Mass Effect: Traynor and Williams (Javorcek X MellowYellow)

Ashley barely managed to get up out of her bed when her alarm began going off two hours earlier than it usually did. Uggghhh…why was it so early? Oh yeah, she had to go to that defense committee meeting. The marine blindly swatted at her nightstand before her fingers brushed against her omnitool and turned the annoying noise off. She felt Samantha stir a little bit in her arms.

“Shhh go back to sleep…I have to get ready now but it’s very early still.” The marine gave her girl a little hug and a kiss to the top of the head before crawling out of bed. As quietly as she could, she showered, got dressed and gave a half asleep Samantha a kiss goodbye before heading out of her cabin and off the ship.


After her meeting got out with the Defense Committee (that had gone on forever and was absolutely horrible for a marine who didn’t like to sit still in a stuffy room) she passed Shepard in the hallway on her way back to the Normandy. And of course, wherever there was Commander Jane Shepard, chaos and destruction followed. No more than half an hour after chatting with her old friend, the Reapers had entered the Sol System. Five minutes after that, they had made it to Earth itself and were starting to land in the megatropolises; wreaking havoc in the most populated cities. One of the half organic, half machines landed right by Alliance Headquarters, turning what was supposed to be just another quiet day working on the retrofit of the Normandy into an evacuation mission for the Lieutenant.

Ashley managed to coordinate the extraction of Commander Shepard with Admiral Anderson, safely getting the hero off of Earth while Anderson stayed behind to coordinate the resistance effort. Their whirlwind escape out of the Sol System didn’t stop there, they had to make a quick rendezvous on Mars for some crazy Prothean discovery Dr. Liara T’soni had made.

After fighting wave after wave of the Illusive Man’s minions, her, Shepard, and James made it to Liara. As much as Ashley didn’t particularly trust or care for aliens, Liara was an exception. The shy archaeologist was so sweet that it was hard not to like her. Plus Shepard was in love with the Asari maiden, so of course Ashley felt bound to protect her best friend’s love interest. Maybe -that- was what made her pull Liara aside when the mechanized infiltrator unit took aim at the Asari. Or maybe it was because a good marine always defends people that they consider innocent civilians. Or maybe it was because Ashley always felt invincible in her heavy armor that was rated to take most small munitions without taking any damage.

But as it was, Ashley seemed to had bitten off more than she could chew as she fired round after round into the mech. Before the marine knew it, she had to pause to pop her heat sink and the machine didn’t have a scratch on it! It picked her up while she was reloading, grabbing her by her flateplate and hoisting her into the air as though she were nothing. Shit... Ashley had never really been afraid of dying, it came with the job. But right now, she was -terrified- of meeting up with her dad in heaven.

...Well...if she was even -allowed- into heaven anymore after committing the harsh sin of sleeping with a woman.

Samantha is going to be sooooo mad at me after this… As it turned out, she was more worried about her lover than her religion. And all she could remember was her girlfriend saying she needed to be more careful during their heart to heart yesterday. That she wasn’t Wonder Woman. That she wouldn't know what she'd do if she lost her. Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Her HUD flashed red as the mech smashed her into a nearby wall, leaving Ashley dizzy and her shields depleted.

As heavy as her armor was, it wasn’t rated for this kind of combat. Rocket launcher to the chest, find. Round after round fired anywhere the suit covered, okay. But a super advanced mech with insane amounts of power?! This thing was even stronger than a Krogan! The Alliance hadn't really created equipment for such outlandish scenarios. CRACK! The mech bashed her head into the wall once more, causing the marine's helmet to fracture. Ashley could -almost- hear her suit beginning to leak oxygen before darkness over took her.


After Shepard had incapacitated the infiltrator unit, Ashley was rushed to the Normandy where Liara did her best to stabilize her. The ship was without a proper doctor; so the Commander plotted a course to the Citadel and Huerta Memorial. Ashley had sustained a concussion so bad that there was now bleeding in her brain; plus the couple of minutes she had spent without oxygen on Mars didn’t exactly help the cause. The marine was sent to the ICU where there wasn't much the doctors could do for her; some things the body just needed to deal with itself. For the entire time she was out of it, she wasn’t allowed any visitors; well, Commander Shepard had managed to use her charm/intimidation to wheedle her way inside to check on her, but other than that, the marine was all alone in her coma.
"C-commander." Samantha stammered out, almost bumping into the famous redhead when she left the Citadel elevator to the hospital ward. "I...I was just um..." she fumbled awkwardly with the box in her hands, trying not to drop it in her fear. "Lieutenant Williams needed some supplies brought to her room..." She had been in the hospital for a few weeks now, and with that consciousness came a need for clothing for when she was ready to go.

