Triangle Romance (Smokey and I)

Lillian smiled as she kissed Tony's nose. "I'm not your mommy Tony." Laughing softly as she held his over that draped over Sam. Slowly she fell to sleep with her curled up to Sam but yet she held Tony's hand tightly.
He smiled. "I know that babe...." Tony kissed her again then held his wife's hand tightly smiling they starred at each other for a bit until Sammy fell asleep cuddled up against his mother. "I love you......." He kissed her lips. "Sweet dreams honey......tomorrow i'll make a big breakfast for everyone...." He said softly laying back on his pillow he smiled at his wife before slowly falling asleep.
When morning came she was up early after dealing with the little ones but since Tony wanted her to stay at the house to relax, she had other plans.

So when Tony was up she alerted him she was going to a over night spa that wasn't to far but she wanted her time alone.
He was fine with it. He stayed home and took care of the little ones. she had left milk in a few bottles for the children that needed to be breastfed and Tony and Sammy played board games and watched movies while watching the little ones. They had ordered a few pizzas and some movies to watch from netflix. "Papa, you and mama are alright, aren't you?" He asked snuggling up to his father. "Yes buddy, everything is fine, Mama just needed a break is all." He ruffled his ears and they watched some movies while eating pizza and relaxing. Sammy was soon out like a light, Tony made sure the other children were asleep and then he reclined in his recliner for awhile before bringing the kids up one by one. He made sure the house was triple locked before going up to the bedroom and taking a shower, leaving the door open to listen for any crying cubs. He slipped into the bed with nothing but his boxers on and watched some tv before falling asleep. The day had flown by, he wasn't sure what time Lilly would return home but it was up to her whenever she felt like coming home. He wasn't going to push the issue.
It was a full day of massages and soaks with saunas and she slept in a bed by herself but she missed Tony. So the next morning she sent the boys, Rick and Tony, a message she was heading home and she wanted to talk to them both at the same time. "Since we had time to cool off." Was her last sentence.

Getting home she saw Sammy walking up the stairs. "HEY! No hug?!" She asked as she rushed over nearly tackling the boy into a bear hug. Giggling as she reached into her over night bag and pulled out a new game for him. "One of your Christmas gifts. You get this one early since you've been a wonderful help to me." She kissed the top of his head before going into the kitchen to fix a large breakfast of fresh fruit, muffins and coffee.
"Mommy!" Sammy said happily. When she handed him the new game his eyes lit up. "Thnak you mommy!" He hugged her and then ran off to play his new game. Tony was taking care of one of the babies when she came home. "Hi baby." He smiled walking over to her to give her a kiss. "How was your spa day?" He asked smiling bouncing the little cub in his arms til they giggled and he put them down in the playpen. He went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Rick came over bringing some bagels if anyone wanted any. "Hi gang, brought bagels." He smiled putting the bag down on the table.
"Hey, sug." She smiled to Rick but looked to Tony as she heated the bagels up.. While Sam was playing his game she sat down with the men. "I love you both but...Things will be changing between the three of us." She said as she didn't know what Tony said to Rick. "Rick, I don't know what Tony has told you yet. But the whole sharing thing will have to stop." She sipped her coffee trying to think of how to continue this gently and him to understand how she felt. It took Tony thinking she'd be leaving him to make him snap out of it.

