Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Tony nodded. "Yes perhaps you two have outgrown one another....." He said softly. Sammy heard she was seeing someone and his ears gently folded back on his head in disappointment but he quickly hid that and ate the steak on his plate. Luke caught that and just gave his brother a shrug. Sam found it odd he cared so much. Did he really love Tia? He wished she was the one who whispered such suggestive things in his ear about what to do in his old bedroom. He just stayed quiet and Tony caught notice of this. "Sam?" Sam looked up interrupted with his thoughts. "Hm?" He said looking at his father. "Everything okay?" He said softly. Sam nodded. "Y-Yeah, everything's fine Pop." He replied back and looked down at the steak on his plate.
Ariel the white wolf noticed her brother's subtle advances on Tia but he was shot down, twice! After dinner Tia helped Aiko and Luke in the kitchen as Ariel took her brother aside.

"Ok, Samuel. You can't hide your feelings from me and you know this." She was a slender woman who didn't share her mother's hour glass figure like Aiko did. Yet she had enough rump and breasts to get attention from modeling agents. "If Tia is thinking of cutting this guy loose...She'll need a man to be there so keep her from withdrawing."
He nodded. "You're right, Sis..." He said smiling. He cheered up a bit. Luke came over to Sam and patted him on the back. Sam just gave his brother a look. "Just hope she gives me a chance.....she's been on my mind a lot lately, ever since Mom told me she'd be coming...." He said softly. He looked over and saw Rachel still sitting and talking with a few others. "But, Rachel seems to keep bugging me......" Sam whispered. Luke shook his head. "She's bad news, go with Tia Sammy...." He said softly.
Ariel flicked her brother's ear but she had to get on her tip toes to do so. "Says the boy who willingly took a blow job from a woman 9 years older than him. Sick-o!" Smirking as she looked to Sam. "Look if you two aren't exclusive then whats the problem on re-lighting the friendship flame with Tia? We've all matured."

Tia was wearing a simple black skirt with a green button down blouse as Rachel was in her jeans and a tank top to show off her curves.

Ariel looked to Sam. "Sammy, as long as you and Rachel aren't living together and you haven't fucked-"

Luke gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. "Lay off Luke if you knew the number of men I had you'd have a heart attack. But Sam don't cheat yourself like Uncle Rick has done. He went after his wife and was miserable for years until he met Aunt Jasmine."
Sam nodded. "You're right...." He said softly. He hugged his sister. "Thanks sweetie." He said softly to his younger sister. He went to the bathroom then came out and sat down across from Tia. "So Tia, what else is new?" He smiled wanting to make light conversation with her. He remembered their innocent little kiss and smiled. Zack walked over to Sam and tossed a football at him. "Hey man, it's still early wanna go toss the ball around?" He asked then looked at Tia. "Oh, hey Tia." He smiled. Sam threw the ball back at his brother. "Nah, i'm too full to move." He lied, he wasn't full at all.
Rachel was taken back Sam didn't sit next to her but her fur fluffed up in rage as Tia got her boyfriend's attention. Tia was sitting there with a glass of wine but smiled softly as Zack tried to get him to play football. To her there was nothing new.

"Well, nothing really but to you I guess things would be new. I've moved back to work in my father's company and from what I know he's wanting me to be the top Marketing position. I haven't danced in yeas since..." She stopped as she realized Sam was a big part of her dancing. "I stopped dancing when I moved away."
Sam smiled at that. "Oh? That's great...." He raised an eyebrow when she said she hadn't danced in a long time. "Oh? Are you ever going to get back into it? you were always so good at it...." He said softly with a smile. He loved watching her dance. Sam being a typical man he every now and then fantasized about her giving him lap dances and special private dances just for him. He never asked for such a thing nor even entertain the idea that it were even possible. He was so into Tia he completely ignored the fact Rachel was starring at both of them.
Tia felt rather uncomfortable but smiled softly. "Thank you." She didn't know what to tell Sam but was grateful Ariel dropped in.

"She's taken to my violin playing." She said sipping on her glass of white wine.

