Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

"That's it. You can let one of the pups sit in your lap." She commented as she let the potatoes boil while she took one of the little girls from Sam. "Whoa! Yeah stinky pup." Smiling as she went to change the pups one by one. When time had passed they had eaten, she checked Sam's homework, the pups were bathed and in bed. Then came Tony's turn to be bathed. With the tub was some filled about two inches. Once Tony was naked she helped him into the tub. "Just sit back and relax."
Tony smiled at his wife as he laid back in the tub. "Thanks baby....." He said softly. He was still really sore and moving certain ways caused great pain due to his broken ribs so bathing was also a chore even if he was able to take a regular shower, it'd probably be a painful experience having to move to get things like soap and shampoo. He looked into her eyes. "You are everything to me really are my angel." He said softly. He leaned into her hand gently nuzzling her soft skin. "When i'm better and we have the time to, I'm going to take you away on a vacation, just you and me....." He smiled. "Maybe a second honeymoon, would you like that babe?" He asked softly.
"Sounds wonderful but what about the children?" She asked as she ran the hot water over his body with the soaped up cloth going through his fur. After cleaning his body she rinsed his off but she sat up further on the tub and removed the bandages from his head. "Relax, sweetie...Just going to change the bandages so you're not wearing nasty ones when you go to sleep."

She had planned on him sleeping in his recliner and she'd be on the couch next to him. If he slept in the bed then him getting up in the morning would bring tears to his eyes. Once she made sure the wounds were dried she then wrapped his head up the best she could. With Rick's help they got Tony out of the tub and Lillian moved to dry him off. An idea hit her but made her blush while she got Tony into his pj pants.
Tony saw his wife start to blush. "What's wrong babe?" He said softly looking t her with a questionable look on his face. He had no idea what was going through her mind but he was curious all the same. He slowly tried to get his pants up all the way not being able to bend over too well it was hard to get them pulled up without help. Tony figured he'd be sleeping on the recliner, it was better for the way his body needed to be anyway to heal properly.
"Well....I got an idea that may help to speed your healing process but...I don't know." She said as she wrapped him up in his robe and got him settled into his recliner. The babies were sleeping in their cribs and Rick could stay or go if he pleased. "Had thought since there is excessive vitamins in my body perhaps..." God this was embarrassing to mention this to Tony even with Rick nearby. "That...You could benefit from the milk I'm producing."
Tony smiled at the idea. "Well.......maybe babe......." He said softly. Rick nodded. "Go for it dude, I'm sure it's really good and it'll probably help......" He said sitting on the sofa he turned the tv on but put it on a very low volume to not disturb te sleeping babies. Tony nodded. "Okay babe......" He kissed her lips then smiled. "So how do you want to do this?" He said softly caressing her thigh slowly. Tony's mouth began to grow dry so this would be quite good for him in many respects if it did work. He had never tasted his wife's milk before but there was always a first time for everything.
Patting his knee she got up and headed to the kitchen. Taking a bottle she empty it into a cup and walked out to him. She was grateful Rick didn't mention he had a taste of her milk. Handing Tony the cup as it was small one atleast. "Lets start you off with a small one. I'm dried up for the time being and this one is fresh."
He nodded and took the cup from his wife. He drank it and his eyes lit up at the taste. "Mmm, wow babe, it tastes like a really sweet milkshake......" He drank the rest of it and smiled at his wife, pulling her into his lap gently he kissed her lips lovingly. "Mmm so does this mean I can drink right from the tap when you aren't dried up?" He smiled at her then kissed her lips. Rick smiled at that and he didn't dare tell Tony that he already had, however, Lilly was right about one thing. Her milk did make him feel better, it warmed up his insides a bit and he felt a little less achy afterwards.
"After the little ones been fed first and no biting. Licking will encourage it to leak out abit." She laid down the rules if he wanted her milk straight from her breast. "If you go for the tap so does Rick." She was wondering if he'd allow Rick to get the same treatment.
He nodded. "Fine with me baby...." He kissed her lips lovingly and smiled. Rick smiled too. "Ah think you can feed us at the same time?" He grinned at the thought. Tony just chuckled a bit. "That's quite a sight huh?" Tony smirked over at his friend. Tony didn't care he shared his wife with his best friend, he was helping them out so much it was the least he could do and he sensed hat Lilly loved Rick as well in her own way.
"No." Her answer was given shortly after Tony asked about finding them both at the same time. Kissing Tony then turned kissing Rick's cheek. "Its getting late guys..."
Tony nodded. "You're right babe....." He kissed her again. Rick smiled. "Yeah I idn't think she'd go for that Tony." He teased sticking his tongue out at his friend. He grabbed Lilly's hips from behind. "Come on babe, let's get some sleep....." He said softly to her kissin gher neck. Tony smiled and gave his wife a loving kiss on the lips. "Go ahead babe, i'll be fine....." He said softly smiling at her.
She gasped when Rick grabbed her hips and slightly pulled her back when he got to his feet. Looking to Tony as she was worried since she planned on sleeping on the couch that night next to Tony. Yet heres Rick pulling her up to the bedroom. "Good night Tony." Smiling sweetly as she disappeared upstairs.

