Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Tony sighed. He took his shower and then got dressed. Rick was keeping the babies calm. Tony was a bit mad at his friend for ruining things, all he wanted was a special night with his wife but instead she stormed out on him. He got into his other car even though he had no business driving and went to see where she was going. He had found her car and stopped. "Baby....I'm sorry, please come home....." He called from his window as he pulled up beside her. He was hurting, it hurt to drive but he loved her and didn't want her driving recklessly when she was mad. "Come home baby......." He pleaded with her. At this point Tony was really pissed at Rick for forcing himself on Lily and he knew that was part of the reason she was upset.
"GO HOME TONY!" She snapped at Tony as she was getting out of the car to walk in the park. At this point something inside her broke and she seemed to stop struggling mentally and emotionally. Getting back to her car she returned home yet she was different. Instead of sitting on the couch she sat on the floor in the living room not registering her own children were crying.
Tony went home and saw her on the floor. He didn't say anything. Instead he picked up the crying little ones even though the doctors said not to and craddled them back to sleep. Once they were settled down and napping he went to the computer and began to work on his work that had built up a bit in hs injury absence. Even though Tony wasn't 100% well and shouldn't be bothering with such things just yet he didn't care he ignored the pain and started to work. He needed to provide for his family after all. Rick didn't say anything he just fixed himself a sandwich and sat in the living room in Tony's recliner and ate it quietly. Tony ignored everything for awhile and got a lot of his work finished and sent off but he wanted to do more even though his body was saying no he kept pushing on. When she snapped like this, it hurt everyonem not just herself. He didn't say a word to anyone and just kept working, eventually he turned the computer off and got up, walking upstairs he went into their bedroom and looked at a few pictures of him and Lily when they were dating, nothing but smiles, silly faces and kisses. He sighed and put the book of memories back on the shelf in the closet. He walked out into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. Tony started to question his own sanity. He was sharing his wife with his friend after all. What man does such a thing? Was he crazy? Well it was too late now and he just let the thought leave his head. He laid back on the bed and sighed. He could feel the stitch in his head, he couldn't wait to get these damn things removed and feel somewhat normal again, if it was even possible to get back to normal. What was "normal" anyway? Tony wasn't sure if he knew the meaning of the word anymore.
Lillian was no longer the strong willed woman Tony fell in love with. Both he and Rick broke her spirit and all she wanted was be a wonderful mother to six children but she couldn't do that. Hell when she told them she wasn't up for sex they'd beg for hours until she gave in, she even woke up to Tony fucking her, in the shower she couldn't have a moments peace without Tony shoving his cock into her ass. Hours passed as she didn't move on the floor nor made any movement.

Sammy had been home some time and didn't ask what was going on just went to his bedroom to do his homework.
Tony got up from the bed to check on his son. "Doing your homework, sport?" He said softly. Sammy nodded. "Papa, what's wrong with Mommy?" He asked. "I was going to ask her to sign something for me but she looked like she was in a daze and I didn't want to bother her....." He said softly. Tony shut his son's door and put his arms around his boy. "Mommy's......mommys going through a's Daddy's fault, I'm sorry buddy....." He said to the little wolf. Sammy looked at his father. "But mommy still loves us, right daddy?" Tony stopped. He didn't know anymore, did she? did she even still want to be with Tony? there were times it felt like she didn't even want to be in the same room as him. He sighed and looked t his son. "I don't know anymore, pal......your guess is as good as mine.....but just be there for your little brothers and sisters and don't worry about it okay? We both love you regardless if we aren't together or not..." Sammy started to tear up. "But Papa......" he hugged his father. "Don't cry Sammy.....finish your homework......I'm going to go to the store to get some milk and diapers for the babies.....I'll be back in a few minutes...." Sammy nodded wiping his tears away he went back to doing his homework like the good boy he was. Tony left his son's room and headed downstairs with his wallet in his back pocket. He was going to buy what they needed but he'd also get something nice for Lily to show he appreciates all she's done and that he does love her and cherish her. Rick was keeping a few of the cubs entertained with silly faces and tickling them gently. "I'll be back later....." Tony said to Rick who just gave him a thumbs up as a 'go-ahead'. Tony locked up behind him and headed to the store, shopping list in hand.
