Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Lillian leaned against Rick as he sat there comforting her family or somewhat his since she birthed him a son. She had made sure he left the blood work at their place so his wife doesn't go nuts. Looking over at Sammy and sighed softly. "I don't know Sammy." In honesty she didn't know and she didn't want to tell Sam his dad would be fine then Tony suddenly died. From there she could see Sam turning on her and rebelling then making life hell. "Sam, did you want to stay here or do you think we should go home?"
Sammy looked at his mother and then at Rick. "C-Can we stay here, Mommy? Papa would want us to stay with uncle Rick." He said softly. He nuzzled against his mother and closed his eyes resting his furry little cheek against her soft body. He was scared for his dad and he hoped he was okay and well but Sammy wasn't an idiot and you couldn't lie to the young boy.
"Well..." She looked to Rick wondering what he'd say. "What do you think?" She knew his wife may be out fucking around on Rick right now but she didn't know she'd be returning to the house.
He looked at her and shrugged. "If you want to stay.....I doubt she'll be home tonight....." He said softly. "She took her boytoy out for his birthday." He added and sighed. "So i guess you could sweetheart....." He touched her cheek gently.
Smiling as she nuzzled into Rick's shoulder. "Thank you. Honestly I don't feel like being at the house tonight by myself. Heck since we were engaged I hadn't slept without Tony." To her atleast having one full grown man in the house would make her feel better. "Sam, bed time." She said kissing the boy's forehead as she turned putting Zach down with the other children seeing Rick knew what he was doing since he had pillows set up as sides.
Rick nodded. "Yeah, I know babe....." He said softly. He looked at her and stole a quick loving kiss when Sam wasn't looking. "I only have good nights of sleep when you're laying beside me....." He whispered. He loved her, but she was Tony's and he wasn't going to take away his friend's happiness. They shared her and he was grateful for that in so many ways.
She looked into Rick's eyes as something hit her that she loved Rick as well but not as much as she loved Tony. Closing her eyes as she leaned her forehead against his cheek while Sam was in his sleeping bag with Rachel's door open. They may be ore-teens and don't know much about sex but she rather they kept the door open. Finally she settled next to Rick's side. "Ricky, I don't know what I'll do if Tony's health goes down hill. I mean..." She looked to the pups as they seemed to curl up close together. "He has finally got to see his bloodline continue." By now she was trembling as silent tears rolled down her cheeks. "I don't want to lose either of you." She alerted Rick if he died she'd cry for him as well. Hugging on to his tightly as she cried in silence.
He held her in his arms. "I know baby...." He kissed her lips and softly whispered to her. "You aren't going tlose either of us, we are your wolves and will forever be so......." He said softly. "Tony will be fine, I promise baby......" He kissed her neck gently and smiled trying to get her to smile. "Don't cry princess......" He said softly. Tony had woken up and the pain in his head was still there but it wasn't as bad. "....Lilly?" He looked around and remembered his wife had left. He sighed and looked at the IV in his arm. Rick kissed her neck gently and whispred sweet things to her. "I love you........" He said softly in her ear.
Lillian was smiling softly as he kissed her neck and whispered softly to her but what caught her was him telling her he loved her. "Rick..." She breathed softly to him but she reached up wiping her tears away. "Are you sure? I mean I know you're loyal to your wife..." Whispering back to him as she ran her fingers over his arms.
He nodded. "Yes.......I love you Lilly......I'm sorry, you're Tony's wife and his entire world, honestly, if he lost you......he would die, I mean that, you are his reason to keep going......." He said softly. 'But......I do love you........" He kissed her lips and caressed her cheek.
Reaching up as she cupped his cheek to return his kiss but she broke it. "I love you too Ricky..." She whispered back to him but felt her breasts grow wet. "Damn..." Laughing softly as she grabbed the baby bag and slipped to the bathroom. The door wasn't shut all the way as she managed to milk herself to give the babies fresh meals.
Rick walked into the bathroom and watched her milk herself. "Babe.......can I have a taste?" He blushed at his request. "If not, it's fine, but i've always been curious about what your milk would......taste like." He said softly his cheeks red as he was slightly embarrassed.
Listening as she managed to get four bottles after six earlier. Nodding as she motioned him to shut the bathroom door. Once she heard the latch she slipped her shirt and bra off revealing her large D cup breasts as there was a small droplets of milk rolling over her melon sized breasts.
He licked his lips and smiled. He kneeled down so his face was leveled with her melon breasts and licked up the small droplets of milk before he slowly began to suck on one kof her nipples. "Mmm........" He moaned and kept sucking on it milk slowly starting to pour out into his awaiting mouth. "Mmmm........." Rick loved the taste. He licked up every drop only stopping for a moment. "Tony would love this........babe when he gets better, let him have this too if he asks......" Rick went to sucking on her other nipple.
