The Demigod Games (Naomi David and BlackTalon)

Lorin was out of one of the poorer districts and didn't have that many supplies to go around, instead they made use of his body. He was dressed in what seemed to be a tightened leather suit that on his upper chest, reveiled a lot of his muscles through it. He was being made into a man model as his hair was being done and his clothes were being put and they ofcourse gave him the symbol of his district, a Golden Woodcutter's Axe which really looked well. Now it was time for the parade, they came out 7th and when he was in the middle of it all, he grabbed the axe, thrusted it in the air and screamed out his longues yelling "For Ares, For District 7 and for all of you!" he cheered as he then regained his posture and calmed down.
Astrid now looked like a super model, which really didn't make her happy. She wore a black dress, though when she moved, there were flashes of silver, like fish scales, which symbolized what District 4 was, Fishing. As she and her partner were from District 4, they came out 4th, and they were holding hands, not because they were in love, but because it showed that they would do anything for each other in the Games, even die to protect the other. The black really brought out the green in her eyes. When she heard the boy from district 7 shout Ares, she realized what he was. He was a demigod, like her... But he was a Greek.
Lorin grinned as they continued the parade and a lot of people were cheering on them, especially after his moment of shouting. They were thrilled by it and some even realised what he was. And so it seemed that Astrid had done the same. He was silent for the rest of the parade and kept looking around at how much people were there to just observe The Hunger Games. he himself had never seen so much people in one place before. And then when they had all finished their parade, it was time for the interviews.
Astrid really wasn't looking forward to the interview, because she knew afterwards, there would be the assessments from the Gamemakers. She knew she would get a high score, because of her somewhat violent behavior and her skills with weapons. She hated talking.
Lorin was 7th to go and was all alone as his partner was coming next. They asked him questions about his believing and why he had signed up. He said that he was doing it for his district and that his believing was greek, he believed in the greek gods and was convinced of them. Next was going to be the competition, who he was cautious about and who not, he clearly said to them that the female from District 4 was on his eye and that he was cautious about her but at the others he wasn't that scared at all. He smirked at the end and looked at the interviewer 'Fear is for the weak, just ask my partner" he said with a chuckle as he walked away from the interview and sighed "Finally" he said as he went back to his tutor.
Astrid gave quick, clear answers when it was her turn for her interview. When asked why she was in the Games, she spoke,"I love my family. I do my duty." When asked in her beliefs, she spoke,"I believe in the Roman Gods." Then asked about who she was wary of and who she wasn't, she spoke,"I'm keeping my eye on the boy from District 7... And I don't care about the others, if you haven't heard already, I already broke a Tribute's arm." She had a nasty smile as she said that, and the interviewer clearly backed a few inches away from her. She yawned when the interview was over, and left quickly, bored.
Lorin left earlier from the interviews as it just bored him and didn't interest him at all. He started walking back over the big courtyard which they paraded on and didn't care at all, he wasn't looking up and kept moving on a decent pase and then finally got back to his room, he changed into his training gear and then moved to the training rooms again to start and then started working out with heavy weights. He was swetting and was dressed in training shorts and a tank top as he was working out with the weights.
Astrid happily changed out of her 'pretty clothes', well, the clothes made her look like an assassin in disguise. She happily changed into her work out clothes, which was a black tank top and black shorts. She was working out, running on a treadmill at the highest speed. She liked to run, hence the treadmill. She couldn't wait to hear the score she would get from the Gamemakers.
Lorin was working out pretty hard and then after he was done with lifting weights, he moved over to one of the treadmill, not close to her though and he started running on the highest level as well. He wanted to keep his endurance as good as possible. He was awaiting the general speakers that were going to announce the scores that he would have received from the Gamemakers, for now he was just working out and thinking off nothing else but preparing himself as best as possible.
Astrid, when done with the treadmill, went over to a balance beam, and she was slowly walking on it, slowly walking back and forth, then slowly speeding up, she was testing herself on how she could move when given little space.
