Save a horse, ride a Cowboy (Charliesweb7 & pnw2013)

He really hadn't thought much into that, but it seemed like they could still be together. "Yeah, I guess." He hated being so vague, but he didn't know what to say in this situation. "I mean, it's better than the alternative. I'd rather we be together a few hours from each other than not together at all." He was running through his mind all the things that he could do to see her, but still stay in the farm. As hard as he tried, he couldn't come up with anything. Would he have to leave his lifestyle for her? But if he did...could it be that bad? He had been curious about pursuing something else, on occasion, but he didn't know what.
Katherine would give it a try. She really hoped it worked. Katherine smiled softly. "I would like to give it a try." She whispered to him. "We can talk..., video chat..." She added, rubbing his back gently. "But we need to tell both of our parents then." She told him. She sighed and then leaned in to kiss his jaw gently. "I think you will like Austin. It is beautiful." She whispered to him.
He smiled as she kissed him. "I think my parents would be fine with it. My sister is the harshest judge in the family, and she already likes you. I was actually starting to think they put you up to date me." He laughed, but made it evident he was kidding. "How would your parents take it?" He wondered. He led her down the stairs, and commented, "I'm sure Austin is, but I doubt it's more beautiful than you." He smiled widely.
Katherine laughed a bit. "Well your sister is a bit nosey. She wanted to know when we slept together." She explained. She followed him downstairs, into their bedroom. "I am not sure. I think they would be a little pissed off because I was not sent here to date you but I think they would be fine with it after a day or two." She replied. She blushed and then looked away. "Oh stop..." She replied to him.
He admitted, "Yeah, she's like that sometimes. But she means well. She asked me the same thing, but also told me to try and patch things up with you. She told me I was a lucky motherfucker and you were the best I've ever been given. Honestly, I can't argue with her." He clicked on the light and told her, "I don't think your parents would complaining you dated me. I've heard my dad say that your dad thinks I'm a good influence on you. If we dated, I'm sure he would assume that I couldn't be anything but good for you." He wasn't absolutely certain about the context of his eavesdropping, but whatever kept them together is what he would say. He went into the closer and reemerged wearing night clothes, asking, "So, after everything, are we Do I still get to kiss you?"
Katherine smiled when he spoke. "Well I am glad she thinks so highly of me." She replied. She honestly didn't know what made her so special. She was just a normal girl. Once the light was on, she moved away to go get some clothes. "Well maybe." She replied. She just didn't know what her father would say. "So are you coming with me back home tomorrow?" She asked gently. Katherine looked to him. "I am not sure. What do you think?" She asked.
When she asked him, he simply replied with a kiss. A long, passionate kiss. He rested his hand on her cheek, hoping she wouldn't push him away. He rolled his tongue over hers, feeling everything from before come rushing back to him. He then smiled at her and retreated to his side of the curtain. "I hope that answers your question." He asked in return, "Do you want these curtains still up, or no?" He hoped she would say he could take them down.
Katherine melted into his body when he gave her a deep kiss. She continued with a deep kiss, rolling her tongue with his. Once he parted, she smiled and blushed a bit. "Yeah." She whispered. That was a yes right? She then looked to the curtains. "That depends." She replied to him. "Will you start jacking off one again?" She teased him, laughing a bit. "If not then you can take them down." She replied.
He smirked, replying, "Whether it not I start jacking off depends on whether or not you enjoyed watching me in the first place." He laughed and started taking down the curtains. It was the first time that Ben would be able to watch her go to sleep. It was oddly relaxing. He came up with a thought, "Here, let me try something really quick." He grabbed his bed and started moving it towards hers. He pushed the beds together and laid the blankets over both. He told her simply, "It was getting cold on my side."
Katherine laughed, rolling her eyes. "Knowing you, you would start once again." She replied. Once the curtains were down, it was strange to see. She then watched as he moved the beds together. She smiled. "Sure... I bet it was cold." She replied, then going into the bathroom. She came back out, wearing a pair of small shorts and one of his old t-shirts. "I think I look pretty hot." She teased, smirking at him before then climbing onto her bed.
He waited for Katherine as she got changed into her night clothes. When she came out of the bathroom, he could feel himself getting harder as she wore short shorts and his shirt. He could imagine her breasts behind it, already having seen them before. "You look incredibly hot." He played along, and lifted up the covers for her to climb in. He gave her a quick kiss and cuddled up to her. It felt almost natural, he thought, cuddling up to her in bed.
Katherine smiled at him. "Well I am glad you think so! Your shirt smells good at least." She replied. It was from high school, a football shirt that was worn in and a little thin. She wasn't wearing a bra under it. She climbed under the covers, him moving closer. It felt kind of nice. She couldn't believe she was leaving now. "You never answered my question." She replied.
"I'm glad too! I actually just washed that shirt, it's a great fit on you." He commented. He could barely see the darker pigment of her nipples through the fabric, and he could definitely see how hard they are. He pointed it out to her, "I told you it's cold." He laughed and kissed her again, holding her close. "What question did I not answer?" He asked her.
