Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

The doctor looked at the woman sitting down now. "Well if we didn't address this now......he'd probably be dead within 48 hours...." He said softly. Tony looked at Lily and then at the doctor, he just looked down at his feet not saying a word. "Luckily, we can remove he will be fine, but you will have to take extra good care of him while he recovers.....he still has his other injuries and now he'll probably have a bad headache for a few days after surgery......." He then rolled Tony into another room and made a small incision into the back of his head and began to remove the blood clot. Once the bloodclot was removed from Tony's head he stitched him up and brought him back into the room where Lily was. "I'd recommend if he starts vomiting or anything like that, bring him back immediately......but stay by him.....don't let him sleep by himself." The doctor instructed. After about 45 minutes they discharged Tony after they felt comfortable the surgery went well and the bloodclot was fully removed. Tony was able to go home with Lily's help.
Unlocking the front door she helped Tony back in the recliner chair. She had vomited back at the hospital and was grateful no one pressured her if she was alright. Making sure Tony was comfortable she had felt like she's been punished. Sitting down on the couch to try and relax and still she hadn't said anything to Tony.
Tony looked at his wife and finally said something. "Are you okay?" He could see it in her eyes, something was bothering her. "What's the matter baby?" He said softly. He was exhausted but he worried too much about his wife. She looked pale, almost as if she had seen a ghost. He wasn't going to pry if she didn't want to speak though so Tony just laid back in the recliner and folded his hands on his belly.
"Did you actually tell Rick he can have me tonight?" She asked in a soft weak sicken voice.
He looked at her a bit confused. "Hm? I don't recall that........" He said softly. "Are you okay honey? What happened?" He asked softly. He could see the look in his wife's eyes. She was mad, mad at herself.
She gritted her teeth at this point as tears rolled from the corner of her eyes. Rick had lied to her! Hanging her head as she suddenly stood up.

"That fucking bastard!" She was growling by now and if she was an anthro then all of her fur would have been standing on end. "I thought I had to kick him to stop and check up on you." Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "He pulled he up to the bedroom. I was going to go to our room to get dressed for bed then sleep down here with you. I didn't want to be naked if Sammy got up early."
"Calm down's okay......" He sat up and stood putting his arms around his wife he kissed her gently. "It's okay, Rick probably just thought you needed to relax and enjoy's okay......" He kissed her tears away and held her tight. He knew his wife had feelings for Rick as well and that if anything were to happen to Tony she probably would take Rick as her 2nd husband, he finally came to terms with that. He sat down with her and smiled at her. "Don't cry Lily......." He brushed her hair back gently with his paw. The worst feeling Tony felt was seeing his wife upset.
"It didn't feel right to go on without you telling me personally that you gave him permission." She just cried in his arms. "I told him I couldn't but he pressed on with oral. Told him it didn't feel right but yet he continued on and he didn't want to move when I heard the thud. I feel like I cheated on you and it wasn't willing. That's why I couldn't look you in the eye and even now. That's why I'm pissed! Rick didn't stop when I told him to and he lied to me."

