Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Sammy walked beside his mother and Tia. "So Tia, do you like candy? I love candy but my mommy won't let me have any until after supper because she says it spoils my appetite." He said softly then looked up at his mother. He looked back at the little fox and smiled. "You're cute." He giggled and accidentally brushed his paw against hers. Sammy was blushing like a christmas tree but he didn't mind it much as they walked through the store the two mothers chatting and Sammy trying to get Tia to be more sociable.
Tia was so tiny compared to Sam but she'd giggle softly at his comments. Lillian could hear the two like Jennifer but Lillian whispered that Sam may have a crush on Tia. At first she thought he'd like Rachel the black rabbit who was Rick's daughter. Though the group moved on getting a cart load of food.

"I like to dance. What do you like to do?" Tia asked softly.

"Besides running butt naked in the house." Lillian teased Sam as Jennifer tried to cover her mouth.

"Oh Lillian!" She slapped Lillian's arm with a smile. "Wait until he's dating then bring out the big guns."
Sammy blushed a bit and smiled. "I like helping my mom with my sisters and brothers, I like watching movies with my dad and playing video games. I can't dance......i always trip over my feet." He giggled a bit. Tony would get a kick out of this if he was present. Sammy smiled at Tia. He liked the fox but he was always fond of Rachel but he had time to decide which girl he'd want to date when they were older so for now it was just a cute little crush.
Lillian knew she had to tell the boys. Though she got her cell phone out and placed the video chat on, getting hold of Tony. She had stopped with Jennifer as she got the phone focused on Sammy's cute first flirting session with Tia.
Tony saw this and chuckled a bit. "Thatta boy Sammy." He smiled at the exchange. Rick smirked a bit. "Hey he takes after his old man." He joked, Tony just looked at Rick then back at the video session. It was quite the cute exchange and it was something Tony would have to tease Sammy about when him and Lily came home.
Tia's fluffy fox ears laid back as she suddenly kissed Sammy's cheek before the pair departed to go home. Lillian still had the phone on and it was recording while the chat session was going on.
Tony saw that and smiled. Sammy blushed a bit and waved bye to his new friend. "Bye Tia." He smiled. The little wolf cub was red as a tomato. "Looks like Rachel has some competition huh?" Rick joked. Tony laughed a bit. "Yeah seems so." He said softly. Once the video session ended Tony made sure that the babies were fed, changed and put down for their naps giving Lillian some time to relax a bit when she returned home with Sammy. Tony was able to get his stitches removed the following morning so he was taking it easy for the day wherever he could so he'd be 100% for the appointment the next day.
Once she got home she got Sammy to help her with the food and couldn't stop smiling. "Well, got Sam's first kiss on video!" She called out to the men and had a feeling this embarrassed Sam. Walking over seeing the babies were up in their cribs so she sat with Tony, on the arm of his chair.
Tony smiled at that. "Good for you pal." Tony congratulated his son. Sammy smiled at his father. "Tia's really nice papa." He smiled his tail wagging behind him happily. He went upstairs happily humming to himself after he finished helping his mother put the groceries away. Tony smiled at his wife. "So what did Jennifer have to say?" He asked curiously. He was happy his wife had gotten along so well with his boss' wife, it did help his job quite a bit and they even sent a 'get well' card when they found out about Tony's accident.
"Just girl talk and since it seems those two hit it off she invited all of us to see Tia dance next week." Lillian smiled as she nudged Rick. "I wonder how your daughter is going to take it that Sam has a new friend."
Rick just laughed. "Ohh Rachel can be very persausive, i'm sure she'll have Sammy smitten again soon." He grinned a bit. Tony just laughed. "That'd be nice i'm sure Sammy would enjoy that." Tony smiled at his wife taking a sip of his drink. "So they really hit it off huh? That's cute......well it's good for Sammy to have a choice when he gets older, you never know who he might wanna end up with." Tony said softly. Sammy came running downstairs humming happily. "Papa i made a new friend today." He said smiling at Tony climbing on the couch. "I heard buddy, that's nice." He smiled at his son. Sammy smiled a bit. "Hey, maybe you two could get together for a play date soon." Tony suggested. Sammy's eyes lit up. "That would be fun, Tia can show me how to dance." He said happily. Sammy wasn't very good at dancing and tended to either trip over his feet or step on your toes, not on purpose of course.
Lillian smiled as she sat there looking at their son lighting up when he heard about the play date. Though she was bit taken back that Rachel was bit aggressive to keep Sam to herself. "Rick, I never thought of Rachel being that type of girl and even at this young of age." The kids were pre-teens but Tia was bit younger than those two perhaps seven years old. Lillian looked to Sam. "Have you decided what you'd like to do after school?" She had a feeling it may be taking dancing classes but he could go for soccer. "I heard Tia is going for Soccer."
Years went by as Lillian and Tony watched their children grow. Their offspring were all over the place as the boys were heavy into sports and weight lifting which helped Lillian out with house work. The girls were runners, dancers and music players. Sammy had grown up and moved out of the house and so did Rachel. Funny thing was Rachel got her mother's confidence about men but remained true to Sam even with harmless flirting with the men around. Lillian had a feeling she may have started fucking around when she was young but she was Rick's daughter!

