Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Lillian crawled into Tony's lap knowing something was wrong. Lacing her fingers with his own as she rubbed her face against his cheek. "I am truly happy and I love being your wife and being Sammy's mother..." Sighing softly as she thought for a moment. "I guess the constant sex with you and Rick is getting to me abit. I shouldn't have snapped at you earlier." Closing her eyes as she wrapped around him with her fingers running through his fur. "I won't run away from you but your teasing does come off bit weird." She said as she smirked.

"What would you do if your daughters run home to you and cried out boys were wanting either chocolate or vanilla milkshakes from them?" She asked him. "Oh to add it to it...Your daughters have hit puberty and its clear they are no longer little girls in pretty sun dresses or have tea parties."
"You're right baby......I'm sorry." He kissed her gently and held her in his arms, he started to hum a lullaby he used to hum to Samy when he couldn't sleep as a baby cub. He sighed softly. "You know.....Sammy said to me the other day. "Papa, I'm so glad you and Mommy got married, she's the best and I hope shes' my mommy forever." I smiled at him and told him that no matter what the future held, he'd always have you and me there for him.....even if we weren't together....he gave me a sad look and asked if what happened between me and his mother was going to happen again....I said no, but I guess........since's been chewing at the back of my mind......." He looked into his wife's eyes, his still blood shot. "She......really screwed me up....." He said softly with a sigh. Kissing her lips like the world was going to crush them he whispered in her ear. "I love you with all my heart and soul baby.....I'm....nothing without you......." He closed his eyes for a few moments and thought of their 5 little ones arriving and running around as they got older and it brought a smile to Tony's face. The color in his complexion began to come back little by little.
Smirking as she moved straddling his lap with her moving his hands to her large belly. "You still hadn't answered my question, Hon. What would you do if your girls ran to you and the boys were teasing them about their changing bodies?" She had thought of enrolling ALL six children in self-defense classes or getting them into after school activities. Hell, she may enjoy being a stay at home mother and recording all the up coming events.

"I'm asking because I was thinking of after school activities for all of them...Yes even Sammy. I thought the girls will be enrolled in self defense classes and the boys well they could do shooting or archery lessons. Though like Tee ball and sports like that will help them become social.
Tony kissed her lips. "Mmm that's a good idea, and to answer your question, I'd break the little punks' faces." He smirked and kissed her again holding her in his arms as she straddled him. "But, I like your idea honey, we should get them into doing things after school, it'd be good for them." He said softly. Tony wanted to try to work from home so he could spend the day with his beautiful wife but he wasn't sure if he'd get the promotion needed for such a thing.
Lillian got him to look at her as she kissed him gently. "Then WE got a plan." When she said 'we' she meant her and him as Rick didn't have say so since it would be her and Tony raising the pups. Also when she said we it meant she was going to stay by his side. Hugging Tony tightly against her belly and sore breasts she whispered softly to him. "We can fill Rick in on what he's walking into and he has to be prepared. He may be used as a practice dummy...You too. These little girls may need adult men to practice with....Men I can trust to leave with them for a weeks at a time." Smiling as she looked into his eyes. "You never know I may be asked to sign books all over the country or do appearances."
He nodded and kissed her lovingly. He supported her, and if she had to take trips alone he was fine with it. He trusted his wife completely. "Yeah....." He replied back rubbing her belly gently. "You know.....we should........probably try to sleep some more, it's 5:30......" He said softly. He hugged his wife and kissed her. "Babe.....when we go back to bed......" He kissed her again. "Could you......cuddle up against me? I....I might be getting a slight cold, I'm not as warm as I usually feel......" He said softly. So he was maybe slightly sick. "Your nice warm body would help a lot......." He whispered in her ear. If she could just mold into his body that would be perfect, even better if she'd let him slip inside one of her holes but he wasn't pushing for that at all, it wasn't even an after thought in his mind.
"Going through withdraws?" She joked but nodded to him. "I'll cuddle with you and help you get well." She kissed him and struggled out of his lap with a giggle. Tony and the other two, Rick and Sam, had Lillian laughing so much that she was snorting. So it was common knowledge that if she got to laughing she'll be snorting. Getting up to bed with Tony she had stripped down naked and crawled into bed and pulled Tony down to the bed. Curling up to him with her hands holding on to his strong arm.
He pulled her as close as he could with her belly and all kissing her gently. He had also stripped naked. "I love you....." He whispered in her ear kissing her neck in a seductive but loving way He wanted to be as close as he could, holding her and rubbing her round belly gently, his cock gently slipped into her unintentionally. "S-sorry baby......" He whispered. She was now completely against his strong body, his cock now inside the warm confines of her pussy. "Do you want me to pull out? Or just sleep like this sweetheart? It was an accident....." He said softly. He didn't mean to and he certainly wasn't going to fuck her because she was no doubt exhausted and he needed rest too. Tony hoped he got that promotion so she could be a stay at home mother and housewife.