Commander Shepard gave her Yeoman a knowing smile, her emerald eyes watching Samantha closely. From what little she had gleamed from the barely conscious Ashley Williams in the few meetings, she knew there was somebody new in the lieutenants life...a woman, to her surprise. And seeing Samantha mope about for the last few weeks, it hadn't been hard to connect the dots.

"It's fine, Traynor." she said calmly, managing a warm smile at the dark-skinned specialist. "Who would I be to judge you if you were in a relationship with a certain Alliance marine? I'd be quite a hypocrite, as Dr. T'soni could tell you. Go on in there, you have 5 hours before we have to head off." and with that, she headed off into the elevator. She wanted to catch up with Thane while he still had the time to speak.

Samantha nodded stiffly and headed to the bedroom, past the doctors and patients that jammed Huerta Memorial. The place was filled to capacity now, with all the casualties from the Reaper Invasion. She opened up the door to Ashley's room, silently stepping n before placing the trunk down at the foot of her hospital bed. Seeing her in such wretched shape, almost made her want to burst into tears.

But she'd be strong...she had to. She ignored the stinging in the corners of her eyes and sat down at Ashley's bedside "Hey...long time no see..."
Ashley Williams -hated- the hospital. There were doctors poking and prodding at her, needles in her arms, and all she wanted to do was shower but kept getting stuck with sponge baths. And the worst part was, no one would let her get up out of bed if she had to pee. The entire hospital experience was incredibly humiliating and made her feel completely and utterly useless. There was a war going on, and she was stuck on bed rest!! The knowledge that there were many other people in worse states than she was waiting outside, without their own private hospital room, just served to make the marine feel awful.

At least Skipper had come by...that was nice. It was good to chat with her old friend. Jane always did know how to light a fire under Ashley's ass and make her stop wallowing in self pity. But as much as she had enjoyed Shepard stopping by, there was one woman that she was really dying to see.

" Oh...don't look at me like that Samantha, please." Ashley pleaded, her brow furrowing in concern when she noticed how glassy the Specialist's eyes were getting. "I'm okay, really, it was just a scratch." Well...there weren't any -real- scratches, just a lot of bruising actually. But it didn't look all that bad! At least...she didn't think it looked that bad, Ashley hadn't really looked at herself in a mirror yet and didn't know that her face was basically one big bruise.

The marine moved over a bit on the bed, trying her best to create a spot big enough so that Samantha could lay down next to her. Damn hospital beds, they were so horribly narrow. Even the bunks on the Normandy were bigger than this. "Come lay with me? Can you stay long? I've missed you..." Ashley had only been conscious for a couple of days (well...couple of hours, really) out of the two weeks she had spent unconscious; but that was more than enough time for the marine start missing having a nice, warm, slightly squishy body next to her at night.
"I'm trying not too...just stinks seeing you laid out like that." Samantha replied, letting out a small sigh. Violence in general wasn't something she was that used to, and she certainly never saw it inflicted on a woman she loved...It did indeed stink, and he could only imagine the kind of pain she was in. And the feeling of helplessness she felt herself really wasn't helping matters. She wished she could've done something to protect Ashley, because she knew if things had been reversed Ashley would have torn that robot limb from limb to save Samantha's life.

She looked at the narrow space Ashley offered her, and while it wouldn't be the most comfortable arrangement it would at the very least let her snuggle her girlfriend. God she'd missed that. "The commander told me we'd have five hours before we ship off again, the situation is pretty hectic." she explained, lazing down on the bed and draping an arm over Ashley's stomach.

"And I've missed you too. The ship feels so empty without you there, and I couldn't even relay any e-mails to you here..." she murmured, nestling her face into Ashleys shoulder to keep her eyes dry. "But um...I...there's a tablet in the trunk, we should be able to talk now. With that." the doe-eyed specialist said, forcing herself to smile in this wretched situation. "I love you Ash...I really do,no matter what happens to either of us."
“I wish I could keep you for longer…but I’m glad I get you to myself for at least a couple of hours.” Ashley murmured softly as she nuzzled affectionately at Samantha’s temple. The Specialist so offhandedly saying that the situation was ‘pretty hectic’ made the marine tense up, as though she were going to try to get up out of bed and rejoin the fray. But she felt a new round of painkillers slowly make it’s way through her bloodstream and she just about melted into Samantha’s warm body.

