Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Rick smiled at the little wolf cub that was his. "Hey there buddy." He smiled and rubbed his hair gently. "Little Zack........" Rick smiled and looked at his son. He had named him Zack at the hospital. Tony liked the name, it fit the little one. He looked at his daughters and smiled. "They're gonna be daddy's girls im sure......" He said to his wife sitting beside her while Sammy held his little brother.
Lillian was watching Sam carefully even if he was sitting while holding his brother. "I had a feeling there was going to be two girls if it was all boys...Well They'd be fighting more often." She picked up the human boy named Bryce Thomas and he yawned cutely. The gray one Sammy held was Luke Donald. The black one was named Zackary "Zack" Jeremy. The girls were harder to name as they seemed to have different personalities. The snow white wolf little girl, who was sleeping, was named Ariel Tiffany but her sister was named Aiko Jasmine.
Tony was holding Aiko who was just smiling cutely at her father. He gently brushed his nose against her tiny little cheek and she giggled cutely while kicking her feet playfully. "Daddy's little angel....." He smiled and kissed her forehead gently. He was happy that all of the kids would be fine. No one would know that Tony would get into a bad car accident just a few days later.
With Rick's help they got three cribs set up that would hold up to two cubs at the same time. Sammy had his own bedroom as Tony made sure for that and Lillian was putting the little ones to bed. She had asked Rick to pick Sam up for school for awhile since she herself and Tony were thrown onto a new Schedule for five active children.
Tony and Lilly were certainly busy with their new schedules, waking up in the middle of the night to tend to 5 crying children. However he didn't mind it. There were nights he let her sleep and he took care of them. He didn't want to be one of those fathers that always pushed the kid off to their mother. So there was times he'd get up and take care of the children while allowing Lillian to sleep.
Lillian had filled bottles every six hours of her own milk but the morning she was up and never knew that day will be hell on earth as Tony would be heading straight into a wreck.
"I"ll be back soon, gonna get some diapers and such from the store.." Tony said softly giving his wife a loving kiss on the lips. He left and drove to the store, however it was stormy out and the roads were slippery. He was driving at his normal pace and the car suddenly skid off the road and he crashed into a ditch. Hitting his head he got knocked out and darkness overcame him. He was found and airlifted to a hospital and his wife was called.
When she got the call she was bathing the little ones, one by one. "Hello? What?!" Picking up Zach as she wrapped him up then dressed him. She quickly called Rick telling him she was heading to his place with the little ones. Upon getting to Rick's house she handed the five children over to him.

"Tony's in the hospital and they got him in the OR....Keep Sammy here until I get back!" She was in a rush and sped away to the hospital where she heard Tony was bleeding in the brain but with them operating he should be fine. But while she was waiting the doctors found other things with Tony then stitched him closed. It was late when Tony got out of the operating room and she would sleep at his side.
Tony didn't wake up until early hours of the morning. " head......" He said softly. He opened his eyes his vision taking awhile to focus, when he did he realized he was laying in a hospital bed. "W-what.......happened......." He said softly. The pain was excruciating and he couldn't think straight. He just closed his eyes again and took a few deep breaths. "Am i.......going to die?" He said softly to himself low enough he didn't think anyone would wear. He didn't even realize his wife by his side.
A doctor happened to come in when Tony woke up. The doctors were changing shifts so she read his charts with her feline tail flicking. "Wow...You're a lucky one." She said with her calico fur freshly groomed. "Tony, you were in an accident. A bad one, your car hit a puddle which sent you into a ditch and a truck who saw a dog darting out dodged the dog but...He crashed into your left side killing the dog also. So you had bleeding around the brain, broken ribs and some bleeding around your lung." She said as she was looking through the papers seeing all the meds Tony was taking and what he will leave with.
He looked at her confused. "Oh wow.......w-w-where's Lilly? I-is Lilly okay?" Tony asked. He had totally forgot she wasn't with him when he went to the store. "W-where's my wife? and m-my children......" He said softly his voice showing clear panic and worry. "D-Did the kids make it?" He asked with tears in his eyes. He was starting to panic and hyperventilate, confused and not sure what was going on around him.
Dr. Angelica walked over putting his hands in her own. "Tony, breathe...Your wife and children were not with you. I believe your wife is next to you in the chair." she pointed to the sleeping Lillian. Around that time Lillian opened her eyes to see a woman holding Tony's hands.

"Whats-" She felt like clawing the woman.

"He was having a panic attack and human contact helps the progress." She said as she moved sitting beside Lillian to tell her what happened to Tony.
Tony turned and saw Lillian. "B-baby......" He said softly reaching out for her. He wanted to hold her, but he was too weak and just laid there looking at her as if he was sorry for doing something. He had no memory of what happened but if what the doc said was true then he'd have to believe her. He looked at his wife and just smiled softly. He was in so much pain but seeing his wife sitting there was something that made him feel better. He saw her about to claw out the dr's eyes and he was a bit concerned but he knew his wife was protective of him and she was also known to get jealous sometimes if other women were TOO friendly with Tony, which was perfectly understandable.
Seeing a woman near her husband's bed this early just didn't sit well with her. Once everything sunk in the doctor left leaving the two alone. Lillian stood up and slipped her hand into Tony's hand.

