The Demigod Games (Naomi David and BlackTalon)

Lorin looked at her and nodded as he got up slowly, preparing for his journey "We shall leave as soon as possible" he said with a calm voice as he got up from the hole and grabbed his axe and shield. He put hold of his backpack and put it on his back tightly to hold him down as least as possible as he saw what she had received from her sponsors "That is generous" he said with a smile as he looked at her "Do as you wish, the gift is yours after all" he said with a friendly smile "Where do we go next?" he asked her while he looked at her.
Astrid slowly got up as well, smiling, and she split the loaf of bread shaped as a trident in half, handing one half to Lorin. She spoke,"Well, I don't know where to go next..." She tightened her straps like Lorin, she was glad she had weapons aplenty, then again, when one thing was able to be used in one situation, she switched to something else.
Lorin looked at her and smiled "Follow me" he said as he started moving through the thick forest silently but swiftly, he was in his element and he knew by his experience as a woodsman and as a son of ares how to move through woods and through battlefields as if it was his inside pocket. He kept moving through the thick vegetation as they soon found a large group of trees which towered up above the entire forest. Lorin looked up at them and knew this was going to be their eagles nest, their base of operations and their safe haven. Nothing except his expertise would be able to get up in them as their thick branches were scarse at first as he helped her get up, she could feel his rough hands on her body as he helped her up and he felt her round forms in his hands as they were moving up in them, after a long climb, they finally met the point they were searching for. A thick net of branches made a perfect place to stay as they could even just normally walk over them without being scared of falling down or even slipping. Lorin looked at her and smiled "The horrors that dwell below can hardly get up here and I think we should stay here at least for a little while and make this our home."
Astrid followed along with him, watching his back to make sure they weren't suddenly ambushed... She smirked, feeling his rough hands on her body, helping her up... She spoke,"Nobody wants to xert more strength to get up here, they'd not have enough to fend off the other tributes..." She was thinking deeply again, thinking of armies and war....
Lorin smiled and nodded as they got up to the point where they needed to be. Lorin sighed as he took his backpack and started putting his things up, a cover that was spread amongst their 'ceiling' to help against any rain or excessive sunlight. He nodded and smiled as he then looked at her "Hey do you still have that bedroll?" he asked her with a smile and a wink.
Astrid rolled her eyes, and she spoke,"I have enough..." She spoke,"Were you chosen in the Games, and not stepped up to save a family member from the Games?" She was thinking of small Alexander, of all of her brothers and sisters... The viewers back home were clearly seeing an alliance between them, though this alliance was a deal, a deal made to protect the other. Breaking promises on the River Styx was never a smart thing. She stretched, and was worried about her family, about what would happen if she was killed... She made a signal for him to shut up, sensing that they were being watched, despite their excellent cover. She did a four note tune, the tune that mockingjays liked. A higher pitched voice answered, and a small child, couldn't be older than 12, quickly appeared. Astrid spoke,"Who are you, little one, and which district are you from?" The little girl had dark hair, very pale skin, and eyes as dark as her hair. Something about her made Astrid feel uneasy, but there was something about the little girl's smile that made her relax. She spoke,"Evangeline di Angelo, District 11!" Astrid smiled, and spoke,"Little girl of the angels..." The smile on the child widened even more, and she spoke,"I followed you two. You make lots of noise." Astrid smiled, and spoke,"I am Astrid Books, District 4! Lorin, introduce yourself!" Astrid held out her hand, a sign of peace, that she meant no harm. She spoke in Latin,"Qui sunt parentes tui?" The little girl looked blankly at her, and Astrid switched to Greek,"Poioi eínai oi goneís sou?" The girl responded,"My Mother is Isabelle di Angelo. My Father is Hades, Lord of the Dead."
Lorin sighed and looked at her reply, then he looked at her "Chosen, I'm happy that I finally got chosen and was allowed to participate in this" he said as he looked at her "I received a sign in my young time to once I was old enough and Ares thought I was at my best, that I would join the hunger games and win" he said as he smiled and looked at the sky. Next something happened, the little kid appeared and Lorin surged up, grabbing his axe as he looked at the both of them conversating. "Lorin, son of Ares, District 7" he said with a grumble "Hades?" he said as he stood up straight and cracked his neck "So you're an offspring of The Death itself?"