Once in the bedroom she started to strip down. In a way she was good to go for sex but it would be anal and oral. The vag sex was off limits for another month. Naked, she sat on a small love seat as she spread a light scented lotion up and down her legs. It was something that kept her skin from going down hill. Slowly she ran her hands over her belly as the skin was slowly tightening to what it once was.
"Good night babe....." Tony said softly. He watched tv for awhile knowing that his wife and best friend were probably gonna be going at it. He wished he felt better but he knew he couldn't get up without his ribs hurting. He eventually fell asleep with the tv still on.

Rick stripped and pulled her into his lap after her lotion was applied. He gave her a loving kiss on the lips and smiled. "So, oral first?" He winked at her then laid her down on the bed spreading her legs he began to slowly lick her pussy.
She respected Tony's rule of if Rick was to get any from her then he should know and arrange it. so when Rick pulled her to the bed she shook her head. "Rick...I don't feel-" He cut her off as he used his wide wolf tongue over her slit making her tremble. "Ricky...I..I can't not with Tony so banged up like this. I mean...I'd feel betrayed if you two turned to fuck someone else while I recovered from giving birth to your children." He was hitting her just right that she was struggling on staying faithful to Tony's rule.
He moaned and kept licking her. "Mmmm but you taste so good babe.......he knows what we're's okay....." He gently slipped a finger into her ass while he licked her pussy and began to suck and lick her clit over and over again. Tony was asleep trying to recover from his injuries. The one thing he wanted was for his wife to come and stay with him, to cuddle him and make him feel better but he knew she was pre-occupied. Tony didn't have the strength to fight his sleep or even say anything about it, he just let the darkness take over his eyelids and before he knew it he was dreaming about his family.
Lillian was struggling with this but she didn't think he asked Tony about it. Moaning softly as she reached down but jumped as she felt his finger slipping into her.

"Ricky..Don't..." She whimpered under him as her legs closed in on him in hopes he get the idea she wasn't going to service him, not without Tony there. "I can't." She knew her role between him and her husband was pet when it came to sex.
"Mmm come on kitten...." He looked up at her then kissed her lips. "Tony's probably asleep.....he doesn't mind....." He whispered in her ear then went back to licking her gently.

