Mass Effect: Traynor and Williams (Javorcek X MellowYellow)

“A-ah!” Ashley cried out, removing her tongue from Samantha’s clenching pussy. “Fuck! Ohhhh fuck…you-dirty-little-cheater.” Ash gasped, her hips bucking into the covers as loud moans and whines erupted from her throat. She couldn’t help but feel like she should be doing something else, but she couldn’t quite remember what it was. All she could focus on was the amazing feeling that was tormenting her soaked pussy. The feeling of something vibrating so hard that it radiated throughout her entire pelvis and even tickled her puckered rear hole made the marine whimper and moan.

Nails raked down the edges of Sam’s smooth thighs as Ashley fought to remember what she was supposed to be doing. It was only when the Specialist yelped that she seemed to recall that she was supposed to be eating her girlfriend out.

“Fucking…damn you…and this toy…” Ashley groaned, a shiver running down her spine as she tried her best to ignore the egg. She grabbed Samantha firmly by the hips and moved her head forward. Her tongue began to furiously lash at the Specialist’s clit as Ash pulled out all the stops. She did everything and anything she could think of with her tongue to try to break Samantha first. The silken appendage flicking and fluttering her clit. Lashing at it from side to side, up and down; she even wrapped her velvety lips around the hardened nub so that she could suck on it lightly.
"All' love...and war..." Samantha whispered, sweat starting to drip off her dark skin and onto the bedspread below. "The brief respite gave Sam the time she needed to get back to her senses. She could come out on top here, give her something to gloat about later...But as ever, Ash seemed to recover all the quicker, quickly attacking her pussy again.

Her savage tongue-lashings sent waves of pure bliss radiating throughout her entire body as Ashley started to vigorously lick at her pussy. "D-don't worry Ash, you'll get used to soon enough. I know I did..." she said wistfully, a lewd grin creeping up onto her blushing face.

She was close now, that was clear from her heaving breath and the sheer volume of juice that Ashley's hungry mouth was drawing from her. But from her body language and the moisture of her own puss, Samantha could tell Ashley was close to her limit. She bit her lip and tried to hold out for as long as she could, only to suddenly howl as an orgasm ripped through her body, sending juices squirting from her womanly parts. She could only hope Ash was going through one at the same time!
Somehow this tutoring session in how to go down on a woman had escalated into an all out orgasm war. Unfortunately for the Specialist, once Ashley had her mind set on mission goals, there was no stopping her. She was beyond caring that this was her first time doing this, she wasn't nervous anymore, and she didn't really quite care about the state of her immortal soul. All she wanted to do was complete her new mission: get Traynor to cum before she did. So Ash did perhaps one of her most favorite things: she sucked roughly on the Specialist's clit and fluttered her tongue on the engorged bundle of nerves. That seem to do the trick and soon Traynor was yowling in pleasure.

"Oh-thank-God" Ashley panted out, relieved that her girlfriend had finally cum and she could relax and enjoy her pleasure. She lapped at Samantha's pussy hungrily as the other girl started to cum all over her chin and cheeks, despite her best efforts to get most of her sweet juices down her throat, Ashley was getting covered in the darker woman's arousal.

Ash groaned loudly, her brow furrowed in frustration. For whatever reason, she seemed to be unable to reach her climax from just the stimulation of the toy alone. Perhaps it was the lack of personal touch that came with a mechanical object. So, uncaring of how much of a needy slut she may or may not look like right now, the marine flipped over onto her back, resting her head onto Sam's glistening thigh. Well practiced fingers came down to her slit and just a couple of brushes of her throbbing clit nudged her over the edge.

