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Save a horse, ride a Cowboy (Charliesweb7 & pnw2013)

Katherine pulled the blanket around them as they cuddled together on the couch. He wanted to watch some reality shows that she wasn't into. Then they watched some re-runs of the Big Bang Theory. But she was all excited when it was Law and Order SVU and CSI. She was intensely watching them. "Woah...." She whispered.
He laughed as she became increasingly more interested in the crime shows. He indulged her, watching a few hours before he finally sat up. "I think it's time we get some sleep, what do you say?" He asked her, giving her a kiss at the end of his question. He adjusted his bits, having stuck to his thigh as they laid down.
Katherine could watch hours on end. Marathons of ones and be interested. She looked to him when he sat up at the end of a Law and Order SVU. She kissed him back, watching him adjust and unstick his balls and cock from his thigh. She stared at it for a bit too long. "Sure." She added, then adjusting on the large sectional for him to lie behind her and cuddle with her.
He watched her looking at him adjust himself, and move over on the sectional. He laughed, "I meant we could sleep the bed?" He pointed towards her staircase and made his way to her bedroom. He adjusted the covers, and slid inside the sheets. He reclined in her bed, waiting for her to arrive and sleep beside him.
What? She was curious. He was the first guy she had ever seen naked. She was bound to stare. And then he left. Boy, Ben seemed to feel more comfortable at her own home than her. He was leading the way for everything. She turned off the TV, then heaving up to her bedroom. She knew her bed was very soft and amazing. She slept like a rock on her bed. She climbed into bed, scooting over near him. It was a king size bed so she had a lot of room.
He placed an arm behind her, cradling her in next to him. He gave a deep, contented sigh. He looked over at Katherine. She was nestled under his arm, and he smiled as he pulls her in with both arms. He gave her a kiss on her forehead, and rested his against her. He closed his eyes, feeling her heartbeat against his chest, and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the next day.
They called it a very early night. It was only around 8 or so when they climbed into bed. It was so nice to share a bed with him. She really enjoyed it. She noticed that he fell asleep first. Then Katherine felt okay to fall asleep.

The next morning, she woke up before him. She slipped out of his arms and then headed back downstairs. She decided to make breakfast for them. Of course, it would be what she normally had. Mostly egg white omelet with kale, sun-dried tomatoes, mozzarella and a bit of ham. Then a slice of whole wheat toast and some orange juice. It was healthy and delicious. She just hoped he thought so.
Ben woke up to the smell of ham. He fluttered his eyes, trying to wake up as he climbed out of bed. He noticed he was still naked from the previous night. He shrugged, however, and made his way downstairs. He saw Katherine making what looked to him was a vegetable omelette. Part of him wondered how you could have vegetables for breakfast, yet most of his was gracious that she was making breakfast in the first place. He was never one to be ungrateful. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders as she cooked, kissing her on the cheek.
She didn't even hear him come in. She was surprised when he wrapped his arms around her and then kissed her. "Morning." She replied to him, flipping the omelet over. She had the bread in the toaster warming up. "Did you sleep well?" She asked him gently. She wanted to show him that eating right was easy and tasted good. She then started wondering how long he would stay there. Would he soon realize that city life wasn't for him?
He snuck a slice of toast from the toaster. "I slept very well, thank you," He said daintily, "Especially being cuddled up next to you." He sat on her couch and started thinking about life with her. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all? He could definitely get used to walking around naked all day, if she would let him. Although the traffic is something he would have to get used to, he felt that as long as Katherine drove around whenever they went to the city, he would be alright. "How did you sleep?" He asked.
Katherine laughed gently. "Of course you did." She joked. She finished up breakfast, splitting the omelet and then putting a little jam on her piece of toast. "Milk, juice, coffee?" She asked him. "I slept well. I missed my bed." She replied. She placed the plates onto the table and then went to pour herself a glass of juice.
He started up, "Coffee, please. I'll go ahead and make it, you sit down and eat." He asked her. As he prepared his coffee, he teased her, "I missed your bed too, and I've only just slept in it! It is unbelievably comfy." He was serious about enjoying her bed. He had never fallen asleep so quickly before. He grabbed the coffee, poured himself a cup, added sugar and creamer, and grabbed a plate. He sat next to Katherine, leaning on her shoulder as he ate.
She was surprised that he knew how to work the coffee machine. It was a single serve one. But she used refillable pods. Katherine laughed and then started cutting up her breakfast. "Yeah, I usually have no troubles sleeping on that." She replied to him. She noticed that he was still naked. "You ever going to put on clothes while you stay here?" She joked to him. She took a bite of her meal, then taking a long drink of juice. He was eating it so hopefully that meant it was good.