“That’s very thoughtful of you, Sam. It gets so lonely in here…I don’t like it.” As nice and as posh as having her own room was, Ashley wasn’t used to being in a room alone when she went to sleep. She’d always slept in crowded bunks; and had even shared a room with her sisters when they were kids. So being all by herself at night was a little unnerving for the big, tough marine. Almost as unnerving as when Samantha said ‘I love you’ for the first time.

Ashley paused for a moment in thought, not immediately saying the words back as she chewed on her lower lip in nervousness. She could feel her heart swell with joy at her girlfriend’s declaration…but wasn’t particularly good for expressing her feelings herself. And while she did love Samantha, the words ‘I love you’ refused to break past her lips. So, with a soft but strong voice that was coated with every bit of love that her heart felt for her smaller lover, she recited a verse from Whitman’s Leaves of Grass.

When I heard at the close of the day how my name had been received with plaudits in the capitol, still it was not a happy night for me that followd;
And else, when I carousd, or when my plans were accomplished, still I was not happy;
But the day when I rose at dawn from the bed of perfect health, refreshed, singing, inhaling the ripe breath of autumn,
When I saw the full moon in the west grow pale and disappear in the morning light,
When I wandered alone over the beach, and undressing, bathed, laughing with the cool waters, and saw the sun rise,
And when I thought how my dear friend, my lover, was on her way coming, O then I was happy;
O then each breath tasted sweeter—and all that day my food nourished me more—and the beautiful day passed well,
And the next came with equal joy—and with the next, at evening, came my friend;
And that night, while all was still, I heard the waters roll slowly continually up the shores,
I heard the hissing rustle of the liquid and sands, as directed to me, whispering, to congratulate me,
For the one I love most lay sleeping by me under the same cover in the cool night,
In the stillness, in the autumn moonbeams, her face was inclined toward me,
And her arm lay lightly around my breast—and that night I was happy.

A little blush had managed to stain her bruised cheeks by the time she had finished her recitation. And to help hide her embarrassment for having given a rather over the top declaration of love to her girlfriend, she leaned down, capturing Samantha’s lips in a tender, languid kiss.
Samantha honestly had no idea what to expect when she had made the confession, it was just something that fell past her lips. She needed to say it, just in case something happened to the Normandy and she'd never get a chance to say it to her. She had expected silence, or a rather awkward or stiff attempt to say the words back to her...

...but...poetry? Honest to god poetry?

It was so beautiful, so well recited and memorized, and it seemed to mean far more to Samantha than three words. Her heart swelled, and she watched her girlfriend with a stunned silence once she had finished. She loved her back...she knew that much to be true. "Oh my..." she said softly, before Ashley caught her lips again, that familiar sensation being one she had missed so dearly.

Tears trickled down her cheeks as they held the lip-lock, before Samantha pulled away to catch her breath. "I missed you so much..." she whispered, her voice cracking. "I was terrified...I...I thought something might...I thought you might have..." she was trembling stll, burying her face into Ashley's shoulder "I couldn't...don't know w-what I'd do if I, i-if I lost you Ash..."
A Williams was tough. A Williams didn't cry. But right now, listening to Samantha's trembling voice as she told Ashley all of her fears, this Williams girl wanted to do nothing more but cry. Seeing her lover in such a state just about broke her heart...and what made her feel worse was that Ashley knew that she was the cause of her girlfriend's sadness. Shepard had told her she had been unconscious for two weeks; what had felt like only a small passage of time for her must have felt excrutiatingly long and lonely for Samantha.

"'s okay Sam. Don't cry sweetheart, please." The marine brought her hand up so that she could run her fingers through the silky locks of Samantha's raven colored hair. She began to lightly pet and stroke her lover's head as she pressed her tears into Ashley's shoulder in an attempt to make her feel better. "I'm right here...and I'll always come back to you, no matter what, okay? Hey, look at me." Ash gave her girlfriend a light nudge and gently forced her head upwards so that they could look eye to eye.

