Save a horse, ride a Cowboy (Charliesweb7 & pnw2013)

She wasn't too far away from the University honestly. Maybe about 10 minutes by car. Katherine was pacing around a bit when he knocked. She almost jumped a bit as she went to the door, opening it up. She smiled when she saw Ben. It had been only 24 hours since she had seen him last but it felt like forever. "Ben!" She replied, moving forward and hugging him tightly. It was obvious that she cared for him deeply because of how much she missed her. Her heart was still racing however. Could he feel it?
Ben found the door swing open with Katherine on the other side. He hugged her tightly, happy he wasn't away from her for long. His heart raced as much as hers, feeling it beat along with his. "There's no way you live in this house." He teased. It was incredible that she stayed here. How could she have all this space to herself? "May I come in?" He asked.
Her heart finally calmed down enough and she blushed a bit. "My parents used to know the person who owned this. They got it at a real good price. They were renting it out before I lived here." She added. She then nodded her head and let him inside. It was a decent floor plan but since the ceilings were very tall, it looked massive. "Sorry about this morning, I was tired when I sent the directions." She added, blushing again.
He walked inside, his backpack draped over his shoulder. The ceiling was much higher than in his home, it made the space look much larger than it was. He nodded at her explanation, and laughed when she explained herself this morning. He reached over and gave her a peck on the lips, "It's fine. I'm here now, aren't I?" He smiled at her. He sighed and took in the whole house. He finally asked, "So where can I drop off my stuff?", shaking his backpack.
Katherine smiled as he kissed her lips. "Well that depends. Where do you want to sleep? In my room or the guest room?" She asked him. She kind of hoped her room. She was looking forward to having a bed partner. Someone to cuddle with and all. She lightly took his hand and took him upstairs. He could decide on his way up which room he wanted.
He gave a flirty smile, "Which do you think I want to sleep in?" He followed her up the stairs, holding her hand. He followed her to her room, and laid out his clothes on her floor. He jumped in her bed, sprawling out. "This is pretty comfy." He said happily. He beckoned for her to lay beside him, leaving his arm open for her to crawl under. "So what do you use the other rooms for?" He asked, "I noticed there were a few other rooms along the way."
Katherine laughed gently. "Why did I even ask?" She replied. She showed her to the master which was her room. It was nice and big, big enough for a King sized bed. It was a canopy, drapes hanging down. It was all shades of blues and green with some purple thrown in. Her bed was nice and made, all fluffy with lots of pillows. She laughed as he jumped on her bed. "One is a guest room, another is a study and some storage and the last one is a workout room." She added, climbing into bed and then sitting on his hips. She smiled down and him and then leaned in, brushing her lips against his.
He brushed his lips back against hers, paying little attention to the erection he was growing from her sitting on him. "What kind of stuff is in your study?" He asked her. He was curious as to whether it was more of an office, or an actual study with a reading chair and small library. He was hoping it was more of the latter. He sighed, "I could get used to this."
He got hard very easily. "A place to hook up my laptop and print, a bookcase with some books. A window seat overlooking the backyard." She replied to him. She then rolled off and laid next to him. "So if you go to college here, you moving in with me?" She asked him.
He looked up at the ceiling, considering her offer. It wasn't too far from the college, it helped with residency costs, and he could spend more time with her and ask her for help if he needed it. But he wasn't exactly sure, for now. "Maybe," he said, teasing her with the possibility, "I'll have to check out all my options, first." He turned over to look at her, "Would you prefer if I moved in with you?" He prayed she said yes, he hoped that she would ask him to stay with her.
Katherine looked at him when he spoke. Well a lot of the cost of college was living on campus! She looked into his eyes when he turned to her. "Well, it would save you a lot of money. We already know we can live together and I wouldn't be as lonely. There is plenty of space here!" She told him, giving him all the pros of living with her. "Plus if we get classes at the same time we can car pool and save on gas!" She added with a smile.
He was already sold on the idea, but she just gave him better reasons. He said happily, "Alright, you've convinced me! We'll live together." He gave her a sweet kiss, and sat up on the bed. He asked, "So now that I'm living here for the time being, I think I ought to know the area. Could I possibly get a tour of the city?" He gave her a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
Katherine smiled as he agreed. She kissed him back before then sitting up slowly after him. She was glad she wouldn't be lonely. She had thought about getting a dog before. "How about tomorrow? I say we just enjoy the day here for the moment. Then I can give you a tour tomorrow." She added. Mainly because she had gone out last night.
