bottom lane... Well ,they didn't need help so long as I showed up to counter-gank Xin when he showed his face.
Hey you can't win them all. Actually thoerycrafting question, based off jungle Fiora. Not a very good jungled compared to WW, Shyvana, and Yi, but that feral flame. Effective on her or no? I say yes because she has an attack speed boost and ult that applies on hit effects. That damage with a stacked feral flame could hurt.

The point of the game is to have fun. Just ask Ironic about our 1st game together when I was top Olaf against Rengar. I believe one of my statements was, "Come here Rengar, my axe wants to penetrate your skull." Now if only our Ashe knew the word initation, and our Braum was smart.
Well, yesterday I was playing Singed against a Cho'Gath who barely had any idea of what a Singed could do at all. He let me farm...proxy his jungler when he came. I was 11/0 with 198 farm at the first 20 minutes. So top lane was the paradise for me! I had a scared Cho'Gath, a jungler who stopped showing up after he fed me with his stupid top lane...but little did I know that the enemy Draven was fed as well and with a ridiculous ammount of farm. He managed to delete me even with two tank items and that's when I really gave up since no one on our team could do anything. I really hate when one guy in a lane gets so horribly fed he/she can carry his stupid and useless team-mates.
UnluckyGambit said:
Hey you can't win them all. Actually thoerycrafting question, based off jungle Fiora. Not a very good jungled compared to WW, Shyvana, and Yi, but that feral flame. Effective on her or no? I say yes because she has an attack speed boost and ult that applies on hit effects. That damage with a stacked feral flame could hurt.

The point of the game is to have fun. Just ask Ironic about our 1st game together when I was top Olaf against Rengar. I believe one of my statements was, "Come here Rengar, my axe wants to penetrate your skull." Now if only our Ashe knew the word initation, and our Braum was smart.

*eye twitch* I know that you did NOT just compare my lovely Fiora to that piece of trash, Warwick. Alright, let me break this down for you, because Fiora is my favorite champion to jungle as when my team does not need a tanky or CC-heavy jungler and I have been elected into that role. This isn't theory-crafting. It's tried and prooven through numerous games.

Fiora most certainly ranks up there with the junglers that you mentioned. I'd say she's got slightly slower clearttimes than Yi, but faster than warwick. Also, comparing anyone to Shyvanna just isn't fair. That girl can tear through the jungle with a 50+% uptime AoE, a double-attack that applies on-hit, and... Whatever the hell her fireball does these days. Armor debuff? Percentage damage? They've changed that thing several times. I don't know anymore.

Anyway, you do NOT want to build a Flare on Fiora. The Flar takes too long to build up and it requires dedication to farming your jungle. Fiora works best as a ganking jungler, which means your farm won't be as high. You want the Elder Lizard stone as Fiora. Why? Because the very next thing that you're going to build on her is a Tiamat. That's your core as jungle Fiora - Boots of Speed, Spirit of the Elder Lizard, Tiamat.

Once you have these things, combined with your speed steroid, your clear times can shame even Shyvana. It goes like this: Lunge onto big monster - pop Burst of Speed - auto-attacks are very fast and are dealing AoE damage - because that AoE damage is considered physical, your elder lizard is dealing true damage to the whole camp in conjunction with your AoE. Combined with Fiora's naturally high attack stat thanks to the built-in bonuses of Riposte (which I max first), camps melt in seconds.

The same tactics are true in teamfights. Once you have your tiamat, followed by your Ravenous Hydra, all of that AoE damage plus true damage will destroy a teamfight if your enemies have bunched up. Following the same rules as above, replace *pop Burst of Speed* with *Cast Blate Waltz* and watch their team fall apart.
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