Lorin stopped working out and started moving to the shower room once again, he was getting bored of working out and was actually started getting a little stress for tomorrow, the day they were going to do what they came here to do. He undressed once more and then moved into the shower booth, starting up the shower and after a few minutes he started singing again.
Astrid worked up far longer than Lorin, clearly proving that she had great endurance. She grew tired, and she went to the shower room, and life before, made sure she was alone before stripping. She went into a different shower booth, and since she had power over water, made the water pressure in her booth much stronger, which of course, weakened the pressure in all of the other booths.
Lorin was taken a long long shower as he was really relaxing and washing away the stress he had a little before the big day. Ofcourse he was still in the shower booth and then suddenly the pressure weakened "What the hell?" he started to move the button for the strength of the water and it didn't change "What is this" he sighed and then looked around "Is someone doing this?"
Astrid heard only one voice of protest, Lorin's, and she suddenly laughed, and the water pressure returned to normal, and she continued to enjoy her shower, just relaxing in the water...
Lorin sighed and then nodded. After a few minutes though he exitted his shower booth, not even caring he was nude and moved to the changing room where he dried himself off and put on some new clothes as he looked around and started moving to his room.
Astrid waited till she knew she was alone again, and she rinsed off, finishing her shower, and then she dried off, and put some new clothes on, and headed off to her room with some spring in her step, passing by Lorin, smirking.
Lorin looked at her springing by, he was quite confused as she seemed happy for some reason. He looked at her move and actually looked at her rear as she moved past him. 'Hmmm, lovely figure' he thought to himself as he smirked and then moved to his room, entering it and then went to bed extremely early to be rested for sure tomorrow.
Astrid knew Lorin was eyeing her ass, and she quickly made it to her room, and she readied herself for bed, heading to bed early, clearly eager to get ready for three horrible days.
Lorin opened up his eyes in the morning and then rose from his bed, he went to his bathroom and then splashed some water in his own face to decently wake up. He went to brush his teeth and then get ready, he got dressed into the gear they had to wear and then made his way to his tutor and partner. He was awaiting the judgment.
Astrid quickly readied herself for the day, brushing her teeth, washing her face... Then she got dressed into her gear, and left her room, making her way to her tutor and her partner. To her surprise, she was awarded the highest possible rank of 12...
Lorin suprisingly only made 10, apparently they made higher suggestions of a kid from district 1 because of his high standing. And then his partner arrived at rank 4, which was almost one of the lowest ranks possible. The tutor looked at her and then sighed "you'll be fine, just stay with Lorin" he said as he looked at Lorin "Take care" he said and then patted his shoulder. Lorin walked up to the platform where he would be transported up to his place.
Astrid's partner made 9, which didn't surprise her, while he wasn't brilliant with weapons, he was very good with surroundings, he was better with medicine and concealment rather than fighting. Astrid's tutor told them both,"Watch each other's backs, Note the strengths and weaknesses of the others, Exploit them." They then made their way to their platforms where they would be transported to the Arena.
As all of the tributes made their way to the platforms, they started to move upwards. Until they finally made it upstairs, a perfect circle was formed with all the contestants and they made damn sure that all contestants of the same district were next to each other. In the middle there was an area with different load of gear and equipment for the grab. Lorin had already set his eyes upon the One-handed axe he saw lingering, his partner though was stressing about being killed at the start.
Astrid had her eyes set on a bag that she could tell with out touching had all of the toys she liked, such as blades and a bow and a quiver full of arrows, as well as other necessary survival gear. Her partner, how ever, was eyeing a different bag, one that clearly had medicines in it.
Lorin was looking at the bag that contained his axe, it seemed to be filled with something round and more, he was spiked and he wouldn't give away from it that easily. He was dead set on it and he would easily survive, this would be a test though. A test of persistance and quickness. He wanted to start already but the counter was already going. His partner seemed even more uneasy, she was looking around quickly and was looking afraid.
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