Save a horse, ride a Cowboy (Charliesweb7 & pnw2013)

He told her, "You can start making the biscuits." He prepared the skillet and the sausage. He teased her, "So do you actually want to help, or are you trying to get some last-minute suck-up points?" He chuckled to himself, then became quite melancholy. This was it, she was leaving. He was following her shortly, but he was still fondly remembering whole weeks of them being in the same house. He snuck in fond looks at her whenever the parents weren't looking. He even snuck a few kisses in between their glances.
"I wanted to help." Katherine replied gently. She smiled at him and then started making them. She was really leaving....and Ben and her would still date. She hoped it work. She didn't want to break up with him. This month had been amazing really. She had done more than she ever guessed that she would be doing. After placing the biscuits in the oven, she went up behind him. "What you cooking good looking?" She teased in a low tone so only he could hear.
He smirked at her and said, "I'm getting my sausage ready for your hot biscuits." He teased, heavy with innuendo. He grabbed a coffee can and started brewing a cup for himself. He stirred the gravy, making sure none of it burned, then went to grab silverware for everyone's plates. He playfully smacked her ass, and flipped the sausage when it finished cooking on one side.
Katherine laughed and then rolled her eyes. "I am sure you would love to do that as well." She joked. She jumped a bit when he smacked her ass. Hopefully no one saw that! She helped him get silverware for the meal, hearing her father catch up with his father. "Have you talked to your father and mother about leaving?" She asked him. When was he going to talk to them about it? The timer went off, her taking out the biscuits. She grabbed a knife and started to cut them in half.
He said hesitantly, "Not yet, I only just decided last night, to be honest..." He took the coffee pot off the burner and poured a cup. He grabbed some creamer from the fridge and poured into his cup. He grabbed one of the knives to stir it around, and set it back by Katherine, knowing she would be irritated. He removed the sausages, all of them having been finished, and set them each on a separate plate. He handed her the butter and jelly as he told her, "I'm not even sure what I would tell them. Or do when I'm with you there, in all honesty."
Katherine finished cutting the biscuits, rinsing off the knife and drying it before putting it away. When he spoke, she was putting the biscuits onto the plate. "Well you don't have to go. I mean, it is not big deal." She replied. She felt a pang in her heart when she said that. What if he didn't want to visit for a while. "So yeah I mean, maybe ask them in a few weeks then." She said, finishing up putting the gravy on. She took the butter and jelly, placing them onto the table and then taking 2 of the plates.
Ben took the other two plates and handed one off to his father. The five of them sat and ate while they talked about Katherine's stay. Her father asked about how she was, and what she did. His father answered, occasionally getting an opinion from Ben. While the two were talking, Ben pulled his mother aside. "Mom," he said, "I was thinking of going up to Austin and seeing if I could attend the college. Is that alright?" She gave him a curious look, "Why the sudden interest, sweetie?" She noticed him glancing at Katherine, and cooed, "Are you sure? You'd have to do a lot of scholarships to get into that school." Ben smiled, knowing she got the message. "I'm sure, Mom. Absolutely." He sat back by Katgerine, finishing up his breakfast.
"It was nice. Although Ben let me get chased by the chickens!" She replied with a laugh. "There was a hole in the bag and they were pecking at my feet. Scared the crap out of me! So I ran and they chased after me for the seeds." She replied. She told of silly little stories of thinking something was something else and such. Everyone got a laugh out of it. Katherine didn't even realize Ben had left. She looked to her father who seemed to be proud that she had changed. "I hope this means I won't be getting monthly bills that are astronomical and you won't be partying." He warned. "I promise father." She replied. Sure, she would buy things and party. But she would cut back a lot.
"She really had changed, sir," Ben added, "maybe she could make it a habit to coma and stay for a month or two every so often?"