"Ohhh! Oh fuck...oh-God-oh-God-oh-God!" Ashley cried out, her voice hitting octaves she wasn't sure they had ever hit before as pleasure wracked her body. She moaned and writhed, back arching, toes curling. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she screamed as her pussy convulsed around the merciless sex toy. Her hands flew to the bedsheets, fisting them so roughly that her knuckles turned white. "S-Sam! Mmmph...turn...turn it off...please...ohhh dear Lord...t-too much."
Traynor seemed lost in her own little world of post-orgasmic bliss, huffing for breath and trying to catch herself. She only faintly heard Ashley begging for her to turn the toy off, and she slowly reached over and turned it off entirely with a touch on the datapad. "That um...lesson complete..." she said meekly, her voice a tiny squeak after that intense release.

It took a few moments for the two of them to recover even slightly. Samantha cleaned her little egg off and packaged it away for tomorrow, if she needed it. With shaky legs she moved from her pile of clothes toward the bed, flopping onto it and landing beside Ashley. It was...well god she had the best orgasm of her life there.

The doe-eyed woman hugged herself tight to her toned lover, zoning in and out of sleep. "Ash're awesome..." she mumbled sleepily. God she needed this woman as her girlfriend...needed to do so much more with her...But that would be thoughts for a later date. She was soon passed out, snoring softly on Ashley's bosom.
Ash could finally relax now that the toy was off and out of her. Though part of her did miss the feeling of fullness, it was scary to think that the toy could get turned back on with just the push of a button. For now, her body rested limply against Samantha's and little jolts of pleasure made her jump every once in awhile. Once her girlfriend started to become mobile Ashley decided it was time for her to get ready for bed.

Unsure if she could even stand, Ash did her best to wipe her glistening face with the sheets at the end of the bed rather than get up and go to the bathroom. She'd have to clean the covers tomorrow and take another shower in the morning. But for now she crawled up to the head of the bed and curled up under the sheets, lifting them for Samantha when she was all finished taking care of her toy.

"'re awesome too Sam." Ashley wrapped her arms around the other girl and kissed the top of her head. "Thanks for tonight..." The brunette whispered before turning out the lights in her cabin. It usually took her a long time to fall asleep. So she just watched Samantha for a little while, a smile on her full lips as the smaller woman nuzzled into her bosom. This was nice...really nice. Ashley could definitely get used to having this post orgasm cuddle time. Or even just any sort of snuggling time every night.

With a quiet yawn her brown eyes finally drifted shut and she fell asleep.
Dating her CO was such a strange feeling, being so deeply attracted to someone so close you throughout the whole day, but unable to do anything about it so long as others were around to watch them. Frustrating was the term that described it best. Samantha just wanted to so much as peck Ashley on the cheek in passing, or even hug her...but that was inappropriate, and could cost them their jobs.

Oh sure they got to vent their pent up desire at the end of the work day, but after a few days spent dating it seemed that even this was ineffective. So that was when Samantha had devised a little code they could use to exchange private love notes and messages during work. It was all in code, and their names were never stated in the message. Maybe a vague reference to a problem in the lower deck, before they'd meet up in the lower deck for a quick make-out session.

It was the fortnight after they had officially started dating, and Shepard's court case was going to be starting soon. It'd be a stressful time for Ashley no doubt, the fact that her former best friend and CO was going to be paraded around by the Alliance. So she decided to distract her a bit. She asked for Ash to meet her in the cargo bay, making up such bullshit about a problem with bullet stocks. se sat on a crate, humming softly while waiting on her Lieutenant.
Ashley was a little less frustrated when it came to their covert relationship. The conservative Lieutenant didn't do much in the way of PDA; gay or straight, she just didn't kiss in public. But once they were alone or behind closed doors, it was like Ashley was a completely different person. All the blossoming feelings she had for Samantha poured out of her, turning the marine into a very passionate lover.

Shepard's court case was -really- stressing Ashley out. How could the Alliance not believe Shepard's warnings about the Reapers and the Collectors? Maybe because they hadn't -been- to Horizon. They didn't -know- how helpless humans were going to be to this enemy. And that had just been the Collectors! If the Reapers really were as bad as Shepard was saying, they were all going to be royally screwed.

