Mass Effect: Traynor and Williams (Javorcek X MellowYellow)

The fuzzy bunny of a woman blinked in surprise, unable to stop the heat flooding her cheeks "Mm...You are such a gentlelady..." Samantha remarked, scratching the back of her neck shyly. She was usually at least used to splitting the bill by half when it came to dates, but having someone take the whole thing for her...Well it just made her feel all giddy inside at the very prospect. Ashley was clearly a keeper.

"Desert? Oh dear no, I wouldn't be able to stand if I did. Just the bill, please." Samantha replied, nodding politely at the waitress. It was a little wait for the check to be sent their way, but once it was there Samantha plucked up one of the complimentary mints and slowly sucked on it. If she was going to be kissing her girlfriend tonight she didn't want to taste like beef, potato and wine. Or would Ashley be into that? Well...maybe. Wasn't worth the risk.

The couple took the same Rapid Transit car back toward the docks, a little bit of kissing and petting to compliment a good evening. However they went into the Normandy seperately so as not to draw attention to themselves. Samantha took the elevator up to the captain's quarters and giddily hugged Ashley tight once in the privacy of her temporary abode "Thanks for a great night love, you are an amazing girlfriend."
The taste of old alcohol was the only flavor that the Lieutenant didn't particularly care for and she too was sucking on a mint after she settled up the bill and left a nice tip for their server. She held Samantha's hand the whole way towards the docking bay, even gave her some kisses. But once they were close to the Normandy, everything changed and their relationship was safely hidden once least until Sam came up to her quarters.

"Mmm..." Ashley sighed happily as Traynor wrapped her arms around her. The marine wrapped her strong arms around her girlfriend, giving her a nice big bear hug that lifted her off the ground (but she didn't squeeze -too- tight since Sam was yanno...small), then kissed the top of her head and set her back down. "You're very welcome. And so are you."

Not every woman would deal so well with their lover being a soldier and returning to a more active duty once the retrofit was over. Ashley was a bit surprised how good Samantha was taking it. Even though Ashley didn't know her new posting yet, she was sure that if war with the Reapers actually took place, she'd be somewhere on the front lines. Not that she minded, Ashley was -made- for battle. Service during war time was in her blood. Perhaps that was why she thought of such things, even on such a lovely night with her girl.

"How about we get out of these things and get ready for bed hm?"
There was just something so amazing about having her girlfriend lift her about like a ragdoll, her strength so incredible to a woman of Samantha's small stature. And she could be so gentle too which was also impressive, considering how hard it had been for her to control her strength in the past. She just wished they had met outside the military, so they wouldn't be bound by rules or possibly separated by warfare. Ah well...

"You got it!" Samantha said eagerly once she was set down. She slipped out of her open-toed shoes and set them safely under the commanders desk, before moving over to the bed, tossing her leather jacket away as she went. The short specialist made sure Ashley's eyes were locked firmly on her, before winking and slowly unzipping the back of her white dress.

More and more of her dark back was gradually exposed, and once it had fallen off entirely she was left standing there in nothing but her lavender coloured bra and panties that clung so nicely to her curves. "Lovely..." she remarked, slowly sliding onto the duvet "It feels so good to let the skin breathe, wouldn't you agree Ash? Oooooh but I don't know if I'm much in the mood to ditch my underwear, why, if I turned you on like that there'd be nothing stopping you from pinning me down and having your way with me."
Even if Ashley had no interest in Samantha at all, her eyes -still- probably would have been locked onto the growing amount of exposed skin caused by the zipper being drawn down. The white fabric of the dress contrasting with Samantha's dark flesh was so intriguing to the eye; coupling that interest with attraction was causing Ashley to develop this very strong urge to pounce right ontop of her girlfriend!

But her own dress and heels were not particularly suited for pouncing. So the marine managed to wriggle out of her shoes and tucked them back into her footlocker. Thankful for once for her long arms and the low cut of the dress, she managed to undo the zipper by herself and wiggle her way out of the clinging black fabric. She draped it over the back of a chair and then smiled a bit as she stood before Samantha. Ashley was in perhaps the one pair of bra and underwear that she owned that wasn't military issue: a black satin bra with a matching thong.

