Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

"Well that's horrible babe...." Rick said softly. Tony got up and helped her not wanting to strain herself. "I got it baby, go relax." He said softly kissing her lovingly on the lips. "Well, I think you're wonderful babe, and Tony certainly does, I mean, he married you, he's absolutely crazy about you." Rick smiled. Tony heard that and nodded as he began to clean up the kitchen for his wife. He wanted to treat her like the princess she was in his eyes, she wasn't a black sheep, no, she was a princess. WHen the kitchen was clean Tony walked out and smiled. "Whatever my baby wants, she gets..." Tony said pulling Lillian back into his lap nice and snug.
Sitting back down as she relaxed in her chair while Tony finished up with the dishes. He knew she didn't like to leave a dirty kitchen after cooking. When Tony returned she placed her feet up. "I knew Tony was mad about me when we were dating but I made him wait for sex. That day you asked me for drinks I had finally given in to him Wednesday night. I barely made it home afterwards."
Rick laughed with a warm smile. "That's nice....I bet he went to town." Rick grinned at his friend. "Oh I did, she wasn't walking right for awhile after that." Tony smriked. He kissed his lovely wife. "Then we made it official...asked her to marry me, she said yes, the rest is history...." Tony kissed her again. "And now we're having lots of beautiful children together." He nuzzled his face into her neck, his cold wet nose gently brushing against her soft skin. Rick smiled at his two friends. "You two really are perfect together. I wish I could find a lady like you Lilly......after being with my wife, I think I need a human babe......" He said softly. "Well, you know what i mean, a non-anthro....." He said softly.
Lillian smiled against Tony's nuzzle. Though she looked over at Rick when he commented about a human woman for himself. "Rick, don't give up on other anthros. I know one woman whose seen you and she's been rather fond but knows you're married. So she's looking in a different area." She told him honestly but shrugged. "If you want a human then go for it."
Rick smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I kinda do.....I love making love to you.....but I feel guilty, I know Tony says it's okay but you're his wife, you two should be focusing on each other...." He said softly. Tony kissed Lilly then looked at his friend. "It's okay man, really, Lilly doesn't mind, I don't mind......" He said with a warm smile. Rick nodded. "I know, but....." He looked at his feet. "I just, i don't know, I want to be able to go to sleep with a loving woman beside me at night.....I know my wife hates me, it's horrible, half the time I sleep on the sofa because she doesn't want me in the same bed as her....." He explained.
Lillian thought about it but looked to Tony then moved to Rick whispering in his ear. "I don't mind sleeping with you. It makes Tony behave if you get my meaning." Leaning back she settled in Tony's lap. "How about you stay here with us at times? I don't mind sleeping between two wolves once in awhile. If your wife asks questions just tell her the news and you're here helping Tony. So when its so late we offered you a bed for the night."
"That....would be really nice, thank you...." He got up and kissed LIlly gently. "Thank you...." Tony smiled and kissed his wife. "Mmm howabout tonight?" Tony said softly, he looked at his wife. Rick smiled. "Only if you want me to....Lilly......otherwise I can go it's no big deal." He said smiling, his tail wagging behind him happily that she offered him a bed with her in it whenever he felt up to it. Tony didn't mind sharing his wife with his best friend, and if she liked the feeling of being double-teamed by two wolves then he wouldn't take that from her.
Lillian returned Rick's kiss and nodded. "Stay here tonight. If she howls about it just blow her off. In reality its true. You are helping Tony and me out." Winking to Rick as she ran her fingers over Tony's cheek seeing he didn't mind at all about Rick sleeping in their bed once in awhile. "Also if things get bad you and your daughter can stay here for the night. I don't think Sammy would mind a sleep over once in awhile. In fact he's been begging for one. So I thought having a boy/girl sleep over. Of course I'd be sleeping with the girls and you guys sleep outside in the tents with the boys." Winking as she knew Sam may have not had a childhood memory of a camp out or a sleep over yet.
"That'd be fun babe." Tony smiled. Rick smiled and nodded. "That can be arranged, but can the adults have a naughty sleepover too?" He giggled. He licked his lips. Tony just laughed and kissed his wife's neck. "Mmm if the Mrs wants it." He joked.
