Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Dazed, light headed or whatever but she was panting like a dog. While both men pulled free from her she weakly turned to Rick and sucked him till he released deep into her mouth. Swallowing his cum but she fell onto her side as semen dripped from both holes of her. Lillian didn't respond to Tony's suggestion to a shower as she didn't think he could move. Now she was starting to become sore from being ridden for hours on end.
Rick smiled. "Thanks babe......enjoy the rest of your honeymoon you two." Rick said goodbye to his friends and left to head home. Tony laid there with her, rubbing her belly gently. "You were amazing....." Is all he could say before he dozed off for a nap.
For the following week they explored the resort with a few quick sessions here and there. Though a couple of weeks later at home she had been feeling sicker than the usual when you're trying to get pregnant. When Sammy was off at School Tony had to drive her to the hospital as she wouldn't hold water down. Through blood tests they found out she was pregnant but what shocked Lillian was she was pregnant with six children. She nearly passed out from this news. So the doctor wrote down on a note beside her bedside knowing Tony will be in that Lillian was NOT to return to teaching until the cubs were born.
Tony held her hand tightly. Six children, WOW. He'd be in for it. Raising a family of 7 children by himself? Unreal. He was happy though. He knew sex would be minimal to none since she'd be carrying not one, two, but SIX children. Tony was happy though and he couldn't wait to tell Sammy the good news either. They'd sit him down at dinner that night and tell him together. They had no idea some of those children would be Rick's but it didn't matter to them.
Lillian knew Tony may be stressed about the children so upon getting home she looked at him with a weak smile. "So what are we going to do?" She didn't expect six children out of her in one go! Though sex may not be an issue as the doctor explained it, without being asked, as long as Lillian kept eating through the day with getting plenty of water and rest then things should be fine for the seven of them.

Sitting down on the large leather sofa they picked out but she cut the plastic wrist band off and looked at her arms where needles were drilled into her. Shuddering as she looked up at her husband. He raised Sammy by himself and she didn't want him to think he was in this by himself. "Don't suggest getting my mother involved in this." She alerted him as she was disowned months ago.
He shook his head. "Of course not, she probably hates me anyways....." He said softly. He sat down and hugged her. "We'll be fine, you stay home and raise our children, I'll work more........we'll be fine...." He said softly. He kissed her lips and smiled. Sammy was due to be picked up soon. "Let's go pick up Sammy and tell him the good news?" He said softly caressing her cheek. Plus, they had Sammy to help out too he was a big boy now and he would have to help around the house now.
Sighing as she nodded to Tony. "I need to tell the school I won't be teaching this year. Besides I still have that book to polish up and send it out." Smiling as she got up and walked with Tony to the car. True he'd be working more and she loved he was willing to pick up her slack but yet it bothered her that she was useless. This was Sammy's last day of school.

"Hon, what if I hire a nanny when the pups start figuring out they can walk?" She asked as she eased back into the seat until he reached the parking lot. "I'll be back." Leaning over she kissed his cheek and walked inside to the front office. There she told them she was taking permanent but when they asked she pointed to her belly. The women cheered as they noticed the slight pudgy stomach they went to ask but she didn't answer as she left them standing there. Getting to the car she saw Sammy was in the back see with a 'I'm free!' look on his face.
They drove home and when Sammy was washed up Tony got him seated on the sofa. "Sammy, Mommy and I have something to tell you....." He said smiling at his son who was happy to be free from school, his tail wagging behind him. Tony looked at his wife and held her hand. "Wanna tell him babe?" He asked softly. He knew it'd mean more to Sammy hearing it from his mother.
Lillian was about to tell Sammy when her stomach suddenly tensed up. Without a word she raced off to the bathroom shutting the door behind her. Even though she hadn't ate anything but her stomach heaved a lot and hard. Tears in her eyes as she walked out then went to the kitchen to get some water. Walking back out to the living room she sat beside Sammy.

"You're going to be a big brother to six siblings." She said in a weak voice. "I won't be a teacher anymore until they are five but financially this family will be stable or live comfortably. Meaning...expensive gifts may be out of the question or just ask for one expensive gift for Christmas." She believed in treating Sammy with respect and not to treat him like a kid on some matters.
Sammy hugged his mother. "Yay! six brothers and sisters?!" He kissed his mother happily, unable to control his excitement he managed to get her on the lips slightly. Tony smiled and patted his son. "Easy now buddy you gotta be careful with Mommy...." He said softly. Tony smiled at his wife. "You okay babe?" He was concerned about her. "Want to order something to eat? you're probably starving....." He suggested they'd order something so she didn't have to cook.
When Sam went for her lips she pushed him back. "Not on the lips sweetie...Only daddy can kiss me there." It felt odd Sammy accidently got the corner of her lips but he was a sweet boy. Wrapping her arm around Sammy as she looked to Tony. "You boys get whatever you want...I just want chicken soup and crackers." She wasn't hungry but she had to get something or she'd lose this litter.
Tony nodded. "Well Sammy, what do you want?" Sammy smiled at his fther. "Papa, I want....hmm....." He thought about it for a minute. "Can we have mcdonalds? I want a hamburger and fries and chicken nuggets." He smiled. Tony just laughed at that. "Sure buddy...." He ruffled his son's hair. He looked at Lillian. "Are you sure you don't want anything baby?" He said softly. He rubbed her belly gently and smiled.
Lillian nodded. "You boys go eat. If theres a problem I'll call you." She let Sammy go as she got up kissing Tony's cheek. Walking to the kitchen as she began to heat up some soup for herself. Once that was done she was in the study with her laptop open. Working or writing took her mind off her uneasy stomach when she ate. With headphones on she breezed through her novel and devoured the large cup like bowl of soup and crackers. Stuffed in so many ways she saved her progress and sent the finished product to her publisher.