", know what I thought of when that mech was holding me in the air? I thought of -you-...and how you'd probably yell at me for doing something stupid like getting hurt. And I thought of how much you'd miss me if something bad happened... And I got really scared, because I didn't want to die, I just wanted to be with you so we could be happy together.'re the reason I'm still alive. I just wanted to come home to you...and as long as we're together, I'm always going to come home to your arms." Ashley's heart was pounding so rapidly that she had to force herself to calm down, for fear that her spiking vitals would cause the doctors to rush in and interrupt their little moment. Emotions were very, very hard for the marine...but she hoped that letting Sam know how much she meant to the Lieutenant would help give her some peace of mind. Ashley would never just give up and die, not when she had to get back to her Samantha.
Samantha managed to smile, the flow from her eyes gradually dying down "You're sweet..." she said softly. She could really whip out a speech when she needed to, that was for sure, and she knew just what to say to make Samantha happy. The specialist took a deep breath and reached for the nightstand, taking up a tissue which she promptly used to clean her face fully.

"You better be telling the truth though. Because if something happens and you don't come back, you better believe I'll be yelling the next time we meet." Sam added, a poor attempt at a joke to lighten the dismal mood of the hospital. No matter where it was, there was no such thing as a 'happy' hospital. Especially not in wartime.

"Part of me just feels...helpless, you know? I suppose alot of people feel that way with things like the Reapers prowling around the galaxy, but...I don't know, I wish I could've been there to help against that robot. I know you'd do anything to save my life if I had been in a similar situation." she added with a small sigh, leaning into her girlfriends warmth. "Any idea how much longer you'll be here?"
"I suppose I'm lucky that you're an atheist then, that way I don't have to endure your yelling in the afterlife." Ashley teased gently. She knew that she was in the small minority of humans that still practiced Catholicism, and she never forced her religion down anyone's throat. Of course her and Samantha had had their debates about atheism vs. organized religion, but those usually ended up with both women agreeing to disagree.

"Well I'm very glad you -weren't- there to help against that mech...I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt." Samantha could probably only handle carrying the weight of light or medium armor...not the heavy stuff that Ashley could bear. As good as her girlfriend was with a pistol, the marine would rather her lover be safe aboard the Normandy rather than out in the field. But with the Reapers everywhere...even the Normandy wasn't safe anymore. Shepard had told her about close calls with the Reapers, having almost gotten caught several times by them as she searched for war was scary to think that even in the vastness of space, no one was safe.

"One more week, well, as long as I don't go stir crazy and try to bust out of here first. ...So you better give me lots of loving right now. I don't have my new assignment yet, but I'm sure it will be under Skipper and on the Normandy." Ashley just about purred as Samantha pressed closer into her. Oh how she'd missed this... She couldn't wait to get back to active duty and feel like her old self again! Plus, she'd be able to finally see Sam on a regular basis even though they'd both probably have a lot of work to do.
"Hmph, you won't escape me that easily. I'd convert if it meant bothering you after you died." Samantha said with a wry smile on her pretty, tear-streaked face. She was actually rather accepting of her girlfriends faith, it wasn't as if she was particularly obnoxious or down-your-throat about it. And besides a lesbian catholic was something Samantha found rather hilarious. She doubted her girlfriend's parents would find it so funny...

Samantha curled into her girlfriends embrace, and let her lips gently graze along the exposed flesh of her glorious neck. God she loved this woman, even if she was shockingly reckless. Still, Ash was a hero to her, a woman that everyone in the Alliance could aspire to be more like. Well, except for the whole 'get beaten to near death by an angry PMSing mech' thing.

Thank goodness that bitch robot had left this glorious neck mostly unharmed, gave Samantha the ability to lick and kiss her girlfriends soft neck. "God this has been a stressful fucking day..." she whispered, zoning in and out of sleep. "I can't wait to have you back on the ship though. The thing I miss most is simply falling asleep next to you, feeling your great body against me..."
"Mmm...don't do know what it does to me..." Ashley's voice had a growing huskiness to it as Samantha kissed and licked at her sensitive throat. All the pleasant tingling sensations that the affections caused had the marine squirming just the slightest bit. Even though her mind hadn't been awake long enough to miss Samantha, her body definitely had. Touches that she had grown a little more used to now felt new and exciting, a thrill of anticipation running upwards through the soldier's spine.