When he popped into her she groaned softly. She was surprised he could still just slip in under her large belly. Shaking her head as she held on to him. "Stay in. I love you sweetie." She whispered back to him then fell to sleep against his chest. When morning came she was still curled up to Tony but she opened her eyes while he was still buried deep inside her. Smiling as she kissed him gently while she worked herself free from the large bed and got dressed before heading down stairs. Fixing a large breakfast for the three boys or two men and one growing boy. Lillian winced as she rubbed her belly as she placed a stack of waffles on the table.

Her doctor had told her with a large litter she will experience some discomfort here and there. Not worried as she went back placing the plates on the table with juices and coffee. To her if Tony didn't get the needed promotion then it wasn't a big deal. She got a good start up fund from her first book already. If she branched out to more exotic novels then she may make bit more.
Tony and Rick got up to the smell of waffles. After getting dressed they went downstairs and saw a nice stack already on the table. Sammy came running down. "I smell waffles, mommy is cookin waffles!" He said happily his tail wagging behind him, he completely ran past his father and hugged his mother good morning. "Morning mommy!" He said happily. Tony walked over to her and kissed her neck lovingly. "Thank you......." He said softly in her ear putting his arms around her lovingly from behind. Sammy sat down and Rick helped him get some orange juice before sitting. "So, Sammy, what are you up to today?" Rick asked the little cub he saw as his nephew. Sammy smiled. "Not sure, whatever Mommy wants to do, Daddy says we should have at least one day a week dedicated to no one else but mommy, so I figured today could be the day this week." Sammy said happily. Tony smiled back at his son. "Go sit down honey.....I'll finish making the rest." Tony whispered in her ear kissing her cheek gently.
She was warming the syrup up when Sammy ran in to hug her. Grateful Rick got Sammy settled in while Tony managed to push her away from the stove. Sitting down as she grabbed a waffle to start off with then poured herself some apple juice. Once Tony joined them she had thought about what she wanted to do today. Nothing major since Tony wasn't feeling like himself but she imagined Sammy may want to spend the day with her and Tony. Looking to Sammy then to Rick she thought about her and Tony having a day to themselves since the honeymoon. "Rick, would you mind taking Sammy for a night?" She wanted to give Tony a night to relax and perhaps to be spoiled either with a hot bath or sex in the hot bath. She didn't know what she would do but she wanted the luxury of having choices without worrying if Sammy may walk in or hear them.
Rick smiled. "Sure, absolutely." He said softly. "Wanna have a sleepover, Sammy?" Rick smiled at te little cub who was chewing on his waffle and just nodded happily. Tony looked at Lillian and gave her a warm smile. He didn't know what she had planned but he figured it was so that Sammy didn't catch anything if he was sick, but he was more worried about her, being pregnant she couldn't afford to catch anything. He ate his waffle slowly. " two gonna have a nice private night then?" Rick asked with a wink to both of them. Tony just looked at Lilly puzzled as to what she had planned. "I...I guess......whatever the wife's her day." He said with a loving smile towards her. She really did deserve a day, no, a whole week being treated like the princess she was to him.
Lillian smiled softly at Rick's wink. "Don't know what the plan is but its been awhile since we had a night to ourselves. We may watch an R rated movie without worrying about someone sneaking a peek." Her eyes darted to Sammy as she threw a pillow at him when she spotted him on the stairs, after bedtime! Her throwing a pillow was better than yelling at him and scaring him but the pillow seemed to have done the trick to get him to bed. "But you know how I am." She winked at Rick as she imagined there was a time he sent Rachel off so him and his wife could enjoy eachother without wondering what the little girl gotten into now.
Rick nodded. "Yeah you guys deserve it." He said softly finishing off the waffles he had on his plate. Tony finished his breakfast and saw Sammy and Rick were also done and collected their plates putting them in the sink he got them ready to be washed. Tony looked back at his wife and smiled. "Well, I'm looking forward to it." Tony smirked at his wife. He knew whatever she had planned would be special, it always was. Something about her being pregnant made the sex 10 times better than usual and the sex was always amazing, but even if there weren't any and she just cuddled with him and watched movies, Tony would be content. Sammy spoke up. "So can we watch movies and make popcorn, Uncle Rick?" Sammy asked, wanting to be involved in the discussion and since that's what he heard his mother might do he wanted to feel included somehow.