For Lillian if things went right she may become a best selling author. She may not become rich off the books but it'd help Tony out even if they had to support 7 pups. Getting up she went to the kitchen with her dishes to get a second can of soup out to eat, she was hungry now.
Sam and Tony went to mcdonalds but decided to take it home to eat. He got 3 big macs and a large 20 piece for Sammy and 3 orders of fries. He figured at the very least, Lillian would pick at some fries and maybe some of Sammy's nuggets. The two wolves made their way back home with the food and Tony opened the front door letting Sammy carry in the bag of food. "Mommy, we're home. We got food." He smiled and went to the kitchen putting the bag down on the table. Tony followed after locking up and he and Sammy washed their hands in the sink before sitting down to eat. He put a order of fries in front of his wife. "Thought you might like some fries and maybe some nuggets, I bought an extra big mac just in case you changed your mind." He smiled.
Lillian smiled as she noticed the fries. "What do you have against soups?" Laughing softly as she pointed to her second can. Walking over with the bowl she sat down with the boys. Though she did steal a chicken nugget from Sammy only to nibble on it. "While you boys were gone I sent the finished piece of the novel off. Got to wait to see what they say about it. They liked the rough draft so I am hoping this will work out where we can put the money aside for unseen situations." To her any of the children they have may go to Harvard or Yale so she wanted to be prepared to help if they needed it.
He smiled and nodded. "I'm sure they'll love it." Tony ate his burger and Sammy was devouring his nibbling on some nuggets as well as fries the growing cub had ketchup and special sauce all over his face but he didn't seem to care. Tony giggled and playfully wiped his son's face for him. "Easy pal, food isn't going anywhere....." He took a sip of soda and smiled at his wife. "Mother of 7 children, how does it feel babe?" He asked softly. Sammy giggled and finished his burger.
"Overwhelming." She said with a sigh as she sipped on her soup thinking about what they could do to ease tension. Leaning back in her chair she rubbed her stomach.

"Still Tony....What are we going to do when the pups get here? The study isn't big enough for SIX cribs not even two large ones. Also what happens when they all want their own space? I doubt Sammy would want to share his room with a ten year old when he's 18 or 19." She sounded worried about all of this. "I'm over thinking this aren't I?" She asked as she looked to her husband, her lover, her best friend.
He squeezed her hand. "A little bit babe.....don't worry...." He kissed her lips and smiled. "I'll get a second job if needed, we can.......get a bigger place....." He said softly. "Maybe....we can have Rick come and help?" He asked not thinking about Rick's cheating whore of a wife for a minute. "Oh wait....." He said softly. He kissed her gently and whispered. "You'd love that though wouldn't you? Having two big wolf cocks every night....." He giggled then kissed her neck gently.
Smiling softly as he kissed her neck. "Don't get yourself to turned on." Looking at Tony then to Sammy as this seemed to be way to much to handle for a first time mother.

"Honey, I don't want you to have two jobs. That means I wouldn't have adult conversations if you get my meaning." True she had toys but that didn't replace that warm body or the love. "Who knows they may have misread the image wrong." When she said that her cell phone rang. Getting up she grabbed her purse seeing it was her main doctor. Taking the phone call in the study as she listened carefully. They did misread the image as she had five pups not six. How they miscounted they didn't know but apologized. Relieved she went out to the boys. "Five pups not six. It was a new tech reading the image but a more experience nurse caught the error."
"Oh wow, well still, 5 pups...." Tony smiled. He kissed her gently. Tony cleared the table when they were done and they all sat in the living room watching movies until Sammy passed out. Tony carried the cub up to his room and tucked him in bed. He returned to the living room and sat with Lillian. "So, babe......any ideas?" He said softly. "You said something about a nanny when they get older?" He smiled. The idea of a nanny would be good but Tony was concerned about one other thing, when she and him could have some alone adult time, and even more so, when Rick could join in on the fun, with 6 kids around the house it'd be quite tough to pull off.
When Tony came back she curled up against him with her thinking about it. "Yes, I thought about a nanny or perhaps when things got stressful perhaps your parents could help out. I mean they are retired right?" She looked up at him just trying to figure out her options and if they did decide to go for a nanny or two then she'd insist on background checks on ALL candidates. "I mean we don't have to decide right now but its nice to get a plan formed before they pounce on us. Besides I don't know how long pups are carried..."
He nodded and kissed her lovingly. "Mm Pups are carried usually 7 to 9 months babe....." He said softly. He rubbed her belly gently. "Some come early, some come late, it depends on the parent I think." He said softly. He kissed her lips and held her in his arms. "We will be fine honey, I promise." He whispered in her ear then kissed her neck lovingly while holding her tightly. "You know, you're going to be quite the MILF......well you already are, but I mean when our boys are teenagers, their friends are all gonna have the hots for you, got a gut feeling...." Tony teased her a bit. She was beautiful and super sexy, by all means she would be quite the cougar when she got older.
Laughing softly as he kissed and nuzzled against her neck. "Ha ha...You know I don't go for younger men." She smiled as she eased back against his chest. "You sounded disappointed when I said we're having 5 instead of 6...Were you hoping for a LARGE family?"
He smiled and kissed her neck. "Mmm well it's okay babe. I don't mind 5." He said smiling. He rubbed her belly gently. "And good, don't wanna have to lose you to some young 20 something year old kid when we're in our late 40's...." He teased.
Rolling her eyes. "Nah! You'd eat him up before I could have fun tormenting him." Laughing softly as she got up and went to the kitchen where she started to make hot tea for herself. "Well, writing, music and soup seems to have done the trick with this morning sickness...Lets hope the pups will be night sleepers than day." Smiling as she grabbed her mug and a beer for him when she returned she handed the beer to him.
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