Yes, it was rather cold. When she was changing, she shivered. And the cool air on her nipples caused them to harden. Which by now, he felt against his chest probably. She held him close, enjoying the warmth. She allowed their legs to tangle together, her smooth ones contrasting his. "If when I leave tomorrow if you are coming with me to stay for a week or so. Like your own little vacation." She whispered.
He held his forehead against hers as she spoke, conspicuously looking at her breasts. He ran his hands down her smooth legs, loving how warm they felt locked with his. He placed a hand on her lower back and kissed her neck. He replied, "I'll leave the day after you do. That way, you don't have to explain to your parents just yet that we are together." He thought that plan would sound good to her. It allowed for a little extra time to settle in and get their parents accustomed to the fact. "Sound good?" He asked her, hoping for confirmation.
She enjoyed how his hands ran along her legs, moving to her lower back. She moaned gently as he kissed her neck. "Mmm, sounds good to me." She whispered. She liked him kissing her neck. These past few days had been a very long roller coaster ride. And they were together once again. She closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath. "How long will you stay?" She asked him gently.
He continued kissig her neck, his hand wrapping around her thigh. "I'll probably stay for about a week, if that's ok with you." He said. He started breathing heavier, wanting to continue. But he knew better, that she would say no. Still, he felt it better to ask. The sight of her breasts was too tempting not to. He slid a hand near the edge of her shirt, waiting for Katherine to slap it away. He mumbled to her, "What could I do to see your beautiful breasts again?" He hoped it sounded romantic, not desperate.
"That works for me." She whispered. Hopefully a week would change his mind and he would want to stay with her. She bit down on her bottom lip, arching her body gently into his as his lips traveled over her neck. His hand moved to the bottom of the shirt, his fingertips brushing under the shirt against her supple skin. She lightly moved his hand, pulling it up under the shirt. She wanted him to feel her breasts once again.
Noticing her compliance, he moved his hand up her shirt, and felt her breast once more. He was in nirvana once more. He reached his hand to the bottom of the shirt and lifted it above her head, attempting to remove it and let both her breasts loose for him to grasp and caress. He laid on top of her, kissing her neck and giving her hickies as he teased and rubbed her erect, hard nipples. He felt himself becoming more aroused as they continued, his bulge growing larger and larger.
She smiled gently when he felt her bare breast once again. She was really surprised how okay she was with this. Would they have issues again? Of him running away? She moved her arms up, his removing the shirt. Once again, her body was cold with the air, making her nipples erect. She moved onto her back as he climbed on top of her, his lips on her neck again. And she knew he was giving her hickies. Well she would need to be covering those up tomorrow! She moaned gently, her eyes closed as he started playing with her. She felt him growing against her, pressing into her. "Ben....lets not get carried away again okay?" She whispered to him. "I do like this though." She replied, not wanting him to stop this.
Ben slipped back from kissing her neck and nodded to her. "Just tell me what you want me to do." He told her. He sunk down to fondle and caress her breasts. He buried his face between her breasts, quietly motorboating her. After squeezing and pressing then against his face, he teases her nipples with his tongue, making them harder as he plays with them. He starts removing his cotton pants, revealing boxers with a major erection behind them.
His head slipped down further, then placing his face in between them and pressing them to his face. She had to admit, it was a little funny. Not that she would laugh but that he was so enamored with them. Guys really did love breasts. At least he did. She smiled gently, tilting her head into the bed as his wet tongue moved over her nipples. The wet nipples were now hit with the cool air, producing a shiver down her spine. He stopped, then pulling his pants off. "I don't want to have sex yet...." She whispered to him. Maybe using their hands? But she was scared of that as well. She wanted to make sure that she didn't regret this. Katherine really did like him and eventually wanted to give her virginity to him.
"I know," he reassured, "I'm just getting more comfortable. You're almost naked, why shouldn't I be?" He chuckled lightly, kissing her. "What do you want me to do first?" He eagerly waited for her reply. He knew they were far from penetration, but he couldn't stand being blue-balled once more. Yet, this time he wanted the pleasure to be all hers. This was her experience, and he was her obedient servant.
Katherine laughed gently. "I guess so." She teased to him. She then looked at him, deciding what she wanted to do. "Using our hands is as far as I want to go." She whispered to him. Her hand reached out, lightly cupping him through the boxers. "That is all. No more please." She added to him. Her hand lightly pressed into his erection, moving around slowly. "Is that alright?" She asked him.
He leaned in, holding her hand on his erection. He have her a deep kiss, and said, "Whatever you like, beautiful." He slid his hand down her shorts, and into her panties. He searched around for her clit, and started rubbing it. He deeply kissed her and grabbed her breasts as he rubbed her, feeling her get more and more wet. He stopped momentarily only to remove her shorts and panties. He could now once more see her in all her naked beauty.
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