Of course this feeling of betrayal will pass between her and Rick. All she wanted to do was take care of Tony an make sure he was on this earth to see his cubs grow up.
He held her in his arms. "It's okay baby......" He kissed her lips and softly hummed to her. "I'll be fine....." He sighed. Tony felt his heart breaking but it was for more than one reason. He could never tell Lily why he always felt so distant. He just held her in his arms and kissed her over and over again. "You mean the world to me......." He whispered to her. Sammy woke up after having a bad dream and came downstairs happy to see his dad was alright. "Papa!" He hugged him and then his mother. He saw Lily was crying. "Mama, why are you crying? What happened Mama? Is Papa gonna be ok?" He asked looking at his father.
It was a struggle for her to hug Sammy as she felt like she needed to shower and scrub her skin till it was red. Holding Sammy to her as Tony held her. "Daddy, will be fine Sweetie..." She said softly. Singing softly to Sammy until he fell back to sleep, also warm milk helped. Picking him up she returned him to bed and returned to Tony's side. "Anything bothering you? I know I've...I feel so dirty but in the room I noticed you didn't say much nor reacted to the choice of you wanting to sleep it off."
He kissed her. "Nothing really.....I just........." He looked into her eyes. "I love you, i'm afraid of losing you.........' Tony spoke softly as he caressed her cheek. "Sometimes, I wonder if i'm crazy......crazy for sharing you........" He said softly. He looked into her lovely eyes and smiled. It was only natural for Tony to feel this way, what if his wife preferred another wolf's cock over his? That was a huge kick in the nuts so to speak. He just shook his thoughts away. "Forget I said anything baby, it's nothing, just my head hurting I guess."
"Darling, if this has been bothering you for some time. Perhaps now is not the time to avoid it." She spoke softly and she nuzzled against his cheek gently. "It worried me that you didn't want to go to the hospital. If the doctor said you could have died within 48 hours and yet you had no reaction to the news..." Her heart tighten at the thought that made her hand tremble. Grabbing his hand within her own hands. "Tony...were you trying to die?"
He looked at her and a tear fell from his eye. He looked down at his hands. He didn't say anything for a few moments. "I......I thought........if I was gone......." Tony held back his tears and just looked into her eyes with watery eyes of his own. "I figured.......Rick would take care of you and the'd still be happy.....I hate feeling.......useless......" Tony's voice started to crack. He got up from the couch and got some water when he returned after washing his face and letting a few tears fall from his eyes in the process he sat back down.
Lillian shook her head. "Tony..." She watched him go then come back with him crying. "I don't prefer Rick to you. God! If you died I wouldn't marry anyone for awhile. If the sexual relationship did continue between me and Rick....I don't know what to say other than it wouldn't be enjoyable because you're not there to enjoy it as well." Smiling softly as she held his cheeks within her own hands.

" many times do I have to tell you that I love you? I refused Rick because you weren't there to enjoy it with us or you and me making love." She looked into his amber eyes. "Darling, I love you and if I didn't I wouldn't have allowed you to impregnate me or even entertained the idea of carrying your pups." Though she moved her lips to his ear. "If you're ever wondering...I prefer your dick to Rick's." Kissing his cheek as she settled beside him. "I mean in the past it felt like you wanted sex daily and I felt pressured I had to perform or you may consider adding another highly sexually active woman in the mix. I knew if you did that I would have left even with five pups on my hips and I wouldn't allow Rick in my life afterwards."
He held her in his arms. "Okay baby....." He kissed her lips and laid down with her on top of him. He smiled and kissed her lips holding onto her tightly. "It's just sometimes it seemed like when you kised Rick after me that you put more passion into it, maybe I was just over-thinking......." He kissed her lips then whispered in her ear. "I love you......." He laid there with her in his arms and smiled. He had all sorts of ideas of what he wanted to do to her but he was in no shape to and neither was she. He caressed her cheek and brought her down to his lips kissing her with pure love and affection. She was the only woman who could make his heart leap into his throat and pound like a drum.
Moaning softly in the kiss but she pulled her lips back. "I think you're getting territorial over me when it comes to your best friend. I think that's why you think I kiss him with passion." She never thought Tony who was the first to share her suddenly get defensive about the situation. After shifting to where she didn't put weight on his ribs but she laid at his side. "My silly wolf that I love so much."
He just smiled at his wife and cuddled her close kissing her lips he put his leg over hers and nuzzled into her. "Maybe......" He said softly. "Can you blame me?......" He looked into her eyes and kissed her forehead. Rick was asleep upstairs, the bed was cold but he did deserve not having her warm body beside him for what he had done. Tony held her in his arms. "You're my wife, of course I may be a little territorial....." He said softly.
Smiling as she closed her eyes. "Tomorrow a hot breakfast for everyone. I'll talk to Rick but its up to you to limit his fun with me." Slowly she fell to sleep but when morning came she made oatmeal for Tony but had some bacon grease to the side and also maple syrup plus any other flavors he wanted. She left him to do as he wished for his oatmeal as she woke Rick up. "Sug, you better get up before Sam-"

"PANCAKES!!!!" Sammy dashed down the hall trying to pull his shorts up but Lillian was flashed by his rump.

