Mass Effect: Traynor and Williams (Javorcek X MellowYellow)

"Hah well, you're lucky I really like nerdy little Specialists and not other big linebackers." Ashley was amazed how much she really did love Samantha's body sometimes. Maybe it was because the other woman was the first girl she'd ever dated, so Ash spent -a lot- of her attention trying to memorize every bit of Sam's body just because it was so new and different for her. Once her lover crawled under the covers with her, Ash immediately fell into position of big spoon so that she could wrap her strong arms around her much smaller girlfriend. "Goodnight, Sam. I love you" Ashley murmured, already fighting a losing match against sleep. She liked to stay awake and wait for Samantha to fall asleep first before she let herself get taken away into her own slumber. She just...liked to protect her she supposed.


PT the next day didn't turn out to be the usual run around the ship and sparring in the Hangar Bay. Instead, Shepard was bringing them to the Armax Arsenal Arena, located on the Citadel. The Commander was eager to annihilate Aria T'Loak's high score on the holographic immersion simulator. And once that that little chore was taken care of, she turned her attention on setting a score that was so high with Liara by her side, that it was -impossible- to beat.

Pfffft...impossible! Yeah right! Of course Ashley and James weren't going to take that lying down!!

Though...after getting their asses kicked a couple of rounds, maybe they should have just laid down and taken Shepard's gloating.

"Come on mami! We could have had that one." James said after their 6th bout. Their score had dropped because Ashley had taken a virtual headshot and her shields had been depleted during the last round.

"James, how many times do I have to tell you: call me mami and I'll jam my boot so far up your ass that you're going to taste palladium. And that was -my- fault?! You were supposed to have my six!" Ashley growled. God, this was turning out to be impossible! Her and James were excellent soldiers, but the problem was they were both so alike that they had 0 versatility on the battleground!
Samantha had spent a good deal of her time on the citadel dealing with personal and professional matters. She did have a shopping list to check off to get supplies for the different departments of the Normandy and there were other things she needed to buy for herself. A little more in the realm of casual clothing for when on shore leave, and something else that she could try out on Ashley at a later date. Fun fun fun...

She heard from Cortez about the Armax Arsenal Arena, about the extensive campaign Shepard and Liara had waged and how they had apparently gotten an unbeatable score. Well she knew Ashley well enough to know she was going to try and top that, so after rounding off her shopping duties for the day she had headed to the arena to spectate.

Samantha was no soldier, but she was well read on tactics and as a result she was able to tell why her girlfriend and Vega had failed so far. No flexibility, no new ideas between them. They only knew the same tricks each and that was their downfall. Samantha had snuck around to the duo and loudly tutted as she approached "You're not getting anywhere because you aren't as versatile as Shepard and Liara," she explained "You don't have a wide repertoire."
"Oh, hey Bambi." James called over when he saw Samantha approaching them. HAH, Ashley was dating a nerd. At least she was a cute nerd. Too scrawny and harmless for him though...he preferred a good woman that could kick his ass and then follow that by a round of make-up sex. Like the Lieutenant or the Commander, strong ladies that he wouldn't mind getting a spanking from for being out of line. Damnit...maybe he just -really- liked lesbians.

Ashley smiled, perking up a bit now that Samantha was here. She really did want to give her girlfriend a kiss because she hadn't seen her all day. But, well, James was standing -right there- and PDA would probably make Ashley's conservative nature explode. "Well...we're all out of soldiers. Skipper's got the one biotic all to herself. Tali would be good because of her tech abilities, but she's having lunch with Garrus because he's bummed that his sniping skills aren't useful on such a small map. And the rest of the crew is either on the Normandy relaxing or at the bar getting drunk."

The marine sighed. If this were a -real- battle, her and James would be perfect on such a small map. But, running around and punching enemies in the face left you open and vulnerable. And even though Ashley didn't mind letting her shields go down on the field, in this simulator it cost you a lot of points to get hit. "So what do you suggest we do besides surrender before Skipper comes over here to tease us?"
Samantha listened, a small smile starting to dance along her pretty face "Yes, a very bad situation for you two..." she mused, playfully smiling at the duo before turning her eyes to the arena again "Those might be VI's out there but they're highly adaptive, it doesn't take them long to figure out your tactics. Give them five minutes and they'll develop 12 different flanking routes to get to you. You would need to be just as adaptive."

"You know, back during training I worked with simulations just like these ones. Actually managed to score the second highest grade in my group. Turns out I can do simulated combat much better than the actual stuff," she explained. The dark-skinned specialist flicked some hair behind her ear and then managed to smile at Ashley "Turns out they don't like to be hit with overload and drone attacks."
Ashley's eyebrows rose in surprise. She knew that Sam had to have passed basic training at least even though she was a tech nerd. But she hadn't expected her to have done so well on a simulator. Though...she supposed it made sense. The ability to fight was very much so impacted by your nerves. And there was nothing more nerve-wracking than the threat of death. At least with these simulators, the worst they did was give you a little neural shock for 'dying' during the game.

