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League of Legends Thread!

I do love my Relly, but I find that her true potential just cannot be reached in the jungle. She's a decent jungler, but I feel hat a top-lane Relly will beat a jungle-fed Relly every game.
Hmmm given the little group we have here, we could start an inhouse maybe. Where we all square off against each other, and just to make it fun give everyone a random champion. Just a mere suggestion from someone who will continually get a champ he is unable to play, like Trynd. Yes, I know he is simple, but for whatever reason I...I just can't.
Lane Irelia is better than jungle Irelia because her harass is just too good. Jungling with her is a waste.

Also, I hate to burst your bubble on that, Riven, but that Fiora build relies too much on the enemy being bunched up for Waltz. If they are, they deserve it. It's like the old quad-Tiamat build before they made Hydra and unique'd it.
I love to jungle non-meta less effective champions sometimes for fun. Being a fed jungle Sona is hilarious. Of course if the game goes very late, it isnt so much. Ha ha.
Meh. I am done trying to argue the effectiveness of my builds. It works for me and it works well the way that I play Fiora. Anyone that doesn't like how I build can take it up with my scores. If those scores happen to be bad for a specific game then it's me getting outplayed, not my builds under-performing. Everyone has different playstyles. I'm leaving it at that and dropping the matter.
Ah yes...wisdom from Lilypichu is the beast wisdom there is around the league of legends table. Not to mention her ability to draw is second to none. I'm not too into ranked, I mark myself as a gold, and call that good enough. I might be a silver, but I don't give enough darns to actually play. Not to mention, ARAM is sucking up my time since I don't have a group of people to play with.

Though my last couple of ARAM's have not gone so well. Though one team comp I had was, Soraka (me), Sona (my friend), Leona, Blitz, and Ahri. We had CC for days, and I was shredding their MR with my starcall. Such a good game.
I watch that one, and the video of "You can't milk those!" song!
I've got one more - something I believe can be appreciated here as the best mid-lane matchup of all time.

XD I love those parody vids! One of the parodies I love the most are Instakok's videos!

To avoid Double-posting, I'll edit this to add that the next reworks are going to be Karthus' visual update and Sion's rework. I don't know if it will be a relaunch on Sion (I hope it is) but those are the next ones. Karthus is almost finished, and Sion is on the final lap, as it was leaked on a few sites. The next character is also going to be a male and it will be developed by the same person who developed Caitlyn, Jinx and Vi, so let's hope for a Piltover male! Also, Ao Shin has given lots of problems to the developers (as they said on an interview) and his release schedule was moved to somewhere around November 2014-February 2015.
I'm 99% sure that Sion's update is going to be a full rework. He's a solid champ with a solid kit, but like Poppy, he's just got some fatal flaws in his design that is too easily exploited by a lot of the newer champions. I have seen more of Urgot in the past year than I have seen Sion, so yeah... That should tell you something. Sion needs an overhaul to put him back on the competitive scene. I don't think it will take much, honestly, but he needs a few small tweaks at the very least.

Edit of my own to avoid a double-post. Taric rework RIGHT NOW! He NEEDS to be this awesome!

PhantomSentinel said:
XD I love those parody vids! One of the parodies I love the most are Instakok's videos!

To avoid Double-posting, I'll edit this to add that the next reworks are going to be Karthus' visual update and Sion's rework. I don't know if it will be a relaunch on Sion (I hope it is) but those are the next ones. Karthus is almost finished, and Sion is on the final lap, as it was leaked on a few sites. The next character is also going to be a male and it will be developed by the same person who developed Caitlyn, Jinx and Vi, so let's hope for a Piltover male! Also, Ao Shin has given lots of problems to the developers (as they said on an interview) and his release schedule was moved to somewhere around November 2014-February 2015.

Jayce and Ez are guys from Piltover.

Jinx is not from Piltover, she's from Zaun.