"You see Rick...I told Tony this the other night. The more I try to have a say of having BOTH ignore me and continue your sexual needs. No matter how I felt about it. It felt like both of you were ignoring me and just doing as you pleased. So do you see why I...snapped?" She asked softly as her hands wrapped around her mug. "I want you to keep coming around to help out whenever. But yesterday I was gone all day and it was nice. I missed my boys of course." She reached over taking Tony's hand into her own. "I don't mind hugging you, kissing your cheek and cooking you dinner Rick but I do know a woman who'd date you secretly." Smiling softly as she looked to Tony. "The one thing that will be changing would be...I want a day to myself once every two weeks."
He nodded. "I understand Lily...." Rick said softly. Tony nodded and squeezed his wife's hand gently. "You deserve a day off baby, once every two weeks is fine with me....I'll be home every day anyway." He said softly. Rick nodded. "I'll keep coming around but, who.....who do you know Lily?" He asked softly blushing quite a bit that she was willing to hook him up with one of her friends perhaps? Tony got the bagels out of the toaster oven and put them on the table and started to butter one for himself. "Do you want me to hang around today and help with the kids? I told the wife i had to work all evening....." He explained.
Lillian swatted Rick with a cloth Napkin. "Duh! I want you to stay here today." Smiling as she pulled her phone out and pulled up the pictures. "Theres two girls I can set you up with. The feline...Is Jasmine." She showed him the picture. "The one next to her is her best friend Dawn and from I've heard they want to experiment with a threesome between them and a man."
Rick smiled at that. "Ohh they're both lovely....." He said softly with a smile. "I think I could handle them both quite easily." He said puffing his chest out proudly in a mocking way of sors but all in good fun. "Yeah I bet." Tony stuck his tongue out teasing his friend. "Hmm but if they're up for a threesome I could probably arrange that......damn they're both gorgeous I dont' know which one i'd want to date....unless they' with both of them dating me.....?" He looked over the pictures and couldn't decide. "Hmm I suppose I could take each one out separately and see which lady I click with better?" Rick grinned a bit. Tony just shook his head laughing softly. He sipped his coffee and smiled at his wife nodding.
Lillian sent the two numbers to Rick's cell phone with the names plus who was who. "Well from what I know they are curious about a threesome but what you do is up to you. But I heard they won't get serious with a man who is still tied down. So don't expect so much from them if you're still married. I figured you were looking for a fool around session..." She looked at the girls as both were chesty women but the feline was more of an hourglass figure while the other woman had slender hips. "Just be honest with the two is all I can say."
He nodded and gave Lilly a kiss and hug. "Thanks darlin'." He smiled and sat back down to a cup of coffee and took a bagel and muffin. Tony was finishing up a bagel when Sammy came down. "Oooh bagels! and mommy made muffins!" He hugged Lillian's legs and hopped on the chair next to his father. Tony got Sammy a plate and gave him a bagel. "Want me to cut that for you pal?" He asked with a smile. Sammy shook his head. "No papa, I can do it." He took a butter knife and began to cut the bagel, a little sloppy but nevertheless, the bagel was cut in half and the little wolf was buttering it up with some butter and jam.