"What makes you think I won't tear off your underwear and have my way with you anyways?" The marine grinned as one hand drifted behind her back to undo the bra. As nice as the thing made her breasts look, she hated the damn thing. They were so uncomfortable! And not good for sleeping in at all. Well practiced fingers undid the clasp and she shrugged off the garment, letting her heavy but still rather perky breasts bounce and sway just the slightest bit as she prowled closer to Samantha. Ashley crawled ontop of her, forming a sort of cage around her smaller girlfriend by straddling her body with her arms and legs. She found Sam's hands and laced their fingers together, moving them upwards so that their clasped hands were now pinned on either side of the Specialist's head. Then she leaned down, capturing her lover's lips in a slow, sensual kiss.
"That bra..." Samantha whispered. Her girlfriend looked good in anything of course, but to see the Alliance girl in something other than her Alliance-issue undies was a rarity. The black satin stuff sent heat rapidly radiating between Samantha's legs, pooling in her groin. "That is quite a proposition..." she whispered in response, feeling as giddy as a goose.

And there went her bra, revealing her most magnificent breasts, the sight being something the short specialist lived to see, ached for every day she spent working. When Ashley approached Samantha felt all the smaller compared to her impressive height and build, looking into her eyes while her own doe-eyed gaze tried to maintain that air of submissiveness that matched Ashley's strength quite nicely. Of course, she was still a playful sub...

She felt her hands being pinned above her head, eliciting a low gasp from the smaller woman "You beast." she purred. Now that Ash knew full well what she was doing the specialist was all too happy to let her take charge. She welcomed Ashley's soft lips upon her own, eager t feel the warm tongue against her own. Then as soon as their lips parted she leaned in and nipped the ot sensitive spot of Ashley's neck she had found thus far.
(OOC: I haven't forgotten about the Jack/Miranda story! Just I've been busy with classes and this one is much easier for me to write since it lacks any conflict/drama for the moment ^^.)

Ashley couldn't help but smile like the cat that caught the canary. She was naturally a top and -loved- the position of power that came with it...but had had to play the bottom/submissive role with Samantha due to her inexperience in the bedroom. Plus she was so lucky to have a girlfriend that wasn't a mindless sub! She didn't like when men lost their spines and did whatever the hell she wanted; the same was true for women it seemed. While she liked that Samantha would let her have her way; she truly did appreciate that her girlfriend was a fighty/playful sub.

"Mmm..." The marine purred as Samantha found that sensitive spot riigghhhtt under her jaw and by her pulse point; that location and the one right under her earlobe drove her nuts. She tilted her head to the side, offering up her neck to her girlfriend for a couple moments before she remembered that she had some things to do.

Under Samantha's careful tutelage over the past couple of weeks of their blossoming relationship, Ashley had become quite confident in her abilities to please a woman. Sure part of her still had that awful bit that worried about what they were doing for religious reasons...but that part of her mind was becoming overshadowed by her heart that had been swelling with nothing but affection for her smaller lover.

"I wish you had taken off your underwear. But now I guess I'll just have to work around them." Ashley smirked, her grip tightening a bit on Samantha's hands so that the Specialist couldn't move her bra or panties now even if she wanted to. The marine began shimmying down her lover's body, her lips leaving a trail of nips and kisses down Samantha's front as she moved along. Silken lips brushed along her sternum, the marine's tongue delving in the cleavage that the bra created before moving down. Light nips were given to Sam's flat stomach as she moved lower and lower before she finally reached those pesky panties. Ashley took the lavender fabric into her teeth, giving it a playful tug. She could have probably gotten them off Samantha with her teeth if she wanted to...but that would be too kind. Instead, she peppered kisses ontop of her still clothed mound and offered teasing little nuzzles to her needy slit.
(It's cool dude, I understand)

" if I'd make it easy for you..." Samantha teased, a little disappointed that that delicious neck had been taken from her range. A shame to say the least, but the prospect of Ashley toying with her own body got her hot and bothered again. Oh sure, her lover could be an awful tease in the sack, but Samantha actually rather enjoyed it at times. It showed how attentive she was.