"Yes! I've fallen in love with stringed music that can...I don't know bring the soul to life." Tia eased back slightly as she looked to Sam. "What about you? I remember you were big into games but is there anything else about you?"
Sammy was always a bit of a gamer. "Yeah, I've also gotten into music, i play bass guitar." He said softly. He looked at his sister and then at Tia. "I've also learned web and graphic design, I enjoy doing both in my free time...." He smiled. Sam once made a webpage dedicated to Tia, but never showed anyone. The files were still on his hard drive. He looked down and twiddled his thumbs. "As you can tell, I got into weight lifting too....." Sammy wanted to stay in shape so he lifted weights to stay toned and such. He was a strong young wolf that if he had to, he could tango with the best of them so to speak. He could protect his woman without much of an issue, just like his father.
Lillian was whispering in Tony's ear that she's been off of birth control for awhile now while the children were talking. Tia smiled as went on to telling him she didn't just stay in Dancing but her interest in art had expanded to sculpting, painting, drawing, and bit of the old fashion crocheting and quilting. "I'm also showing some horses off this weekend. If you want to come to watch."

"NO!" Rachel said as she got up grabbing Sam's hand to yank him off the chair. "This whole weekend we're going to be at the beach." She didn't like the idea of Tia being so friendly to Sam.

"Shame neither of you can make it. But if you can't then you can't." Tia was calm and didn't give a damn Rachel was marking Sam as her mate. Tia got up slowly and said her goodbyes before leaving.
Sam jolted when Rachel grabbed him. He pulled back and just gave her a puzzled look. "Uhh we're going to the beach? since when?" He was a bit annoyed and followed Tia out. "Hey Tia, wait...." He stopped her and Luke got in Rachel's way blocking her from getting to Sam. Sam put his hand on her shoulder and whispered. "I'd love to come......." He smiled and gave his old friend another hug. "Do you really gotta leave so soon?" He asked with a frown. He was clearly upset about that but if she had to go then he couldn't stop her. "Well, if you're free before Saturday maybe we can do lunch?" He suggested.
Tia stopped as she turned to Sam seeing he was trying to keep things between them. "Look, I known I'm not welcomed by your girlfriend and honestly I rather not create trouble in your paradise." She reached up pulling his hand from her shoulder. To here there shouldn't be flirting between them but yet they were friends still. Opening her purse she handed him the solo ticket which showed the location, date and time of the event.
He looked at her. "Tia, she's not my girlfriend, she just thinks we're......" He looked at the ticket and smiled. "I'll be there....." He smiled warmly. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on her cheek just the same way she did when they were kids. "You sure you don't want to come back inside?" He said softly. He didn't want her to leave so quickly. "If you want.....we could go for a walk, just the two of us." He suggested. Tony smiled at his wife and kissed her. "Howabout tonight when everyone leaves?" He whispered in her ear softly.
Tia sighed. "Please, if she wasn't your girlfriend you wouldn't have brought her here." She was taken back by him kissing her cheek but she laid her red ears back against her hair. "I'm not an idiot, Sam." Her voice was soft as she turned walking away from him. She gave him her answer of the suggestion of a walk.

Lillian nodded to Tony as she nipped him while they washed dishes.
Sam's ears fell back. He walked up to her and put his arms around her from behind. "No one said you were, I didn't bring her here, she came on her own, she's a friend of the family and that's all.....Tia....." He held her in his loving hug. "Please stay Tia....." He turned her around and caressed her cheek. "But......aren't you with someone anyway?" He caressed her cheek gently and sighed. ".........I'm sorry.....I um....i'll shut up." He said softly his ears flat and he looked down disappointed.

Tony smirked and nipped back at her. "Mmmm gonna have my naughty minx howling for more later...." He whispered in her ear then pinched her butt.
Tia growled as Sam was being pushy now but as he touched her cheek she slapped his hand away. "Yes! I am seeing someone as of now!" When she worked herself loose she didn't walk but ran away from Sam. Ariel and Aiko saw this and shook their heads. Ariel walked to Sam she flicked his ear.

"Samuel, you know better than to be pushy. She hates pushy desperate men and you displayed both within five seconds." Ariel said as Aiko went inside to tell Rachel that Sam didn't see her as his girlfriend.

Rachel was pissed as she pushed past Luke. "SAM!"
Sam just frowned. "I guess I blew that......" He turned back to go into the house. He walked past everyone and went up to his old bedroom shutting and locking the door he fell onto his bed and sighed. "You blew it, you stupid, stupid idiot......" He said softly. He laid there and just looked at a picture he had of Tia. He loved her, he knew that now that she had not only rejected him but slapped him and ran away from him. He tried hard to stay awake but ended up falling asleep while crying to himself. He hadn't cried in years but he couldn't help it now.
Lillian noticed Sam hadn't left so sex would have to wait until he left. So when morning came she was up early with Sam. Lillian knew he was worked up about something.

