The Demigod Games (Naomi David and BlackTalon)

Lorin looked at them being volleyed by arrows, this was no human made shots but machinal, they followed a certain traject and were fired periodicly. But that was not the only thing, now was his chance to take out one of them and he had to make his choice, he grabbed the sword from his backpack and aimed and with a well curved throw, he threw the sword. It went with an amazing speed and strength and flew straight into the back of Leo, Astrid's partner. A hit. That is what he wanted to see, that is how he would make his father proud. But he couldn't stay there, as fast as he could he started dashing away for a few minutes and then found his lair again, in which he hid in.
Astrid heard a dull groan, and she saw Leo collapse, a sword protruding from his back. He was dead by the time he hit the ground. She started screaming in pain and in rage. The earth started to shake, not by machine, but from her own rage. Neptune was also the God of Earthquakes, or Earthshaking. Astrid pulled the sword out of his back, and she turned him over, and she cried,"Ave Atque Vale. Ave Atque Vale!" Hail and Farewell, Hail and Farewell. She cradled his body, and she closed his eyes.
Lorin heard her rage and crying and then looked back at her, he felt the earth shake and then it hit him. Another Demi-god. And then he heard her yell Ave Atque Vale a few times before she cradled up to the body and closed her eyes. He sighed "What is she doing there still..." Lorin sighed and then moved down from his tree and dashed towards her, he skillfully dodged what seemed to be the mechanical fire of arrows, he grabbed her by her armpits with both hands and forcefully ripped her from the body of her fallen comrade "You are insane" he grumbled as he moved with her into one of the bushes, he grabbed her wrists and put his feet at her inner-thighs, it immobilised her "What is your name"
Astrid fought and kicked at whoever had grabbed her away from Leo's body, she continued to fight and struggle even as he had her wrists and had his feet at her inner thighs. She snarled,"Astrid Brooks! What the hell do you want, Greek?"
Lorin looked at her "He's dead roman ! you should not stick around here if you want to have the same fate as him, he's gone and he's not coming back ! Get that in your head!" he said as he sighed and looked back at the body of his fallen comrade "You should honor him and not weep over him, that is what we demi-gods know best of all! honor the dead and fight for them, not sit there and cry patheticly" he said with an irritated voice
"Crying is not a sign of weakness, you bastard!" Astrid snarled, and she twisted, freeing herself. She snapped,"Who are you descended from? Ares? Athena?"
Lorin sighed as she got free and he stood up after and then looked at her "Ares" he said as he cracked his neck "And you probably Poseidon, that shock wasn't normal" he said as he looked at her "You need to learn how to control your emotions more ... You can't go around and causing earthshocks because someone died." he said as he shook his head and then looked at her "You should also find somewhere more stealthy to hide, you have been found three times and you didn't even notice one time" he said as he looked around for his surroundings
"I'm the daughter of Neptune, Graecus!" Astrid snipped, she felt she was entitled to at least a temper tantrum since she had seen her best friend killed right before her very eyes. She spoke,"Did you kill him? please be truthful."
Lorin nodded and looked at her "Yes I did" he shook his head "He wasn't going to make it anyway, that arrow trap was going to get him and I had no intention of hearing someone beg or cry for his life" he said as he tried to justify his action "You and I both knew that" and as he said it, he pulled his axe and looked at her "People are coming" he said as he turned to the south, the river mound had released a few splashing noises as two people seemed to move across the river.
Astrid's face suddenly turned very ugly when he told her that he was the one that killed Leo. She snarled, but he told her that people were coming. She did what she had to do, she raced down, and grabbed Leo's bag before the hovercraft could claim him, putting it on her back along with her own backpack. She swore to herself she would avenge Leo's death. She wanted to kill Lorin, but not now, not yet. She drew a blade out, a knife. A third was coming, he was from behind Lorin. She slit his throat, moving soundlessly, and then snapped his neck for good measure.