Tia had moved out of the state but she was friends with her girls as it was Tia who helped them get into the same company Tony worked so they had health Benefits. Now was Tony's and Lillian's wedding anniversary and EVERYONE was coming to the cook out. Lillian bought a lot of steaks, chicken and got Tony a super deluxe grill and smoker attachment to play with that day. It wasn't long as Bryce arrived with his brown hair cut, Luke arrived with him in slacks and a white dress shirt, Zack who found papers about himself found out his real father was Rick but didn't treat Tony any differently. Ariel and Aiko were last to arrive with a surprise guest. Aiko the human white haired girl had her long hair in a twisted bun as Ariel had her hair cut short. The children decided to all go in together on getting a gift for their parents a new China dinner set that was the works.
Tony loved having his kids back home for the day and found himself wishing Lilly would have another baby with him. He missed it, he really did. It was something he'd have to talk to her about since they were now older he wondered if she would be able to bear children still but perhaps so since Tony's seed was still very fertile with him being an anthro. Sammy was outside helping Tony with the cooking He found both Rachel and Tia appealing he had such a hard time deciding which he'd want to be with. However, since Tia moved away him and Rachel grew closer and started to date occasionally. "So Sammy, how have you and Rachel been?" Tony asked his son. Sam smiled. "Good Pop, things are being taken slow, but they're good....." Tony smiled and nodded. "You remind me of myself and mommy." He said smiling at his boy. Sam just laughed a bit. "Yeah, well if it wasn't for you and Mom teaching me how to follow my heart I don't know if me and Rachel would be together." He smiled and gave his father a hug. "Pop why don't you take a break i'll take over the grill for awhile." Sammy smiled. He had learned to grill early on and enjoyed doing it. Tony nodded. "Okay son, i'll go see if mommy needs a hand...." He said softly then went to see where Lilly was.
She was inside with Rachel cooking when the children walked in and Tia was right behind them. Tia was slender with round breasts with the slight flare of her hips. Her long red hair was in waves around her face as she was carrying the bottles of expensive wine.

"TONY! SAM! The rest are here!" Lillian rushed over to hug her children as she had been thinking of giving Tony a child but her chances were going down. "Oh my Tia! You've grown!" Rachel walked over welcoming the others as she was friends with them but hadn't found out Zack was her brother but he looked out for her like he was.
Sam and Tony took the food off the grill and brought it inside. "Hey!" Tony said happily seeing the rest of them walk in. Sam walked behind his father and saw Tia and smiled. "Hey Tia." He hugged her, he had been her friend for years but recently he started thinking about her in a more sexual manner. He hugged her just a little longer than usual enjoying her scent and the feel of her large breasts pressed into him. He let go and smiled. Zack came in and waved. "Hey everybody." He smiled sitting down at the table after giving his mother a kiss. "Hi Mom." He hugged her and smiled. The house was now full.
Rachel noticed Sam was hugging Tia bit to long so she grabbed his tail and tugged sharply. Lillian noticed this and she was tempted to smack Rachel for touching her son like that. Tia was blushing as she liked Sam long ago as in their preteens he helped her with her dance moves until her parents split up.

"Its nice to see you to Sam..." Tia said as she went with Lillian to get the glasses out with Zack.