However, fooling around in the hospital bed probably would not be a good idea. Hooked up to several monitors, Ashley didn't want doctors rushing in here thinking she was having a heartattack when she was actually just having an orgasm. Thankfully Samantha sounded tired and that crisis would be averted.

"How about you stop trying to turn me on, and close your eyes." The marine teased and gave the top of Samantha's head a light kiss. She nuzzled the silken strands, inhaling the scent of her girlfriend's military issue shampoo. "We have plenty of time to take a nap...then maybe, if you're good, I can give you a little 'stress relief'"
"Party pooper..." Samantha replied, managing to smile dreamily at her girlfriend. She missed this, missed laying alongside the woman she loved. She let out a sleepy yawn and cuddled into Ashley's hot body. This wasn't really 'ethical' by hospital standards but so long as they weren't fucking out in the open they really had no right to complain.

"I'll have to go in a few hours time...But I wanna savour the intimacy while we can." Samantha whispered. The dark-skinned specialist knew they'd have more time together, after all Ashley was in stable condition and on the road to recovery. But it had been quite bleak for a moment there. Finally she fell into a gentle slumber, her soft breath hitting the pale skin of Ashley's neck.
"We'll be up with plenty of time to spare, I promise. Just sleep." Ashley whispered softly and kissed Samantha's forehead. She set her internal clock to go off in 45 minutes, the perfect amount of time for a power nap. With Samantha finally asleep in her strong arms, Ashley allowed herself to catch a bit of sleep herself.

Sure enough, 45 minutes later, Ashley stirred quietly from her slumber. Brown eyes opened just to see Samantha's peaceful face right by her own. She was so beautiful when she slept. Well, adorable actually, the way her lips curled into a silly smile sometimes and her deep breaths that bordered snoring which didn't bother Ashley one bit.

If Shepard wasn't so in love with Liara, Ashley would be very, very concerned about leaving Samantha alone with the Commander. They were both attractive, smart women. Plus the redhead was confident, charming, and a goddamn hero! To make matters worse, Shepard was pretty open about her sexuality, whereas Ashley still struggled coming to terms with her own. She wouldn't blame Traynor for developing feelings for the charismatic Commander; but she certainly didn't want such a thing to happen if she could.

And so, to 'help' wake up Samantha wake up, Ashley began kissing and nibbling at her neck. When that only got her a couple of sleepy groans, one of her hands drifted towards the Specialist's pants, deftly undoing the button and zipper so that she could slip her naughty hand underneath her lover's panties.

Sam wasn't wet yet, but Ashley was going to be sure to change that. She cupped her lover's bare sex and fluttered her fingers lightly against her outer lips, trying to coax a reaction out of her sleepy girlfriend.
Well this was a very odd dream.

Why was she riding a horse right now? Why were the rolling hills and valleys that surrounded her in her dream transforming into rows upon rows of disembodied breasts with rocky nipples at the tips? And just why were all the clouds in the sky turning into floating vaginas? If Sigmund Freud wasn't the most debunked scientist to have ever existed he'd be having a field day analysing this little dream.

It was at that moment that a low moan passed Samantha's sleeping lips, her eyes fluttering open when Ashley's fingers brushed off her most sensitive spots. "Ohhh~....Ash..." she whispered softly, her breath misting in the cool air of the hospital room. What time was it? Aw hell with it, that didn't matter, not when she felt as good as she did.

"Ashley...Ashley god..." she panted out, trying hard to keep her voice down in the room. She started to grind her hips back and forth, letting Ashley's skilled digits force deeper into her wet folds. "Wha...what if we're caught...?" she asked in a small whimper, a small bead of sweat running down her dark forehead. "Ngh...You are the most evil woman ever...and I love it."
Wow, Samantha was definitely a very heavy sleeper! Her girlfriend definitely wasn't rated for field operations, she would have been snuck up upon and taken prisoner already. Ashley had managed to get a tiny bit of wetness to blossom between her lover's legs, but still, Samantha was asleep. So she began to tease at her now engorged clit, rubbing it in small circles, as much as the Alliance uniform her lover wore would allow. Her ears perked when she heard a whispered moan finally sneak past Samantha's lips, a grin coming to her own. "Oh good, I was afraid that you were going to orgasm before you even woke up." The marine giggled as she teased.