Perhaps she had taught her girlfriend too well, by now Sam feared the student had become the master so to speak. Ashley was rather capable at pleasing another woman by now, and part of her wondered if her modest body would hold her interest for much longer.

Her worries were soon pushed aside when the taller marine got to work, feather-soft lips and very skilled teash toying with the dark skin on display, each kiss and nibble on her flesh sending new waves of desire radiating throughout Samantha's very being. Heat pooled in her groin, her toes curled and a soft breathless gasp escaped her soft lips. "You...are such a tease..." the shorter woman grumbled. Well she hardly had any room to say that to others.

She started arching her back sightly, arching into Ashley's touch and craving more of it. "Hngh...Baby come ooooon..." she whined, her normally posh voice losing a good deal of elegance and composure "I need you so bad..." she hissed, sucking the air in through her teeth when Ashley touched off a particularly sensitive spot on her pubis.
When faced with the choice between pinning Samantha's hands or pinning her hips, Ashley usually chose her hips. Tonight was no different; Sam's hands were soon released once the other girl started to rock her hips urgently into Ashley's mouth. Now the marine's strong hands gripped at the other girl's inner thighs, spreading her legs further apart and keeping her securely pinned down to the mattress.

"So impatient tonight!" Ashley had pulled away from Samantha's still covered slit just enough to speak. Her warm breath rolled over the quivering flesh, tormenting the poor Specialist even further. Perhaps she was being a -little- cruel; especially as she ran her tongue up the slight valley of Sam's panties. Ugh, alright, the underwear had to go. "Come on, scoot up for a second." Ashley cooed, releasing Sam's hips long enough to grab the waistband of her panties and tug them off once her girlfriend had lifted her rear just a tiny bit.

"Much better." The taller marine purred. She did so love Sam's very light, delicate musk; just the other girl's scent now made her mouth water in anticipation. After positioning her hands back on the other girl's inner thighs to keep her legs spread and her pelvis glued to the bed, Ashley leaned forward. Still unwilling to bend to Sam's pleas, her tongue danced along her lover's swollen outer lips and along the pink puffy folds of her sex. But never once did Ashley's tongue, that had grown so much as far as dexterity went, brush against Sam's swollen bundle of nerves.

"Mmmm you're going to have to tell me exactly what you want tonight." The brunette murmured against her girlfriend's sex. Perhaps the one thing she -really- loved about sex with another woman was the vocalness of it, and nothing drove Ashley into more of a frenzy than a couple of sweet moans and a little dirty talk.
Samantha was all too eager to arch her hips at Ashley's insistence. There was just something so...commanding in her tone, something that drove her to comply. No wonder she was in control of this ship...and her heart, but that was something she wasn't going to start saying aloud. She didn't know how well her feelings would be returned after all, assuming they'd be returned at all. She could move too fast if she wasn't careful.

Her recently freed hands moved to her back, undoing the simple clasp on her bra and letting the modest garment slip away. And now here she was, utterly naked before her lieutenant. A few more light breathy moans passed her full lips when Ashley started flicking her long wet tongue against her outer lips, back into that same damn routine of teasing. She had taught Ashley far too well...

"Evil...evil evil evil..." she breathed out in between ragged gasps, so desperate to feel that tongue touch her clitoris, or the inside of her womanhood...At the very least she'd like to return the favour. Cause god knew she was going to return the favour when she finally got off. Her toes kept curling, and Samantha couldn't keep her composure for much longer as a long lustful cry escaped her hungry mouth.
"Evil? Weren't you the one who taught me all these tricks, Traynor?" Ashley couldn't help but snicker mere millimeters from the Specialist's sopping wet slit. "Think of this as revenge for all the times you've fortured me..." The marine murmured before finally connecting her tongue to her girlfriend's needy little womanhood. Her tongue traced over ever ridge and valley before delving towards Sam's tight entrance. The tip of Ashley's tongue teased the opening, pressing against it but not dipping inside. And just to keep her naughty little Samantha from bucking upwards and forcing Ashley's tongue inside, the marine's hands gripped onto her inner thighs tighter.