Evangeline didn't seem put out by Lorin's rough and tumble manner, instead she showed her youth, she had a few teeth missing with her adult teeth growing in their spaces. She spoke,"Well, technically Thanatos is the God of Death, since he escorts souls down to the Underworld, but in all essentials, yes." Astrid spoke,"Where is your partner, Evangeline?" Evangeline's face brightened even more, if possible, and she spoke,"My brother is also a son of Hades, well, he's my twin. I'm very happy he's with me. And he's been stealing from the other tributes except for you two. We have an ability called shadow travelling, we can travel through shadows, wind up in another place. And if it makes you feel better, Astrid, Leo is in Elysium... As for your, Lorin, your partner is in Asphodel Fields." Astrid cracked a smile, Leo would be happy at the very least.
Lorin nodded and looked up at the sky as he sat down gently and sighed gently "Well I hope she finds her place there" he said with a regretting look in his eyes, he looked at her and then smiled gently "Thank you for that gift" he said as he looked at Astrid "I'm going to go out hunting if you don't mind, we need some more fresh meat" he said as he started to climb down with his axe and a sword on his back. He looked like he was going to do something else then hunting by the way he was moving down eagerly and seemed distracted with something.
Astrid smiled nicely at him, and she spoke,"Find something, and I'll cook it." Astrid was wondering why he was taking so long to get down. She wondered what he was looking at. Evangeline spoke,"Evan di Angelo? Where are you, you disloyal bastard?" Her twin appeared next to her, smirking, saying,"No need to swear!" He had a few rabbits in his right hand and a bloody knife in the other.
Lorin made his way down slowly as his eyes moved up slowly, looking at Astrid's lower regions, he smiled gently as he kept moving down and tried to make his way down faster. He started to hunt as he was down there and kept hunting vigorously. After a long while, he caught a deer and managed to get some herbs and started climbing back up as he had cut up and handily moved the pieces in his backpack to climb up faster.
Astrid continued conversing with the twins in Greek, and was learning a great deal from them. She spoke so low, so only they could hear her, asking them if they knew of any other demigods in their district, not just Greeks and Romans, but demigods from other cultures. They shook their heads, but Evan mentioned rumors he had been hearing in the Underworld of an Uprising with the Districts.
In the meanwhile Lorin had reached their spot again and sighed as he dropped the chunks of deer next to them, he panted gently as he got up and sighed "Damnit this tree is higher than I suspected" he said with a stern voice, he looked at all three of them and sighed "Well these games seem like they will last longer than the usual duration" he said with a jokish voice as he yawned and looked at the twins.
Astrid spoke,"We now have an alliance with District 11. Lorin, these are the twin children of Hades. The boy is Evangeline's brother, Evan di Angelo. He brings news of a possible Uprising in the Districts, the rumors come straight from the Underworld. Evan... Care to explain?..." Evan smiled brightly, and spoke,"I've spoken with the spirits residing in Elysium, those died fighting against the Capitol's foot soldiers, the Peacekeepers. They speak of rumbles happening in District 12, which we know of as the Mining District."
Lorin nodded and looked at Evan "Hello" he said as he sighed and then started to carve up the minces of meat he had gathered into orderly and well fitted slices of meat. He sighed gently and nodded "Well an uprising was bound to come" he said as he stood up "my district is preparing as well" he said as he laid down on the branches "We've been thinking about it and it was bound to come anyway. Our district is one of the poorest of all and we have all the reason to revolt against their leadership."
"All of the poorer districts have reason to rebel-" Evan started to speak, but Astrid cut in,"District 4 wants to fight as well, despite my District's reputation as a wealthier District. Actually, every District has plenty of reason to rebel. Somebody knows somebody who died in the Games, or died bringing down the Capitol the first time." Evangeline spoke,"I also heard a rumor from a deceased son of Hephaestus who lived in District 12, District 12 will definitely fight again."
