Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Rick nodded. "Sure thing babe..." He said softly getting his son to feed him with a bottle. Tony gave his wife a kiss on her cheek. "Docs say I can get the stitches and stapls removed in about 4 days....." He siad softly. He was looking forward to that,they recommended he didn't shower until then as the water might losen or undo a stitch or staple. So Tony wasn't looking forward to that very much but he would sure enjoy the shower he took after finally getting everything removed and he looked somewhat normal again.
Tilting her head as that was odd thing. "Sweetie, are you sure they said the water would loosen the staples and stitches? The stitches I had when I was younger water didn't do such a thing." She forgot Tony and Rick never knew she had stitches when she was younger. Opening her right hand and with Luke laying in her lap she traced the long faint line across her palm. The nearly invisible scar was about 3 inches long. "I kept it clean and wrapped up."
He nodded. "Yes, that's what they told me, they said spongebath only......" He explained. Rick nodded. "Yeah it's a bit different for anthros, Lilly....." He explained. It was probably something to do with their fur but it was what it was.
This still sounded odd as it felt like the boys were planning on giving Tony a sponge bath as part of her pet duties. Sighing as she dropped the subject then got up to feed the rest of the children.
Tony helped with holding the kids the best he could. He was only able to really handle one at a time since he was still sore with his broken ribs and such. Rick smiled at Lilly and then at Tony. Tony spoke up "Babe, later could you help me out with my bath? I'll make it up to you, i promise." He said softly. Rick smiled. "Woops, think little Zacky here needs a changing....." He said softly then grabbed a clean diaper and began to change his son on the changing table they had set up by the cribs.
Once Rick was gone she looked to Tony. "Make it up to me how?" She asked with her setting the children down for their naps.
He walked over to her and put his arms around her and kissed her lips. "Anything you want baby....." He said softly. Tony was a little upset feeling that his wife didn't want to take care of him when he needed her to but he didn't voice it. He loved her and he wasn't going to do anything to make her upset or mad at him.
She'd help him but to her things didn't add up. "Hon....You don't have to make it up to me. I guess I still have a lot to learn about anthros." Giving him a weak smile as she pointed to the chair. "Now rest. You just got home and Sammy will be wanting to tackle you when he sees you." Laughing softly but she got a feeling there was tension coming from Tony. Perhaps he's thinking she's ignoring him? Well in a way she was since she had six pups to look after and even with Rick's help it was hard to tend to Tony's needs or even if shewas sexually ready she'd be to exhausted to allow the men to use her body.
Tony nodded. "You're right babe." He sat down and relaxed for awhile. Rick helped with the kids and then looked at the time. "Let me go pick up Sammy...." He said softly. Giving Lillian a kiss he went to go pick up the little wolf cub from school. Tony got up and got himself a can of soda from the fridge then made his way back to the recliner and waited for his son to come home. The little ones were either asleep, being fed or playfully giggling while starring at their father.
She watched Tony carefully but with the little ones kicking their legs out and such. Lillian sat down on the couch's end closet to him. "Tony...Is everything alright?" She asked in a weak voice and she was afraid of what would be the answer.
He nodded. "Of course babe...." He said softly. He took a sip of the soda and put it on the end table next to his recliner. He looked over at his wife and smiled. "Why do you ask babe?" He asked softly. He wondered if she had anything on her mind. He didn't mean to seem distant he was still in a lot of pain and was still sorta out of it all to an extent.
"Well I was wondering if it was just me or was there something bothering you." She said softly as if the five children were napping in the large play pen. Getting up she went to the bathroom and brought out some aspirin for him to take but she placed it on the small table. "Or I may have assumed what was bothering you was emotional instead of physical." Leaning down as she kissed his cheek. "You know I'll do my best to take care of you. Hell I may tell Rick he's taking care of all the pups while I tend to you." Giving him a soft smile at the suggestion but yet she wanted to help raise the pups though she may be stretching herself thin.
He nodded. "I know babe.....but you need your rest too, don't over-push yourself....." He said softly. He kissed her back then took the asprin and pulled her close so she was sitting on the arm of the recliner but more in his lap. "You know i'd die for you if I had to......" He said softly. He kissed her lovingly on her lips and smiled. "Just, don't......push yourself too hard." He said softly.
Returning his kiss but after the second one she grabbed his muzzle. "Silly wolf...I want you to die for our children just like me. Now take the medicine and tonight you get the heavier stuff when you're ready for bed. It seems the pain killers will ease things for you to the point you'll pass out." Smiling as she kissed the tip of his nose.
He smiled and kissed her back. "Okay baby...." He smiled at her then feeling up to it pulled her into his lap. "I want you to take it easy too though honey....." He said softly. "Rick can help, so don't push yourself too hard okay? I dont want you running yourself rampant. " He kissed her neck gently and sighed when he felt his ribs ache. "Once i'm better, it'll be easier for both of us." He said softly.
Giggling as she sat in his lap but she didn't lean in against him. "Ok ok. I won't run myself into the ground. Promise." She kissed his cheek in time to hear a car door slamming then another shut. "Uh oh..." She said as she got out of Tony's lap in time to catch Sammy by his shirt collar before he bounced onto his dad.