Now that Samantha was a proper squirming, mewling mess of lust, Ashley drew her tongue slowly upwards, flicking it lightly over her lover's throbbing clit. Without anymore games or torture, her lips finally wrapped around the sensitive nub as she began to suckle on it lightly.

Her iron grip finally released Samantha's thighs and her left hand came up. One finger, then another slowly eased their way into her lover's slick channel. The marine's thrusting digits moved gently, taking their time. She wanted to bring Samantha's pleasure up higher and higher before finally curving those two fingers to rub directly on the other woman's most sensitive spot.
"Ngh...s-stop using your logic on me Ashley...You know I can't think straight when you're tongue fucking me like that." Samantha breathed out, her chest rising and falling rapidly as it became harder to keep her composure. She was indeed less intelligent during sex, unfortunately. The normally bright specialist became almost like a shrill valley girl, putty in the hands of the mighty marine woman.

And then finally sweet sweet pleasure started filtering into her body, the long wet organ of her tongue running up along her sopping wet hole, but alas with the vice-like grip on her dark thighs she couldn't start humping back to add to her pleasure. Ashley was clever, like a cat playing with recently caught prey. Giving her a little freedom before yanking her back under control.

The sensual motions running between her thighs sent sweat dripping down her dark brown skin. "Hah...Ashley..." she whispered, slowly reaching up to pinch and rub one of her hardened coffee-coloured nipples. Samantha let out another few weak groans, the volume of juices continuing to grow "I'm getting...getting close..."
Ashley hummed happily as she suckled and licked at her lovers throbbing clit; she could -feel- the poor little bundle of nerves throbbing and twitching against her tongue. Part of her felt just a little bit bad for stringing Samantha along for so long...but the more time and effort Ashley took into building her up, the louder and more pleasure-filled her girlfriend became.

Brown eyes looked up her girlfriend's lithe body just in time to see Samantha start to play with one of her nipples. Ashley let out a soft moan at the erotic sight, her lips vibrating against her girlfriend's clit. She began to flick and flutter her tongue against Samantha's little button in earnest now. The more excited the marine got, the less careful she was about her roughness. Her fingers began to -really- start to pump into Samantha's tight hole. At least her girlfriend was plenty wet, it made fucking her with her fingers all the easier.

"Come on Samantha...cum for me. I want to hear you scream." Ashley whispered loud enough so that her voice could be heard clearly over the soft slurping sounds of Samantha's soaked channel that was clenching around her curled fingers. After that little bit of coaxing, Ashley dipped her head down once again. Her tongue worked hungrily all over Samantha's sex and around her own two fingers as she tried to collect her lover's delicious arousal.
"You are way too naughty to be a officer..." Samantha whispered, her hot breath misting slightly in the cool air of the cabin. It was too good, far too good, better than any woman she'd ever been with in the past. She pinched and twisted her nipple with a greater degree of force this time around just to fuel her passion even more, all while trying to dream up what she'd do with Ashley later as payback for this teasing. They did of course have some toys stashed away here for their amorous activities.

Finally a lengthy cry passed her full lips, throwing her head back as a loud cry passed her mouth. Just as her girlfriend had wanted she was screaming in orgasmic bliss, gushing her warm juices over Ashley's hungry working mouth and her gorgeous face, arching her back up as the powerful orgasm moved her body.

And then Samantha collapsed down abruptly, breathing so heavily that she looked as if she had just run a marathon. "You...Oh my, each orgasm is stronger than the last. The next time we fuck it'll probably kill me!" Samantha joked, laughing loudly at the very idea of it.She smiled dreamily and moved her body around, planting her lips onto Ashley's own for a light-yet-loving kiss.
Ashley tried her best to follow Samantha's bucking hips before the girl screamed and arched her back like a bow, forcing her hips and Ash's head up into the air. The marine hungrily lapped up Samantha's sweet but juices, eagerly taking as much into her mouth as she could. Even then, Traynor still managed to make a mess of the well as Ash's cheeks and chin. The marine hastily wiped her face before connecting her lips to Samantha's, humming happily as she accept a sweet kiss from her girlfriend. "Mmm..."