New characters isn't really my thing in LoL, I lean towards sexy skins. I want a Battlebunny Lux and Katarina. Legendary or Ultimate skins for Fiora, Syndra, Zyra, Caitlyn, Quinn, Miss Fortune, Leona, Sejuani and Leblanc

For a new character, I'd favor a female champion from the void or from the land where Elise, Zyra and Nidalee came from.
I could be wrong, but I am fairly certain that Elise is not from the same region as Zyra and Nidalee. Zyra and Nidalee are from the... Kum.... something jungle and Elise is from the Shadow Isles?
Yes, Elise comes from the Shadow Isles. I forgot about Jinx hough. At least Rito confirmed that they weren't centering their work on champs this year, they were going to do it on reworks and visual updates. Rito absolutely sucks in most reworks (they are either extremely op or go underrated for being underpowered), same as balancing. Luckily, they do good on VUs and champion releases.
In fairness, the game now has over 100 champions. If you expect perfect balancing at that point, you're brain-dead. The best that you can hope for, and it is something that Riot does do well to make sure there is in place, is that there is some champion out there who can somehow counter the "OP" aspects of the "OP" champion at hand. I use quotations for the term "OP" because I don't believe in calling champs over-powered when there is some way to overcome their strengths. Except Jax. Jax is fucking over-powered as fuck and needs to be nerfed more times than Irelia ever has.

~~ Founder of the ABJ Federation; Always Ban Jax
Well ever since triforce got buffed or changed, champions that use it are on the rise. Jax has always had a good kit at his disposal, but if you control him he is a whole heck of a lot less scarier. Hit him with early game power houses like renekton or Olaf. Tank and bully him out of the lane, every time he wants to CS you hit him. The ultimate goal is to keep him behin and far from level 6 as much as possible. Once he hits 6 things become notably more difficult.
Nobody expects the game to be perfectly balanced, so I don't fall into that category of stupid people. What in fact DOES happens, is that Riot doesn't know how to nerf or balance. They always take things to the extreme. Take for example Rengar. His nerfs were always absurd, taking all of his power away until they made a Ok rework that revamped his playstyle. Now let's go with Yi. Although it was a major overhaul, the buffs were extreme, and it really requires zero brain capacity to play as him.

Jax, on the other hand has always been OP. But you can stop his farming or deny him kills to delay his snowballing.
The problem I have with Jax, is that he seems to be too ~low~ risk, high reward at my lowish MMR level (silver to gold). his ability to delete at least 1 enemy champion, especially a squishy, is definitely too stronk for how tanky he is innately. And a Jax that really knows what he's doing is going to wreck the entire game himself easily if not playing against pros. He's just one of those champions who's basic kits make him very frustrating to play against no matter if they nerf him or not.
Jax can snowball, but mages have a better time against him because he can't dodge those. A Jax/Ahri duel is always satisfying to watch.
If Jax doesn't build any MR or isn't quick killing a mage, he gets deleted quite easily. A Veigar vs. Jax is a good example of this. If Jax lands his stun or jumps before Veigar manages to stun him, it's game over. IF Veigar stuns Jax (and Jax doesn't have Merc Treads or Cimitar), then he is instantly deleted. We are talking about Late-game of course. Jax used to counter every mid before they removed Force of Nature.
Force of Nature was 2-3 seasons ago. It was removed because it literally was bought on every tank and bruiser. The stats on it were too good to pass on.

I think the Jax rework that we have currently makes him decently balanced. Far better than 80% dodge all the time.
That's what I said, no need to translate. I know it happened 3 seasons ago, but it was the most broken item on of the most broken items on Jax.

Nevermind that, I still find the Riot logic that "if x champ is used on LCS then it gets gutted" to be really stupid.
Well they look at the win rates of those champions. If Olaf is played all this time and he has a 90% win rate there is a warning siren that blares. If 90% of the time the team with this champion wins, what does that say about the champion? The team then looks at it to see if there is a problem. Pros understand that some champions are broken, and they will abuse it. If a champion is being used at LCS that champ is good for the meta or strong, or broken. Rarely will a pro team hinge their performance on weak champions.
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