" better do your best to keep your voice down so that we -don't- get caught. Do me a favor and just scoot up a little bit sweetheart? I can't quite move my hand enough..." When Samantha lifted her behind off the bed, Ashley quickly yanked her pants and panties down to her mid-thighs, giving her just enough room so that she could play without having to fight with fabric. Two fingers now dove into Samantha's clutching pussy, pumping in and out of her slick sex as hard as Ashley dared so that her vitals didn't spike from the effort and a doctor came in to check on her.

Part of her was terrified of someone walking in on them, but she supposed that that was where all the excitement came from. At least they were under the hospital blankets; no one would know what was going on underneath unless they lifted them.
"You are so bold." Samantha said, wanting to spank the taller woman for being so rude. But hell, it felt good. At her girlfriends insistence she raised her hips a little bit, just enough for her pants to be lowered slightly. Thank god he covers were over her, if a doctor was to come in right now this would all seem so innocent, and she wouldn't get C-sec on her ass for public indecency.

She moaned softly and started to bite down on her finger, using it to muffle her noises as Ashley began exploring her hot depths. She was growing wetter by the second, now that she was awake her arousal was able to rise unhindered. Felt amazing, so good. Her girlfriend was like the sweetest drug she could ever have, utterly addictive and able to inspire euphoria in her body.

The possibility of being caught, funnily enough, was enough to excite her even more. It sent a nervous rush through Samantha's body, and it compelled her to lean in and kiss her hungrily, moaning softly into her girlfriends mouth. Her hands started to rub Ashley's breasts, slowly so's not to raise her pulse too much, just enough to tease her in response to this fingering.
Even though her mind hadn't been conscious long enough to properly miss Samantha, her body certainly had managed to do so. The soft rubbing, as gently and slowly as Sam was dared, immediately drew a moan from the marine's lips. Her body felt so though she hadn't been touched in weeks. Which in reality, she hadn't, but it definitely surprised Ash how quickly warmth blossomed between her legs from Samantha just copping a feel. She let out a soft whimper, " no fair... I'll never get to orgasm, don't tease me, I'll have to wait a whole week before I can get some relief!."

Cruel! Samantha was horribly cruel! But two could play at this game...

"Mmm...just wait until I get out of this hospital bed, I'll show you just how bold I can be." Ashley grinned as an idea popped into her head. Perhaps a little dirty talk would make up for this rather tame fingering. The marine's fingers were definitely capable of a body-rocking pace, but with all these monitors hooked up to her and paper-thin walls, she didn't want to do anything that would get Samantha screaming. So while her fingers curled, the pads rubbing and caressing Samantha's most sensitive spot with every thrust and retreat, Ashley decided now would be a good time to pour out every little thing she wanted to do to the Specialist once she got out of this hospital bed.

"I still haven't gotten my revenge for you surprising me with that strap on..." The Lieutenant nipped her girlfriend's ear lightly as she playfully purred out her words. "I bet you'd love it if I fucked you silly with it. You think I could hide it in my hardsuit? That way I could get you when you least expect it...perhaps in the elevator if we bump into eachother. Or maybe during the graveyard shift when there's no one around, I'll bend you right over the CIC and pound your pussy until you're screaming on the deck..."
"Maybe that's the idea~" Sam said whimsically. She couldn't get Ashley off without risking turning the heart monitors into overdrive and draw in a million confused doctors. Plus it would make Ashley's orgasm all the sweeter and more intense, it would rekindle their passion like never before, make up for the weeks of inactivity.

But as ever, Ashley Williams was all too eager to return the favour of teasing.

"Ngh...don't say things like that..." Samantha whined, feeling some beads of sweat glisten along her forehead as the pleasure rose even higher in her tight pussy, her girlfriends fingers making her whole body tingle. Ugh, clearly those blows to the head hadn't knocked out any of Ashley's fine motor skills, she was still able to work her digits like the pro she was the last time they fucked.

God that was an arousing prospect, having to always be on guard in case her lover ambushed her and fucked her in secret, feeling that thick fake cock slam in and out of her burning pussy by a woman with Ashley's strength...God it would be like a dream come true for the pretty specialist. The nerdy girl whined softly and buried her face into Ashley's bosom, both to stiffle her moans and to hide her flushed, clearly quite embarrassed face.
"Oh? And why not?" Ashley teased her lover gently. Usually, she -wouldn't- be saying these things. But sometimes, experimental new weaponry had to be used during wartime. And getting Traynor to orgasm without the use of her tongue or the force of her fingers was definitely turning into a battle. "I think you like those things...I can feel you getting wetter." The marine purred, and indeed, as she had been weaving her little fantasy about sneaking up on Samantha and fucking her, Ashley could feel the walls of her slit flutter around her fingers and her tight hole get even hotter and wetter. "I didn't know you were such a dirty little exhibitionist Sam. How kinky." Well, Ashley should've expected her girlfriend to be on the naughty was always the quiet, nerdy girls that had secret, wild tastes.