After everything the Commander had done for humanity (and Ashley as well), it was infuriating to see her best friend's name dragged through the streets.

Anderson had moved up the completion date for the retrofit. They had been perfectly on schedule with the previous timeline, but this new one was next to impossible. Especially with the AI being as difficult as it was; the stupid thing did not take any modifications well. Ashley didn't understand why they couldn't just wipe the program from the drive core and install an Alliance issue one. But Joker insisted that it needed to stay, that Cerberus had designed an AI that made a much better co-pilot than anything the Alliance had now, short of actually putting a second human pilot into the cockpit.

Gah...and now Traynor had just sent her a message on her omnitool and was telling her that there was something wrong with the bullet stocks. Which she could have -sworn- she put a requisition order in last week for more thermal clips. Ashley rubbed the bridge of her nose to fend off the oncoming migraine as she double-timed it towards the elevator.

Down to the cargo bay she went, a little smile on her lips as she saw the Specialist. But there was still a frown plastered to her forehead. "Traynor, what's the matter with the ammunition stocks now?"
When Ashley finally arrived, it brought a little smile to Samantha's face. This was a very concealed part of the cargo bay, tucked away in a far corner with a few walls of crates hiding them from view. "To be honest ma'am, that was a lie. The new thermal clips have arrived, if anything we have an over abundance of the things. Enough ammo to start a few wars."

She sat up off the crate and dropped her voice to a low whisper "I wanted to talk to you in private but it was a matter that couldn't wait until tonight. I'm...Well I'm a little worried about you." Samantha said softly. She triple checked to make sure there was nobody close by, before placing her hands on Ashley's shoulders.

Samantha looked into her girlfriends eyes, a sad smile on her face. "I know that things are hard on you, with Commander Shepard's court can't be easy to see a friend go through that. I want you to know that if you ever need to confide in me, and it can't wait until night, just message me and we can talk here. Any time. I care about you Ash, and I'll do what I can to keep your spirits up during all this."
Ashley tensed up at the touch, brown eyes giving their own nervous glance about the Cargo Bay once Samantha's hand came to rest on her shoulders. Seeing and hearing no one about, the Lieutenant let out a tired sigh and relaxed her body a little bit. Her own hands moved to Samantha's hips and she gently tugged the woman closer, relishing in their shared body heat. All she wanted to do was go to bed right now and just wait for this whole thing to blow over.

"You are very, very sweet Sam." Ash smiled, a real smile, not one of the strained ones she had been giving everyone for the past couple of days. She leaned down low, resting her head on her girlfriend's shoulder and nuzzling her neck. "I appreciate that you're worried.'s okay. The whole situation is just...awful, you know? But there's nothing I can do about it so I don't even know why I bother worrying."

Ashley bit her lower lip, eyes closing for this next part. The Lieutenant had never developed such a strong relationship with someone during her entire time in the service. But Samantha was definitely sneaking her way into the Lieutenant's heart. "The first time no one listened to Shepard, Saran and Sovereign happened. I'm just scared about what will happen this time. And I'm especially scared for you. Cause you're...kind of not good when it comes to combat...and I don't know what I would do if I lost you."
Samantha purred like a kitten when Ash nuzzled against her. Whenever the lieutenant didn't have to put on an air of machismo, she made for a remarkably sweet lover. "I know that it's not a situation you can't change...but at the very least you can talk to me about it now. I mean, what good is a girlfriend if you can't confide in her?" she asked.

Ah, so that was the problem, she was worried. Yes it would be difficult to express fear or doubt of any kind on a ship like this, especially if you were a high-ranking officer. It'd make your subordinates doubt you and your abilities, hell it could cost you your position. It must've stung to keep such things bottled up...