"Ok, Sweetie....Tell me whats going on?"
Sam sighed. "I blew things with Tia, last night......" He said softly. He looked at his mother and sighed. "I guess i'm just not mean't to be happy......" He got up and got a drink of water. "Sorry if i'm in the way, Mom. I'll be going....." he gave his mother and kiss and hug goodbye. Tony came downstairs and saw Sam was still there. "Hey buddy what's the matter?" He said softly. Tony just shook his head. "Nothing Pop, I'm gonna head home now, thanks for a nice night." He hugged his father then left to head to his apartment.
Once more Sam just said something then left like his father. "God damn it." Lillian muttered softly. "That's one thing he's learned from you that I WISHED he didn't. Talk then run away without letting the other person say a word." Grabbing her cell phone as she called Sam. "Get your ass back here....NOW!" She growled the now to show she wasn't going to take no as an answer and his father learned the wrong way. If Tony walked away she'd go after him, grab his ear and drag him back to the spot she was at.
Sam sighed and went back inside. "What's wrong?" He asked curiously. Tony shook his head and just sipped his coffee letting Lillian deal with their son. "Sam, listen to your mother." He said between sips and reading the paper. "Look Mom......i screwed up with Tia I think, she thought I was with Rachel and i tried to explain I wasn't and when I gave her a hug goodbye she pushed me away and ran off......" Sam explained. "That's all....." He looked down at his feet a bit disappointed with himself.
"When I try to help you...Don't you dare walk away before I spoke to you." She said coldly. "Do you think I enjoy dragging your father back by his ear when he pulls the exact same stunt?" Asking softly but sighed. "I only know what you're telling me about what happened between you and Tia. This woman is use to having her space so you rushing in to piss all over her will make her run. Also from what I heard you and Rachel were dating." Her eyes glanced to Tony but she looked to her son carefully. "Tia, is an honest woman. She's a lot like me. If she thinks you two are even serious she won't entertain the thought of dating you. From what I see here...." She picked up the horse show ticket which was set for today. "If she did not want to see you again she would have requested this back. Best of your casual slacks and a button down shirt when you get ready to go. I want you to show this young woman you may have been to eager but you're a supportive man and not a hound dog. Do you understand me?"

She had this look that she used on EVERYONE in the family. The girls learned quickly of not saying there was a problem then running away. The boys took longer but they all knew they were not to move until she said she was done.
Sammy nodded. "Yes Mother....." He said softly. He looked down at the ticket and sighed. The show started in just under an hour. "I better go get ready." Sam hugged his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you." He said hugging her. Tony smiled. "Be on your best behavior, son." Tony said to his boy. He ruffled his ears back like he used to when he was a cub. "I will Pop....." Sam replied. "May I go get ready?" He asked looking at his mother, since he didn't have any clothes here he'd have to go back to his apartment quickly to get dressed then he'd have just enough time to make it to the show to support Tia.
Smiling as she patted his arm. "Yes you can go. If the subject of you and Rachel come up just tell her you panicked and say you two are casually dating but you don't see anything serious coming from it." She said to Sam as if giving him a cheat to one of his games he use to play.

Down at the arena Tia arrived with one of the stable hands opening the trailer to help get a reddish filly out. The long slender legs of the horse was wrapped up and the raven black mane and tail was done in a special way. Tia had done this when she was a teenager to replace her dancing but this was the horse's first time in competition in front of a large crowd. While the filly was tended to Tia went to the ladies room of the stables as she pulled her khaki riding pants on then a white blouse with her black jacket. Once that was done she pulled her black knee high riding boots on. Tia's long red hair was french braided back from her face and presentation was everything.
Sam arrived and waited to see his old friend and new found love ride. He looked on and waited to try to get a glimpse of his love. "I hope she's here......" He thought. He saw a horse without their jockey and knew it had to be hers. He waited patiently for the show to begin. He would try to talk to her after the show and explain to her how him and Rachel aren't serious, only casual dating. He knew she was with smeone but Sam was contemplating telling her how he had felt about her all those years. He decided he'd wait and see how things played out, not wanting to make anymore mistakes.
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