Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

"Thanks baby." He cracked open the beer and started to drink it. He pulled her back into his lap and kissed her. "Mmm you know those young studs wouldn't stand a chance if they had the balls to even look at you in a seductive way." He grinned. He kissed her lips lovingly and rubbed her growing belly. "Mmm so the doc said we could still do anal late in your pregnancy at least, right?" He loved teasing her like that but hey it was all fair game. Sammy was asleep, he was drinking a bit and they were cuddled close together, what better time for some naughty adult rated fun?
Even within the one year of meeting he was still a horny man. Sitting in his lap as she shook her head. "No anal is out BIG time. I told you that before I was knocked up." She pointed it out on their honeymoon she told both him and Rick if she got pregnant that her BIG belly plus them would hurt her badly. "Honey...If you or Rick tried that stunt late in the pregnancy it will hurt me. I don't mean an ouch I mean I may have to stay in the hospital hurt." Perhaps she didn't tell them the level of hurt may have helped be more realistic.

Though she took his beer and set it aside with her mug. Smirking as she grabbed his shirt and pulled him back with her while she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her breasts were already getting bit bigger now as she pulled him into a kiss.
He kissed her back and moaned. "Mmm I love you mommy....." He said softly when the kiss broke. He grabbed her ass and squeezed it gently. "Mmm okay no anal......" He said softly. He kissed her neck and smiled. "Mmm babe.......your tits are getting bigger, daddy likes that...." He smirked. He loved teasing her that way. He licked her neck gently and kissed her lips again letting her take control from then on once the kiss broke.
By now the whole mommy and daddy roleplay was bothering her. "Darling, stop the whole mommy and daddy titles when I'm trying to get worked up....It kills the mood." She told him but thankfully she was pregnant and pregnant women were horny a lot. While he grabbed her ass and played with it abit she laid there under him while he licked and kissed her lips.
"Mmm okay babe." He kissed her lips and then her neck again and reached down her thighs and began to finger her gently. "Mmm you want my cock you horny little minx?" He smirked and kissed his way down her body slowly. When he was at her pussy he kissed, licked and fingered her pussy gently. "Mmm you're so wet babe......" He said softly. He could smell her heat and knew she wanted it and wanted it badly. He smiled up at her. "How do you want it baby?" He said with a lustful smile on his lips.
He had pushed her skirt aside with her panties while he gave her teasing licks. Smirking as she put her hand on top of his head and pressed down wanting him to lick her pussy until she was worked up enough to have him fuck her.
"Mm....." Tony just licked and ate out his wife's pussy like there was no tomorrow, sliding his tongue in and out in and out enjoying how she tasted. He loved the taste of her pussy, and he never minded eating her out like this, even a day after her period ended he was right back to it. He kept licking her slowly. Finally he took her skirt and panties off and spread her legs wider so he had better access. He grinned and slipped a finger into her butt as he licked her pussy more he gently began to finger her asshole to get her worked up even more.
Moaning as he licked her pussy nice and deep. He was determined even after her period had ended so she got in a habit of making sure she was clean before he could pounce on her to enjoy her flesh. Panting softly as she arched her back but giggled as he pulled her skirt and shorts off. "Oh fuck yeah..." moaning but her hips jerked when she felt his finger slipping into her ass. With him hitting both pleasure points she was to her limit. Grabbing hold of his shirt collar she yanked him up having his finger pop free from her ass. Her legs wrapped around him as she ripped his shirt open with her biting his neck down to his chest.
He moaned and shoved his cock into her pussy, kissing her lips lustfully as he began to fuck her deep. "Mmm who's my naughty teacher?" He grinned kissing the side of her neck as he pounded her pussy hard and deep. "Mmmm fucking you while pregnant turns me on baby....." He whispered in her ear softly nibbling on her neck as his cock went to work pounding her pussy hard and deep. He was determined to get her off multiple times that night.
The couch shook under them as she reached down running her fingers through his thick gray fur. Moaning under him as he was hitting all the right areas. In moments she was cumming not once but three times within those short few moments. Blushing a deep red as she felt embarrassed like a man who released to soon.
He kept thrusting into her wet pussy. "Mmm that's it baby, cum for me." He smiled and kissed her lips as he fucked her wet pussy deeper and harder. "Mmm I love feeling you cum on my hard cock, keep cumming honey....." He kissed her neck and thrust harder into her his balls slapping her ass. He looked into her eyes and grinned as he shot his load deep inside of her but he remained hard as a rock and kept thrusting pushing his seed deeper into her.
Panting as she kissed him as he fucked her on the couch. The wet sounds of his balls slapping against her ass as he pounded into her. Moaning against his lips as he fired one load into her. "Oh right there...!" Gasping as she cummed for him once more. Through the night they tried other positions and angles but they had to call it early as she was starting to feel sick. Thankfully he didn't mind a hand job to get the last of his semen out of his heavy balls.