"You're so sweet to worry about me." Samantha purred, pressing a soft kiss to Ashley's exposed lips "But you do't have to. I mightn't be a footsoldier, but I know well enough on how to avoid getting my head blown off." Her hand gently stroked the side of Ashley's face "And for the record, you might be a badass but you're not Wonder Woman. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you either...."
"You are such a nerd Traynor." Ashley couldn't help but giggle at the Wonder Woman reference. Of course her nerdy girlfriend would love vintage comics! Sam was such a dork...though it was sweet that Ash's badassness put her in a category that was close to a superhero; though not quite there. As things came to be more serious, Ash leaned forward and gave the dark-skinned woman a slow, tender and reassuring kiss. In the two weeks they had been together, Ash was starting to learn more about being gentle. She still would give Samantha heated kisses when she wanted to pin the other girl to the bulkhead and fuck her silly; but she now also could be much more gentle with her smaller girlfriend. "I've got you to come back to. Soldiers always try their best to come back to their girls." Ashley had always fought for the sake of her mother and sisters...but now she had someone extra to fight for too.

A sudden yawn made the marine duck her head down so that she could yawn into Samantha's shoulder. Even with Sam in her bed almost every night, she hadn't really been sleeping all that well and had been running off of coffee and stims. Ashley couldn't wait for her shift to be over. Just one more hour and then she could go get dinner and maybe relax for a little while with her girl.

"Mmmph..." She grunted softly as she rested her head down on Sam's shoulder, trying to find a more comfortable position. This would be so much easier if Sam were taller...then Ash could just rest her head down on the soft pillows of the other woman's breasts. "Are you almost done with all your work for the day?"

(OOC: Did you want to have the Reapers land? Or should we wait a bit?)
"Nerd? Well I'll have you know that nerds are you are no doubt aware." Samantha teased. She could always endure a little light ribbing at her dorky hobbies, because Ashley seemed to quite like that part of her. It was something that never came out too often when she was working, obviously, but she could be Ashley's sweet little nerd in the sack. Contrasted nicely against her soldier girlfriends tougher attitudes.

Samantha hugged herself tight to Ashley's womanly body, content to just feel her heat and her breath against her dark skin. "You seriously need to sleep more dear, it's not healthy to be running on fumes 24/7." she added. "Now I'm feeling more like your fussy mother than your girlfriend." she whispered, sticking her tongue out.

"Work? Oh I don't do that anymore, I just coast by since I'm dating a lieutenant now." Samantha said, keeping her expression serious and her voice deadpan. Then she abruptly grinned at her lover "Of course I'm still working. I'm nearly done for the day, I just had to help with some computer issues for the two in engineering. I think those two are into each other."

((Sure, if you want them to.But we'll have to go to the Citadel hospital afterwards, since Ashley gets taken out of commission."))
(Hmmm let's send them on a nice dinner date and then wreck their lives the next morning then.)

"I know, I know. I promise to sleep tonight." While she did appreciate her girlfriend's fussing, she didn't want her lover to worry about her. She chuckled as the Specialist realized she was sounding more like an overprotective mother than a sexy, nerdy girlfriend. And when that tongue came out, Ashley leaned forward, snapping her teeth playfully at Traynor's outstretched muscle, barely missing it as the Specialist hurriedly withdrew it back into her mouth. "One of these days, I'm going to catch that thing and then you'll be sorry."

Playfulness now aside, her brow furrowed at Samantha's next comment. Coasting by?! Unacceptable! She was just about to open up her mouth and resume the role of big scary Commanding Officer until Samantha's serious face broken into a grin.

"Oh you little brat!" The Lieutenant nudged Samantha gently. After hurting/knocking her over by accident the first couple of times she had pushed at her, Ashley was learning to hold back her strength a bit better when dealing with someone much smaller than her. "Well...I'm glad you're almost done. How about I take you out to dinner tonight in that case? I have a meeting with the Defense Committee tomorrow and don't know if I'll be around I'd like to spend at least a little more time with you today." Ashley wasn't sure if this meeting was going to be an entire day of paperwork and bureaucracy or if it would be something shorter. Either way, she still would have liked to spend more time with Samantha tonight.
Sam braced herself to be flung across the room, but much to her relief it seemed Ashley was learning her lesson about self-control. She was practically a body builder compared to the dorky tech specialist who had only narrowly scraped a pass in the physical exam. She knew Ashley had no ill will with the gesture, but...well once or twice in the past she had been thrown clean out of the bed by Ashley's strong arms.

