Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Once she was at his side again he kissed her. "Perks? Well for one, you could be riding me while I'm at the computer......" He grinned then kissed her forehead. "Another, you could be giving me one of those amazing blowjobs......" He giggled. "But in all seriousness baby, it'd be great. I could help you with the little ones, as long as I get my work in by 9pm every day." He said with a warm smile. Tony's work wasn't difficult either, he usually had it done when he was at the office within a few hours so he'd have a large chunk of every day to enjoy with his wife and children if he gets this promotion.
Laughing softly as she kissed him gently. "I see. Those are wonderful perks." Smiling as she felt the water growing chilled now. Shivering slightly as she moved getting out of the tub then grabbed a towel. "How about I go naked today?"
He smiled and nodded. "That would be a nice treat babe....." He got up and gt a towel himself, drying off then he drained the water. He kissed her lovingly. "Can I spend a good part of today inside you?" He giggled giving her butt a gentle pinch.
Once she was dried off she looked at him when he asked about being inside her most of the day. But smiled as she pulled him to the bedroom where she laid back on the bed then pulled him up to her. Kissing him as she wrapped her legs around his hips.
"Mmm baby you sure you want it like this with your growing belly?" He smiled an shoved his cock deep inside of her, kissing her lips. "Mmmm ohh honey, I ever tell you how much love fucking a pregnant woman?" He smiled at her kissing her neck then whispering in her ear. "Especially knowing she's pregnant with my cubs......" He said softly kissing her neck in just the right spot to get her hot and btohered while his big thick cock pumped deeper into the warm moist folds of her pussy.
Before she could answer him if she was sure about this he shoved his cock deep into her, making her wince. "I was going to say its fine but you look like you didn't want to wait." Smirking but moaned softly as he kissed and rocked his hips against her. Moaning as he continued to work her over. "No, you never told me you loved to fuck pregnant women."
He smiled and kissed her lips. "Mmm well I do, and only if she's you baby......" He kissed her lips lovingly and kept fucking her deeper and deeper loving how good her pussy felt, knowing she was round with his children. He looked into her eyes and smiled. "Together forever, right baby?" He smiled at her nuzzling his nose into one of her breasts teasingly. He loved her more than life itself and the only other person that mattered to him right now was Sammy.
"Right..." She moaned as he teased her breasts while he slowly fucked her tight pussy.
He smiled and kissed her lips while he continued to pound away at her tight wet pussy. "Mmm cum for me baby...." He smiled and kept thrusting hard and deep inside of her.
Moaning as he made the bed creak under them. It wasn't long before she was cumming under him. Rolling under him as she tensed up under him. Her heels dug into his hips but groaned softly while she allowed him to screwed her all night long. When it was late she'd curl up to him on the couch to watch a movie.

A few days went by as she and Tony went off to the dinner party with his boss. Lillian was wearing a black dress but it couldn't exactly hide her large belly but her hair was wrapped up with locks of her hair was curled. She put effort in her appearance for this dinner. "How do I look?"
Tony was getting dressed for the party when his wife asked him how she looked. He smiled at her lovingly. "You look amazing, baby....." He said softly. Stopping with his tie he went over to her and put his arms around her, giving her a loving kiss. "You're stunning babe......I think you'll make quite the impression." He smiled softly. This was a big night for them. He needed this promotion and he hoped Lilly could befriend his wife and his wife would maybe convince his boss if he could get the promotion. It certainly would help them a great deal but Tony was trying not to get too excited to end up being very disappointed.
Kissing him softly knowing he was nervous. Lillian fixed his tie knowing women got friendly with pregnant women. Making sure he was prepared and Sammy was with Rick after a thank you suck and fuck with Tony and which she'd do again AFTER dinner. Getting to Tony's car as she sat down to feel the tiny fingers dancing. "AH! They are active!"
Tony smiled over at his wife and kissed her. "Yeah, they're gonna be active little buggers....." He turned on the car and they drove off to the dinner. He figured she'd be horny enough on the way home to maybe stroke him while he drove but that could be risky. He didn't think about it and for then just focused on the dinner with his boss. He needed this promotion and he had his A-Game turned on so to speak.
While he drove to his boss's home she looked at him. "Everything will be ok." Once they arrived she had help to get up out of the car. Rubbing her belly as she went inside as she was introduced to the Boss's wife and the woman thought Lillian was wearing a pregnant suit until she touched the large belly to feel three tiny hands against her own.
Tony smiled and they all talked for a bit. When the dinner was prepared they sat and ate."So, Tony." Dennis, Tony's boss said softly. "You're going to be a father, again?" He smiled. Tony nodded. "Yeah, 5 little ones......" He said softly. "Five!?" He gasped shock to hear such a thing. "Well, yes sir, my line tends to have multiple babies at a time......I should've explained that to my wife, when she found out she nearly fainted." He said with a small chuckle trying to make the conversation more lighthearted and perhaps to get him to laugh.
"From when I found out he mentioned he should have taken video and posted it. Thank god he didn't...Or he'd had me smacking him with a pillow on video." Lillian said as she drank some special drink that was made for her.

Jennifer, laughed as she was Dennis's wife. "When I found out I was pregnant for the first time. I thought Dennis was going to have a heart attack! I mean I had no signs of being pregnant but a welcomed surprise." Smiling as she eyed Lillian's large belly. "Considered names yet?"

Lillian shook her head. "No not yet. We don't know the sexes yet." She felt bit bad but Jennifer touched her arm gently.