"Oh you'll be fine! I'm just pushing your stamina, maybe you should come spar with me more and then you wouldn't feel like you're going to die afterwards." Ashley giggled and wrapped her arms around Sam's neck, rolling them over so that the Specialist was now comfortably situated ontop of her. Her hands began to run up and down the other girl's back, trying to keep her lover nice and warm.

"You read to go to bed baby? I know I must've tuckered you out." Ashley murmured after giving Samantha another light kiss. Ash was absolutely exhausted from a hard week and wasn't quite sure if she would rather take a nap or have another bout of sex with her lover.
"Spar with you? No thanks I'd rather prolong my life. You broke two of Lisa Halstrom's ribs!" Samantha replied, chuckling as Ashley's strong calloused hands rubbed at her back. She smiled and leaned in to her embrace, nuzzling her girlfriends tender neck while their legs tangled together. It was hard to believe she had been so hesitant to be with another woman in the past, given how quick she got into it.

Sam looked up curiously, starting to lazily draw circles on Ashley's large breast with one finger "Tired? Oh I don't know. That took the wind out of me, but I'm recovering faster each time...I've got the energy for another round. And besides I owe you an orgasm of your own after intense one that you gave me dear." Samantha explained.

She leaned in and started to kiss her exposed neck, her lips brushing over the right spots to keep her motor running. "Pretty please baby? I've got something special stashed under this bed that I've been dying to use on you. And I know you'll love it because you need the stress relief before tomorrow." the sweet tech specialist said, her hands continuing to rub Ashley's breasts.
"Mhmm...that feels so good..." Ashley purred happily, the delicate touch from her breasts sufficiently distracting her from massaging Samantha's back. Now the marine's hands just lay lightly on her lover's lower back as Sam tried to wheedle another round out of her. Oh those kisses to her neck, how cruel! All the sleepiness seemed to melt away from her body, only to replaced by a burning lust that had woken Ashley right up.

" know I can't deny you anything when you do that." The marine moaned happily as Samantha's lips placed feather light kisses on all the sensitive points on her neck. Her once tired hands now came downwards, resting firmly atop the Specialist's toned rear to give it a playful squeeze. "You have something stashed under my bed? Have you been sneaking into my quarters, Specialist?"

Whack! A light smack was given to Samantha's bottom. Not hard enough to truly hurt her, but hard enough to at least get a rise out of the smaller woman. Ashley gave her lover a light kiss to the top of the head so that Samantha knew she wasn't truly mad if she had indeed been sneaking into the Captain's quarters to plant things. "I'm a little afraid of you bringing tech into the bedroom...but I gotta admit I'm curious to see what you want to use on me. So go ahead, let's see what you've been hiding."
Sam let out a teeny yelp as Ashley spanked her rear, before giggling and sitting up on her girlfriends groin. "I have indeed been sneaking in. Well, I did one time. Twice. You'd be surprised how little attention people pay to me when it looks like I'm doing something serious." Samantha replied, lazily standing up and stretching her arms high above her head

"It's nothing too crazy, but I've wanted to try it out on you for some time." she said, crouching down by the side of the bed. Her delicate hands reached underneath into the darkness, fumbling about until both of them were clasping the sides of a smooth silver box. She gave a small grunt and pulled it out into the open "Aha, there we are! The 'Asarian Special.'" she said, reading the label.

Samantha opened the lid up to reveal a large navy blue cock, textured and sculpted in such a way that it looked like it was art of an Asari's body. She grinned and worked on the various straps for the fake dick, before stepping into it and pulling it up to her waist. "I got this a few months back but, well I had a a dry spell back then and haven't had a chance to use it. Course I tested this strap-on on myself, feels pretty damn good. You'll love it!"
Ashley rolled over onto her side so that she could watch Samantha with a pair of curious brown eyes. Having never used toys before meeting the Specialist, Ashley was still slightly terrified of them. The merciless vibrators that Sam had tried out on her had turned the marine into an incoherent, writhing mess every time! No matter how much she tried to ignore the intense stimulation whenever there was a vibrator in her slick channel, Ashley could barely last ten minutes with a toy. She was starting to think she'd never get used to having something mechanical in the bedroom.