Smiling as she finished up her waffles and handed her plate off to Tony. "Sammy, go get your things." Smiling as she watched Sammy bounced up to his room. From where she sat she heard his tiny feet stomping around in excitement. Laughing softly as she looked to Rick. "Thank you. But honestly I don't know what will happen today but I love the luxury or the thought of doing something without worrying." She wasn't going to tell him Tony hadn't been feeling good but when Rick left with Sammy she went to Tony. "How are you feeling this morning?" she stood behind him with her arms wrapped around his waist and rested her head on his back.
"I'm okay baby.......just tired....." He said softly. He hadn't gotten much sleep until they went to sleep together around 5:45 that morning. He yawned slightly. "But, I want today to be about you honey, come on, let's go take a nice shower and by that I mean you sit on the bench and I'll wash every inch of your body, you needn't lift a finger my love." He said softly turning to kiss her lovingly on the lips. He loved being alone with her for the same reasons and he wasn't sure what she had in store for him.
"No, a hot bath for both of us and then if you're up for it lets go horse back riding." She said with a smirk as she had thought of something. Pulling him to the bathroom, after he washed the dishes, but she moved getting her clothes off while the tub filled with water. Once it was filled she made sure he was naked before settling into the hot water. "Honey, I know you hadn't felt like yourself and I am hoping today we can make that right atleast." Curling up to him as the hot water caressed her form.
He cuddled her and kissed her gently on the lips. "Mm.....I know....." He caressed her cheek. "And are you out of your mind? Horseback riding?" He said giving her a look. He held her in his arms and laid back in the hot water. "I just.....wanna stay here like this until the water gets cold baby......" He said softly. Luckily, their hot water was really hot and remained so for quite awhile, you could have about an hour nap in there before it ran cold.
Smiling as he had his say. "As you wish." Curling up to him but jumped when one of the little ones shifted inside her belly. "Wow...That was odd." She said as she moved his hand down to her belly where he felt one of the little feet moving against her belly. Perhaps the little ones were growing bit faster than everyone expected. Smiling as she wondered if he shared this experience with his last wife. "Later on they'll be moving more often..."
He nodded and kissed her lovingly on the lips. "Mmm yeah, they'll be here before we know it......" He kept his hand on her belly and smiled, her warm body pressed against his own. "This is nice baby.....we don't get enough time to do things like this....." He said softly keeing his hand just where it was on her belly. He loved having her lay on him like this. It made him feel special in some way. "So where'd you get that idea of going horseback riding? I hope you were only kidding babe.......I'd feel much better if you rode me instead." He winked at her playfully. "It's almost like riding a horse, I mean." He stuck his tongue out at her. He couldn't resist a little teasing.
Laughing as she sat up looking down at him. "Well there was one thing I hadn't done. Sex outside. I mean really outside in the woods with no audience." She said with a smile. "Or a quickie in the hay and we'd come out smelling of sweet hay and sex." Laughing softly as she laid back down against him. "It was an idea but that can be done another time. Tonight, its time to relax for both of us. I want tonight to be about us anyways."
He smiled and kissed her lovingly on the lips. "If you want to, we can do that baby........we do have that wooded area behind us in the back......could go out there, put a blanket down.......up to you though....." He said softly. He knew she wanted it to be just them. "And tonight is all about you and me baby, and eh, Rick knows better, he'll bring Sammy back home late in the afternoon, so we'll have a good chunk of tomorrow as well." He smiled at her licking his lips.
She thought about it. "How about we stay here and relax. We can order pizza and watch those movies we had to sneak to watch after Sammy was in bed." Smiling as she moved soaping a washcloth and slipped between his knees while she ran it up over his chest. Leaning up as she kissed him. "You know...You may be nervous about the dinner that's coming up at your boss's home." She pointed out as in a few days they'd have to make an appearance. Perhaps his boss and his wife sees Lillian and learn of his fortune then they may consider him for the promotion.
He thought about it. She was right. "Yeah, that's probably it...." He said softly. He kissed her lips gently and laid there with her. It could be a blessing in disguise for all he knew though. If they saw hoe pregnant she was with his children and once they learned she'd be having not one, two but 5 kids, they might consider him for the promotion. "And movies sound good honey...." He held her in his arms and kissed her lips again. "You know, that promotion would mean I get to stay home with you and take care of the kids all day, I'd have to work for a few hours each day, but it wouldn't be too bad....." He explained.
Looking down at him as he pulled her large body against his own. "I remember you mentioning it to me before. I figured if I play nice with the wife she may push her husband in considering you. Besides the money is nice but I want to learn what the perks are for this position." She pointed it out to him but after some caressing and got him to scrub her back and she rinsed their bodies off before returning to his side.
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