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League of Legends Thread!

Well, I play since a year now.
And I tend to play only 2 roles being Jungle & ADC as I feel most comfortable in playing those. Yes, I can play all roles which is needed in The Hell Of LP (Silver III).
My main JNG:
- Sejuani & Jarvan
My main ADC:
- Ezreal & Jinx
My main TOP:
- Riven & Olaf (Maybe Nasus can replace Olaf here though)
My main MID:
- Ahri & Kennen
My main SUP:
- Leona & Thresh

I only named two out of the mains I've on the lanes. Being the ones I play most of them.
But normally, I don't enter top & mid lane as I know most people can play it better then I would.
Gah, try playing with Silver IV people in a serious match! They don't want anyone to go up! I lost two in a row due to trolls! One of them had Udyr's definitive skin, so he was trolling with class.
As far as my mains go...
Main Top:
-Jayce and Sion.
Main Mid:
-Jayce and Annie.
Main Jungle:
-Udyr and Amumu. Ocasionally Shaco.
Main ADC:
-Lucian and Caitlyn. Ocasionally Tristana.
Main Sup:
-Thresh and Blitzy.
Those are not news let me tell you. Bronze people are the same. "If I'm stuck here, I'll stuck others with me." However, some people are not like that, but the majority outweighs those like your husband.
Season 3, First Season.
Started Bronze 2 to be honest!
Went to Bronze 5 and in 3 months I was Silver 5!
Just having luck with your teams :D
I am somewhat new I just hit level 7 last night I started playing to spend time with my sons but I like it so far my summoner name is Huggable 1 add me if you like just say you are from blue moon and I will accept ya. I mainly use Annie I so love her right now still looking for a champion that plays like her but is better, I tried Teemo he was cute but eh.. not my style I tried Kale and I tried Nunu already used all 3 of my allowed refunds but oh well.. its my 1st account and a learning experience heh
Well, first advice...Faelina. You are just Lvl 7, so you may like to create a new account. Refunds are essencial when it comes to higher cost champs, like Wu Kong or Zac, to name a few. You may want to save your money for Caster characters if you like Annie. There are quite a few good ones when you have 6300 IP, most namely Lissandra. You'll like her a lot, I bet so. If not, you can try a 3150 character named LeBlanc who is also a good caster.
I've spent way to much cash in to stay stuck in Bronze!
Like € 200. I've skins for more then enough champs.
For Ezreal, my main, even 3.
Frosted - Explorer - Nothingham.
But I'm saving for Pulsefire, ghehe.

And everybody has to learn!

EDIT: Or try AHRI!
Hahahaha, that was quite a funny post. Ummm, I or four skins, mostly because I focus more on the game and not on the skins...though I have some good skins. My most expensive one has to be BattleCast Urgot, which I use quite a while. I also have Resistance Caitlyn (Which I deeply love) and Definitely Not Blitzcrank. (Gotta Love him!)
My most expensive skin is Spirit Guard Udyr. Definitely!
And I always find it rare to see a dude in a suit on botlane but I just don't know which support it is... Ghehe :p
Hehehehe!!!! Jokes about Definitely Not Blitzcrank always crack me up to the point I laugh like a complete idiot! I remember that I was teaching my best friend to play it a few months ago and I was with my other friend who is a veteran at it, and I was showing him the skins of the game. And I showed him the one with Definitely Not Blitzcrank. So he asked me: "Which champ is that?" And I told him: "Definitely Not Blitzcrank." Me and my friends burst into laughter and he just didn't understand it.
Ezreal makes every game EZ (Or if you don't understand it, try to speak it out like E Zee or let me ruin the joke for you: Easy.)
And don't call my main Gay >.>
Call...your Who...would do that? Please...take a compare the winrates of Ez as ADC and Taric as support...they are the team with the highest winrate.
It isn't a good combination at all.. Ez x Leo is stronger o_O Jinx x Taric on the other hand, that's insane.
I don't like that combo. The early game is good but late game it isn't. And the high combo-rate is probably because Taric is easy to play and Ezreal is a very strong ADC with Triforce.
Laning phase is the only phase where the support is important for the team when winning a lane. When it comes to TFs, he just turns into another Crowd Caster, where he either annoys the enemy team by healing or adding them armor or just using Crowd Controls.
I'm always Skumbag when it comes to supporting in a Teamfight. Triple Kill Taric at your service!
Or taking a Kill with Leona. Or pulling somebody out of the ult of our MF with my Blitzhooks! xD
I love it!!!!! I love being Scumbag Blitzcrank!!!! I love stealing the kill with mah' double AD hook or just hooking someone and steal it with mah' rays ultimate! Or stealing blue at Lvl 1!
What's this? A League Community? If anyone on the site would like to play sometime, hit me up in-game. My summoner name is the same as my name here on the site; The Pariah King. I'm not the best player - stuck in bronze after loosing three Silver promo series last season from the constant AFKers. -_-

Anyway, I'm not the worst player either and I try to maintain a decent grasp of most champions but my mains are...

Top - Kayle, Trundle, Shyvana, and Akali
Middle - Kayle, Katarina, Akali, and Morgana
ADC - Caitlyn, Jinx, and Vayne
Support - Leona, Sona, Kayle, and Morgana
Jungle - Kayle, Sejuani, and Shyvana

Yes, I LOVE Kayle.
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