Her ears perked as she heard Tony leaving but she didn't look up to Rick while he played with the children. She was a pet, a slave with a title "wife" so this whole switching behind doors was acceptable. Her eyes drifted to the rings she wore but tore them off and let them fall to the floor. "A pet doesn't deserve to have nice things." She said firmly for Rick to hear her.
RIck heard that and looked at her like she was crazy. "What?.......Lilly......." He was swatted by a few tiny paws wanting him to pay attention to them. Tony went to the stores and on the way home he stopped at one final shop, a jewelry store. He had gotten Lillian a nice heart shaped pendant of a mother holding her baby with a tiny engraving on it that said "Best Mother". He bought it and left to get the groceries home before they spoiled. Upon entering the house he put everything away and had the diapers in their usual easy-to-get to spot. He went into the living room and was about to give Lilly her gift when he noticed her rings on the floor carelessly tossed as if she no longer wanted them. "Babe......your rings......" He said softly picking them up. Rick looked at his friend. "She said a pet doesn't deserve nice things.......not sure where that came from....." Rick turned back and Tony just looked at his wife. "......Honey....." He went over to her sitting beside her on the floor he kissed her cheek. "You're not a pet.......Here......I.......I bought you this deserve it, you deserve so much more than just this........but it's the best I could do with the money I had......." He handed her the small box and hoped she would like it. Tony felt crushed, the same sinking feeling he had not so long ago was resurfacing. Sammy came downstairs and saw his mother and father sitting side by side but he was an observant young boy and noticed that his mother's rings were on the floor. " mommy!" He cried out. "No please don't leave papa......Papa loves you don't you papa?" He started to cry not understanding what was going on. The poor cub was pleading with his parents with hurtful tearful eyes. Rick turned and grabbed Sammy hugging him. "Sh it's okay pal......" Sammy just pushed him away. "No!! Daddy said it wasn't going to happen again! you promised papa!" He managed to get out between a coughing fit of tears. The young cub ran back upstairs to his room and slammed his door shut crying on his bed.
Lillian looked to Tony's gift with dull eyes and looked up at him. "A pet can't deny her masters requests. Quit lying to yourself Master....You said I was yours and Rick's pet. You got your wish...Both of you did." Tears rolled down her cheeks as part of her wanted to slap and punch the two men and leave with the pups and Sammy but part of her knew they'd track her down and lure her back. So why fight? "I'm done fighting. I'll do as you wish Masters."
Tony looked at his wife with shocked eyes. "That's it....this ends now......" He stood up. "Rick, leave, get out. I need to fix my marriage, get out." He said to his friend Rick was shocked and taken back but he saw that Tony wasn't playing around. "F-fine......." He got up and left, he was about to take Zack with him but he knew better. He left his son after giving him a kiss on his forehead and a gentle squeeze of his tiny little hand. Tony looked at his wife and picked her up, putting her rings back on and her necklace and shook her. "Snap out of this are my wife, my amazing, beautiful wife.......and the mother of my children, you are not" He looked at her and gave her a kiss. Sammy saw his father and he sobbed. "'s no use.....Mommy doesn't love us anymore....." He said with tears in his eyes.
Her eyes drifted to Rick about to snatch up Zack and still didn't react. Her soulless eyes drifted to Tony then to Sammy but closed her eyes before looking back to Tony.

"You treat me like a pet. I have no say so in this house. You got your wish, Master." She didn't take the rings off nor the necklace but tears were rolling down her cheeks. A part of her wanted to swing out and hurt Tony so bad but her body wasn't responding.
He held her in his arms. "I want my wife, not a sex pet......" He kissed her lips. He looked into her eyes. "You and more having Rick have his fun with you, just you and me, as husband and wife.......I need you Lily......" Sammy went up to his mother and hugged her "Mommy.....Daddy loves you, I love you, please smile......please stay with Daddy.......I don't want to lose my mommy......." He started to cry with his mother. Tony put his arms around them both and kissed Lilly again, tears in his eyes too. "Come on know what, let's go on a second honeymoon........" He said softly.
