Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

When Rick kissed her she didn't return it but looked away to have his lips touching her cheek. "You lied to me Rick." She was hurt of course. "I mentioned it to Tony and he didn't remember you asking." Smirking as she grabbed Rick by his shirt and forced him down to his knees to where she had to look down at him. "You will be punished for what you did last night. Tony won't have a say in what I'll do to you and since he's hurt...His control of the sexual arrangement will be postponed."
Rick just nodded at her. Tony gave his wife a confused look but he trusted her and didn't say anything more. Tony kissed her neck gently. Rick just waited to see what she'd have him do as 'punishment'. Tony was also curious and hoped it wasn't anything too enjoyable.
Slowly she got up and turned her back to Rick. Basically had her round ass in his face as she pulled Tony's pants open. She planned on making Rick watch her service Tony and Rick wouldn't be allowed to touch himself.

"No touching me or yourself Rick until I say so." She looked at him with a stern look as she slipped back into Tony's lap, licking his cock.
"Ohh baby....." Tony moaned as she licked him. "Mmm how do I taste baby?" He moaned softly hoping she was enjoying it. Rick just watched and sat there. It would take him a bit longer to get hard but once she got more into it he wouldn't be able to resist and he would suffer for his poor behavior the night before.
Lillian moaned softly as she took the cock into her mouth. Making him hard she moved her head up and down sucking on her husband. Once in awhile she'd glance at Rick to make sure he wasn't touching himself or disobeying her orders.
Rick was hard as he watched his friend be serviced. Tony moaned. "Mmm baby girl you give the best blowjobs......." He said softly as he looked down at his loving wife sucking away on him. He was truly lucky to have such a loving and faithful wife. He would never doubt her again. He saw how hurt she was from last night and he knew she loved him. He had no more doubts. He looked at his friend and smirked. Tony was enjoying seeing his friend suffer fro what he had done to his lovely wife.
She planned on punishing Rick for awhile maybe until tomorrow. Pulling his cock from her mouth while she ran her tongue up under his cock. "Is that question still worrying you?" she asked as she moved off the chair and stripped down to nothing. Her body was still tight from the morning runs and evening some yoga. Letting her clothes fall to Rick's side as she let her large heavy breasts rest at the base of Tony's cock. Smirking as she squeezed her breasts to stroke Tony for a titty fuck.
"No baby....." He smiled at her lovingly as she slid his cock between her large milk-filled tits. "'s been awhile since you've given me one of these....." He smirked and slowly began to thrust between her tits ever so slightly his cock coming up to her mouth to where she could suck on it as he titty-fucked her. "Mmm your breasts are amazing honey.........can I have some milk after we finish?" He smiled at his wife hoping she would let him suck her tits til he had his full of her milk afterwards, since he would probably be quite thirsty by the time they were finished.
He nodded. "No biting....." He smiled and enjoyed th efeeling of her tits squeezing his cock and her mouth sucking the tip. "Mmm.......I love you baby...." He moaned in pleasure closing his eyes for a moment then opening them and looking at Rick who was hard and suffering from his hard-on.
Any time Tony would make a mention of Rick suffering she'd stop pleasuring him as a warning. Though she would pleasure Tony until he'd cum. Rick only got a taste of her breast milk but Tony was getting mouthfuls. "Ricky mind getting me a coke? I need some help swallowing Tony's cum."

