Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Sitting along the front row was those with special tickets and in the front row was his seat but there was one other person in Tia's section. A male squirrel who was his cell phone.

When it was Tia's turn she walked to the filly who was saddled up. She swung herself up and on her back was number 461.

"Now riding Fire Star is Tia number 461. Time to beat is 40 seconds." The announcer said as Tia rode up to the starting line.

The young horse reared up as she tossed her head but Tia held on tightly. So when the buzzer went off the horse kicked off the ground and galloped across the hard grounds to the first jump. The first one was easy as the filly sailed over with ease. The next few others was getting tricky as Tia tried to keep the speed up with the jumps being non-constant in height and spacing. "5 seconds to go!" The woman said over the intercom as Tia turned the filly around and the horse picked up speed to jump an eight foot wall.

"Come on girl." Tia encouraged the horse but suddenly the horse bucked her off sending her into the metal frame that held the railings of the jump up. Wincing as her back hit it hard as the sound of a metal thack rang in the arena. The filly didn't trust Tia enough to jump the wall and also she was young. Tia was in pain as she laid there on the ground trying to breathe.
Sam saw this and instinct took over. He jumped the barrier separating the riders and the crowd. "Tia!!" He cried as he ran over to his friend and helped her up by scooping her into his arms and crying out for help. "Help please!! she's hurt!" He cried and watched as medics came rushing down. Sam held her and comforted his friend. "You're gonna be okay Tia....." He said softly holding her close to hm. He loved her, he knew that. He leaned in and gave her forehead a kiss. The medics came and took her from Sam loading her up on the stretcher Sam was escorted out of the arena but he stopped when hes aw them loading her into an ambulance. He walked over. "Please let me come with you...." He said softly to one of the medics. "Who are you to this girl?" He asked. "A....a friend, please, I love her, i need to see if she's alright, please......" Sam's ears were flat on his head but the medic nodded and let him ride along with them. He had texted his sisters and then his mother letting her know what had happened and that he'd be at the hospital.
This wasn't the first time she was thrown but right into the metal structure was the first. Though she saw Sam jumping into the Ambulance with her which surprised her that her current lover wasn't in his place. She didn't hear him as she was in and out of it with her trying not to make things worse.

"How was the show?" Laughing softly to show she wasn't afraid as she touched Sam's knee. "You look good cleaned up...Thank your mother for me." Smiling but her nails dug into Sam's knee when they stuck an IV into her arm. "God! I hate needles!" She laid her ears back glaring at the medics. The ride to the hospital wasn't long but little did she knew Lillian and Tony were at it to try for another child, even if it was pure luck.

At the hospital Tia was cut out of her clothes and that pissed her off but thanks to Sam one of his sisters would be bringing Tia fresh clothes. After the tests were done she was sitting on a bed holding her ribs. At this point she didn't want to be alone with her thoughts as her dumping her boyfriend today was sounding better and better.
Tony moaned as he thrust deep into his wife. "MMm baby you are amazing." He kissed her lips lovingly as they fucked and rolled around in their bed able to be as loud as they wanted and in their loud moaning neither heard Lilly's phone's text chime go off.

Sam was right there with Tia, when his sister came with her clean clothes he left and let her change he returned soon though and sat there with her. "Are you okay? How do you feel?" Sam asked a bit worried about her. He placed his hand in her lap and looked into her eyes. "You scared me......." He said softly. He hated seeing anyone he loved get hurt.
Whimpering as she heard the ringing. "Damn it!" Growling as she grabbed the phone and saw the message. "Tia's in the hospital." Without a word she kicked Tony off and quickly got dressed. "If I can't get pregnant how about adopting or fertile treatments for me?" She asked as she threw his clothes at him figuring to get these points up now instead of later when their egos get hurt later on when she can't get pregnant.

Ariel had grabbed Sam by the tip of his ear to signal him to leave as Aiko helped Tia get dressed. "Tip Sam. Tia loves a gentlemen that's how her current boyfriend caught her attention. She LOVES a southern gentlemen who will treat her right and fight to protect her when the time is right." This was common knowledge if Tia stayed around but this was another cheat for Sam.

Tia looked to Sam and smiled softly. "Sore. Wasn't the first or last time I'll be thrown by a horse." A dirty thought hit her as her first boyfriend in college was a equine stallion. Her body trembled as she remembered those hot passionate nights in his apartment. Though when Ariel's boyfriend appeared he looked a lot like her ex. "I...My ribs are just bruised that's all. Nothing broken just bruised ribs and knocked the wind out of me."
Tony nodded. "Sure babe." He smiled and got dressed. "Hope she's alright....poor girl....." He got dressed and left with his wife.