Lorin focussed on the other two and rushed on ahead, as he heard them moving towards him through the forest, he got ready. As they were just meters away, Lorin jumped up from out of a bush and swung his axe to the person on his right and as his attack landed, a soft thud could be heard, followed by a squirt of blood and the dropping of a body. A glorious decapitation as Lorin rushed towards the second man who only had a sword which he swung at Lorin with, in the rush of the moment, Lorin forgot about his defence and got hit on the shoulder and in retaliation, he roared and swung his axe into his face and kicked his chest, making the dead body tumble down on the ground. He grumbled and then looked at his shoulder as it was bleeding quite heavily "Damn"
Astrid had a satisfied smirk on her face when Lorin got a nasty mark on his shoulder, and she spoke slyly, despite the situation,"I know how to heal that without any medicine... For a price."
Lorin looked at her and sighed "What do you want ..." he said as he knew that she was up to no good, her face showed her expression as he had been injured in battle. Normally this wouldn't have happened but the pride of such a glorious kill made him restless and overconfident.
Astrid spoke cheerfully,"Take my hand and come into the water with me. Water heals my wounds, and if I am holding hands, or even touching an ally, their wounds heal as well... The price is to form an alliance with me. Watch my back, I'll watch yours. I swear to it on the Styx."
Lorin looked at her and nodded "Fine I will protect you and form an alliance with you" he said as he looked at her "But we can't do it here" he said "We need to move away from this area first" he said as he looked around carefully and distrustworthy of the whole situation where they were in right now.
"Swear to it on the Styx, like I just did. You know how oaths made on the Styx are binding." Astrid replied. She was saying this mainly to protect her own ass. But she always kept her word, promise made on the Styx or not.
Lorin looked at her and nodded "I swear it on the Styx" he said as he grumbled out of pain as his arm now was covered in blood. He closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled slowly. He was calming himself down and he really needed the treatment of him.
Astrid took his hand, and dragged him into the water with her, well, she dragged him by the side that wasn't injured. Slowly, but surely, his wound began to heal. She smiled, feeling her own energy go back up, water did that to her.
Lorin grunted but seemed content that his wound was healing and growing shut "thanks" he said as they kept being in the water for quite some time. He sighed gently "I definetly need a rest soon" he said as he looked quite tired and beat up.
Soon the wounds, well, any and all wounds he had, were all healed and closed. Astrid spoke,"You'll find that when in the water with me, your clothes will remain dry. Pretty cool, yes?" She spoke,"Well, we'll need to find a place to camp out, and I've sleeping bags and a whole bunch of other goodies."
Lorin nodded and chuckled "I have a backpack full with food, drinks, survival gear and medical equipment so we're all set." he said with a smirk on his face and looked at his clothing "Indeed and well you'll see at night, I never get cold so if you need something to warm yourself, just say so" he said with a nod as he looked at her "I've got a nice camp set up if you are willing to sleep up high" he said with a questioning look
Astrid spoke,"I am not afraid of heights, so I am not afraid of sleeping up high. And thank you for the offers." Astrid was still angry, not at Lorin, but she hated it all, the Capitol, everything, the Games... If it was possible to bring the Capitol down before, it was possible to do it again. She wanted to wreak terrible vengeance.
Lorin looked at her and took her hand as they went out of the water slowly, he moved with her and by now the caretakers had removed the bodies that were stacked with the trap but the trap still remained. "Hold on" he said as he armed the trap once more, leaving a few rations down on the ground with it. He then continued by leading her up into the trees to then find his hideout again, which was originally for two persons. He smiled and looked at her "It's shabby but warm and comfortable, a lot better than your cave that is" he chuckled gently as he looked at her.
Astrid whistled, impressed with how he had done the trap. She followed him out of the water, up to his little hide out. She spoke, quietly,"When did you find out you were a demigod? How did you find out?"
Lorin got into the hide out as it was becoming night, hunting at night would be a really bad idea as nobody knew what was really out there and it wouldn't actually take long for people to fall into traps like the one that he had made. He smiled and looked at her "My mother told me when I was old enough to understand and I actually always knew, what about you?" he said as he looked at her
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