The prospect of a dinner date soon made the shorter woman smile, and she slowly leaned in to nuzzle under Ashley's neck "I'd love that, a lot. And I think you could really do with a nice night after everything that's happening with the Commander." Samantha replied. batting her eyelashes "I'm a little lacking in fancy clothes, but I'll dress my best for the occasion."

She rather abruptly pulled Ashley down, her arms laced around her girlfriends while their lips locked together. She cocked her leg up, using Ashley's sturdy frame to support her minuscule weight. Then Samantha took a step back, winked at her lieutenant and trotted off. Her heart was thumping, her head abuzz with thoughts of the night ahead. The main question was: what the hell could she wear on a nice date?!
"As long as it's something nicer than jeans and a t-shirt, I'm sure it'll be fi-mmmph!" Brown eyes went wide as Samantha aggressively tugged her down. But soon enough, the Lieutenant melted into the kiss, her heart rate spiked and her arms snaked around her girlfriend so that she could rest her hands on that cute little rear that the Specialist had. When that naughty leg wrapped around her, the marine was ready to just pounce on her girlfriend and make love to her right behind these crates... But just as quickly as Traynor had turned up the heat, she pulled away and left poor Ashley cold. This left Ashley standing there, looking a little dumbstruck as Traynor sashayed away to go back to her post.

Evil...Traynor was nothing but sexy, sexy evil.

Ashley let out a held in breath and adjusted the centerline of her uniform, then ran her fingers through her long brown locks to push back a couple of strands that had fallen out of place. Looking as though she'd pass inspection once again, she puttered about the ship to get a status report from the various retrofit groups. They were still very behind in the brand new War Room, there were still wires running all over the floor; but the rest of the ship was looking pretty good.

When her shift ended, she made reservations for her and Traynor at one of the nicer restaurants in the city. She made sure to message her girlfriend with the name of the restaurant and time to meet her there before hurrying up to her quarters to shower and get changed. what to wear... Ashley looked over her outfits, biting her lower lip in thought. Well...Samantha was a lesbian because she liked -women- right? Ash tended to dress a little on the tomboy side. Maybe she should surprise her girlfriend with something a little more feminine tonight?

So with that new idea in mind, Ashley picked out a little black cocktail dress to wear on their date tonight. She even went so far as to put on a pair of heels; something that would put a little more of a feminine sway in her military step. After fidgeting a bit infront of the mirror due to her new bout with the squishy innocence of femininity, Ashley ended up strapping a Carnifex heavy pistol to her inner thigh. Hah! There...couldn't even see it! And she felt much less vulnerable and girly now.

"Ay mamí! Hot date tonight?" James let out a wolfish whistle as Ashley passed him on her way to the airlock.

"What was that, Vega? Is that an appropriate way to address your commanding officer?" Ashley cocked a brow, adjusting her posture to look as intimidating as possible. The extra three inches from the heels helped; now she was the exact same height as James.

"Nothing! Ma'am! You just look smoking hot tonight, Ma'am!"

"You're lucky I'm in a really good mood tonight Vega." Plus he was lucky she was in a dress and heels...this outfit wasn't particularly conducive to handing a large marine his ass for having a mouth. So Ashley just turned on her heel and left; taking the Rapid Transit over to the restaurant she was supposed to meet Samantha at.
"Damnit...If I knew I was going to be dating an attractive woman, I'd have picked some better clothes to stash in my trunk." Samantha said idly while scanning what little variety her wardrobe offered. It had to be something good, something suitable for a fancy date with a beautiful woman. Army fatigues were simply inappropriate for that sort of thing. Go figure.