Sam nodded and they waited outside and talked while Tia got dressed but when Ariel's boyfriend showed up Sam went back into the room with Tia and asked how she was. When he sat there with her he sighed. "Well, that's good at least nothing major was hurt.....I texted my parents, they might come by." He said softly. He held her hand tightly and smiled at his long term friend. When he looked into her eyes he saw his future wife. He sighed and just smiled. "Can I get you anything, Tia?" He asked. "Something to drink or eat?" He took his sister's advice and tried his best to be a gentleman to her.
Smiling as she leaned against Sam's shoulder. She was tired but closed her eyes though saw Aiko had the same tastes as her sister in men. "Something to bash my boyfriend's head in with." Laughing weakly as she held on to his hand as she always seen Sam as immature in the past but he was the first to step up to help her practice a tough move and she managed to teach him a few dances such as the waltz and the fox trot.

Lillian arrived with Tony and stopped short see two young stallions with her girls. She couldn't help but wonder what it had been like to be ridden by one. Curiosity of course but she loved Tony, every bit of him. Walking to her girls to see how Tia was doing only to hear Sam was inside with her. "Her so called boyfriend?" Lillian asked only to hear he may have not been there in the first place. "Good thing Sam was."
Sam smiled at her. "I'm sure I can find something for you to use....." He said softly. He just held her in his arms the best he could. He wanted to tell her he loved her but he wasn't going to fuck this up again so he kept quiet. The two stallions that were with Lily's daughters smiled at their mother. "Hi Mrs. Meeks." They said with a smile and hugged her. Tony smiled at the two men, they wee always so kind from when he met them a few times before. Tony peaked in and saw his son sitting with Tia, cuddling her and comforting her. He nodded and went to talk to the doctors about possible fertility treatment for his wife.
It wasn't long a skinny squirrel walked in asking about Tia. He pushed past Lillian and her family but a painted stud grabbed the man and lifted him off the ground.

"That's not how to treat a woman, Fur ball." He glared at him.

"TIA! Tell this brute to drop me!" He yelled out in fear but it was clear Tia had enough as Lance was a gentlemen but of the wrong type.

"Put him down....Lance we do need to talk. In private." That last sentence was aimed at Sam but she looked at Sam in case he didn't get the hint to leave the two alone for now.
Sam nodded and smiled. "Right outside if you need anything...." He said and then left the two alone. Sam saw the man who grabbed the puny squirrel and nodded at him. He went to his family and they started to talk a bit. "Where's dad?" Sam asked his mother not seeing Tony standing there

"So what do we need to talk about, babe?" Lance asked sitting next to her. "How are you feeling? Are you okay?" He asked softly.
She hated to do it like this but she couldn't see this relationship going anywhere. Sex was ok but nothing to scream about and Lance hadn't made her feel sexy in such a long time since they first slept together. "Lance...I don't want to continue this relationship. Things have gone down hill since month 2..."

Lillian looked to Sam seeing his hair was a mess and so was his clothes. "Don't know. But you know our father, when he has his mind set on something he makes it his mission." Lillian learned that the studs were Master degree holders and one was practicing law which impressed Lillian and the other was a Doctor. "Well if Tony and I get hurt I know who to go to." She poked Aiko's boy toy in the side. The white with brother stud whose black hair fell over his eye while he blushed. The other stud had a golden coat with white hair.
Lance was a bit shocked. "But babe......" He tried to protest but she wasn't in the position to argue with him and he didn't want to push his luck.
Sam nodded. "Yeah dad usually never gives up on anything....." He said softly leaning back against the wall. Akiko's boyfriend leaned in and gave her a loving kiss. "You wanna grab something after we get out of here baby?" He said softly. He was a big tall muscular guy, but he was quite hungry and hadn't ate yet. "I mean, when we leave of course." He added.
"Lance, you're a sweet guy but it wouldn't be fair for either of us to keep lying to each other about this. I was ready to walk out on you last month and didn't have the heart to do so...Until now." Tia sat there trying to look Lance in his brown eyes. "I don't love you and I don't see myself falling in love with you anytime soon." That was all she said as she got to her feet to open the door seeing Aiko getting some sugar. "God! You can't help yourself can you furless?!" Furless was a joking nickname between her and Aiko.

Aiko laughed as she held on to her boyfriend. "Can't help myself Fluffy tail. I'm glad you're feeling better." Aiko winked to Tia as she walked off pulling the large male behind her to feed him in more ways than one. The girls had their father's sex dive which may be paradise for men or a nightmare.

Tia looked to Sam seeing he was bit tense.
Akiko's boyfriend just kept kissing her neck. "Mmm baby..." He whispered softly holding her tightly in his arms. Sam looked up at Tia and smiled. "You okay? you shouldn't be out of bed....." He said softly. He stepped forward and put his hand on her cheek. "Come on Tia, get back in bed, you need rest......" He said softly. A doctor saw her out of bed and walked over. "Ms. you should be in bed, let's get your IV hooked back up and have you rest tonight." The doctor shooed her back into the room, throwing Lance out. Sam poked his head in a few moments later. "Can I stay with her, doc?" He asked softly. The doctor turned and then back at Tia then to Sam. "Alright, but make sure she stays in bed." He said softly then left once she was hooked up to the IV again.
Tia groaned as she was forced back to the bed but yelped when they stuck her once more. "Damn it..." She really didn't like needles. Lillian laughed as she poked her head in. "You get several needles when you're pregnant, Sweetie!"