Weeks turned into months as her belly grew. Once a month she went to her doctor's appointment as the fetus count was still five pups but the doctor noticed something odd. "Are you sure?" She asked while the doctor outlined what he saw on the screen. At three months pregnant but looked to be 6 months she drove home as she hadn't seen or heard from Rick lately. Perhaps trying to get his wife to relax to the point he can sneak out.
Tony saw she came back from the doctors and smiled. "Hey babe." He said giving her a kiss. Rick walked out from the bathroom. "Oh, hey sugar.' He smiled and kissed her cheek. "How'd the doctors go? you two going to be happy parents hm?" He smiled and sat down at the kitchen table. Sammy was upstairs playing with his toys. Tony saw the look on his wife's face. "What's wrong babe?" He asked softly a look of worry in his eyes.
Lillian saw Rick and hugged him when he kissed her cheek. Slowly sitting down she rubbed her large belly. "Well, the pups are fine." she said looking at Tony and Rick though she looked at Tony. "They had a new machine and they wanted to see how it fares against their current equipment. What I saw I was surprised to see." She reached into her purse pulling out a large sheet of a print out of the pups. Showing the men as it showed two pups looking similar to Tony but one was pure black also the strangest thing was there was two human offspring in her belly.
"Oh my" Tony said softly. Rick looked at the picture. " that one black?....." He said softly. He looked at her. "Lilly, that my child?" He asked softly. Tony looked at his friend and then at his wife. "Babe......a-are you carrying.....both mine and Rick's babies?" He asked curiously. Rick smiled and kissed Lilly lovingly on the lips. "That is amazing......" He said softly. Tony smiled happy for his friend. "Yes, but what about your wife? She'd kill you if she found out......." Tony pointed out. "And how did some end up looking human? wouldn't an anthro gene be more dominant?" Rick asked curiously, a bit confused at the two children who looked more human than anything else.
Lillian smiled softly. "Yes one is black so I assumed there is a black wolf in Tony's family but Rick you did have your own fun, Remember?" She smirked but sighed as she rubbed her belly. "That's what surprised the doctor that two children are human. Normally its either all anthro or they are half. So they may be all human or their fathers' traits haven't come in yet. Its still early." She said as she knew Rick may be excited to have another child but she looked to Tony. "Did you want all the children DNA tested for fathers?"
Tony smiled and kissed her lips. "Mm yeah we could, i mean, it doesn't matter to me but it'd be nice to know....." He said softly. Rick nodded. "Yeah, it's a good idea to get tested babe." He said softly kissing her again. Tony put his arms around her and kissed her neck. "What are we going to do though?? Rick won't be able to raise his child, unless you tell your wife....." Tony said looking over at Rick. Rick shook his head. "Why? so she has a reason to divorce me and take all my money?" He gave Tony a look. "Well, we can raise him or her as our can see them when you come by......" Tony tried to figure out how it'd work. One thing that upset him was if Rick had the majority of children with HIS wife, he did say Rick could share her with him but he wasn't expecting him to impregnate her and now they weren't even sure who fathered most of the children.
She didn't know what bothered Tony but she sat there thinking about it. "Well, if your wife wanted to leave you she would have long ago, Rick. Tony, no matter whose child is whose...It came from me. Also...I don't think getting the children tested may be the best thing in the world. But hell I'll be out cold so you have to make all of the decisions until I wake up." She was referring to giving birth. If she was out cold he can get whatever tests done to the children.