Though, despite her apprehensions about sex toys, Ashley was rather excited for the one that Samantha pulled out of the silver box. A cock was something the previously exclusively straight Lieutenant was much more used to! Granted...what Sam had was a toy and not real (plus it was blue), but Ashley was still excited for it none the less. Although she had been getting much better at giving and receiving pleasure to/from a woman, she still thought of herself as a novice. This toy would hopefully put her and Traynor on a more even playing ground.

"Will you feel it too if we use it?" Ashley tilted her head to the side slightly in her curiousness. The one part she didn't really like about lesbian sex was the inability to really orgasm at the same time. She'd love for Samantha to really let go and tumble into a pool of orgasmic bliss with her, but it was always so hard to sync up their orgasms. "Mmm and what position do you want me in?"
"That's one of the specialties of this little number. It's got a little plug that goes inside me, so whenever I thrust into you it'll send vibrations into me too." Samantha remarked, grinning. Indeed her dark cheeks seemed a little more flushed, the pleasure getting to her. She mulled over Ashley's question before snapping her fingers when inspiration struck her.

"Aha! I have a brilliant idea!" She moved Ashley onto her side and tossed one of the Lieutenant's toned legs over her shoulder. Samantha angled her hips and aimed the fake cock at Ashley's slick pussy "Look at that, all nice and wet. Someone must have been excited while eating me out." she added, sticking her tongue out playfully. "And look, too far away for you to catch my tongue. This is just one good thing after another."

The nerdy specialist pressed the mushroom head of the dildo to Ashley's wet folds, before giving a swift jerk of her hips that sent the first three inches into Ashley's trained pussy. Samantha groaned as the plug inside her pussy responded to her motions, the pleasure serving as incentive for her to start thrusting slowly and steadily.
Ashley shivered slightly as the cool air of the cabin hit her slick, burning hot pussy as Samantha positioned a long shapely leg over her shoulder, splaying her legs wide open. The marine's hands began to fist the bedsheets as anticipation made her engorged clit tingle in anticipation. Oh God...this was going to be absolutely fantastic. A little blush came to her cheeks as Samantha commented to how wet she was already; she couldn't help it! Hearing the Specialist moan so sweetly whenever she orgasmed always got Ashley dripping wet.

"You just wait til I--ohhhhh!" Ashley groaned loudly, never getting to finish her threat as the bulbous head of the toy distracted her. She whimpered softly as the first jerk of Samantha's hips forced the fake phallus into her. It had been so long since she had felt herself so deliciously stretched and full, she was almost delirious with pleasure and they had barely gotten started.

"M-more...Samantha, please." The marine whimpered, trying to buck her hips to take more of the cock, but to no avail. This position made it almost impossible for her to take her pleasure and now she was forced to just receive. Her pussy was entirely willing, but Samantha's slow, steady pace was absolutely torturous. To make matters worse, knowing that her lover was receiving pleasure the same time she was just served to make Ashley wetter, her body growing hotter and the knot at her core tightening.
"What was that dear? Did you say 'please stop Samantha?' You'll simply have to speak up dear." the specialist teased, grinning down at her lover. It was a little strange to be holding power over Ashley Williams of all women, but she was hardly going to complain. It would be a rare treat for her, and she'd savour that treat whenever she was lucky enough to get it.

Still, Samantha was not the sort to be cruel. She could tell exactly what her girlfriend wanted: a faster fuck. And truth be told, the sensations in her own pussy served as a motivator for her to get her hips in gear. She tightened her grip on Ashley's body and grinned down at the powerful marine at her mercy "Okay, since you asked so nicely, I'll give you the rough pounding you want."

Her hips suddenly picked up the pace, moving with far more speed and force than what she had been using earlier. The smaller woman had a surprising degree of strength in her hips it would seem, and when she really put her hips in gear it seemed she could match the power of any of Ashley's ex boyfriends "Hehe...oh you are so adorable...Hah...fuck...feels so good..."
"Sam!" Ashley's voice was slightly exasperated from her lover's teasing. Good God, if her girlfriend stopped she was pretty sure she would just die from the denial of her pleasure. She hadn't realized just how much she had missed the feeling of having her pussy filled until now. Though...something about the way it was with Samantha was different. Maybe it was the toy that was so perfectly ridged and curved in just the right ways to get Ashley craving more. Or maybe it was because she felt an actual emotional connection with another living being for once...because she sure as hell had never experienced these sort of feelings of love and longing with the usual male marines she slept with.

