The Demigod Games (Naomi David and BlackTalon)

Astrid smiled at her partner, and they held hands, both of them were waiting for the timer to run out... Then it did run out, signaling the start of the games. They both jumped off of their platforms, hand in hand, and they took their respective bags, Astrid had the weapons filled one, his had the medicine filled one, though his had a small dagger.
Lorin was awaiting the countdown to finally end as he was both scared and excited for how this would turn out. 3,2,1... And they were off, Lorin charged at the bag that he wanted and got it as first, he looked back at his partner who was 2 meters behind and was panting because she hadn't trained enough. Lorin sighed and shook his head as he dashed off into a North-East direction, leaving his partner behind. What he didn't know what was going to happen is that the District 1 team had already planned on getting him first, now ofcourse when that wasn't possible because of his speed, they focused themselves on his partner, which was searching through the remaining bags swiftly.
Astrid whistled for a moment, watching her partner knife the boy from District 1, and when his partner turned to retaliate, she got an arrow in her heart. Her partner showed a ruthless side that she didn't even know he had, she was impressed. The District 7 girl looked grateful, and she partner was ready to kill her, but she held him back, and she grabbed his wrist again, heading to a place where she sensed water was.
Lorin had hidden himself at the edge of the forest en watched the ordeal go down. As he saw his partner who had survived the first ordeal, he whistled and tapped on a tree three times. His partner recognized the signal and grabbed what she had collected and ran swiftly towards Lorin as they both now seemed to have vanished into the forest. They were moving towards a thick forest patch
They were quickly at the river, while Astrid was checking for traps, sensing for land mines and what not, checking for nasty surprises that the Capitol would have. Astrid collected the water, which she sensed was safe to drink and safe to clean wounds with. Her partner watched her back. Astrid heard her partner whistle a four note tune, the tune mockingjays liked. That was the one of warning, the one that signalled hearing somebody coming, or one of danger. She had collected enough water, and she stood up, bow and arrow ready. He had his dagger ready, and she whispered,"In case we don't get to say this... Ave Atque Vale..." She had spoken,"Hail And Farewell."
Lorin had been moving with his partner towards the same river, their objective was the patch of thick forest beyond the river as to it would be their base of operations. They wanted to reach there but instead, ran into what seemed Astrid and her partner. Lorin was carrying his backpack and had his axe in hand, in his other hand he was wearing an iron round shield which was also in his backpack, for the rest he had food, water and survival gear stuffed in it. His partner was holding a one-handed steel sword which was just not heavy enough for her to carry. And as they moved across a small hill, they saw what seemed Astrid and her partner. Lorin didn't have any second doubts, they would kill them now without any doubt in their mind and it would be quick. Lorin's partner saw them as well and didn't wait to think, she charged at them, they had saved her but she knew damn right how they would not doubt of killing her and Lorin.
Astrid concentrated very hard, and shouted, using her powers of water to control what was in the river, forming it into a wave, and she directed it to Lorin's partner. She hoped she didn't kill her, considering she saved her life and all, and she wanted her in her power, in her debt. Astrid grabbed her partner's wrist, and they both ran like hell, away from Lorin and his partner.
Lorin rushed off to his partner as he saw her washed over by the wave, falling on top of a spicky stick which had now pierced her hand. He went to her and grumbled "Stupid girl" he said and then broke the top of the stick and then pulled the other end out as he grabbed her other hand and pulled her up with him as he started to rush off into the thick forest part where they planned to go anyway. Lorin looked at where Astrid and her partner were moving away from, he had thought about throwing his axe into the back of Astrid's partner but forgot about it when he heard the painfull scream of his partner and then acted according to it.
Astrid and her partner continued to run like hell, even though they were following the river. Then they heard a scream, a horrible scream. Astrid and her partner quickly checked themselves, neither of them were hurt, so it had to be somebody else. THey hadn't shot or sliced anybody, so they couldn't be the cause of the scream. They immediately checked the trees and surrounding area, nobody that they could say was around them. It had to be one of the Tributes...