Reaching up she grabbed Rick's hand. "Don't worry, Rick. Your wife won't know about it. Besides like I said Tony may have a black fur gene within him. We just don't know yet but testing the children NOW would put their lives at risk." Though she felt like something was bothering Tony but she didn't want to ask what was going on until later. Instead she looked up at Rick. "Its good to see you and you to hear the news first hand and not over the phone."
Rick nodded and smiled at her giving her a hug. "Thanks for letting me know..." He said softly. "If the children are partially mine, I'll be there for them, I promise, even if they don't call me daddy." He said softly. Tony smiled and nodded putting his hand on his wife's and giving her a warm smile to let her know everything was alright. Perhaps he wouldn't get the babies tested wen they were born. It was probably best that way. He kissed her cheek gently and Rick followed suit. "So....any ideas for names?" Rick asked softly. Tony looked at his wife, they hadn't discussed it yet.
Little did she know all but one was Tony's children. "Well, we hadn't discussed it. We got far was what we're going to do with a handful of children when they start walking and any finances we may need to look out for." She told Rick with a sigh. "I just like to get a rough idea what can be done before the big event." Slowly she moved slipping into Tony's lap and nestled against him.
Tony held his wife and kissed her gently holding her there in his lap, her body soft and warm against him. He was content with sitting there with her forever if it were possible. Rick smiled. "Well, I can try to help....." Rick said softly. "I can maybe take the kids a few days a week if you need to get a job, Lilly." Rick said softly. He didn't mind, and that was one thing about his whore of a wife, she loved kids. The only good thing about her. "That'd be nice Rick, but we couldn't ask you to do that...." Tony responded to his friend.
Smiling as she looked to Tony. "You hadn't told him...Rick.." She turned to look at him. "I just sent off my novel to be published. I may get about $10,000 for it but its not certain. The payment for the first installment was about $2,000." Sitting in Tony's lap as she thought about Rick commenting on him watching the children.

"Actually we've discussed nannies or experienced babysitters for those adult nights with you. But either way you're going to be involved in our lives." She wasn't going to take no for an answer about him not going to be there. "You know if Tony is out of town I need help with them if they are doing recitals, ball games or chorus. Need someone to record them for Tony."
Rick nodded. "Of course. I'll be there." He smiled wholeheartedly. "Yeah our adult nights are fun.....don't wanna have to give those up......your ass is the only piece of ass I get nowadays baby...." Rick said softly. Tony smiled at that. "Well at least ya know Lilly is clean and we've been the only two to fuck her senseless......" Tony smiled and kissed his wife lovingly. Rick nodded. "Yeah, that's why she's so amazing, she gets a awesome hubby like you and a good friend like me who can fuck her.....I won't lie man, I love your wife's pussy and ass, she is just amazing..." Rick smiled. Tony nodded. "Yep, sure is." He responded. Rick loved Lilly in his own way but he would never come between her or Tony in a million years, even if something happened to Tony he would wait awhile and be fully divorced from Tiffany before he even considered marrying Lilly to take Tony's place, even though he knew in Lillian's heart, he would never be able to take Tony's place, no one would.
Rick was right. No one could replace Tony in her heart. If something did happen to Tony she'd remain close to Rick until things were stable.

"Tony didn't tell you I'm still doing yoga huh?" Laughing as she looked to Tony kissing his cheek. "I prefer you to come to me when you need that release than to risk it with her. Rachel, needs her daddy as long as possible so she can give you grandchildren to give you gray fur." Sticking her tongue out playfully at Rick as she got to her feet but winced when she put pressure on them. "Hows Sammy doing with the adjustments, Tony?" She's been busy with keeping healthy and writing that she hadn't noticed any change in Sammy.
Tony smiled and nodded. "He's fine baby, happy to finally have his mommy and now not one but several brothers and sisters." Tony said softly. Rick nodded "I bet he's excited..." Rick said softly. He kissed Lilly. "Thank you for everything are the only woman i'll fuck, ever again, I promise." He hugged her and Tony smiled and put his arms around her as well from behind both wolves being mindful of her growing belly and to be ever so careful with her. "You're our little sex kitten babe......" Tony smiled kissing her neck. Rick kissed her lips then smiled and kissed her neck on the opposite side. "You belong to Tony, but I am forever grateful to be able to fuck you whenever I want to.......I'm getting you quite a nice christmas gift babe." He smiled. "No need for that man....." Tony said softly. He knew Rick was tight on cash as well. Rick shook his head. "Nope, I want to, she deserves it for putting up with my rough ass fuckings." He giggled.
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