"Hurry before he inhales everything." Laughing as she turned to join the others but heard the little ones crying. Sighing as she kissed Tony's cheek when she got the milk for the little ones. "Keep my plate of pancakes warm, Lover." Smiling as she had three bottles and left to go feed the little ones and change them which took awhile.
Tony made sure her pancakes were safe from the grabby little mits of his son. "These are mommy's." He smirked at the little cub. Rick joined them at the table. "Hey Sammy." He smiled and helped himself to some pancakes while Lilly tended to the kids. Tony ate his oatmeal quitely but then spoke up. "Listen, Rick, we gotta talk, all three of us, after the kids are put down and Sammy is off to school...." He said with a stern voice. "Everything okay?" He asked giving his friend a curious look. "No......but we'll talk about it later." He took a sip of his coffee and waited for Lily to come back so he can pull her into his lap.
Once the furless babies were fed then changed with the others. She brought them down two at a time to the large play pen Tony saved when Sammy was a pup. Finally done and having sore breasts she sat beside Tony but swatted his hand. "No, bad wolf." She said in a playful tone. "I don't want to accidently hurt you." Smiling as he tried to get her in his lap but she slipped her legs over his own. "It seems our son is striker." She commented as she poured apple syrup over her stack of pancakes when Tony had to hide from Sammy.

Lillian made sure Tony had Sam's lunch made that morning before driving him to school. While she drove Sammy she was talking about signing him up for something after school. A trial run to see if he can handle after school activities plus homework. Once she got back she felt the tension was slight in the household between Rick and Tony.
Tony saw LIlly return home and sat in his recliner relaxing. "Hi baby." He said softly with a warm smile. Rick at in the living room with Tony. "So what do we need to discuss, Lily?" He asked curiously looking at the woman he loved. Tony figured he'd let her handle the talking since she seemed to have to set things straight, however, this time Tony did pull her into his lap and laid her back on him once she was settled in.
Sighing as Tony pulled her into his lap. "Ricky...I don't know how to start this off but what happened last night disturbed me." She looked to Rick whose black fur looked a mess. "How come it nearly took me to kick you to make you stop last night?"
Rick looked at her a bit hurt. "Sorry babe, I just wanted to get you to relax and enjoy it......." He said softly. Tony shook his head. "You borderline raped her, Rick......" Tony added. "And what did I say about having her? Only when I'm present....." He said with disappointment clear in his voice.
Lillian shook her head seeing Tony was spoiling for a fight. "Tony!" She grabbed his hand and linked her fingers within his own. "Ricky, it was sweet of you to try and get me to relax but....Rick if Tony was allowed to sleep that collapse off then I would have been a single mother by tomorrow morning." It was hard to bring all of this up. "Rick, I didn't ask for you to perform or even push it. I felt so sick last night that I felt like I betrayed Tony and I didn't want to be in that position because...You know of his past." She was sad for what Tony told her that if he removed himself then things would be fine. If Tony thought that was important then he can tell Rick.
Tony squeezed her hand tightly then sighed. "She's right........I had a bloodclot the docs overlooked, had I not gone to the hospital, I wouldn't be alive come tomorrow....." Tony said softly. Rick felt bad about that. "Tony, i'm sorry man........" He said softly. "But what do you mean it'd be fine if you weren't here?" Rick asked scratching the back of his ear slightly. "Well, nevermind....." He kissed his wife and gave her a small nod. "Lilly, I'm sorry......I didn't mean to upset you last night." Rick said softly walking over to her to give her a loving kiss.
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