"Don't worry. What Dennis and I did was make a list for the boys and girls of which we liked. So when we have Victor...Well he had this vibe of Victor so that's his name." She could see Lillian thinking it over. "But enough of names! I heard you published a book and I happened to read it and I am wondering if there will be a second?" It seemed Jennifer and Lillian had struck something as both women somewhat ignored everyone else at the party but those who were interested in the book joined the conversation.
Dennis smiled at the two women and the turned his attention to Tony. "So, Tony." He said smiling. "You're one of my better employees, and it seems our wives have bonded quite a bit......" He said with a smile. "Well, t-thank you sir....." Tony said a little nervous. "As you know, i'm looking for a new vice president, and someone who can work from home and get more done, also stop in the office maybe a few times a month to make sure things are running well in my absence." He explained. Tony nodded. "Yes sir, i heard that was the promotion going around.....have you found someone you'd like as your VP?" He asked curiously but not making it obvious. Dennis smiled and nodded. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I think you'd be perfect for the job, and now with so many little ones coming, you'll need the pay raise and the ability to work from home." Dennis said softly then shook Tony's hand. "Congratulations Tony, you're the new Vice President of our company." He shook the wolf's hand strongly and Tony returned just as strong with his own shake. "T-Thank you sir, I won't let you down." He said happily, his tail wagging slightly with excitement. "Good, good, we need a man like you Tony." Dennis added and patted him on the back. "Now, let's go see what our wives are up to. Probably baby gossip." Dennis chuckled Tony laughed a bit. "I know, Lilly's been overwhelmed with the pregnancy, but she's a terrific mother to Sammy, she'll be great to our children..." Tony explained as the two men walked over to the group who were discussing Lilly's book.
While the group were excited by giving Lillian ideas she felt like she was being attacked from all around. Her head throbbed as a headache was hitting her. Jennifer had disappeared getting information for Lillian plus something for the headache. When the men arrived Lillian was sitting down rubbing her belly. Jennifer handed Lillian the pills plus water.

"Here Lillian....If you and I are even close to being similar I got you info for well known but well priced after school teachers and things." She placed the folder down seeing Lillian was overwhelmed with the party.
Tony walked over to his wife who was sitting in a chair. He put his hands on her shoulder. "You okay my love?" He said softly kissing her forehead gently. Dennis smiled at the pregnant woman. "Maybe you should take your wife home, Tony.....have her rest." He suggested to them. Tony looked at his wife and then nodded at his boss. "Yes sir, thank you again sir, thank you for a lovely evening." He said smiling at him and his wife. He helped Lily from the chair. "Come on baby, let's get you home and in bed......." He said softly.
She nodded when Tony asked if she was fine though his boss suggested they go home. "No, I'm fine..." It seemed they knew what they were talking about as she suddenly felt sick. With Tony's help she got to her feet and thanked them for a lovely evening with the information under her arm, she followed Tony out.

Once in the car she eased the car seat back while rubbing her belly in hopes to ease the little ones back to sleep. "Sorry for ruining the evening."
Tony smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "You didn't ruin anything, did you and Dennis' wife have a good time?" He said softly. He head home with his wife and then smiled. "Hey babe.......guess who got the promotion." He smirked at her then drove off towards their home. He knew this news would make her happy at least. "I'll be working from home from now on honey." He said softly.
"That's wonderful!" She squeezed his arm from her position. "I don't want to alarm you but I made an earlier appointment to see if its normal for children to be this active at this stage. From what I heard fetuses aren't suppose to be moving or have full functioning hands yet." She said bit worried but she sat up more when they got home. Walking inside knowing they hadn't eaten because she was suddenly burdened with everyone.

Tossing the folder on the table she grabbed a coke and stuff to make sandwiches for them. "Ok no jokes about my pussy being a sandwich for dinner." Smiling as she stacked his sandwich with plenty of meat, what they had, then added lettuce and anything else he wanted. Hers was a simple PBJ. Walking to the table with the lights on and went through the papers. "Jennifer, is a fan of my book and was wondering if a second was coming out. So when you and her husband walked over they were suggesting my main character to be in a full on hot foreign romance. I didn't snap but I have an idea for the second or future books..."

Lillian had mentioned to Tony and only Tony of her future books of relating to the three main characters in which reveals why they are in their jobs, why do they act like this and such. So three books would mainly focus on the character's background then she will proceed to the current time. While going through the papers she saw teachers of children from music to self defense and places to shop for baby items.
He smiled and nodded as he ate the hero his wife made him. "Mmm yeah that's a good idea babe." He nibbled on his sandwich and then looked over some stuff with her. "I'm glad you and Jennifer hit it off babe, you might've really helped me snag this promotion, starting Monday i'll be home all te time for you and Sammy." He said softly. He was going to love that. "And as for yur pussy being for dinner, no no, that's dessert my love." He licked his lips. He couldn't let her get away with that one without some teasing of his own.
Giggling as she stopped at the information of music teachers. "She seemed excited to have an employee's wife whose about to pop, so to speak." Smiling as she kissed his cheek. "It seemed she's like me wanting to know the choices out there to nurture children...Though I don't like the idea of forcing the children to keep doing an activity they hate." Sighing as she folded the information back up. "She was asking about names and I was honest. We don't know the sexes yet so why get a list of names and find out half of them are useless?"
He nodded. "You're right honey." He kissed her lips. "Once we know the sexes it'll be easier to sit down and think of good names for our babies." He smiled. "If Rick has on in there, we should let him name him or her." He said softly caressing her cheek. It was only fair after alll. It would be his child, but they would know their own father as "uncle Rick" for the sake of his marriage.
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