The Demigod Games (Naomi David and BlackTalon)

Astrid got a pair of tweezers, and delicately pulled out the tracker with said tweezers. She reached out her left hand, the one with out the tweezers, and one of the twins handed her a water bottle. She put the tweezers down, and with her right hand, she placed the hand close to the wound, and with her left, she carefully poured the water onto the wound, watching the blood get washed away, and watched his wound close and heal.
Lorin looked at her as she removed the tracker with the tweezers and cleaned the wound with water. He grumbled and grinded his teeth together "Goddamnit..." he said as he then looked at her as she was healing his wound close rapidly and making sure it was totally healed up "Thanks" he said as he rubbed over the wound "That hurt like shit" he said as he got up gently and took his hunting gear, he looked at Astrid "I wouldn't mind having a back up" he said as he hoped for her to join him still.
"Ah, ah, you cut mine out of my arm, please." Astrid spoke gently, smiling at him. She looked so nice at the moment, it was easy to imagine that she was sitting on a beach some where, watching the waves crash...
Lorin nodded and went back to her as he got his sword out and grabbed a ball of cotton wires "Bite on this" he said as he moved it into her mouth and then continued to look at her "It's going to be painfull but fast" he said as he grabbed the tweezers as well. He looked at her " 1 , 2 ..." and before he said three he made an incission into her arm and started getting out the tracker with the tweezers as he then continued to pour the water over it to let her heal herself.
Astrid bit on the cotton wires when he offered it to her. Boy, it hurt very, very much. She watched him cut her arm open, she watched him remove the tracker. She watched him pour water over the wound to clean and heal it. She spat out the cotton wire, and she spoke,"Yeah... Hurts, but thanks!"
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