Laughing as she got to her feet. "I need to get dressed. God! You both act like horny teenagers!" She stuck her tongue out at the pair of them to tease them. Getting to the bedroom she got dressed in loose pants and a tank where her large sensitive breasts were covered. Settling in the new large bed with fresh bedding she was sore and her feet were screaming at her. With a book in hand as she read letting the boys be boys with Sammy if he was still up.
Rick and Tony sat in the living room while Sammy watched cartoons. "She's great man...." Rick smiled. Tony nodded. "Yeah she is.......she's my angel." He said softly. Sammy went over to his father and sat beside him. "Who? Mommy?" He asked with a warm smile. Tony nodded. "Yeah buddy, Mommy." Sammy smiled big. "She's great, she helps me with homework and tucks me in at night, I got the best mommy in the world." He said with a happy smile. Rick nodded. "Hey Sammy, how'd you like to have a sleepover with Rachel and a few other kids sometime?" Rick asked curiously. Sammy smiled at the idea. "That'd be really fun!" The little wolf was more than accepting to the idea. When Rick heard the wolf accept the idea happily he smiled. "Yeah buddy, the boys will camp out in a tent and the girls can have a slumber party in the house." Rick smiled. Tony grinned, he figured once everyone was asleep and such perhaps Lilly would join the wolves in the tent for some fun but he figured that was wishful thinking.
Their request was running through her mind. If the children were safe and dead asleep then there wouldn't be any shame in having some fun. Putting her book aside she pulled out a note book where she began list things off for Sammy's sleep over from food to children. There were parents who were wanting a night off from their kids.
The two adults talked a bit more. Sammy went to sleep on the sofa and Tony carried him back to his bed. After tucking in his son him and Rick returned to the bedroom and got undressed. Now both naked, the two wolves got in bed and smiled at her. "Ready for some fun?" Rick smirked. Tony giggled and licked her neck. "Mmm are you babe?" He grinned. "Can we fuck you the night of the sleepover, Lilly?" Rick grinned wide he was thinking of all sorts of naughty things. "I got a good way of shutting you up too if you get too loud." He smirked at her stroking his hard cock slowly for her.
Lillian was sitting in the middle of the bed writing names down along with items the children may need for the sleep over. In her notebook was detailed sleeping arrangements and dinner plans for that day. Looking up to see the men entering the bedroom and smiled as Tony licked her neck. "I bet you do, Ricky." Winking at him as she closed her eyes as Tony knew the spot on her neck that made her relax. She had noticed Rick sitting there stroking his dick. "How is it whenever you two get near me you HAVE to fuck me till I'm sore for a week?" It had been a question that's been nagging her for awhile but she brush it aside.
"Can't resist you, just like you can't get enough wolf meat." Rick grinned and kissed her neck rubbing his cock against her playfully. Tony smirked and kissed her other side. "MMm howabout you suck us both off honey? Think you can take two cocks in that pretty little mouth of yours?" Tony teased but if she was willing to try then more power to her. He rubbed her growing belly gently and laid beside her with his arm around her. Rick kissed her neck more. "Mm.......sweeter than candy....." He whispered in her ear. It was true though, whenever they were near her, it always ended with them fucking her senseless.
Smiling at their teasing her but she laid back with the men while Tony rubbed her growing belly. "Bed time!" She said laughing as she pulled Rick down behind her. Curling up to Tony as her legs curled through Rick's strong legs. At this point she couldn't believe these men would push her to her limit. Hell she imagined they'd be sucking on her milky breasts after the offspring were there.
That was definitely true, especially for Tony. He would spend quite some time drinking from his wife's tits. He kissed her lips lovingly. "Mmm you are everything to me honey." He said softly. Rick smiled and kissed her neck brushing his cock against her butt. "Mmm you are quite amazing have two men who are crazy about you......." He whispered in her ear before kissing her neck. Tony kissed her lips some more and smiled. " you gonna give us some homemade milkshakes when the kids come, babe?" Tony smiled licking his lips at the thought of drinking his wife's milk.