"Well...I'll leave you two lovely chicas to go at it then. Keep the prize money, I got a bet going with Joker that'll make us square. Otherwise, I'll take a drink or two from you later mami." James said with a wink. If they could tie Shepard's score, it was 5k credits. But if they could -beat- the score well, that would be a wonderful 10k to split. Thankfully he had a bet going with Joker that Ashley could at least tie the Commander in a sort of weird, sexy, battle of the Spectres. If only they could convince the two women to mud wrestle with their girlfriends cheering them on in wet t-shirts to settle the whole thing...

"Shut it Vega." Ashley growled, but even her friend's little jabs weren't going to upset her now that she had a chance to beat Shepard. "Alright Sam, let's go then. You wanna go see if Liara will lend you her armor? You look like you're about her size...well...except in the er...chest area." There were guns that shot virtual rounds downstairs by the arena entrance. Ashley would have preferred to use her trusty M7 Lancer assault rifle that was modded to pack a serious punch....but she was stuck using the weapons that shot fake rounds. At least she got to wear her own armor so that she could feel comfortable while running around and cracking skulls.
"Liara's armour? Aha... yeah... I think the chest area would just be empty storage space on my end. Don't worry, I have something in mind sweetheart," the shorter woman explained, winking and placing her hands behind her back "Just wait here for a few minutes. You still have about... 15 minutes before the next round starts." She kissed Ashley's lips in a fleeting gesture before heading on her way back toward the rapid transit.

Thirteen minutes later, and then another cab returned. From the back of the arena there came the sounds of footsteps slow and steady. A female in armour, fashioned from recovered pieces of gear from Cerberus Phantoms and Nemeses. The interlocking plates had been painted into Alliance colours with the same symbol painted in white on the right breast.

As the figure in the armour approached, she paused at Ashley's side and seemed to look her up and down. Then a gloved finger pressed into the temple of the three-eyed helmet, causing the visor to slide back and reveal Samantha's pretty face "Heh. This was a little side-project that Tali and myself have been working on in our free time. It's very sturdy, I assure you."

"Uhhh yeah...sure." Ashley looked a little skeptical. As far as she knew, Samantha didn't have any gear of her own. Of course they kept extra armor and weapons in the Armory, but the marine didn't think any of that stuff would fit her much smaller girlfriend. But, whatever, maybe Samantha would surprise her and fill out one of the standard issue armor sets better than she thought. Ash turned bright pink from the little kiss to her lips in public, shyly looking down at the floor in her embarrassment. Of course that little show of affection got her a good ribbing from James. And all that good ribbing got James a nice fat lip.

"Nice project..." Ashley blinked in surprise as she looked Samantha up and down when the smaller girl revealed herself. There was definitely something sexy about seeing her outwardly nerdy girlfriend in something a little more badass. All Samantha would need is a couple more inches in height, a lil more muscle, and a couple of tattoos and Ash would be totally at her mercy. "Well ah...let's erm...get started then." Ashley blushed a little bit when she realized that she was staring at Samantha and quickly turned around, pretending to be very interested in the gun selection on the wall. She ended up picking her usual M7 Lancer and waited Sam to choose her weapon and get ready, the round was going to start soon.

"We're doing the Cerberus round...see if you can keep the Engineers from setting up turrets." The Guardians were going to be rough without a biotic, but the Engineers could easily become way worse than some silly holos holding shields. Once the buzzer went off to signal the beginning of the round, the arena doors opened into a room that was full of fake terrain. Ashley immediately opened fire and headed off towards cover. She -hated- the HUD that the arena provided. It was confusing and overstimulating as all hell, like being in a video game.
"What? Can't shoot through that little letterbox they have on their shields?" Samantha replied as she made her choice of weapon, proceeding to follow after her lover. Well this was... a little intimidating. She didn't quite know how to describe it, but compared to the simulator back at the Academy this seemed more akin to an actual battlefield. Oh well, she made this choice, she'd live with it.

Samantha made a quick dash for cover, promptly bringing up her omni-tool and forming her spherical blue combat drone for an extra gunhand in the battle. For the most part, Samantha proved herself to be telling the truth on simulations. She was fine with the fake gore of blowing a fake assault troopers head off, and whenever she tore through a Centurions shield with overload she showed no real reaction to her girlfriend finishing them off with a swift headshot.

"The Centurions really love their smoke grenades," Samantha mused as she vaulted over one crop of rock and landed in a decently elegant combat roll. Her short frame tumbled and then landed in a crouched position behind one v-shaped wall of earth. She laid down some suppressing blind fire, just working to keep a small cadre of assault troopers pinned so Ash could flank them.
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