The feeling of his tongue running over her breasts made her tremble. She had to bite down on her lower lip to keep herself quiet as she slowly got wet. Her nails dug into the sides of the tub to keep herself from getting to caught up. "Rick...What if Tiffany comes back...Your wife? I mean if you were watching the babies she'd come back thinking I'd come here to get them.." A soft whimper left her lips as she liked her breasts being licked or sucked on.
He kept drinking her milk and when he heard that he stopped, licking the bit that dripped from his lips back up he smiled. "You're.....right....." He kissed her lips lovingly. "What do you want to do? Do you want me to help you get the kids home?" He said softly. He caressed her cheek slowly.

Meanwhile, Tony was laying in his bed sighing to himself. "I miss you baby......" He said looking at the picture of her he had on the small nightstand beside the bed. She had brought it for him to look at when she wasn't there physically "I hope I can go home soon, have you in my arms again....." He looked at the clock in his room, it was getting late, but he wasn't tired. No, he was wide awake and secretly wishing his wife would come to stay with him.
She shook her head. "Not unless you grab Rachel and stay at Tony's place. I don't want to be alone but I don't want Rachel here by herself in case her mother doesn't come back." After she spoke she had to return the kiss but she forced herself back to keep to keep from jumping Rick. Getting dressed she got up to her feet leaving the bathroom with his help of carrying the bottles out to the bags.
He followed her and they got the kids settled in the car and once they were ready to go Rick quickly left a note for his wife saying he had an overnight and then went with Lilly to her house. "Okay babe......" He siad softly once the kids were all put down to sleep in their cribs and the two older ones in Sam's room. He sat in her bed after stripping of his clothes an dlaying there in nothing but his boxers. "So, where were we?" He said softly cuddling with her.
"The no sex part." She laughed softly as she slipped into a over sized shirt and panties underneath. Laying back in the large bed and she curled up to Rick. Even to her a blowjob would be like cheating on Tony since he wasn't there or knew about it. Though laying under the blankets with a warm body was soothing. Tony's scent was still thick on her pillow so she managed to slowly fall to sleep. It wasn't a deep sleep but a light one to where she'd wake up thinking she heard the little ones crying.
Rick just laid there with her and fell asleep as well. He didn't expect sex or anything either since she had just given birth not long before this happened. He held her in his arms as she slept and slowly dozed off himself. Tony was awake and watching some TV the best he could but he too ended up falling asleep, thinking of his wife and missing her dearly. He wanted to get back home, back to his love and his children. He wanted to be the strong father and husband they knew.
The female doctor checked in on Tony to get an idea of his pain levels during the night. There were times she'd lower his pain meds but when there was a spike she'd do the alternative pain killers such as hot compresses or cold gel packs. It wasn't long that he was cleared to return home and Lillian had Rick go pick Tony up in the morning while she got Sammy ready for school Monday morning. So when Tony got home it was her, Rick and his five pups waiting for him. The hyper pup, Sammy, will have to wait until he got home to see his father.
Tony was holding Luke and the little cub kept touching his father's cheek gently. "I'm okay buddy." He said softly to his son giving him a kiss on his forehead. Tony sat in his chair by the computer with the cub for awhile and just enjoyed holding his son. He had his own family now, Sammy would always be his boy but he had his own bloodline expanded now. Tony looked at Lillian and smiled. "I missed you......" He said softly. Rick nodded. "She missed you too man, you were all we talked about while you were gone." Rick explained.
Lillian kissed Tony gently as she took Luke from him. "Rick's right. He's been here keeping me sane while you were in the hospital. Are you sure you want to sit at your desk? I mean you got your recliner in the living room." She was worried about Tony still as she didn't like to see his head still bandaged up and still bit stained with blood from the stitches. Lillian could only breast feed two children but the others were bottle fed. The wolf pups had their muzzles to blame as they'd pinch so hard it hurt. She sat back with a bottle to feed the pups.
Tony sighed and got up from the chair walking over to the couch he sait beside his wife and put his arm around her slowly. "I'm fine......I'll do some work later...." He said softly. "I can help if you need anything dude. I'm just gonna hang around here and i'll pick up Sammy later for you guys." He said softly. "I've taken some vacation time from work but the wife thinks i'm at work so i'm at your disposal." Tony nodded at his friend. "Thanks..." Tony leaned in and kissed Lilly's neck. "I can't wait to sleep beside you tonight......" He said softly nuzzling his face into her neck ever so gently, taking in her scent.
Lillian had Luke set up against her large breasts as Tony held on to her but she gave Rick a squeeze on his hand. "I missed you Tony. Rick how about you get Zack and feed him while Luke here finishes up?"
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