He smiled at her offer, and agreed. He had gotten lost in the city, he didn't feel like getting lost twice. He put his clothes in a closet close by, and headed downstairs. It was quite roomy, the two if them would have plenty of room to themselves. He was admiring the furniture when he saw the pool out back. He went outside to check it out. It was a good-sized pool, and kept quite clean. "No way," he mumbled as he walked around. An idea popped into his head, "Can any of your neighbors see your pool? Is it pretty private?" He asked, having a devilish idea in mind.
Once he got up, Katherine did as well. She headed downstairs, following him. She figured he wanted to explore the house. She watched as he noticed the pool, heading out. It had a diving board and a hot tub but it wasn't overly big. But still, a very nice size. And it was crystal clean with the water. She had a large backyard and the trees blocked views so neighbors couldn't really see into her yard. "Pretty private I assume...." She added. Why? Did he thinking of skinny dipping?
He gave a cheeky grin as he started stripping down. Bare naked, he cannonballed into the pool. He swam up and resurfaced, giggling as he did so. The water was perfectly warm. "C'mon in!" He called to Katherine. He started swimming laps while he waited for her to join him in skinny dipping. "If you want, I can turn around while you strip down," he teased. "Although I'm sure you aren't the shy type." He gave a playful wink, hanging under the diving board.
Katherine gasped as he just stripped down and then went into the pool. "Ben!" She replied. He was brazen wasn't he? She decided she might as well. She started stripping down, smiling at him. She then went over to the diving board, bouncing a bit to shake him off. If he had seen, her breasts bounced wildly. "Let go!" She added. Once he did she walked to the edge before diving gracefully into the water. She only resurfaced at the other side of the pool, smiling at him. She then swam back to the deeper end where he was.
He smiled as he watched Katherine strip before him. He missed the sight of her perfect body, free for him to see. As she walked over, he let go of the diving board. She was jumping on his fingers. For a split second after her dive, and before she hit the water, he briefly saw her breasts and her full tattoo. He loved when she showed off to him like that. When she swam over, he swam towards her and held her in the middle of the pool. He kicked his legs to stay afloat, his erection rubbing against her. He held his arms around her waist and held her in a kiss.
He grabbed her by the waist, her kicking her legs to stay afloat as well. She was a swimmer after all. Treading water was no big deal. She felt his cock rubbing up against her now. Jeez, the guy got hard easily. She smiled and kissed him back, pressing her body against his. She then pulled away. "First time ever going skinny dipping?" She asked him, smiling.
He blushed, "Yeah, I'm not really used to getting naked around girls. I get kind of..." He looks down, "...excited. Fairly easily, I might add." He was embarrassed that he was hard, yet not completely ashamed. He hoped she would take it as a compliment to her outstanding beauty. "And besides," he added jokingly, "it just means whenever you finally want to do it, I'll be primed and ready." He laughed, swimming around her as he spoke.
Katherine laughed gently. "Yeah, I have noticed that." She replied gently to him. She then rolled her eyes. "That is not exactly going to be any time soon you know right?" She asked him. She wanted to let him know that she was not ready to have sex. Even being naked around him was nerve racking to her. She dunked her head under water, then resurfacing.
He smiled and graced her cheek. "I know," he comforted, "that's why I'm going to end up being hard around you for a very long time." He gave a peck on the cheek and dove under, swimming past her legs. He brushed by them, barely touching her. He finally emerged right behind her and slapped the water hard, splashing water everywhere. He quickly backstroked, retreating from her retaliation.
Katherine rolled her eyes. "And I bet you will keep asking for hand jobs." She added. She felt him move in between her legs before reappearing behind her. He splashed the water, her then watching as he swam away. She could easily catch him but she went over to the one edge. She sat on the steps, smirking at him. All she had to do was massage her breasts, her playing with them. It would draw him over.
He giggled as he waited for her counterattack. But when he saw that she swam by the steps, he gave a confident smirk. That is, until she started massaging her breasts. His jaw dropped, and he started throbbing. He was tempted to swim over, but he knew better. He was going to see how far she would go. He simply leaned back against the tile, and waited, thoroughly enjoying the show. He began stroking himself slowly as he watched her.
Katherine was sure he would swim over. But he didn't. So she moved up further on the steps, sitting on the edge with her feet in the water. She then continued with her breasts. She didn't want to go any further unless really needed. "Now whys re you all the way over there?" She teased.
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