Lillian bit her lower lip so hard she drew blood. "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" She snapped at Tony as her nails dug into the palm of her hands. "When did it become nothing but sex in this marriage! Day in and day out. When I didn't want it you'd beg for hours on end and you still get your fucking way!" Her body shook as it was clear for months when she was pregnant to now it had been building. Her hand touched Sammy's head to hold him to her side. "You said you don't want a pet...But yet you treated me like so on many occasions. I'm tired of the constant sex!"
Tony was a bit upset. "Baby......." Sammy looked at his mother. "Mommy please......" He said crying wanting her mother to calm down. Tony shook his head. "Not here, Lillian...." He took Sammy. "Go up to your room buddy......" He said softly. He pulled Lillian into his lap. "Let's talk about this......." He kissed her lovingly then spoke softly. "We don't have to have sex......I just want you to be happy.......I want things the way they used to be......" He sighed softly. Sammy was at the top of the stairs crying softly worried he was going to lose his mother. Tony caressed her cheek. "Did you even look at the pendant?" He said softly showing her what the pendant was a symbol of. "I love you Lily......." He spoke soft and nuzzled his furry face into her shoulder. "Forgive me........"
Lillian shook her head as he pulled her into his lap and she got out of it. "Don't you get it...When I told you I wasn't in the mood...What do you do? You don't back off but you push it until you got your cock inside of me. Every single time! When I told you no one was getting anything then what did you do? You begged!" She was still crying silently. "I am never alone. Even when I went out for a simple walk you'd track me down. Or if I went to the park to read you'd suddenly appear and whisper about a quickie in the men's rest room! A PUBLIC RESTROOM! Tony....I want a marriage where I can turn to you as a best friend who'd listen and talk to me....not just sexual satisfaction alone. What would you do if you found out Sammy was treating his girlfriend the way you were treating me? Begging a virgin girl into sleeping with him then afterwards share her with his buddies and force his own cock into her when she told him she wasn't in the mood?"
He felt like crap. "I'm sorry......honey.........let's start over.........please?" He said softly. He got on his knees and looked up at her. "What do I have to make you love me again?" He looked into her eyes his ears rested against his head. "I'm......I'm sorry baby, you are my entire world......." He wasn't going to pry though. "But.......if.........if you don't love me I can't force you......." He got up and walked to the kitchen. He made some coffee, he wasn't sleeping much tonight and he already knew he'd be on the couch. He sat down and made a cup. He sipped at his coffee and sighed. "stupid.........stupid stupid fool......." He said under his breath.
"An idiot is more like it. An idiot can learn but a fool can't." She stood there as he walked off without her say a word to answer him. "I still love you and Sammy. I HATE the way you treated me and you STILL didn't answer me. Would you congratulate Sammy for treating a woman like you've done me?"
He looked back and sighed. " I wouldn't....." He said softly. He went over to her and gave her a kiss. "I promise, it'll be different from now on....." He caressed her cheek gently. "Can we have a normal, loving marriage?" He said softly. He looked into her eyes. "Do you to sleep on the couch tonight?" He said softly. He just wanted his wife happy again. He didn't care if she never wanted to sleep beside him again he just wanted her to be happy and smile again.
For a moment she didn't smile but shook her head when he asked for a normal marriage. "What was normal for this marriage was what you've been doing. Things will change for the better between all eight of us." She smiled softly as she moved kissing him. "I want you to sleep next to me in our bed. If I tell you if I'm not in the mood for sex. Please respect that or you're telling Sam 'When a woman says no she really means yes'. I don't want him to learn that or he's going to jail for raping countless women..." She said softly as she didn't want Sam to have that future or even come close to it.

"No more sharing me with Rick but he is going to be part of this family. Afterall he plays a big part." Smiling softly as she nuzzled Tony's cheek. "I still love you but at times you do push me to the point I have to shut down to keep from hurting you. I do mean both physically and emotionally but if Sam heard he'd get hurt as well."