In the end she picked out a sleeveless white dress, a black leather jacket, and some white open toed shoes that showed off her cute litte toes. The heels to them added about an inch to her height, but the short specialist would take any victory she could get. And now that she had finished her IT duties for the day, she could just slip out and meet her girlfriend.

Her walk was quick enough to reach a available rapid transit car, and from there she was able to give the coordinates Ashley had given her to the driver. She settled in or the ride, awkwardly fidgeting with her pearl coloured purse and the golden zipper on it during the ride, before it finally reached its destination.

Quite a shocking sight awaited her. Ashley was already gorgeous as a tomboy, but now dressed in a more feminine manner in that black cocktail dress...well if it wasn't against the law, Sam would be feeling her up right now. "Hey, no fair. Aren't you tall enough already?" Samantha teased once she approached her lover, her dark cheeks looking a little more flushed from the arousing sight.

(Quick question- Would you be up for a Femshep x Tali RP?)
Ashley felt -naked- in the black dress that had a rather deep v-neck that showed off her breasts. Plus the cloth hugged every curve that she had! least the cut was long enough that she didn't look slutty while wearing it. Though if one more jackass looked at her tits she was going to see if she could figure out a way to strap her pistol to her hip. Ugh...I'm never asking Sarah to help me buy a dress ever again. Although her younger sisters had grown up in the same Catholic and conservative household that Ashley had...the three other girls dressed a hell of a lot more risque than the Lieutenant was comfortable with.

The marine seemed to instantly relax the moment that she heard Traynor's voice. Her girlfriend looked absolutely breathtaking....and kind of like a badass. Ashley was really liking the leather jacket. The first thing the taller girl did was grab her girlfriend by the lapels of her coat and tug her close enough for a long, slow, liplock. Heh...yeah...the heels were kind of a bit much for their already very different heights. But it was hard to find nice shoes that had no heel!

As they pulled away to catch their breath, there was a bit of an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. Heh...she had kissed Traynor, in -public-. Well...they were in an area where there weren't many soldiers about and few people ever recognized Ashley when she was out of her uniform. "Well...I thought you'd like how the heels make me walk. I already catch you staring at my butt so I thought I'd give you an even better target to look at." It was true that the heels did seem to make her legs look even longer and her butt look even more when Ashley walked it made her hips sway back and forth teasingly. "You look really, really cute tonight by the way." The marine said as she took light hold of Samantha's hand and led the girl over towards the hostess. The woman seated them at a table towards the back so that they could have a little more privacy.

(Ah...not really into Tali. The logistics of suit sex elude me. Femshep x Liara x Mind sex? =D. My Miranda x Jack bondage play fizzled out so I was looking for something along the lines of that too if you'd be interested.)
The sudden and rather public kiss was shocking, amazing to feel, and the strength of the grip on her lapels had lifted her about an inch off the ground. The dorky specialist was catching her breath slowly and steadily, smiling like a schoolgirl who just got asked out by her crush. "W-wow, you just kissed me out in the open." she said dumbly, as if the reality of it was still catching up with her while her imagination ran wild.

When she finally remembered what she was doing, she managed a nervous chuckle and looked her lover in the eye. "Well...The heels do wonders got your walk, I will admit. I didn't even think you'd be the kind of woman to wear them, but you pull them off far better than I do. I wind up looking like a little girl playing dress-up when I wear heels." Samantha admitted with a nervous chuckle at her own expense. "And thank you. I didn't have a whole lot to work with, but...well the ensemble turned out nicely."

When they were ushered to the booth in the restaurant, Samantha took a seat across from her girlfriend and gently brushed her exposed toes against Ashley's smooth calf "This place is great. Vancouver has some fine restaurants...Have you eaten here before?"

(Aw, poor Tali. Still, Jack x Miranda could be lovely.)
Ashley couldn't help looking at Traynor as though she was trying to commit the most recent image of her girlfriend to memory. Samantha looked -very- different out of uniform and in a proper dress. It was a good kind of different though; and Ashley loved that she was still the dorky Specialist underneath that dress.