Tony woke up a short while later. He slowly made his way to the kitchen to take pain killers, after he gulped down a couple he turned to go back to the living room upon entering the living room his vision went blurry and he became dizzy and fell over onto the floor with a thud, his sharp hearing picked up his wife's even very faint moans. He laid there on the floor and didn't bother to call for help. He closed his eyes and sighed.
"Rick stop!" She growled faintly this time now feeling like he was crossing the line. The role of pet was broken now when she heard a thump down stairs. "Get your black ass up and check that sound out." Her body was quivering as she was horny but she didn't give a damn if he asked Tony. Tony didn't tell her a damn thing about it.
He got up and went downstairs. "Tony?" He walked to the foot of the stairs and saw his friend laying on the floor."Tony!" He ran downstairs and helped him up. "Are you alright man? What happened?" He helped the injured wolf to the couch and set him down. "I got dizzy and fell on my way back from the kitchen......" He said softly. "You two sounded like you were having fun up there so I didn't want to bother you..." Tony didn't feel right but he didn't want to worry his wife or friend so he kept things to himself. He would probably feel better in the morning. "I'm gonna some tv til i pass out again.." Tony said grabbing the remote his hands trembling a bit. "You sure you're alright? you look like death......" Rick said looking over his friend. "I'm fine......go back up to bed with Lily....." Tony just laid there flipping through the channels aimlessly. Rick did what his friend told him to and returned to bed. "He said he's fine, he just fell on his way back from the kitchen......I asked him if he needed anything and he told me to go back to bed......" He said softly to her.
When Rick finally got out she got dressed and stood at the top of the stairs watching in silence. So Tony heard and assumed they'd be fucking behind his back without a word about it. She felt like shit now but something else was nagging her that Tony said he got dizzy. Pain killers would do that if you just taken them and they were working.

Entering the bedroom with Rick she stood there in silence while he spoke to her. Her arms were crossed over her breasts as she would swat or smack Rick's hand when he tried to touch her. "I'm taking him to the hospital. If he checks out YOU'RE sleeping down there with him." She may be a bitch but right now she felt like she hurt Tony greatly and Rick helped with that. Pushing Rick aside as she walked down stairs grabbing her keys. "Tony, we're going to the hospital. I don't like it that you got dizzy then collapsed and unable to cry out for help." She grabbed his arm and forced him to his feet then out to her car.
"I'm fine baby....." He said softly walking behind her slowly. He didn't feel good but he wasn't going to be a pain about it. "Really honey, go back up to bed....." He knew better than to fight with her though so he got into the car and just let her take him to the hospital. Rick sighed and locked up behind them he checked on the sleeping cubs and then sat downstairs on the sofa. Tony was quiet the whole ride to the hospital. He didn't say much nor did he really have anything to say. He was somewhat upset that she didn't stay downstairs with him but part of him didn't want her to either, why should she have to sleep uncomfortably because he was banged up?
If Rick hadn't jumped up so quickly to guide her away Tony would have seen her coming back down in pjs. Yet she didn't say much of anything either to him. God she felt sick but she kept tensing her stomach up when she felt like vomiting along with that she felt so dirty. Getting to the ER she helped Tony out of the car and got him signed up and waited till the doctor could see them.

The wait felt like forever but the same female who looked after Tony approached them.

"Wasn't humping to hard was he?" She teased but saw a look she knew all to well in Lillian's eyes. "What happened?"

"I was getting ready for bed when I heard him collapse to the floor and he wasn't able to cry out for help. He mentioned he was dizzy." Her voice was low as the doctor made notes but got Tony in a wheel chair in time to see Lillian bolting down the hall. The doctor yelled out the room number where Tony will be when tests were done.
Tony wondered what had happened to Lily why she bolted like that but he figured she felt sick for some reason. They took his blood and all these other tests to see what was wrong with the wolf. He just sat there with no expression on his face, no emotion. Tony felt like he was there in body but not in spirit, his mind was in another place all together, his thoughts turned to his children. What if something happened to him? would Rick be there to raise his children for him? and what about Sammy? Tony was the only father Sammy knew, even though he wasn't his biological father. "Tony, are you feeling any pain right now?" The doctor asked checking his vitals. "My head.......doc, if I'm going to die, please.......don't tell Lily......I don't want her to worry......or feel sad......." He said softly. The doctor shook his head. "I don't think you are going to die." He said softly checking the rest of the wolf out to see if he had any internal bleeding or anything like that they may have overlooked before releasing him the first time. The doctor did discover his dizziness was from a small bloodclot in his head that he had to get removed. "Well there is a bloodclot in the back of your head, that needs to be removed, it was probably the cause of your dizziness....." He explained showing Tony the X-Ray. "We will prep you for the brief surgery, it won't take long...."
The female doctor was bit new but Lillian arrived in time to hear Tony had a blood clot. "So what would have happened if I allowed him to stay at home?" She asked with her slowly sitting down but she couldn't bring herself to look to Tony.
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