Lorin sighed and nodded "Ofcourse all of the poorer districts have reason, but I'm not certain if they all would support the rebellion, I mean some districts barely have any fight left in them" he said as he yawned and laid himself down "Can someone start a fire? I'm hungry and I deserve a bite of the meat" he said as he smiled "You all want some?" he offered to them as he sat back up straight and looked at them all with a questioning look.
Astrid smirked, Evan had been skinning the rabbits while they all had been talking. Evangeline brought out some matches out of her backpack, made a nice setting of twigs, but not too big as to attract attention or so big that it would get out of hand, but big enough for food. Evangeline lit the fire, and she spoke,"We all want food, and we dared not follow unless we had something to offer. But first, we all know the rules, sacrifice some of our meal to the gods."
Lorin chuckled and smiled at them all "That is your Gods, Ares only requires praying and winning in battle, I honour him through my Battles and I honour him in everything I do, that is enough for him" he said as he started cooking the meat that he had hunted for. He looked at them all and smiled gently "I did not mean to offend your gods, I respect your traditions but they are not similair to mine"
"All of us here are demigods, children of Olympus as some say." Evan spoke, finishing washing his hands clean of the rabbit blood and fur. Evangeline's eyes lit up like Christmas trees, and Astrid spoke, her tone wary,"What are you thinking?..." Evangeline spoke,"Evan, do you have the seeds? You know, the ones that only the sons and daughters of Hades or Pluto can eat?..." Evan's face paled, leaving it whiter than ever, but he brought out the pomegranate seeds. Evangeline spoke,"If Evan and I can put ourselves into a death trance while eating these... They should fool the trackers the Capitol put in our arms to watch our movements in the Games, and register us as dead..." Astrid spoke,"Here's the problem! There's only the four of us here, and I don't know how many more of us in the Arena are demigods! Even then, we have no army!" Evan spoke,"An army of the living... But my sister and I can summon endless armies of the dead." Evangeline continued,"And when they pick us up, the hovercraft, or try to pick us up... We will summon our armies and hijack the hovercraft."
Lorin nodded and chuckled "I could help by ambushing them from a tree, my aim with throwing is quite deadly" he said as he smirked and sighed gently, eating more of the meat he had cooked recently. After he was done, he sighed and then yawned as he looked at the twins "Maybe you two should go away from here to not make it seem suspicious, they probably are looking for us right now and if they see us all together, that's going to create quite a hastle for all of us" he looked at them "not that I mind you guys being here"
All of them ate very well, and drank well, they were all fed and watered. Evan spoke,"Someone must cut the trackers out of all of our arms to make doubly sure that they can't track us." Astrid spoke,"I will, but can one of you two shadow travel and get us plenty of water?... I need to be able to heal everybody after the trackers are cut out of our arms, and it will be messy, and I can heal myself with water, and heal others with water. But as soon as we hear the cannons go off, signifying you two 'dying', I will cut the trackers out of your arms, then heal you two..."
Lorin nodded as he heard of their plan "These trackers will indeed mess with our plan if they aren't cut out" he listened to the rest of the conversation and then looked at all of them "One thing is to be certain, we're not the only ones that are left in The Games, how about for less suspecition, I go hunt down the rest of the tributes that are of no use to us?" he asked them all with a serious face. If Astrid knew him a little by now, she could have seen his hand tightly clenching around his axe as he seemed to really want to go out and hunt the remaining of their foes who were by now all searching for the remaining survivors of the horrors on the ground floor or the wildlife that resided in the area.
Astrid spoke,"Lorin, since you so desire to go out and hunt down the rest of the tributes... Try and see if it's possible to find out if they are demigods or legacies, the children of demigods. If they are not... Well, you know what to do. And to be sure... Want the tracker out of your arm now?"
Lorin looked at Astrid and nodded as he agreed with her share in the plan "Alright I'll do that" he said as he looked at his arm and grabbed the dagger he had in his backpack, he then continued by cutting open his arm and taking out the tracker while crunching down on his own teeth "Goddamnit... that hurts like shit" he yelled as pressed the wound together and then looked at her with an awaiting face.
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