Aiko and Ariel smirked at their older brother. "Whats wrong Sam? Can't do as you please with the bunny whore on your tail?" Aiko, the human female snapped as it was clear her and Rachel hated eachother.
Sam just gave his sister a look. Rachel did have a reputation and Sam liked both women but he saw Tia as more of wife material than Rachel. He sighed and just went to sit down in the living room with a few others and talk. Tony saw the exchange and smiled. He always liked Tia but felt obligated to push Sam towards Rachel but ultimately it would be his son's decision. He went back to finishing the extra steaks while the table was being set for supper.
Lillian knew Tony's intentions of pushing Sam into Rachel's arms and she'd often told Sam to do as he pleased as long as it didn't bother him. "GIRLS!" Lillian snapped at this point she wasn't going to let their differences get in the way of a wonderful day. The boys had to pull the girls away as Rachel had taken one of their virginities before well blowjob in the parkinglot.

Tia wasn't interested about this but sat beside Sam. "Does this happen all the time?"
Sam nodded. "More or less......' He looked at his friend and smiled. "So how have you been, Tia? You look great....." He smiled and put his arm around his long-term friend, he secretly loved. "Stop it you two." Zack said pulling his sisters apart and stepping in between them. Sam sighed. Tony walked into the living room and saw Sam with his arm around Tia and just smiled warmly after bringing in the food and setting the table with the extra steaks. "Soup's on." He smiled letting everyone know they could come and eat. Sam just sat there with Tia. "Hey, how long are you in town for?" He asked softly. He wanted to take her out for a nice meal if she was willing.
Tia blushed as he placed his arm around her but reached up removing his arm from her. "Thank you, I've been getting my Masters in Marketing and working at my father's company now and got Ariel and Aiko jobs there." She smiled softly and watched Zack keep a control of the two.

Lillian grabbed Tony's hand and pulled him aside. "Darling, why do you try to keep Rachel and Sam together?" It had been bothering her. "I mean she's sweet when theres no competition dealing with Sam."
"I just think they'd be good together babe." Tony replied back then saw Tia and Sam together. "Well it's his choice overall......" He said softly. Sam smiled and blushed a bit. "Hey Tia, do you remember when we were younger and first met?" He asked softly his cheeks began to turn red when he recalled their first 'kiss'. He wondered what her lips tasted like. She was a bombshell in every sense of the word and the lovely fox was starting to really grab Sam's attention.
Lillian kissed Tony's lips softly. "Darling, I don't want him to follow your choice for him. Rachel had one of our boys before Sam already." Sitting down with the rest of the family as Rachel sat to the other side of Sam but leaned in whispering about giving him something wonderful in his old bedroom. Once everyone had settled Lillian cleared her throat. "I have an announcement to make. As you know we've kept little baby things out in case we had grandchildren but...I've decided to try to have another child."

Tia and the others looked to Lillian as she was in her early 50s and it was impossible for a human to get pregnant now. But yet medicine was making things that was impossible to being possible.
Tony smiled and put his arms around his wife. "It's true, your mother and I miss having a little one around so we're going to try to have another....." He said smiling at her then the rest of the kids. Sam smiled. "I think it's a great idea, Dad." Sam was always supportive of his parents since they were always there for him whenever he needed them. Zack nodded. "Yeah Pop, it'd be nice to have a little brother or sister." Since they were all around the same age with the exception of Sam to have a little brother would be nice. "We'll help out of course." Zack added. Sam looked at Rachel from what she suggested to him earlier. "In a bit......" He said softly. He really wanted Tia but she didn't seem so interested. Rachel had already dated Luke and it was a bit awkward for Sam. Luke plopped down on a chair. "So, we eating or what?" He asked looking up at his parents.
"Dig in, Boar." She teased Luke as it seemed he was trying to play keep up with his brother's bulky muscles. Smiling as she sat down as she turned to Tia. "Tia, what have you been doing? Seeing anyone?"

"Actually...I am." She said with a shy smile. "He's an Financial Consultant for a small firm. A sweetheart but theres something missing." Tia admitted while she looked at her piece of steak she split with Aiko.

Lillian reached over touching her forearm and the two shared a small smile of comfort. "Perhaps you've out grown him. Its been known people just can't keep up when you age. Hell Tony had to learn quick on that."
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