"Daddy! You're ok!" Lillian still held him until he calmed down.

"Don't jump onto him, Sam. Or get to rough." She said as she let the boy go.
"I'm fine buddy." Tony smiled at his son and gave him a hug. The wolf cub smiled and his tail wagged happily. "I was worried you weren't coming home, papa." Sammy had a smile on his face happy to see his father was alright. Tony gave his son a kiss on the forehead and ruffled his hair and ears. "Go wash up and do your homework, pal. Think you can be a big boy and help mommy with your brothers and sisters?" He asked. Sammy nodded firmly with a smile. "I can do it papa." He responded back then ran off to get cleaned up from school. Rick checked on his son who was sound asleep in the playpen curled up against one of his sisters cutely.
"He hasn't run away Rick." She teased as he sat on the arm rest of the recliner. Sam had proven he can do things without someone hovering over him. So far he was the top student in his grade with a 4.0 GPA. She heard rumors from mothers that she was doing his homework but his teachers who went with Lillian to get togethers often spoke up that Sammy was the one doing the work and his tests proves it.

While sitting there next to Tony Lillian noticed one large gray male wolf pup was laying on his back. "I think that one was the one who was bullying the others." She said in a mocking tone of course about her second to biggest son though she looked to Rick wondering how he felt to have a son. "So Rick...How does it feel to have...You know." She pointed to the black wolf who was sleeping.
Tony rested and looked at his lovely wife and friend. Rick smiled when he was asekd the question. "It feels great, thank you for mothering me a beautiful son, Lilly...." He kissed her lips lovingly and caressed her cheek. Tony smiled at the exchange and nodded. "You're gonna be helping us a lot Rick, so it's te least we could've done for ya. Tony said clearing his throat.
Lillian smiled in the kiss but looked to Tony when he cleared his throat. "Darling..." Her heart ached as she looked to Rick. "You know Zack wasn't planned but its a happy thing...Need another brother to watch over his two lovely sisters. Who knows he may have to chase off several boys." She giggled as she kissed Tony then to Rick's cheek. "I'll get dinner made. Steaks sound good?" She had pulled out three steaks that were tender. She and Sam could spilt one steak while the other two had a whole one.
"Sure babe." Tony smiled at his wife. Rick nodded. "Sounds good to me." He sat down across from his friend and smiled. "Yeah, little Zack will be good to have around man...." He said softly cracking open the extra soda on the table nd drinking some. Tony smiled. "Yeah, he's a good boy, he'll be fine." Tony said softly. Rick looked at his friend. "Geez Tone, you look like hell, you sure you're alright man?" Rick asked genuinely concerned for his friend. Tony shook his head. "Yeah, I think i'll be alright.....just need to take it easy til these stitches come out....." He got up slowly and walked to the kitchen. "Gonna see if Lily needs help......" He said softly. Tony hated feeling useless so he went to see f he could give his wife a hand in the kitchen. "Can I do anything, baby?" He asked softly kissing her neck gently from behind. He hated feeling completely useless, it was quite depressing at times.
Lillian knew the look in his eyes as she had that feeling when she was pregnant. "Why don't you set the places for me then come back and cook the steaks?" She asked with her looking up at him. "That would help me greatly while I get the potatoes going for us with salads." She kissed him up under his chin.
He smiled when she kissed him. "You got it baby...." He got the table set for 4 and then got the three steaks ready to be cooked. "So you want me to go out and grill these? ya want em cooked?" He smiled warmly. Tony was pretty good at grilling stuff, but he wasn't sure if she wanted to toss them on the stove or something else.
"Oh! I love it when you grill out!" She walked over kissing his back. Giving him a scratch that didn't have to much pressure to hurt him. Once Tony was outside she heard one of the little ones crying then another then another. "Sam! Come help Uncle Rick with the little ones." She called to her son then peeled the potatoes. It had taken her awhile to get Sammy away from fast food but it proved he was a big boy now in a more muscle and growth.
Tony smiled and went to grill the steaks for them. It was one thing he was good at a least. Sammy came running downstairs. "Sure mama." He smiled and went to go help his uncle with his brothers and sisters while Lilly peeled the potatoes. Tony stood by the grill and grilled the steaks to perfection. Once they were done he brought them in and put them on the kitchen table. "Anything else baby?" He asked softly. He was getting rather tired from his injuries so he sat down and poured himself another cold glass of soda.
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