"Not helping Mrs. Meeks!" Tia teased as Lillian laughed letting her girls tend to their men. In a way she didn't want those men to leave her daughters because this family seemed to be moving up and up from where they were once at. Lillian sat in the waiting room as Tia laid back on the bed stubborn as a mule. To her she suffered far worse than bruised ribs and the wind being knocked out of her. Once her and Sam were alone she looked over at him. "Well Lance is no longer in my life. I'm surprised he didn't pull "You're seeing someone aren't you?!" line on me."
Sam smiled at her and when he heard the news his tail perked up a bit but he didn't show his excitement. "Oh?" He said softly. He looked at her and shrugged. "Maybe he didn't love you enough to......he might've just wanted to keep you so no one else could have ya.....hard to figure some men out....." He said softly. He twiddled his thumbs a bit. "Are you alright?" He said softly looking into her eyes. He loved her so much his heart was pounding in his chest. The doctor came in and smiled. "Oh, make sure you drink a lot, Tia." He said softly bringing her a glass of water.
"Vodka?" She asked with a smirk only to get a 'you know better' look from her doctor. Laughing softly as she looked to Sam. "Honestly, I didn't love him. You see he was a gentlemen but on the sissy gentlemen side. I want a real man who is a gentlemen at the same time." She sat up and crossed her legs. "We had been dating for six months and I hadn't felt sexy since the first night we had sex. I was ready to walk out on him last month but didn't have it in me to break his tiny heart." Her green eyes looked to Sam as her eyes showed her emotions and she was sad of course. "So wheres Rachel? I figured she'd be here ready to yank you out of here."
Sam sighed. "Listen and Rachel aren't together.....she'd like to think we are, we dated casually, nothing more, we weren't a couple by any means.....and I don't love her, I love someone else......" He said softly looking into her eyes. "So don't worry about her, she doesn't own me.....and I told my sisters to keep her away from here if she shows up...." He said softly looking at the fox he had fallen hard for.
"So she's hoping there will be something more between you two if she stuck around and chased other women away? Making herself your only choice?" She asked thinking she heard him right.
He nodded. "Pretty much........" He said softly. "She's offered me some kinky 'favors' a few times but i always turned her down......she dated my brother for awhile, I have no interest in her......she was a sweet girl when she was younger and a friend of mine interest" He said softly. He looked into her eyes trying to see if he could see where he stood with her. He took her hand and smiled.
Tia smiled softly as she held his hand. "I'll admit before I moved away I had a huge crush on you. I mean you were always there when I needed a partner to get a hard dance number down. I think those years helped developed you into a chiseled hunk." Laughing softly as she held his hand tightly in her own but she had to let his hand go as she suddenly felt sick. Finding a bucket she twisted away from him and vomited. Suddenly the pain meds were hitting her small body. Once that was over she sipped her water to wash her mouth out. "GAH! Also...I don't think Lance liked the idea of threesome once in awhile to spice sex up abit anyways."
Sam smiled when he heard her confession. After she vomited and turned back to him he smiled. "You alright?" He said softly. He caressed her cheek and leaned in kissing her forehead. "I had a crush on you too Tia......" He whispered. "I.....I still do......." He blushed a bit and brushed her hair away from her face slightly. "When I said......I loved someone else........" He looked into her eyes. "I was talking" He admitted. He held her hand. "Can I get you anything?" He asked softly. He wanted to kiss her but he wasn't going to after she just vomited. He figured he'd wait til she was out of the hospital and had a chance to brush her teeth.
"Fine..." She sounded tired as she nuzzled against his cheek as he confessed to her that he loved her. "I'm fine but you know we could give dating a try." Opening her eyes as she looked up at him. "Hope you won't be to uncomfortable on entering my world. I know your mom tried to introduce a small part of it in your guys' life..." It hit her that Sam just learned she got his sisters jobs in the company. "Before I moved back your sisters and I became good friends. Without them mentioning they were looking for a job my father made them both offers to work there. So the three of us spent a lot of time together."
He nodded. "It's fine...." When she explained she got them jobs he nodded. "Yeah, they're grateful for that...." He said softly cuddling her gently. "I don't mind entering your world, Tia.....I want to share everything with you......I love you...." He said softly. He figured hell with it and he leaned in and gave her a loving kiss on the lips. When the kiss broke he smiled at her and caressed her cheek. "Are you sure you'd want to date me so soon after breaking up with your ex? I mean, I don't mind, but I don't want to rush you into anything you aren't ready for......." He said softly.
Tia smacked his shoulder weakly when he kissed her. "Sam, I'd figured you'd wait until I brushed my teeth." she was laughing as she couldn't believe it. "I mean we can do a casual date or simply hang out so there is no pressure on either of us." She would have said they could see others if they wanted but Sam made a point he wouldn't with his confession of loving her. "So where do you stand on your parents trying again?"
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