He nudged we shoulder, "Only if you tell me to put clothes on. Otherwise no." He chuckled to himself, "Besides, I don't see you complaining at all." He took a large bite of the omelet, and let out a satisfied noise. It was delicious! He had never had anything like that before. He was a bit peeved at her persistent, almost confrontational, stance against foods that weren't 100% healthy for you, but he never let it show around her. He was actually quite impressed with what she gave him. He told her, "This is amazing!"
"Well you would put on clothes if my parents came right?" She asked. "Or my brothers?" She mentioned to him. She just wanted to show him that eating right didn't have to taste bad! He probably needed more vegetables and such in his diet. She was just trying to have a good influence on him was all. She had struggled with weight issues her entire life. Katherine was always a bit "overweight" and that lead to teasing. So she had to change her diet completely. She smiled when he spoke. "I am glad you like it!" She replied, taking a bite. "Really easy to make as well. I hope you don't mind the way I cook." She explained.
He teased, "I'd definitely think about it." He smiled and kissed her cheek, "I don't mind at all the way you cook, until you stop." He joked. He finished off his plate and washed it off. He then made his way upstairs to change into one of the sets of clothes he packed away. He came back down wearing cargo shorts and a white t-shirt. Over the t-shirt, he was wearing a thin, blue, unbuttoned shirt that draped his side like a California surfer.
Katherine noticed that Ben would inhale his food. "jeez, you having some type of race?" She joked to him. He at least rinsed off his dish before going upstairs to change. "So, you wanted to take a tour of the city? or do you need to go on campus?" She asked him, finishing up her meal and then washing the few dishes.
He put on his shoes as he answered, "I was hoping we could go and check out the city today." He was excited to see more than what he saw when he got lost. He walked over to her and hung his hands over her shoulders, waiting for her to be done.
He was already ready to go and she hadn't even changed. "Alright, I will hurry." She teased him. She kissed his cheek before heading upstairs. She opened her massive closet, looking for what to wear. She decided on some white linen shorts, a pair of wedge heels and a nice peach colored shirt. Next was her makeup that was done rather quickly. She was used to getting ready quickly but looking great. In 15 minutes, she was done and headed downstairs with her purse. "Alright..." She replied, grabbing her keys. "I am ready." She said, picking up her phone and sunglasses. She headed to the garage were her BMW M6 coupe was. Along with a matching SUV. They were not brand new but you couldn't tell. "Alright." She said, unlocking the coupe.
He followed her outside and noticed the two cars parked outside. He hadn't noticed them before due to his haste and confusion trying to find her house in the first place. Hey were very nice cars, nicer than he could've ever hoped to afford on the farm. Although he wasn't one to be picky about his toys, he was perfectly happy with a junk car he could repair and purchase cheap. He opened the door to the coupe for her and closed it once she sat in. He walked around and sat in the passenger seat. He asked, "So where do you want to go first? You know the place better than I do."
She thanked him for opening her door, her smiling. She then started it up, hearing the engine roar before backing out of the garage. "Well there is Main Street...." She said, then starting to name off of things. "Which sounds the best to you to start with?" She asked him.
He thought for a moment, and replied, "We'll start with Main Street. It seems like the perfect place to start." The garage door closed and the car started towards the city. He noticed that her car was an automatic, and the shift was by her wheel. He smiled at the possibility of holding her hand as they drove, something he wanted to do after their first kiss. He reached out his hand, hoping she would do the same.
Since she already shifted into drive, it allowed for both hands on the wheel. But she looked over to see that he held out his hand. And so she lightly grabbed it. "It is surely different than the farm. But I think you will like it. It is not as congested as like Houston or Dallas." She replied to him. It was more beautiful she thought as well.
He smiled when she accepted his hand. He agreed, "It definitely is. But I think I could get used to it." He looked out the window to see he skyline marked with buildings, but most of his view blocked by the forest. He laughed to himself slightly, thinking that the view perfectly encapsulated the city: modern, yet environmental. He looked out the window, an ear to Katherine in case she asked him anything or started tellin him about the city.
"It takes a little getting used to." She replied to him. She then drove to Main street, finding a spot and parallel parking. Of course, her car really did help a lot with that. She then got out and waited for him. "Alright, we will just walk around. There is a lot of shops up and down here and such." She added. It was a quaint little place older style but still modern. She liked it a lot. It had a lot of charm. She grabbed his hand, lacing fingers with him.
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