"How are you feeling?"
Tony felt his wife hold his hand and he just sighed. "Like I've been run over by a truck a few head hurts pretty bad........." He said softly. He closed his eyes and just laid there. When he hoped them again he spoke softly. " long have you been here? You should go home and get some sleep.......take care of our babies.......I' fine." He whispered to her. Part of Tony was scared because he was so banged up he was worried of passing away and leaving her alone with 6 children to raise. He knew Rick would step in and help but he didn't want to leave this world just yet but if it was what god wanted then he couldn't do anything about it. Tony looked into Lillian's eyes and softly spoke. "Baby.......I love know that right?" He reached up and touched her cheek.
Standing there beside him as she shook her head. "Rick has them...He has the key to the house to get spare bottles." She said as she felt wet suddenly and looked down to see she was leaking. Sighing as she leaned in kissing his cheekbone thinking she should go home and fill the bottles up. "Sammy is with Rick and been there since yesterday." She was tired since the chair wasn't comfortable. "I know you love me and I love you too...." Her voice was soft when she spoke to him then kissed his forehead gently. "I'm going to head home and get a nap. I left Rick's number here in case they can't reach me." That was the last thing she said before kissing him then leaving.

Back home she spent an hour filling several baby bottles with breast milk then she was in her bath. She had sent Rick a message she was home and Tony was alive but in pain.
Rick was relieved to read that. "That's good news sweetie....." He texted. He looked at Sammy who was dozing off. "Sammy's going to bed.....listen, relax and take your time getting back here, alright? Don't push yourself so hard." Rick said softly. "Tony will be fine, he's a tough sonuvabitch....." Rick spoke highly of his friend. He didn't want Lilly rushing back here and something similar happening to her. "Why don't you take a nap and relax. The kids are all asleep and everything is fine." He sent that and waited for the little cub to fall into a deeper sleep before covering him with a blanket.
"Rick...Its the morning. Let Sammy skip school for the day and I'll make sure he will make up for it." She sent the message back as she sat in the tub. "Fyi, I'm home right now taking a bath. Had to come back to take the pressure off..." she didn't want to finish the rest of the sentence as she didn't want Rick to fired up.
Rick nodded. "You got it baby, take it later." He sent it and then just looked at Sammy and let him sleep. He wasn't going to wake up the poor little guy who was up all night worried sick about his father.
When evening came Lillian was over at Rick's seeing hiss wife was gone. Knocking on Rick's door as she had bathed and eaten what she could but she didn't grab a nap. She couldn't have slept so she worked her ass off on cleaning. "Rick, its me."
Rick let her in and smiled giving her a hug and gentle kiss. "Hi babe...." He said softly. He let her in and shut the door. "Mommy!!!" Sammy said running up to his mother and hugging her legs. Rick smiled. "How is he? Did you talk to him?" Rick asked concerned for his friend. He let her into the living room and sat down with her. "Do you want anything, Lilly? Drink? something to eat?" He asked softly.
Returning his hug as she patted Sam's head and moved to sit on the couch. "Bleeding around the brain, broken ribs and there was interal bleeding." Leaning back in the couch to see the little babies were laying on a bunch of blankets, napping. "Tony was awake this morning and...I think he's scared." Lillian said as she looked to Rick with tired eyes.
"Oh wow, poor guy....." Rick said softly. "Scared? What's he scared of?" He asked a little confused. "He's alright now, isn't he?" He looked over at the sleeping children, at his son Zack and then the rest and frowned at the thought of Tony not making it through this.
"I don't know whats he's scared of. You've two known eachother so long." She said as she got up and picked Zach up when he began to fuss. Singing softly to the tiny black wolf who grabbed onto her long hair as if he knew who his mother was. Lillian nuzzled the young pup. "Did the little ones give you a problem?"
Rick shook his head. "Nope, they've all been great.....they love Sammy." He said softly. "Especially little Zack, he knows his older brother." He said softly. Rick sat beside her and put his arm around her gently. "He's scared of leaving you, he's scared he might die......." He said softly. "You hear this enough, but you are his entire world, Lilly.....really, you haven't seen Tony hit rock bottom, when Sammy's mother abadoned them, he lost it......he was so low......if it wasn't for Sammy...." Rick didn't have to finish his sentence he knew she could figure it out. "You are his shining light....." He said softly picking up Sammy and putting him on his lap. Sammy smiled. "Mommy, daddy is going to be OK, right?" He said softly.
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