She glanced to Rick as she position to where her soaked pussy was over Tony's cock but her breasts were at Tony's mouth.
He got up and got her a coke. Tony whispered in her ear. "Can I put it in your butt while I drink your milk, baby?" He said softly kissing her neck then started to slowly suck her breasts that were at his mouth. He loved how soft and tender they were, her nipples were so tender in his mouth, his cock throbbing and wanting to be engulfed by her ass. It had been awhile since he had given his wife a good ass fucking and he wanted Rick to see her enjoying having her husband's cock buried deep in her ass, the hole he loved to fuck so much.
Shaking her head as Rick gave her the soda. Drinking it as she got the thick semen down into her stomach. "No, you're still hurt and I don't want to set back your recovery." She commented as she allowed Tony to enjoy the milk but there was moments she felt like he pinched her though he didn't. Lillian looked to Rick seeing the budge in his jeans but smirked. "Why don't you go take care of that Rick..By your own hand."
Rick started to masturbate watching her. Tony sucked on her breasts drinking his wife's milk. He swallowed it and whispered to her. "Please baby? I want to bury my cock in your ass.......i'll be fine, I promise......" He kissed her lips then started to suck her tits again moaning, his cock throbbed he twirled his tongue around her nipple and forced her tits to squirt milk into his mouth. He wanted her ass badly and he hoped she would give in and let him have it and make Rick watch Tony ass-fuck his wife.
"No." She said sternly to Tony as she wasn't going to give in to his begging. "Continue to beg I'll let Rick have me right in front of you." She knew that would stop Tony's begging. "Consider what you want to do...Part two of Rick's punishment in the future." She commented as she had noticed Rick and Tony seemed to stick to her ass when it came to sex. Lillian pushed the thought aside but it slipped out of her mouth. "In sex is that all you want? To fuck my ass? I'm asking both of you." She looked to Tony and Rick.
"No, i love your pussy baby....." Tony kissed her lips and smiled warmly. "But we can't use it yet......" He added. Rick blushed and looked at her. "Well......if that's the only hole I'm allowed to use......." He said softly. Tony kissed his wife lovingly then went back to sucking on her breasts. He was hoping she'd give into him in a few days and let him have free reign of what he could do to her. He stopped and whispered in her ear. "When you're all healed up, wanna work on another baby?" He grinned then kissed her neck softly. He wanted to show her he loved her for more than just her ass.
Lillian pulled back from Tony surprised he was wanting another child this soon. "This soon?! Tony...You're going to be done for 9 weeks or more and I'm not going to risk having 6 pups the second time around." Droplets of milk rolled down from her nipples as she was surprised about Tony wanting to get to work again. "Hon...I'm back on birth control and its not the type you can hide from me."
He nodded. "Okay baby, i just love you so much......" He held her in his arms and smiled kissing her lips. "You know you are my entire angel on earth." He smiled and hugged her. He was happy for the first time in awhile. He went back to sucking on her breasts drinking more milk til he had his full. He licked his lips and smiled. "Mmm babe?" He whispered in her ear. "Howabout you bend over and let me lick your pussy and ass......" He smiled at her warmly hoping she would at least give her husband this much since she refused to take his cock inside of her.
Lillian slipped off of Tony's lap and pulled her silky panties back on. "No, your only job is to recover. My pleasure is third on the list from Taking of the little ones and you." She said as she got dressed looking to Tony and saw Rick had finished up and he was cleaning the ending result.
"Okay babe...." Tony got up and zipped up his pants. He pulled her in his arms hugging her and kissing her neck. "Come on honey....." He squeezed her tightly. Rick finished cleaning up. "So when can I fuck you again, Lily?" Rick asked softly. Tony just shot his friend a look. He would let his wife answer that question. Tony wanted first dibs on every hole when he was well again and he wanted it to be just them, without Rick.
Lillian didn't want to be a total bitch to either of them but she thumped Tony's hip when he gave Rick a nasty look. "It seems the whole sexual arrangement Tony put in place seemed to have failed for the time being." She began but she ran her hands over Tony's arms. "You get sloppy seconds after Tony has healed up completely. Until then all three of us won't be performing on eachother." To her this was far since the men can pleasure themselves with ease while she had her sex toys.
Rick sighed. "Okay......" Tony smiled at her and kissed his wife. "That's very kind of you babe." He said softly to her. Tony gently rubbed his wife's ass gently. "So, what now baby?" He asked softly. Rick got up and stretched. "I'll go check on the kids....." He said walking into the living room to see if the babies were behaving. Tony was a bit tired. "Hun, can.....we take a bath together?" He asked softly wondering if she would honor him with such a thing.
"We can do that. Sorry, but the whole no sex or sexual performances until further notice is the only way to keep things fair. I know what Rick did was wrong but I can't turn him away completely because... He is the father to one of my children. All three of us are linked through those children." She whispered to him as she slipped her hand into his own while looking down then back at Tony.
"I know babe, but i'm your husband....." He whispered to her and kissed her neck. "Come on, he got to have you, and it's been awhile since we........" He blushed and they went into the bathroom he turned on the water and let the tub fill up. "Come on honey, let me use your butt while we're in the tub together......he won't know, nor is it any of his business're my wife babe......." He turned her head and kissed her lips rubbing his hard cock against her. "Just tonight then we can go without sex til you're ready........please baby?" He gave her pleading puppy dog eyes as he stripped and got into the bath with his cock clearly rock solid and sprout up waiting for her to sit on it and take it deep into her ass.
She stood there in shock as he was begging her to allow him to fuck her once more then that was it. At this point she didn't know what to think. "I can't take it..." Her voice was soft as she turned slamming the bathroom door shut behind her so Tony was alone.

"Sex...Sex...Always sex in this fucking house!" She was at her breaking point as she felt like she was at her breaking point with both men. "RICK!" She shouted as one little one cried from her shouts. "Keep an eye on Tony while I'm gone!" She was in her yoga pants and a tank top. Slipping her shoes on she grabbed her light jacket and left the house without her phone.
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