Her father gave him a strange look, "Is that so, young man? In sure you'd enjoy that very much." He smirked. Ben silenced himself, embarrassed by him pointing out that he would indeed enjoy her visiting. Ben hoped he didn't assume something else was going on. Her father stood up, "Well, I think it's time that we head out. I'm sure you're eager to leave." He directed towards Katherine. He shook hands with Ben's father, saying his goodbyes as he asked Katherine to leave with him.
Katherine looked to Ben when he spoke. She really couldn't but it was nice that he wanted her there. She had a feeling it would be weeks before she saw him again. She finished her food and then looked to her father. "I have to pack. I actually didn't get a chance to yet. I promise I will be quick." She added, going and rinsing her dish off before heading downstairs. She pulled out her trunks, now putting the clothes back into them. She hoped Ben would help her and they could say goodbye.
He put away his dishes, and said he would help her. He made his way down the stairs, and saw Katherine putting her things into a suitcase. He gathered up what he knew was hers, and set them aside for her to put away. He then sat on the bed, simply admiring her. Staring at her, but with Cato eyes. "So," he started, "This is goodbye, for now." He sighed, "It seems so much closer than what should be. Yet, it doesn't feel wrong at all." He added. When she was finished, he placed his hand on hers, and looked up at her.
Katherine was putting clothes into one and shoes into another, packing as he helped her out a bit. She looked to him and nodded her head. "Come when you can. Don't feel pressured to come tomorrow." She explained to him. She finally put the giant plush in there, shutting the trunk and latching it closed. She smiled gently to him and held his hands. She pulled him closer and hugged him tightly.
He scooted over and held her tightly in his arms. "I'll try and come tomorrow, I'm talking with the admissions office at the University, and I need to schedule an appointment. So I'll go ahead and stay with you while I finish everything up." He told her. He closed his eyes, feeling her warmth and her smell. He held her there for a long time, very nearly not wanting to let her go. He eased his hug, and leaned in for one last, deep kiss before she left.
Katherine wanted to pull away to talk to him but he didn't allow her. She kissed him back deeply before then pulling away. "Admissions? What for? I thought your brother already took care of that with your parents." She replied. Katherine wasn't getting that he was going to go to school. She looked at him curiously, still in his arms. She searched his eyes, wondering what he was talking about.
He laughed gently, "They registered my brother. I'm goin up to register myself. I'm going to college. I'm going to try leaving the farm for a while." He told her. He hoped that she would see this as a good thing, that he was willing to give up nearly everything he knew, for her. He brushed a hand along her cheek, really feeling for the first time how soft it was. "I'm thinking of going for an agricultural degree, something like biology or something like that. I might be a consultant for up-and-coming farmers. What do you say?" He smiled eagerly.
Katherine was speechless. Her mouth was open a bit as she processed it. "That is great news." She whispered, hugging him tightly and then kissing him deeply. He was going to be near her! She couldn't explain how she felt. He would live with her and then they would be together. "This is amazing news." She whispered, hugging him tighter before parting. "Katherine! Hurry up!" Her father called. She then grabbed a trunk, beaming.
"I'll walk you out to your car." He offered. He followed her up the stairs where everyone was waiting for them. His parents gave each other a look, knowing more than likely what had happened in the basement. Her father waited in the doorway, and held the door for her. He unlocked the door and waited inside for. Ben held her shoulders one last time and hugged her goodbye, then packed away her luggage.
Katherine carried up a suitcase and he carried once of hers as well. He walked to her father's car, then her turning back to him. "Thanks for everything." She replied. She hugged him tight and kissed his cheek before her luggage was away. "See you soon." She whispered, waving before then slipping into her car. And with that, they pulled away and drove off of the property.
He waved her goodbye, then wistfully walked back to the house. He performed his chores for the day, a little lonely, and waited until dinner time to talk about his decision to go to college. His mother already knew, but his father seemed oddly supportive having not known. "Go and learn something," he encouraged, "Don't waste your life on this farm like I have." Ben smiled, knowing he had his family's approval. Even Krista, who showed up just before the meal, told him to make a life for himself in Austin. He went to bed a happy man, and, for the first time in a long time, resisted the urge to masturbate. He thought of her, and their tender moments, and elected to cherish the memory.
Katherine was glad to be back at her own home. She sighed as it seemed so empty now. But she was able to meet up with some of her friends and they went to a small party. It was only about 10 people or so. She was thinking about Ben though and how she couldn't wait until he was there. And living with her. That was perfect.
He woke up bright and early the next day. He made himself a cup of coffee after putti on a button up shirt and pressed jeans. If he was moving to the city, he needed some nice clothes. Upon that thought, he packed a backpack full of his best clothes for about a week and went back upstairs to finish his coffee. He kissed his mother goodbye, and hugged his father. He started his car down the highway, stopping at a McDonald's for breakfast. While he are, he texted Katherine, asking her where her apartment was.
Katherine had been actually sleeping in late. So a text rattled her, causing her to almost jolt up. She groaned as she rolled over in her massive bed, then grabbing her phone. After blinking about 20 times, she finally was able to send him an address and some half assed directions before she passed out to sleep again. Her hangover was not exactly the best.

Before he arrived, she was cleaning her house. Her parents had bought a house for her to live in through college as long as she maintained her scholarship and grades. If she got good grades, stayed on swim team and graduated...she got to keep her car and the house and everything. But if she screwed up, she had to move back home and they would rent out her house. Her home was very nice. It looked like almost like a mini mansion. It was not too far from campus either. Nice lush green front yard with lots of colorful bushes. The back had a pool and nice big trees. It looked like a family home. And it previous was.It was 4 bedrooms. She had hers, a guest room, a workout room and one for a study.

She had finished cleaning up, making sure her hangover was taken care of. She had changed into a pair of spandex shorts and a exercise top. She had just finished doing a 30 minute jog on her treadmill in the exercise room. She went into her kitchen, grabbing some water. Ben would be there soon.
Ben was just getting back into his car when he received the text. He attempted deciphering them for a while, then gave up and figured that they would make more sense as he got there.

As he was driving down the highway, he really took in the sights. The city limits had a certain aesthetic quality about them that he had not thought of prior to his trip. He always assumed the city was a smog filled, congested rat trap. And although it was congested, the skyline was nothing like he'd seen before. He actually enjoyed the traffic ham, as it really let him soak in the sights. He made the turn on the exit she texted him. He alternated between looking at his phone and at the road.

He was driving in circles, hoping not to piss off any of the other drivers. He finally pulled into a restaurant in the middle of town, and gave her a call. "Hey..." He said, slightly defeated, "so, I think I'm lost. I'm at a Wendy's right now, off of 34th, where do I go from here?" He hoped he wasn't on the other side of town. As much as he enjoyed touring the city, people who drove and walked in the city were assholes.
Katherine had probably sent the crappiest directions. But then again, she was half asleep in all fairness. She picked up her phone when she saw it was Ben. "Hey! Where are you?" She asked. She then listened to where he was. Thankfully he wasn't far. He had probably gotten off where the signs said to the University so he was close. She laughed and the told him the directions. He was only about 10 minutes away or so. She then hung up, nervous for him to come to her house almost. Why was she so nervous? Did he bring all of his stuff? Or was he just going to spend a week?
He laughed and thanked her. He then drove where her house was. Luckily, it didn't sound too far. He noticed she wasn't close to the university at all. Maybe she was living with her parents? Or got her own apartment? Maybe a roommate?

When he arrived to where her directions sent him, he refused to believe she lived there. He thought, No way a college student lives in here. At least not by herself. It was the kind of house families saved up for when they were moving on up! Still, he pulled up, and nervously knocked in the door, positive that he was at the wrong house.
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