The Demigod Games (Naomi David and BlackTalon)

"I could do things underwater that nobody else could. I can level an entire city if I want to. Water heals me, it gives me energy... I always knew I was different, special. My brothers and sisters are the same as well, we are the children of Neptune. I suppose he took a fancy to my Mother because she had Sight." Astrid spoke slowly, thinking...
Lorin looked at him "Get in the hideout, it's best not to stay outside for too long as it's getting night" he looks at her "Well that's amazing ! I don't have that much ... I'm always warm and my body has a faster regeneration, I never get sick, my body ages slower, I have enhanced strength and agility, I have a natural skill with weaponry and shields and I have a tactical brain. That's not half as cool as yours" he said with a smile
"Much of that is natural to demigods, we get all the goodies from our godly parent. But too much power is never a good thing." Astrid spoke, still in deep thought. She was thinking of others, other demigods, not just of the Greeks and Romans, but demigods that followed other religions, wondering what would happen if they formed an army...
Lorin looked at her and nodded "Yeah but ..." he shrugged as he grabbed her buttcheek gently and lifted her up all by one hand and then moved her horizontally as he moved her inside of the hideout "Think inside of this will you... you have to think about our safety instead of dwelling off into your mind" he said as he smiled "I'm just enhanced, that's all" he said as he smiled
Astrid's deep thinking was interrupted when she felt him grab her asscheek, moving her to the hideout. She spoke,"I'm just thinking of others like us, how many know what they are, and how many don't know what they are, I've always wondered what could happen when you gather enough of us together..."
Lorin nodded "Before you, I have never seen another demi-god except of you" he said as he nodded "All by ourselves, we can deal a mass of chaos and damage. But with a group of us, we could make a change instead of just obeying. I've always hated how they all handle us, we're not the kind of shit that people think we are." he said with anger in his voice
"Half Bloods in general, or those that have human blood... The Nephilim, or the half angel half human... Gotta wonder what's out there..." Astrid spoke, then dropping her voice so low not even anything the Capitol had could listen in, making it so only Lorin could hear,"If the Capitol could be taken down once before, why not again?"
Lorin looked at her and smirked and nodded "I know how you feel" he said as he came close to her ear and very softly whispered "They have threatened my family 7 times nad I think I have about 7 times the amount of bodies they have sent scattered in the forest of my hometown" he smirked and looked at her as he closed his eyes "In this thing we can just sleep cosy, it covers the outside entirely"
"Just think of it, just think of how much destruction we could wreak, we could take our vengeance on the guilty, and bring down the Capitol once and for all..." Astrid spoke, she had fire in her eyes, the fire that warriors had.
Lorin grinned and looked at her and into her eyes "That fire, I like that" he said as he kept staring into her eyes. She could see the same, that fire for vengeance, that confidence and that passion. He seemed to be even more fueled than a normal person that would hate the Capitol, it seemed he had his reasons for hating Capitol with a fueled vengeance.
Astrid smiled lightly, and spoke,"People who are warriors, who have reason to fight, a cause to fight for, have the fire." She shushed him, and put her fingers onto the ground just outside their little hidey hole, feeling for tremors in the ground. She felt none, so she withdrew her hand.
Lorin smiled and nodded " Don't worry I'll set something up tomorrow which will make you happy and will make you stop worrying for any others" he said with a chuckle "I just need very thin rope and a lot of it" he said with a smile on his face.
"A net?... I can tie it you know, it's a trade of District 4, nets and whatnot." Astrid spoke, pulling rope out of what was Leo's backpack, and there was plenty of the thin rope.
Lorin shook his head and smiled "not a net, a tracking device" he said and then looks at her "Just make a tiny circle around the tree with rope and make 8 connection strings onto each valuable point and string them together on one branch and then make it connect to a leaf and that will help us know where and how they move around the tree, I've used it before" he said with a smile and then looks at her "You can go to sleep, I'll get to work with the rope"
Astrid looked disappointed, then spoke,"I was looking for an excuse to show off, oh well." Astrid stretched, got into her sleeping bag, curled up, and fell asleep. She was tired. She was having horrible dreams, possible visions of the future. She and Lorin were fighting back to back, watching each other, they were fighting the other tributes and the muttations, monsters animated from the corpses of the dead tributes...