Ashley jumped a little bit as Samantha played with her leg under the table. Sometimes the marine felt like all the silly little flirty things she used to do with men were now being used against her. Which she supposed sort of made sense...if anyone was the 'guy' in the relationship, it would probably be her. As feminine as her genetics made her look, she really was a tomboy at heart.

"No, I actually really sort of like military rations so I don't eat out often." Ashley chuckled. It was true she usually did eat from the Mess Hall only. And if she ever went out, it was usually to bars or pubs. "But Cortez recommended the place. He said he took his husband here once. I didn't know he was gay." Cortez looked every bit like a man's man; Ashley never could have guessed in a million years that the fighter pilot was gay. But her fellow marine had indeed recommended a lovely restaurant. It was the sort of place with a wonderful ambience made up of gentle music, low lights and candles at every table. The menu appeared to be a bit on the pricy side, but Ashley didn't seem to mind. It was rare that she splurged on anything other than weapons or armor.

"Do you want to split a bottle of wine with me?" Ash rested her hand on the table, palm up and waiting for Samantha to come hold her hand.

(Angry biotic sex? PM me about it and maybe we can hammer something out ^^.)
"Well dear, you are rather poor at telling if someone is gay or not." Samantha said, giving her girlfriend the slightest smile to let her know she was merely teasing. "Though, I was a little surprised when I found out about Cortez too. Though when I saw him watching James' ass while he used the punching bag, so that certainly helped me connect the dots." the smaller woman remarked. "He's a very nice man, we chat whenever we get the chance."

"Wine? Sounds so divine." Samantha said, grinning and sliding her hand over Ashley's own. It was so nice to be a little more open in her affections, it made their whole romance feel a little more real, like there was more to them than just sex or passing flirting in the hallway. "I think that one there, the um...The red one, produced by the 'finest Salarian vineyards.'"

The menu was certainly expensive, and Samantha honestly felt a little bad about buying off it. Ash was paying after all...but if the lieutenant didn't mind, she couldn't complain. "Oooh...Shepard's Pie...Goodness I haven't had that in years, why I..." she put a hand to her lips and looked away awkwardly "Oh...s-sorry. I forgot that you were trying not to think about the um...and everything..." Ashley was, after all, going to be passing by Shepard tomorrow in her holding building. It'd be rough...
The next time that their server came by, Ashley ordered them the bottle of wine and said they'd need a little more time with the menu. It only took her a little perusing to find the beef section. She herself was excited to get a steak; something about how the cattle were raised on Earth made them so much more delicious than the ones raised on colony worlds.

Ashley's smile faltered a bit at the mention of Shepard...even if that mention was accidental and in pie form. The Lieutenant was reminded that the Commander had been grounded, her rank had been stripped, and was being punished for doing the right thing. Would Ashley herself be doing well if everything she had worked so hard for was taken away? Probably not... Shepard was a career woman like she most marines were. Being a marine was more than a job, it was a lifestyle and way of thinking; it never went away once the uniform came off. Even now Ashley was sitting there with impeccable posture as though she could be asked to submit to a spot check at any moment.

"'s alright. Don't worry about it." Ashley offered Samantha a reassuring smile and squeezed her hand gently. "Thinking about it actually doesn't bother me so long as you're around anyways. You make the hard stuff much more manageable Sam."
"Yes well um...It was still a little careless of me." Samantha replied, before placing the order to the server. As awkward as things got just there, she still loved the taste of that pie,, and it reminded her of her own heritage quite well. It had been far too long since she had any sort of English food, usually just relying on whatever things the chef could ration off. And she was certain that that food was not human in any way.

When another server brought their wine and poured out two glasses for both of them, Samantha thanked them graciously and slowly began sipping the fine red. She quite liked the taste, even though she was hardly a fan of wine at all. It did help raise her confidence at the least, so maybe she wouldn't make any stupid fumbles in the conversation.