Lorin kept moving as they got into the thick forest patch and finally he saw a tree suitable, he started climbing the tree and saw how the branches of other trees made a sort of net for them to move around in. He pulled up his partner who had troubles with getting up in the big tree and then looked at her wound. He grabbed her backpack and took out a desinfectant and desinfected the wound and put it away again. Right after he took one of their bandages and wrapped it tightly around the wound in her hand. He smiled gently and looked at her "You'll live" he said as he started gathering big branches and leaves to move over the net of huge branches, he was going to make them a place to stay at for now. But soon they had to move.
Astrid knew where she and her partner could stay, in one of the caves she had seen passing by as they ran from Lorin and his partner. Coincidentally, they weren't too far from Lorin and his partner, the cave wasn't too far from where they were now. Astrid whispered,"Tributes from District 1 are gone... Dunno how many are left."
Lorin looked at his partner and sighed "So let's count, The tributes from district 1 are down and I heard about 2 other Cannonshots..." he sighed and looked at her "You're lucky it wasn't five people, she could have shot you straight in your head if you move like that" he said with a silent voice "You need to think before you act or you will not survive around here" he said with a sigh. And at that moment something strange snapped in his partner, she thought about something and the next thing that Lorin knew was that his partner got up and actually grabbed her sword to attack him "Then I'll start with you ! Moving alone is my best option!" she shouted as the next thing she did was swing at Lorin. Lorin was suprised but was naturaly faster, he got up after she drew her sword and dodged her slash to his chest, he then dashed at her and kicked her in the chest, which sent her flying backwards a meter or two, this resulted in to something he didn't even wanted. Lorin had to observe how his partner fell down 8 meters onto the solid ground. Lorin was looking down and felt horrible, his partner had grown mad and was trying to attack him but was this the right thing to do? And now another gunshot resounded and the image of his partner came ontop of the dome. He looked up into the sky and sighed, he continued making what seemed a leaf hideout.
Astrid stifled a scream when she saw Lorin's partner's body fall not too far away from the cave's mouth, that wasn't a pretty sight to see. At least she and her partner were safe in the cave, nobody but them was in it. She felt the ground rumble a bit, and she scowled, she concentrated very hard, and forced the earth to not go into an earthquake. It tired her, doing that sort of thing.
Lorin heard a scream coming not far from him and then moved closer to it, and then he saw the cave which resided Astrid and her partner. He sighed and then moved back to his lure. He laid down on it and then looked at the sky, he had to relax a little and he was not yet over the loss of his partner. He sighed and closed his eyes as he put his hands under his head.
Astrid and her partner ate a little bit from their packs, they ate and drank some. Then they decided to rest, taking turns sleeping, one was awake, the other was sleeping, that way nobody was caught off guard.
Lorin didn't catch any sleep, it was still in the light of the day and he had no intention of falling asleep on his own, not without the decent precautions he would make. Lorin actually got up and started building something, he cut of five branches of a tree and started sharpening them with his axe until all five of them had sharpened point. He took off one big branch and then reached down in his backpack, out of it he took a bunch of rope and started tying the smaller pointed sticks onto the big branch, he took a flexible big band out of his backback and threw the construction down onto the ground as he climbed down, he started ransaking the backpack of his fallen partner for all that was valuable. He took the sword, medical equipment and food and put it in his bag as he left some stuff that was spare in the backpack. Next he started making his contraption into place, he placed the base of the trap next to the body of his fallen comrade and fixed the elastic band into place, he locked the trap with a wooden stick underneath the body of his partner and then covered the trap with leaves so that it was as if it was a small tree standing next to the body. Next he moved back up into his tree with his heavier backpack now and laid down back ontop of his lair. He had expanded it now so when he laid down in it, he would have a looking hole straight downwards to the ground and he was entirely covered with stringed together leaves. It functioned as a hideout and as a bed at the same time, it would keep him decently warm for cold nights as well as he didn't knew what was going to come the next few days.