Well...she'd have to figure out whether she loved Samantha or what later, for now her thoughts were drawn back to the savage fucking her lover was giving her. The power behind each and every thrust thoroughly surprised the marine who wasn't sure she would be able to last all that long. "Ohhh! Oh God! Samantha...f-fuck! How c-can you barely do a push up but fuck m-me like this?!"

Sure enough, Ashley's fears that she'd last less than 10 minutes came true as she felt her entire body begin to tense up in preparation for the massive orgasm that tore through her moments later. She screamed, rewarding Samantha's effort with a fresh batch of her juices that coated the fake cock and dribbled their way down to the mattress top. "Don't stop...more...please...make me cum again Samantha...please!" Ashley was actually -begging- which was something so uncharacteristic for the marine. But she couldn't help herself. Even though she -loved- when Samantha licked her to rawness with that dexterous tongue, knowing that her lover was getting off on this too was driving the marine wild.
"Simple. Push-ups are dreadful, but this is fun. I acually feel motivated to do this." Samantha replied with rasping chuckle. It was true, the dark-skinned woman was rather poor at fitness, usually only scraping by in an tests involving it...but when it came to sex, especially with a woman as lovely as Ashley, she could outdo Hercules in physical power.

Getting Ash to cum so quickly sent a rush through Samantha's very being, a girly grin covering her face "A third round? Oh Ashley you naughty girl, what would the rest of the corps think if they knew how dirty you are?" the shorter woman teased, sweat sliding down her coffee brown skin, making her glisten slightly.

She had yet to actually cum from the plug inside her pussy, but the pleasurable sensations were earning lewd moans from the posh specialist, sending some of her honey dripping off her inner thigh. She leaned in and bit at her lovers oh-so-sensitive neck, going for a two-pronged assault to get her to cum even faster this time while she herself was riding the edge of orgasm.
Ashley whimpered needily as teeth pinched at her skin. Whenever Samantha bit her neck, the marine would always melt into a little puddle of submission. She was so distracted by the little bit of delicious pain radiating from her sensitive throat that she couldn't even form a smart ass remark to fling back at her teasing lover. All she could do was enjoy all the sensations that her girlfriend was giving her.

"Samantha! You cheat!" Ashley groaned, her pussy fluttering and contracting around the toy, trying to milk it as though it were the real thing. Without a reprieve to gather herself and her senses, she was just going to cum almost immediately, even without Samantha tormenting her with those amazing little love bites. Ashley's left hand managed to weave itself into Sam's hair. She gently fisted the black tresses, nails raking lightly against her girlfriend's scalp. "Ohh...OH! Ohhh God, Samantha! I c-cant...I can't hold on, I'm going to cum!"

Borderline delirious in her pleasure, all Ashley could manage to do was buck her hips like crazy and babble dirty words as a wonderful orgasm rippled through every nerve in her body. " good..." She gently yanked Sam's head upwards, tilting it just enough so that she could lean down and capture her girlfriend's lips in a heated kiss before she collapsed back down onto the pillows, completely and utterly spent from three rounds with Samantha.
As soon as she got her girlfriend off, the friction of the plug inside her pussy pushed the dark-skinned girl past her breaking point. A long cry erupted from Samantha's lips, causing her to squeal as her second orgasm hit her. She let out a lengthy series of moans into Ashley's mouth, hilting her plastic cock inside her girlfriend as her honey dripped from her thighs.

Good lord, her orgasms from Ashley were always the most spectacular sensations of her entire life.

The dark-skinned beauty managed to shimmy out of the strap-on, letting it slip down her slender legs and clatter to the floor between her feet. Finally she fell forward, groaning weakly as she felt her head press into her girlfriends swollen breasts. Samantha lazily curled into Ashley's body, like a kitten leaning into its mother, before the fatigue caught up with her and put her to sleep against her beautiful girlfriend.
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