Lorin looked at her and smiled "Well you can still show off" he said with a smirk on his face as he started to climb down with the rope and then started making his contraption, he made it in a 6 meter spread around the tree and made it pretty close to the ground and then covered the rope with some dirt and leaves. He then constructed the 8 points that moved up to the branch above their hideout and then he made one more string that went down into the hideout and attached a leaf to it, he went to test it and it worked perfectly. He smiled and then looked at Astrid sleeping. He laid down into the hideout and then noticed she was having bad dreams, he acted like he would with his little sister and gently took a hold of her and moved her against his warm and soft body, which would almost make her feel somewhat more comfortable in the hideout, the warmth would soften her nightmares and would give her somewhat a peacefull sleep.
Astrid relaxed when he took hold of her, well, her dreams weren't so horrible, they actually changed to show something much better, yet, something weirder, it showed twin children, they couldn't look any different, but the way their faces were shaped showed that they were brother and sister. The little girl had her hair, but Lorin's eyes, and the boy had Lorin's hair, but her eyes.
Lorin looked at her with a smile as he gently closed his eyes and cuddled a little closer to her. It was weird but he could feel something that was pulling him to her, something that made her feel comfortable and safe. It was as if she was a safe point in his life, something he could rely on and something felt like he had known her his entire life and he enjoyed that feeling. He had never felt like this before and it felt well of how she was so known, his family didn't even feel that known to him. He smiled gently and pulled her on top of him and he petted her head gently as he started feeling asleep and drifted inside of a sweet and comfortable dream.
Astrid was dreaming of a happy future, not knowing if those were merely dreams or if she really was seeing what was to come. What Astrid was dreaming, he would see as well, her visions of children. She sighed softly in contentment at the feel of him gently petting her head, even though she didn't really feel him petting her head...
Lorin seemed at ease with this, it was making him sleep very well and he was not moving at all. It seemed that his mind and body had already putten themselves down with what these visions contained. He knew that it was for some reasons he felt himself attracted to her but there was just one slight problem that he didn't saw. They were from different districts,and then he moved his own head in his sleep and smiled. It wasn't that much of a problem, he could do anything if they won the hunger games.
Astrid woke up the next morning feeling much better, she felt very relaxed, refreshed in spite on the situation of the Hunger Games, then again, a good night's sleep always did one a world of good. She smiled, finding herself next to Lorin, having rolled off of him, he was still sleeping.
Lorin had accidently placed his hands on her buttcheeks while sleeping, being one of the softest places on her body he made full use of it. he seemed to be dreaming peacefully and was not moving an inch, it was still early in the morning though, she could hear birds whistling and other animals running through the forest.
Astrid rolled her eyes, feeling his hand on her buttcheek, and she carefully placed her hand outside their little hideout, feeling for tremors in the ground, and she felt them. At once, she began to poke and prod at Lorin to wake him up.
Lorin mumbled softly and opened his eyes "Hmmm what is it" he said as he opened his eyes slowly and looked at her "Something wrong?" he asked as he yawned silently and then looked at her once more. His eyes said nothing and then he realised he had hold of her ass, he removed his hand and softly moved it away as he smiled.
"I can feel tremors in the ground, I sense it is the other tributes, or worse, mutations or something nastier! We must get out of her!" Astrid hissed. She had plenty of arrows left in her quiver, and saw a small wrapped package waiting outside of their little hidey hole. She withdrew a dagger, and poked at it, and seeing that it did not move, slowly pulled it in. It had to be a gift from sponsors. She unwrapped it, and smiled, seeing it was a load of bread shaped like a trident, and it was tinted green from seaweed. She spoke,"Food from either my Father or my Mother, or perhaps both! Shall we split it?"
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