"He's growin up too fast....." Rick said with a smile on his face. Tony nodded. "You can say that again.....before you know it, he'll be shaving....." He said softly as a joke. He loked over at his wife and gently took her hand in his. "He'll be bringing home a beautiful girl, just like his mother.....and telling us he's in love." He smiled. Sammy looked at his father as he ate his bagel. "You're silly papa...." He said between bites.
Lillian laughed softly as Sam was growing up fast. "Well told Sammy if he brought a girl home to introduce us then he better treat her right. If he didn't then expect his full grown form over my knee, spanking him, in front of his girlfriend." Smirking as she ate the hot bagel and the two different muffins. She was a kid at heart as she had double chocolate chip muffin with the chocolate breading. The other muffin was blueberry.
Tony snickered at the thought then kissed his wife on her cheek. "I'm sure he'll treat her well." He smiled at her caressing her cheek. Sammy finished his bagel and chocolate milk then smiled. "Mommy, can I go play my new game some more?" He asked wagging his tail behind him. Tony looked at his son then at Lily. "Let him play for a bit more babe......" He said softly. They always wanted to monitor how often Sammy spent playing video games or watching TV because they wanted him to remain active and healthy. Rick heard Zack start to cry and went to pick up his son carrying him back to the kitchen table he held him in his arms and the black little cub smiled at his father putting his hand on Rick's. "I think he knows......" Rick said softly.
Lillian waved Sam off to go play but she looked to Rick. "I don't know if he does but I can say this...A child forms a bond not with many people. The girls are spoiled by Tony from time to time. Hell I walked in on him dancing with the two in his arms. I recorded it and showed him later on to him. He even played 'boxing' with the boys."
Tony smiled at that. Rick smiled and Zack snuggled into his father happily. "I think he might know.....Zack is cuddly with me too but not like that." Tony explained. Rick smiled and kissed his son. "I love you little buddy...." He said softly. Tony was happy for Rick, and he hoped he found love, just not from his wife. Tony got up and took the plates to the sink once everyone was finished he shoo'd his wife and friend to the living room. "I'll clean up." He smiled. Rick looked at Tony. "But aren't you still sore?" Rick asked. Tony shook his head. "It's not so bad, I'll be fine." He smiled
Lillian took her coffee into the living room with Rick. In all honesty she didn't want Tony to feel bad about not all of the children were his own. Zack wasn't suppose to happen but yet here he was. Sitting with the two but she smacked Rick when he tried to sit in Tony's chair. Lillian pulled up Aiko and one of the boys into her lap but the girl smacked her brother. "Whoa! Where did you learn that?!" She knew the little ones didn't see any fighting before.
The little boy in his mother's lap began to cry. Tony heard them and went to check on what was going on. "What's wrong?" He said looking at Lily and seeing the little one crying. He kneeled down. "You okay buddy? what happened?" He said softly giving his son a kiss on the forehead. The cub looked at his father and cooed at him between tears of being smacked by his sister. "Did she hurt him?" He asked softl. He looked at Aiko. "Aiko, did you hit your brother? do you need a time out, missy?" He asked tapping his foot.
"She just smacked him with a weak fist." She said as the little girl glared at Tony. "I think its nap time for some babies. I don't know where she learned to hit like that." She said as she sat the little girl on her belly and rubbed her back slowly. It didn't take long for the little girl to fall to sleep with her brother falling to sleep in her lap.
Tony took the kids from their mother and laid them down in their playpen where they napped. "Not sure, but it seems to be okay now...." Tony made his way to his chair and sat down sighing softly. "So what's on the agenda for today?" Rick asked. Tony shrugged. "Taking it easy while we can?" He laughed. He still had some healing to do after all. "Yeah, maybe you anyway." Rick responded and took a sip of his coffee. Tony was feeling about 75% better at least, that was a start anyway. He yawned and looked over at his wife. He didn't sleep so good worried about his babies the night before but now Lilly was home and they'd be sleeping beside each other that night which would make him feel better and he'd be able to sleep a little better knowing there was someone else there in the room with him other than the babies.
Lillian looked at Tony seeing he was tired. "Honey, why don't you grab a nap since Rick is here I can take Sammy with me to go shopping for food tonight. Your boss's wife wants to make a big trip of it. I don't think you want me to tell her to fuck off."
He nodded. "You're right babe...." Tony got up and went upstairs to bed crawling back under the covers he snuggled into his wife's pillow taking in her scent he was out like a light. Sammy finished his game and got dressed after gettng washed up. He saw his father was asleep in bed and went downstairs to sit with his mother. "Papa tired mommy?" He asked softly. He sat at her feet and rested his head against her legs. He'd help his mother with the groceries and shopping while Rick looked after the little ones while Tony slept.
After she got Rick to look after the little ones she had Sam walk with her. "Yes, Daddy is tired. He didn't sleep well last night." She told her son as they went to the store where they'd meet Tony's Boss's wife who had her little girl with her. Smiling as the women greeted each other as the little fox girl hid behind her mother's legs when she saw Sam.

"She's sweet..." Lillian said as the girl was a year younger than Sam with her reddish coat was shining as her short red hair was clean and soft looking. The little tia was shy as she stayed close to her mother.
Sammy looked at the fox girl and smiled. "Hi I'm Sam, but my parents call me Sammy..." He said happily waving at the fox girl. She was cute and Sammy felt butterflies in his tummy. He was experiencing his first crush. He looked up at his mother and then back at the woman and her daughter. "What's your name?" He asked curiously with a smile with his tail wagging playfully.
Jennifer looked at her daughter whose eyes sparkled like Lillian's. Tia looked at the gray wolf boy and hid her eyes. "Tia.." Her voice was so soft that it made Lillian go awe. The older women went through the store with the little ones trailing behind them. Jennifer had her fluffy tail wrapped around her daughter to keep track of the timid girl.
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