They made small talk while waiting on their food to arrive, but a classy place like this didn't take too long to prepare and cook its food to perfection. Samantha was very careful when she began eating her Shepard's Pie, making sure she didn't make any sort of mess by accident. "So um...How was your day? I understand you had quite a to-do list." she remarked idly.
Ashley wasn't a fan of wine herself; but it helped her sort of get into the character of a woman on a fancy dinner date rather than a marine having a meal in the Mess Hall. Sipping the wine would remind her to take things actually chew her food and savor it rather than wolf it down as though it was going to be taken away from her.

So when her meal came out, she actually managed to chew her steak like a civilian. Mmm...medium steak rare; absolutely perfect. Cortez was right, this place was fantastic! The server came by once more, asked how everything was, then refilled their glasses. Ashley was feeling pretty good and much more relaxed after the first one. Though even without the wine, she would have felt relaxed being around Samantha and away from work.

"Yes there was a lot to get done...Anderson wants the ship ready to go by the end of the week." Ashley sighed. There was a lot left to do; but at least all the essential systems were taken care of. "Just helped the Engineers move some of the equipment they don't need anymore out of there. All we need is to get the War Room fully up and running and we'll be all set. Are you almost all finished in the CIC?"
"Near enough, I'm sure. I've had to go through the Normandy's systems with a fine tooth comb, trying to find any lingering trace of Cerberus' original programming. I think by now we've gotten rid of it all, but with Cerberus you can never be too sure...But the Alliance wants us to triple check everything just so they can't hack into our systems." Samantha explained, before taking a long sip of her red wine. Each sip was tastier than the last.

"Sorry, I must be boring you with the tech stuff." Samantha said with a nervous laugh, tucking a few stray hairs behind her ear. "I'll just say that EDI is the only thing from Cerberus we've left in tact. Joker insisted, saying that she was fully trustworthy....I suppose I can take his word for it, he's been working with her after all." she added.

She ate slowly and carefully, going through her meal until she had cleaned off her plate, leaving her feeling fully satisfied. Hey, if it was going to be a costly meal she might as well eat the whole thing, and the taste did prove to be most spectacular. "Are you sure you don't want me to put any credits toward the bill? I feel kind of bad if you're paying for the whole thing."
"I don't understand why we don't just wipe the program. The old Normandy ran just fine without an AI." Personally, AI creeped the hell out of Ashley. With so many various scenarios programmed into them, they almost seemed so real and life like. Lord knows that she had her butt handed to her several times on simulators when she put the AI on the hardest setting. AI programs could be considered 'smart' or 'intuitive' yes...but trustworthy? What an odd adjective to use for a jumble of coding. Silly tech types...anthropomorphizing their computers.

"Oh and you don't bore me with the tech stuff actually." Ashley smiled, as she took another sip of her wine before continuing. "I think how smart you are is kind of sexy. Well...-really- sexy." She truly did like Samantha, a lot. The Specialist complimented her so nicely and despite their differences, Ashley found herself very attracted to the darker woman and glad to be in her company.

"Nope! I don't want you spending a single credit on tonight. I asked you out on the date, so it's my treat." The Lieutenant smiled and pat her girlfriend's hand lightly. "Really Sam, it's no big deal, don't feel bad. Just smile and if you really want to pay me back, think of something fun we can do when we get back to my quarters." She never really spent her money on much of anything anyways. The Alliance paid for the majority of her clothes, her quarters, weapons (though if she wanted anything that wasn't standard issue she had to foot the bill herself), so the woman didn't really have all that many expenses.

When the waitress came by to see if they were finished and asked if they wanted dessert, Ashley shook her head. She was absolutely stuffed after eating that giant piece of steak! But it had been so good that she -had- to finish it. "You can get something if you want Sam; otherwise we'll just take the check?"
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