He nodded/ "Okay baby...." He kissed her lovingly on the lips and then held her hand tightly. "Let's go to bed.......once the kids are asleep...." He went and carried each of them up to their cribs once they were all situated and asleep he sat on the bed after stripping down to just his boxers. He got in on his side, it was cold and the mold his body had made over time was gone. He fluffed a pillow up and laid there. "God, this feels......good......" He cuddled under the covers and waited for his wife to join him. "Tomorrow honey, i'm going to pamper you all day, you deserve and Rick will take care of the kids, you take yourself a nice long soothing bath and relax in bed all day." He smiled at her.
She had noticed Sam in his room sniffling. One they had the babies in the cribs she went with Tony to their room and kissed his forehead. "Oh! No more begging for sex. That's a big turn off and its not sex as you think it is. I need to go talk to Sam."

Smiling to Tony she went to Sam's bedroom and knocked. "Sammy, its momma." She said as she opened his door and walked over to the foot of his bed unless he wanted otherwise. "I have a feeling there may be something we need to talk about. Isn't there?" She didn't know how much he heard.
Sammy wiped his tears away and looked at his mother. "You're leaving aren't you Momma?" He said softly trying not to cry. "Papa loves you, he loves you Momma......" He said softly trying not to burst into tears again. "And I love you too mommy......please don't go....." He hugged his mother and started to gently cry into her shoulder. Tony got up and stood by the door not entering just yet. He listened in to see what Sammy would say or what Lilly was going to say to their son. "I'll do better in school Momma, I'll do more chores, I'll keep my room and toys clean, please Mommy....." He cried softly into her shirt.
Lillian laughed softly as she moved to where she crawled onto Sam's bed and held him to her. "I'm not leaving you or your father. You didn't doo anything. You see adults forget talking to each other or just simply listening can help avoid such nasty situations like you saw about a few hours ago." She was being honest as she kissed his dark gray ears playfully. "I imagine when you get older and a young woman will catch your eye then you may be in our position. If you find a woman or girl you're in love with just remember....You treat her like a lady. Don't push, beg, or guilt her into doing something she doesn't want to. When you get older you'll understand what I meant." She hugged him tightly. "Besides if Daddy misbehaves again did you want to watch me put him in the corner for time out?" She was joking of course.
Sammy giggled and hugged his mother. "Okay Mommy." He rested his head against her chest gently. Tony walked into the room and smiled. He sat down on the opposite side of them and put his arms around both of them. "I love you....." He said softly to Lillian and gave her a loving kiss on the lips. It was something Sammy needed to see. He smiled brightly at the sight of his parents kissing so lovingly. When the kiss ended He looked at his son. "Mommy is a good young man when you're older and you won't have any problems with the girl you love, Sammy....." Tony smiled at his son. Sammy hugged his father and then his mother. "Mama, Papa, can I stay in your bed tonight?" He asked cutely. He didn't want to feel alone. Tony looked at Lillian and instead of giving his son an answer he smiled at him. "It's up to Mommy....." He smiled and squeezed her hand gently.
Lillian smiled softly as she didn't know how Tony would feel about it. "Tony, I don't know how you'd feel about it but I do have an idea. How about all three of us camp out on the living room floor?" She asked as she knew they have three large sleeping bags that can be unzipped to make a plush bedding plus two blankets and pillows.
"Please papa?" Sammy asked with a smile. Tony nodded. "Alright, that sounds like fun." He smiled and picked up his son who leaped into his arms and they went downstairs getting the living room set up for their little campout. They had brought the babies back downstairs but hadn't disturbed them instead just simply took part of their crbs with them in it and placed them down in the corner where they could easily get to them in the middle of the night. Sammy got snuggled up in his sleeping bag between his parents and smiled giving each of them a kiss good night. Tony laid down beside his son and smiled at his wife giving her a loving kiss good night. "Good night mommy......I love you." He said softly caressing her cheek.
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