Astrid was glad she and her partner both had sleeping bags in their packs, that would be very useful for cold nights. She then heard the hovercraft coming, the hovercraft that came to claim bodies. She had a crazy idea, a dumb, crazy idea... Hijack it, but no, many innocents would be killed in retaliation for defying the Capitol.
Lorin sighed as he looked downstairs and heard the sound of the hovercraft. He forgot about it and seemed to have planted a trap for any passer-by, he chose to ignore it, it would be another victim at his hand but it wouldn't be that unjustfull, the prime districts have always looked down on the district he came from. They always treated his people as dirt and now it would only be satisfaction to actually harm one of them in the meanwhile of this game. Ofcourse people would set traps with dead bodies.
Astrid and her partner were both awake now, both alert, aware of what was going on, and they both carefully peaked out of the cave, wondering if it was safe to fully come out. Astrid sensed danger, though she didn't know why. She spoke,"Leo, do you see anything?" He spoke,"No, but why do I sense danger?" An arrow thumped into his shoulder, and he cried out in pain, she looked, and saw an archer in a tree, and she immediately returned fire, and she killed him, arrow to the neck. If that didn't kill him, the fall from the tree certainly would. The boy was from District 2. Astrid and her partner immediately retreated into the cave, and she set on treating his wound, pulling out the arrow carefully, then cleaning and treating the wound.
Lorin was laying down in his cover as he heard movement right next to him. He heard some soft footsteps and then it stopped, right next to him that was. He wasn't moving at all and it seemed that the archer from district 2 did not notice him at all, his lair had proven valuable as it was already. It didn't take long before the archer had pulled an arrow back on his string and had fired it on Astrid's partner. Now he could hear a retaliation shot and a soft gurgling of blood as he heard the archer fall down and hit the ground on top of the trap mechanism, strangely enough it didn't trigger it, it only made the trap more devious. Now Lorin was looking down at two bodies stacked up on his trap mechanism and it was damn sure to be working. And that time had came now. As Lorin looked down he saw a small slim man run out of the bushes next to the bodies and moved to them. He moved the upper body and started ransaking the backpack of his former partner, but what the boy didn't knew is that when he moved the lower body, the trap mechanism engaged and in a matter of seconds, the large branch swiped horizontally and impaled the young man onto the 5 sharpened sticks which were now all sticking out of his body, he was trying to fight his imminent death but couldn't even escape from his impalement. He was gurgling up blood as he was moving his arms gently to try and get away, all in vain.
Astrid didn't watch what happened to the next young man, the one who fell prey to Lorin's trap... Okay, both from district 1, 1 from district 2, and one from district 7... She wondered who was left. She took good care of Leo, who smiled gratefully at her, and she spoke,"We must leave this place eventually."
Astrid would not have seen what happened to the young man but she would most definetly see his body hanging there, there were 10" spikes running through his chest and the blood would have splattered almost all the way to the cave, it was a horrible sight to see and even the caretakers would have a lot of trouble getting the body off from there. It was almost as if the body was nailed to the big branch trap he had made, which seemed to be more than effective.
Astrid and Leo carefully made their way out of the cave, and Leo nearly threw up when he saw the body of the man that had gotten impaled, and they made their way along the river, looking for good camping spots.
Lorin had seen them move and was in no doubt to wait, he wanted to survive this and their team was strong, a bit too strong to his liking. He decided to stalk them, he made as least noise as he could make as he moved from branch to branch, following them in their footsteps as they made their way along the river to find something that resembled a good place to stay, he staid out of their imminent sight but just enough to know where they were going.
Astrid heard a faint whizzing sound, like the sound of an arrow being released, and she dragged Leo to the ground by his uninjured side, and the arrow missed them, landing in the water, and she dragged him along, and they alternatively ran and crawled, more arrows were following them. She hissed,"Dammit! I don't see or hear any arches, it must be a machine or something!"
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