That hit a nerve when he teased about milkshakes from her breasts. "You know Tony...That isn't sexy or funny." She pointed out to him as she had noticed lately Rick hadn't been acting like Tony with his teasing. Tonight she didn't want to be teased about her breasts while she thought about letting the men sleep together naked while she slept down stairs.
Tony kissed her gently. "Mmm sorry baby....." He held her in his arms tightly. Rick kissed her gently. "Yeah, now, howabout your two favorite men make you feel all sexy and naughty?" He whispered licking her neck seductively. Tony grinned and kissed her lips before letting her answer. "Mmmm how's that sound to you honeybun?" Tony smiled, ready to take her whenever she wanted it of course. The plus side of being a wolf anthro was that he had a ton of energy and stamina.
Sighing as it seemed they weren't going to allow her to sleep or even relax. Rolling her eyes as she swatted their muzzles away from her neck. "Not tonight. You fucked me earlier. I'm tired and I'm in pain!" Her voice was sharp warning the men they were working on her last nerve of the evening. "Take the hint. Let me rest!" She was nearly growling at the two. The females in a wolf pack may submit but to a point. Those females would put the males in their place or fend them away from them long enough the males would lose interest.
The two nodded. "Okay sweetheart....." Tony just cuddled her a bit closer to him and laid dow beside her. Rick laid against her back with his hand on her thigh. "Sweet dreams honey....." He said softly kissing her good night. Tony did the same and the two wolves began to doze off to sleep allowing the woman of their dreams to get rest and fall asleep as well.
Lillian laid there listening to their breathing. She could see why their mates left them or got an idea why they ran off. Sighing as she laid there beside them slowly falling to sleep. Though she had reached back holding on to Rick and had his hand to her belly. She guessed she had to get use to Tony being an immature jack ass all the time but his behavior was going to send her running and she may abort the children or put them up for adoption.
Tony's intentions were good though and he didn't want her to go running or aborting their children. He woke up in the middle of the night and saw her cuddling closer to Rick. He sighed and got up from the bed not wanting to disturb either of them. He went into Sammy's room and watched his son sleep for awhile. The back of Tony's head was a mess, he had sweat during the night. He walked into the bathroom and washed up looking at himself in the mirror, his complexion was as white as a ghost. Was he getting sick? He looked at his eyes, bloodshot and red like a demon. He rinsed them out and stood over the sink for a few minutes. "Come on Tony....what's wrong with've been feeling like this for days......" He said to himself. He decided to get dressed and sit downstairs watching some tv til he either passed out on the sofa or til someone else woke up later in the morning.
After awhile she nuzzled into a man's chest but when she opened her eyes to see it was Rick. Taken back she looked behind her to see Tony wasn't there. Strange, he usually doesn't take off like this not atleast kissing her first. Getting up she covered Rick up and went down stairs to see Tony watching TV.

"Hey..." She walked over to him and sat down beside him with her looking at his furry face. It seemed sunken in like he's been in distress. This alarmed her because if he was ill or upset then she should have been the first to know. "Darling, is it what I said earlier bothering you?"
Tony just turned the tv off and looked at her giving her a look that said "I'm alright." He leaned in and gave her a loving kiss. "I'm okay baby.....go back to bed......." He said softly. Tony wasn't alright though and he knew she could tell. He didn't know what was bothering him anymore. Was it the stress of having 5 kids coming? or was it the fear of losing the woman he'd die for? he didn't know. He took he hand and pulled her into his lap gently. "......Are you happy, baby?" He finally asked after awhile. "I mean.......really.....happy....." He looked into her eyes as if he'd find the answer to that question there. Tony wasn't sure when he started feeling like his world was crumbling around him but he didn't like it and wanted it to stop, then he had Sammy to worry about, the poor little guy wanting a mother so badly all these years, if Tony lost Lillian, he'd never be able to forgive himself for having that motherly love taken from his son. Tony did care about his friend Rick and how his wife was to him and he'd never tell his best friend he couldn't sleep with his wife anymore either. Tony just couldn't put a finger on why he felt alone, even though he knew he had his wife and her love and support. He still felt like he did when Sammy was first born and his own mother abandoned them.
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