"Mmm just think about it. I'll just come up behind you one night when you're working late. Wrap my arms around you, kiss you...then before you know it, I'll just bend you right over that console you're always at. Then I'll fuck you so hard, all you'll ever be able to think about during work is what a naughty girl you are to make me want to do such things to you." Ashley's own neglected sex was starting to throb in need. All this dirty talk was turning out to be a double-edged sword. Now all she could think about was having Traynor at her mercy while Ash wielded a new toy.

God...she had to get her girlfriend off before she went crazy.

So Ash's thumb worked it's way into the equation. With every thrust of her fingers, the marine's thumb began to rub against her girlfriend's clit. "Come on Sam...cum for me. Otherwise I'm going to have to start licking you to get you to cum." Ashley grinned and just incase Samantha had forgotten what her tongue felt like, the marine leaned over and slowly ran the velvety tip of her tongue up the side of Samanath's neck in one, teasing motion.
"E-exhibitionist? C-certainly not..." she groaned out weakly. And it was certainly true that she'd never actually done any exhibitionist stuff in the past, but the prospect of her girlfriend using her in such a lewd way...god did that get her hot. Samantha was, more or less, the submissive of the relationship and letting her girlfriend flex her muscles over her was certainly something that got her motor running.

Ugh, she was far too perverted for her own good. But Ashley was just as bad, so Samantha supposed it didn't much matter if she was on the more perverted side of life.

Her breathing devolved into a low steady streams of pants and moans, Ashley's dexterous digits toying with her wet folds and her pointed clitoris. " are fucking dirty..." Samantha panted out. She trembled with need and then suddenly she pressed her mouth into Ashley's shoulder to muffle her squealing as her fluttering pussy started gushing juices onto the marine's fingers. She was left panting for breath against her, lazily looking to the clock "I...I gotta...go soon..."
"It's your fault that I'm so dirty." The marine chuckled as she rocked her fingers forward with more insistence. Perhaps she should try to sneak between the sheets and use her tongue...maybe that would help get Samantha off faster. The suddenness of her trembling lover's orgasm took her off guard and Ashley compensated by speeding up the pace of her fingers and wrapping a strong arm around the small Specialist. And there Ashley held her, fucking Samantha as hard as she dared as her dirty little nerd rode out her orgasm.

"I don't want you to go..." Ash murmured softly as she stroked Samantha's back. After a couple of moments of letting her girlfriend catch her breath, she finally withdrew her very messy hand from Sam's sopping wet sex. "Maybe you should try to stick around awhile and I'll lick you clean." Her voice was light and teasing; she knew they didn't have time for her heart rate would go through the roof if she went down on Samantha. Having her face buried between the darker woman's legs always did get Ashley surprisingly aroused. Perhaps it was her scent...or her taste...

Without a better way to clean off her sticky digits, Ashley resigned herself to licking her fingers clean. She shivered a little bit as she caught the delicious, slightly tangy taste of Samantha's cooling juices. was definitely the flavor of Sam's honey that got her heart thumping faster.

"I love you...promise to vid chat with me when you have the time? I'll be a very lonely soldier if I have to wait a whole week to talk to my girl." Ash smiled down at Sam and gave her girlfriend a light kiss to the forehead.
A week went by with surprising quickness. But then again, time just flew when you were on a ship handling missions from Palaven to Surkesh handling all manner of Reaper and Cerberus based threats. Shepard was very diligent in her mission, gathering allies both old and new to help aid in the galaxy-wide resistance, assembling a force from every race she could get to. For her part, Samantha did her duty as Shepard's yeoman and specialist, handling all manner of official duties.

But she never forgot about her beloved, never forgot that they'd be together soon. She vid-chatted with her lover,, just as she said she was, but aside from their last amorous encounter she couldn't get to Huerta memorial in the flesh after that. Shepard was sympathetic to their plight, of course she was, but she certainly couldn't and wouldn't divert time from an important mission just to play match-maker.

Samantha had been rather official when Ashley made her return to the Normandy, trying not to rouse suspicion from the other members of the crew. Save for a fleeting kiss on those soft lips, she couldn't vent out her passion or her desire. So when the evening came, and after Samantha finished her duties and her dinner, she silently slipped into the seasoned marine's personal quarters. "Okay...I'll just wait for her here...and then we can catch up properly."
In the week that she had been recovering, Ash's life had been shaken severely. Her family had made it to the Citadel and were safe, thank goodness for that. But her sister Sarah's husband had been killed in action by Reaper forces. Having her little sister in mourning had thrown the Lieutenant off, and even Udina's offer of Spectre status hadn't cheered her up. While it was a huge honor...Ash didn't know if she was ready for that kind of responsibility. The second human Spectre was going to be a Williams girl?

Heh...guess that Williams curse was losing it's hold.

She took the 'promotion' of course after conversing with Shepard about it. Truth be told, Ashley was incredibly nervous about her change in status and her new duties. She'd -always- had to answer to someone higher up...but now she was free to make choices on her own and the only person who would be accountable was herself. -That- was the terrifying part...what if she made the wrong decision? How the hell did Skipper deal with this kind of pressure all the time? Ashley hadn't even been assigned a proper mission yet and she was already freaking out about it!! least for as long as she was stationed on the Normandy, she would have Shepard to mentor her. -And- she'd get to see her lover more often, and feel less bad about breaking military rules. Now that she was -technically- employed by the Council and not by the Alliance, she could fraternize with Samantha if she so wished. It would still be frowned upon, but no one was going to get court marshaled over it.

After a long shift full of fixing the Armory that James had managed to bungle up in the short time that she had been away, Ashley dragged her tired butt upstairs for some dinner. Once she was finished with her meal, she headed off towards her quarters, tired, stressed, and ready for a nap. Imagine her surprise when she saw Traynor there, waiting for her. "Hey you...I see you've been hacking my door again." Ashley teased as she approached her girlfriend, wrapping her strong arms about her love's narrow waist and giving her a warm hug.
Samantha had been so engrossed in her thoughts on how to formally (Well, formally would imply her thoughts weren't as incredibly lewd as they actually were) welcome her girlfriend back onto the Normandy that she didn't even realise the woman herself had entered. She gasped softly as she was hugged from behind, the affectionate gesture catching her off guard.

"Heh...hacking implies I had any difficulty with it." Samantha boasted, before reaching up and gliding her soft fingers against Ashley's right cheek "Mm...So how is my favourite Spectre feeling?" God she was so proud of her, she was dating the second human Spectre in the galaxy. Now that would certainly help win over her parents when she told them this gruff and rough girl she was dating was a Spectre!

She stood up on her toes and gave her girlfriend a quick kiss on the lips, before taking a few steps toward her bed "I've come by from time to time, mainly working on cleaning up, by the way you were a real slob. And I had to move a lot of the 'tools' I hid in Shepard's room had to be moved here." the dark-skinned woman said, reaching into her girlfriends once-empty drawer and pulling out a pair of glinting silver handcuffs.
"Mmm...your favorite Spectre needs a nap. And maybe lots of cuddling from her very naughty girlfriend." Ash gave Samantha's rear a light spank. One of these days she was going to have to figure out how to secure her door better, if for no other reason than to give Samantha a hard time. Maybe it would help if she stopped using her birthday as her password...

Ash smiled at the kiss and moved to give Samantha a deeper and more passionate one, but her girlfriend had already managed to get out of her grasp. "I'm not a slob! Well...not usually..." The marine pouted, usually her bunk was up to inspection standards...but after the attack on earth, well, she hadn't really had time to clean that day.

"Um...Shepard didn't -see- any of those 'tools' did she?" Ashley asked, both nervous that the Commander had seen their toys, and nervous about the new toy that her girlfriend was holding. With their constantly shifting power dynamic, Ash couldn't be sure who Traynor thought was going to be getting handcuffed, but it sure as hell wasn't going to be her! "Um...sweetheart...who are those for?" Ash smiled nervously, taking a couple of steps backward. Her size and strength made it easy for her to rule the bedroom...but if Samantha was planning on binding her wrists, she wouldn't be able to push her smaller girlfriend around.
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